Dceu - Tumblr Posts
didn’t know that not wanting ppl to write rape was such a controversial opinion lmfao, ur so right it’s weird of ppl to write non-con like??
It’s genuinely so fucking annoying seeing it. And I feel like tagging it non-con is downplaying what it actually is. It’s straight up fucking r*pe. I just don’t understand why a 30 year old was trying to fight me on this. Like no matter the circumstance “non-con” fics will ALWAYS be weird and disturbing and gross. Them trying to say that weird is subjective, NO CUNT IT IS NOT SUBJECTIVE!!!!
Also people try to defend writing non-cons for the riddler say “he’s a murderer”. That’s not the same?? He’s a murderer not a r*pist. He never r*ped anybody in the movie.
And just a couple hours ago on the riddler tag I saw somebody send an ask and said they LIKED reading this persons r*pe fic… what is actually wrong with people?
those FREAKS who wrote non con for the riddler are writing p3do fics. Literally just saw one where the reader was 14 and was hooking up the Edward who is like 30. It’s not okay someone needs to come get their kids 😟
Holy fucking shit I wish I didn’t believe you, but I just know it’s true. Parents need to start checking their kids phones again because it is TRULY getting out of hand. People just want to fuel their sick fantasies and if they want to do it so fucking badly just write that shit in the notes app and keep it private. The whole world doesn’t want to know what kind of fucking freak you are. At the same time I’m concerned for these people’s well-beings because what happened in your life to make you WANT to write these r*pe or p*do fics, and enjoy reading them?
I know that if weed was never illegal, adrian chase would enjoy it.
Idk If You Still Take Art Request, But I Would Love To See Either Ratcatcher 1 or 2 From The Suicide Squad In Your Style 👀

All done!!! Sorry if it took a few days, been celebrating new years...

There was a man with a vision, but it came the parasites and ejecutives of a new generation who fuck it all with his unnecessary comments

My concept art of Winston Duke as Clark Kent / Superman

im prob lateish but i really liked shazam it was v cute :)
Instagram // Kofi
Handmade DC intro title card for a Shazam film that I made up!!⚡️
This post is kinda interesting because I have not tried my hand at video editing in a while. I’m hoping to get one of my friends to help me install photoshop on my computer so I can remake this sequence with actual 3D assets. But for now? They’re hand drawn in procreate.
I thought I would share some behind the scenes of how I made this for anyone who might be interested in doing something similar! :D
[ Behind the Scenes Info Below ⬇️ ]
Okay so I decided to make this intro as kinda like a “ooh what if I made my own Shazam film? How would I do the opening DC title? I would want it to be like a dark and spooky night, then have the camera be panning down through the clouds. Then I could easily transition into the opening scene because that takes place during a dark and stormy night. OOoOoO.”
But first, in order to do that I had to make modifications to the DC logo. I didn’t want to use any premade 3D assets they had; I wanted to make my own. However, I don’t currently have photoshop, so I had to improvise and make a 2D logo kinda look 3D with some extra layers and shading tricks. I did this in procreate, but any art app will do really. Just keep your preferred perspective in mind.

Then after I was done with making sure my perspective was all good and in check I then proceeded to decorate the hell out of the logo with a bunch of clipping masks lol. I just slapped a bunch of different things on there. Some lense flares, some random brushes, some multiply layers, whatever. I didn’t really have a plan in mind when I did this I just kinda went with the vibes.

Then after that I made another file where I just worked on the little sparkle effect that I added in. For the sparkle effect I just picked like a default brush in procreate that looked pretty and then animated it to do a little slide across the letter “D”.

Next, I did some work on the backgrounds. I made sure to have really “tall” files so that way I could make them slide down in my video editor. This kinda gives that vibe that we are descending through the clouds, hopefully towards an establishing shot, for our opening scene, for our fake movie.
I made two parts for this. One animated background where I changed to opacity of the backlight for each frame to kinda give the illusion that lightning was peaking through the clouds. The second was just some clouds that I was gonna overlay on top of the DC logo, so it just felt more like everything was in the scene together.
I would provide video examples of this, but tumblr only allows me to upload one video per post. And if you’re wondering what brushes I used to this? I just googled “Procreate free cloud brushes” and downloaded the top result.
The ones I’m using are made by an artist named DI, and I got them off of gumroad. Info for their socials provided in the third image below.

And then once I had all of those assets together I just edited them all together in a program called HitFilm Express. I used to like it a lot since it’s free, and I used to use it to edit YouTube videos. That was back when I used to upload my Minecraft videos with my friends online lol. However, recently HitFilm has put a lot of features I used to use behind a paywall so :/. I’m probably going to look for alternatives sometime soon.
Normally I don’t mind being restricted in some sense for a free program, but they disabled the ability to fade clips in and out, and I think that’s a vital tool. It’s a shame to see it locked behind a paywall because I used it in pretty much all my projects.
And lastly the audio! I just found free to use clips of rain sounds, thunder claps, and then some ambient music. The track you can hear in this short clip is the intro to the song Redeye - Green House (1994). The artist is also known as Tobias Beldermann if any of you guys were curious where I got that from.
Buttttt yeah! That’s about all I have for showing you guys how I made my little 5 second clip. I’m not really one who’s qualified to make “tutorials” in any sense, because most of what I post online is just me dicking around and having fun, so I don’t want to be super serious. But, I also like showing my process just so if anyone out there is maybe interested in doing something similar, well then they have some ideas for where to start.
Anyways, if you guys want to read my first couple scenes for my Shazam story Shazam:City of Brotherly Love I’m going to link it here.
It’s still a work in progress, and if I end up doing any edits I’m just going to make them to the the post itself. Just because it’s not really worth it to me, posting almost identical chapters/scenes over, and over again lol.
Okiii byyeee!! I hope you enjoyed!! ~✨
No thoughts
Head empty
Just Christman Jason Todd on your timeline

*shrugs* I mean it's true 😌


dceu otps: wondertrev, batcat, clois
“i wish we had more time.”
“you are my world.”
“i love you. marry me.”
this actually killed me with how perfect it was

You’re a man! Yeah, I mean… do I not look like one? (requested.)

The new Black Adam trailer has me hopeful for a non lethal, optimistic Trinity. If thats allowed at wb.
i don’t know how to describe but jules vaughn (from euphoria) can totally be harley quinn’s daughter in the most weirdest way possible.
Yessss, please go listen

Black Canary has released a three song EP (Yes, this is real, it’s from Brenden Fletcher and DC Comics. A comic book band has an official, released record). To me it sounds like Chvrches meets Metric. It’s really good. Buy it, listen, and share on twitter with the hashtag #BlackCanaryMusic

"birds of prey didn't make my pp hard"

Harley losing Joker // Harley losing a burger