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6 years ago

My Problem with All Female Remakes

I'm a believer in representation and I think that's incredible important that people can see themselves portrayed in the media however I disagree with seperating the different types of people to thier own specific media.

All female remakes are the prime example of this as insted of making it so that men and women are on the stage they create the same inbalance just reversing the genders who have power. This isn't setting a positive example for the future of film but the complete opposite.

My Problem With All Female Remakes

I have more of a problem with the remake aspect then the all female part, this is because it shows Hollywoods like of originality and lack of faith in actresses. Lack of originality is shown as writers can't think of new original characters which could be female that insted they have too just use other peoples. The lack of faith is shown by the belief that these films would only be successful if they have a previous brand name attached to it. The problem is we already know this is not true as we've had Bridesmaids, Bad Moms and Girls Trip which all disprove this ideology.

My Problem With All Female Remakes

When we hear all female remake we think of the newest incarnation of Ghostbusters and Oceans Eight. My biggest problem with these two films is they are of films which didn't need a remake or sequel. Insted of using this fresh idea to improve a C rated movie they apply it to A rated movies with large fanbases. This only feuls hate to the films and make people go in with a biased mindset as they have expectations and prejudices set up by the original movies.

My Problem With All Female Remakes

Rather then undercutting all these incredible actresses and properties Hollywood should make original properties which can showcase the women in thier glory whilst not making them the enemy to men.

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4 months ago

one of my favorite things I do ever is look at the ao3 tag for anything i watch ESPECIALLY if it is deeply normal mainstream content. what do you mean there are 20 works in Bad Moms Christmas and they’re all written by one person!!!!!

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4 months ago

one of my favorite things I do ever is look at the ao3 tag for anything i watch ESPECIALLY if it is deeply normal mainstream content. what do you mean there are 20 works in Bad Moms Christmas and they’re all written by one person!!!!!

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4 months ago

one of my favorite things I do ever is look at the ao3 tag for anything i watch ESPECIALLY if it is deeply normal mainstream content. what do you mean there are 20 works in Bad Moms Christmas and they’re all written by one person!!!!!

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