bigsillyclown - My Name Is Clown
My Name Is Clown

Clown/ non-binary (genderless for me!) /lesbian / pronouns: It/thing/clown/they/ 23 y/oI draw all sorts of content but please be aware that my content can be mature and is not intended for children! Art tag is : my art

384 posts

Bigsillyclown - My Name Is Clown - Tumblr Blog

4 months ago

Who needs to smoke weed when hard labor and being hungry is the same feeling

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5 months ago

Happy Halloween fuck heads

5 months ago

Things Moral OCD doesn’t make you better at: mostly everything

Things moral OCD makes you better at: Replicating the experience of seeing wild takes on Twitter without having to log onto Twitter

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5 months ago

Last week I was on the brink of having a nervous breakdown while getting groceries and then I saw this outside

Last Week I Was On The Brink Of Having A Nervous Breakdown While Getting Groceries And Then I Saw This

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5 months ago

Is eastern Europe okay?

Is Eastern Europe Okay?
Is Eastern Europe Okay?
Is Eastern Europe Okay?

Edit: no absolutely the fuck not

Is Eastern Europe Okay?

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5 months ago
Gnc Trans Gal Butch Lion

gnc trans gal butch lion

her name is Natasha

(she/her) 🏳️‍⚧️

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5 months ago
"Can You Maybe Chill?"
"Can You Maybe Chill?"
"Can You Maybe Chill?"
"Can You Maybe Chill?"
"Can You Maybe Chill?"
"Can You Maybe Chill?"
"Can You Maybe Chill?"
"Can You Maybe Chill?"
"Can You Maybe Chill?"

"Can you maybe chill?"


-history of Japan

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5 months ago

Yippie! Horray ! Yippie!!!!!!

Idk if you’re ever gonna explore this or show it to us but I think sonic killed whoever by spin dashing in this weird ball form bc I really can’t fathom how he got so covered besides being so fast

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5 months ago
My Hot Take Is I Do Like The Animation. This Is Perfectly Fine , Good Even , I Love How Stupid The Passive
My Hot Take Is I Do Like The Animation. This Is Perfectly Fine , Good Even , I Love How Stupid The Passive
My Hot Take Is I Do Like The Animation. This Is Perfectly Fine , Good Even , I Love How Stupid The Passive
My Hot Take Is I Do Like The Animation. This Is Perfectly Fine , Good Even , I Love How Stupid The Passive

My hot take is I do like the animation. This is perfectly fine , good even , I love how stupid the passive mobs look I love the piglins especially . Though I wish they zombified out the nether (maybe they will though)

Honestly I just don’t like how weird the people look inside the world itself , but I’m hoping that won’t be a big deal once the movie is out

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5 months ago
First slide. The title reads "drawing characters with Down syndrome". Below that: "myth that I need to get out of the way before the actual tutorial: [caps] people with DS do not look the same [end caps]. They share similar features, but there is no one face that every person with DS has. Most people with DS won't have every single trait, just pick what works for your character." Around that are three actual photos; from top to bottom; a photo of the actress Gigi Cunningham, a Black woman in her 20s posing with her hands on hips; a photo of Zhou Zhou, a Chinese man in a suit conducting an orchestra; portrait photo of Georgie Wildgust, an elderly white man smiling to the camera. Each photo is captioned with the person's name.
Second slide. Title reads: "face shape". Subtitle: "the vast majority of people with Down syndrome are fat. If you know how to draw double chins etc. you will have an easier time, Not every person with DS shares these features. They're just common." Next to that text box are two drawings of a featureless bust with a sharp jawline and defined cheekbones, with big red X next to them. Below that reads "play with shapes like rectangles, circles, trapezoids!" featuring each of the shapes. Under them are renditions of characters with Down syndrome with faces based off the shapes: a South Asian woman with hearing aids with a square face, a white person with hoop earrings and a round face, and a Black man sporting a buzzcut with a face widening at the bottom. Text below reads "notice the lack of defined jaw and short, wide neck." Under that are three simple sketches of people with Down syndrome from different angles with the aforementioned features highlighted.
Third slide. Title is "body". Subtitle reads: "Down syndrome affects the body shape too. Again, the majority of people with DS are fat". Below that are two stick figures, one tall and skinny, second short and fat. The latter has "most people will be closer to this: short, fat, short neck" written next to it. Below the former reads "some people with Down syndrome are skinny and/or average height but they're a minority. like 
Sofía Jirau (she's like 4'10)". The last sentence has an arrow pointing to a photo of Jirau - she's a skinny Latina woman posing with her hands spread out and excited expression. The next section is titled "things most people don't know". Text box reads "some people with DS have clinodactyly of the pinkie finger. Basically the top section of it is curved inward". There is a drawing of exactly that next to it. Below is another drawing of a hand, with two creases marked on the palm. The text reads "You know how how almost everyone has 3 creases on their palm? Well people with DS have 2. I know 99% of people don't draw palm creases but it's cool".
fourth slide, called "eyes". text reads "probably the most characteristic feature, so it's important to get right. People with Mosaic Down syndrome (more on it later!) will often have this as one of the few visible traits". top right has a close-up of a blue iris with white dots going around the pupil. It's captioned "these white spots going in a circle are called Brushfield spots. A lot of people with DS have them". Below that is a step-by-step tutorial on drawing eyes. First step focuses on the general shape, with the text reading "there's a lot of shapes to choose from: almond; round; upturned; + more but these are most common". Each of them has a drawing attached. Step two focuses on eyelids. Text reads "pronounced eyelids, both bottom and upper ones. They have a very noticeable crease". There's two pairs of eyes with heavy eyelids under that. Step three shows wrinkles around the eyes. Text: "some people with DS will have creases around the eyes + large bags under the eyes; if you have a simpler artstyle probably skip this one". Attached drawing shows a pair of eyes with wrinkles coming form the upper eyelid on the outer side and bags under the eyes. Step four reads "give them strabismus [many exclamation points]! I know artists are allergic to drawing strabismus if it's not for  a joke but crossed eyes are actually awesome [awesome in all caps], (ok not all have strabismus but like half do)". Drawing attached shows a person with DS and strabismus.
fifth slide. first section is titled "nose + mouth area". text reads "this is pretty loose and not every person with DS even has visible differences there, some might only have some, etc". Below that is a drawing of a man with DS wearing a yarmulke. The text next to him reads "nose is generally flat; no philtrum (the part between lips and nose is smooth); nose can be smaller and higher up (slightly); smaller upper lip*; tongue is physically larger, some people might stick it out". The asterisk leads to a text box: "again though, people with DS look different from each other and these are Relative. A Black person with DS might have a slightly smaller lip while a white person can look like they don't have upper lips at all". Relevant sections have arrows leading to a drawing of a Black woman with visible lips, and a white guy with very thin lips. Second section is titled "side view". It features drawing of a white woman from the side. Text reads "eyelids still very visible" with a diagram on how to draw the characteristic eyes and eyelids from the side. Lower text box reads "flatter face with flat nose bridge and small upper jaw; chin often sticks forward. For a lot of people the chin and nose will protrude a similar amount". The aforementioned features are all color coded on the drawing.
sixth slide, titled "additional things and stuff". below it is a small sketch of a face with the ear visible, the earlobe isn't hanging freely. text: "earlobes are connected! ears are smaller, rounder, and set lower". next to that are two drawings, one of a pair of glasses and other of hearing aids, the later accurately captioned "world's worst drawn hearing aids". main text reads "Down syndrome comes with vision loss (very often) and hearing loss (not as often but still a lot)".
Diagram below has three drawings of different people with Down syndrome, titled "there are actually three types of Down syndrome". First drawing is captioned "Trisomy 21", it shows a fat South Asian woman with hearing aids and cataracts with classic DS facial features and vitiligo. Text below reads "95% of people with DS have this one; what you think of when thinking Down syndrome; has most or all the features". Second drawing is of a fat white woman with short dyed hair and hoop earrings with the same common facial characteristics, titled "Translocation 21". Text below reads "3% have it; there are some genetic differences but visually not so much; has most or all the features". Third drawing shows a Black woman with pink afro hair with heavy-lidded, upturned eyes  and round ears but otherwise no DS-coded features, titled "Mosaic 21". Text reads "2% have it; 'partial' Down syndrome; some people don't know they have it; has few to most features". On the side there is a clip art thumbs up emoji with a png background with "hope this was helpful" written over it.

tutorial for drawing characters with Down syndrome!

DISCLAIMER... please keep in mind that this is an introductory drawing tutorial and has some generalizations in it, so not every “X is Z” statement will be true for Actual People. it's more of an overview of features that are common in people with Down syndrome, not meaning to imply that every person with DS has all of them 👍👍 thanks

if you draw any characters using this feel free to tag me!!

5 months ago

They’ll go crazy if you suggest that anti-recovery is ableist.

Like you do you if you never wanna get better (not if you can’t get better because x y z a b c if you can’t you can’t and that’s fine.)

but it is inherently ableist to say “you can’t expect people with a mental illness/disability to get better because they have a mental illness/disability”

It’s just going so far into caring about people you end up coddling them like an aggressive ableist would.

I say this with love to whoever needs it: you’re probably not beyond recovery even if it will never be 100% better or the way you want it to be and you’re not a bad person for struggling stepping out your comfort zone. But you should try

not to swing at a hornets nest but I think this website has never really outgrown the "its ableism to tell me to drink water/have a balanced diet when i have depression" type mentality except now the depression has been replaced with autism

5 months ago
First Of All Fuck Jack Black I Do Not Like Him Considering His Wishy Washy Take On Politics Especially

First of all fuck jack black I do not like him considering his wishy washy take on politics especially regarding his lack of support for Palestine

But what the fuck is this clothing choice? It’s a turtle neck and a v neck that are the same color stacked on top of eachother. I’m no fucking movie maker but couldn’t they of just had him wear a turtle neck to cover up any exposed skin? Why have him wear a under garment at all though? His neck and upper chest skin will not kill people i promise.

It’s just a weird design choice

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5 months ago
Vintage 80s Telemania Rainbow Cloud Phone.
Vintage 80s Telemania Rainbow Cloud Phone.
Vintage 80s Telemania Rainbow Cloud Phone.
Vintage 80s Telemania Rainbow Cloud Phone.
Vintage 80s Telemania Rainbow Cloud Phone.
Vintage 80s Telemania Rainbow Cloud Phone.

Vintage 80′s Telemania Rainbow Cloud Phone.

6 months ago
That Scene Where Thornclaw Bitches Out Brightheart (his Sister????) And Jaypaw For Some Reason And She

that scene where thornclaw bitches out brightheart (his sister????) and jaypaw for some reason and she gets his ass. i miss jaypaw being a warrior apprentice take me back

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5 months ago
Jean Hat + Stars

Jean hat + stars

6 months ago
6 months ago

people think they shouldn't vote as a protest or whatever because they've been raised on boycotts. which do sometimes work.

boycotts deprive the target of money.

not voting does not deprive the government of money.

it does, however, deprive you of power.

it's not like a boycott.

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6 months ago
You Have Been Visited By The Twocumber. May You Receive Twofold Luck In The Coming Days
You Have Been Visited By The Twocumber. May You Receive Twofold Luck In The Coming Days

You have been visited by the twocumber. May you receive twofold luck in the coming days

6 months ago

This too shall pass but like holy fuck

6 months ago
bigsillyclown - My Name Is Clown
6 months ago

idk i think a lot of the online left is people swindling each other into developing moral ocd for no reason

6 months ago

Beginner Witch Things to Research

So many older - more experienced - witches tell beginner - baby - witches to start with researching things like protection spells, grounding, cleansing and warding but what do you research afterward? These are just a few things that I would recommend every individual to research, regardless of how experienced you may think you are.

Carl Jung's Map of the Soul This is where the archetypes stem from, a what a lot of witches dread doing - Shadow Work. Shadow Work is uncovering not just traumatic ventures of our pasts but also revealing what made and makes us who we are today. Studying where it all started makes working through your own shadow a lot less stressful and a lot hammering on the soul, it also leads to a lot less martyrdom in the spiritual community.

Honing in on your psychic abilities and Intuition Gaining the ability is easy, everyone has these abilities, you just have to work to get them to where you want them to be. Remember a spiritual practice is still a practice, you have to put in the effort to get better, just as you would a physical sport or an instrument.

Egregores and Amalgamations vs. Deitys vs. Pop Culture Deitys Egregores and amalgamations exist solely in the astral plane and can (and will) mimic, imitate, and parody deities. Being able to decern these, especially with your intuition will always provide useful. Learning that Lucifer from Dantes' Inferno is reaching out to you versus aspected, epithetic source Lucifer will give you a much better relationship and outcome in your practice.

Deity Work vs. Deity Worship Offering play a key role when learning to decern these from each other. You can in fact, do both, but be warned deities get jealous of each other.

Find what you love and surround yourself with it Incorporating things that you love into your practice and not actually doing what you love about your practice is one of the key differences I saw in my practice when I learned how to differentiate them. I found incoporating pop culture media into my practice made me get burnout from both that piece of pop culture and my spiritual practices.

Finding a form of divination that you are most comfortable with Everyone likes using cartomancy, divination using cards or pieces of paper, is the most common form of divination, but learning your favorite form of divination will help avoid burnout and creating tension for yourself in your practice.

6 months ago

My warrior cats love Is purely because my loved ones love it. I do not read these books and never will but I’m ready to plop down and hear my partner abd friends tell me about their hyper fixation for hours and hours.

My favorite cat is yellow fang btw

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