Butch - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago
Drew Some Of My Fave Fallout Characters Cause Ive Been Playing FO4 RecentlyButch Is The Only One From
Drew Some Of My Fave Fallout Characters Cause Ive Been Playing FO4 RecentlyButch Is The Only One From
Drew Some Of My Fave Fallout Characters Cause Ive Been Playing FO4 RecentlyButch Is The Only One From
Drew Some Of My Fave Fallout Characters Cause Ive Been Playing FO4 RecentlyButch Is The Only One From

drew some of my fave fallout characters cause I’ve been playing FO4 recently Butch is the only one from fo3 but I love him so

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hi I'm not dead

brown has not been added because I don't want to intrude on BIPOC using the color.

edit: so this is literally so fucking embarrassing but I apparently put "brown" instead of "black." please pretend the last option is black.

green and blue have different options because I think they're a larger spectrum tbh.

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5 months ago

Yes, believing that FTM lesbians and lesboys are "wrong" and not a part of the lesbian community is terf ideology/rhetoric. Please learn your queer history and the existence of multi-gender people.

Kill The Terf In Your Brain

kill the terf in your brain

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

Hek ye! Being butch, imo, has nothing to do with sexuality; anyone can be butch if they want to regardless! Do what makes u happy <3

Hey can y'all reblog this or comment if you think it's ok to call yourself a butch if your bisexual? I got an ask about it and now I'm unsure...

So trying to prove something to myself.

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3 years ago


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6 months ago
Stan Pines From Gravity Falls Is A Butch Lesbian

Stan Pines from Gravity Falls is a butch lesbian

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4 months ago
Greg Universe From Steven Universe Is A Butch Lesbian

Greg Universe from Steven Universe is a butch lesbian

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4 months ago

using any pronouns is so fun to me because nothing someone calls me is going to make me feel dehumanized like they want

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5 years ago

“It didn’t help that everything she did or said was a reminder she really was everything nice. Meanwhile Butch, well, Butch was a Rowdyruff Boy. He was everything bad”. 

Will I ever be able to finish the next chapter? Who knows, life is funny like that. 

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5 years ago
Now It's Green's Turn Enjoy
Now It's Green's Turn Enjoy
Now It's Green's Turn Enjoy
Now It's Green's Turn Enjoy
Now It's Green's Turn Enjoy
Now It's Green's Turn Enjoy
Now It's Green's Turn Enjoy
Now It's Green's Turn Enjoy
Now It's Green's Turn Enjoy

Now it's Green's turn 💚💚💚💚 enjoy

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4 years ago

Butch ♥

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4 years ago
Commissions OWO Half Naked Butch

Commissions 👋OWO half naked Butch

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8 months ago

My sister is agender and they like presenting masculine (they don't care what you call them as long as you're not being a dick and are clearly referring to them), so I definitely understand this.

It's literally just how you present. Femininity, while associated with women, shouldn't be just for women to explore. Same goes for masculinity, despite it being associated with men.

You should be able to present how you want without judgement. It's sad that the world isn't there yet.

feminine and masculine do not mean Woman 2 and Man 2. feminine is not not a synonym for woman, masculine is not a synonym for man. stop recreating the binary for the 823904823095820952th time this is clown behavior

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Do you ever get that feeling, where you're thinking about love, and you know you want it eventually, but you don't really care when or how, because you know it'll come, and you have bigger things to worry about right now, but it's still fun to dream?

For example, some days, all I want is to meet a beautiful butch girl, who looks at me with soft eyes, and holds me close, not just in the dark of night, but in the broad daylight. And we meet pretty simply, and we start out friends, and nothing much happens. Until one day, we're at her house, and she's staring at me, so I look up at her, and neither of us can turn away. And we keep getting closer, and closer, until we can't get any closer without touching. So we stay like that, till someone makes a move, and we both make a move, leaning in softly. We live together in a little apartment, and we explore until our feet fall off, just taking in everything that we see.

Then other days, I want to meet a stunning femme girl. She holds her phone close, she's not really shy, and she likes showing off her small world, to the bigger world around her. She takes photos and videos, because she loves the memories, not just the views. She grabs my hand whenever she can, and she takes me to do things I never would have done. I'm her photographer, and she's mine, but I prefer being behind the camera, because I love watching her shine. And she introduces me into her videos, as we grow closer, and pulls me in closer to paint my face with those beauty tools I'll never understand and she'll never need. And she asks me if I like her lipstick, if I want to try it on. Of course I'll say yes, and I'll kiss her, or maybe she'll kiss me. And I'll help and I'll watch as she captures the worlds beauty, resting in those aesethic apartments, I only thought lived on tv.

Or maybe, it'll be my best friend and it'll sneak up on me. And we'll be laughing, and I'll look at him and he'll look at me, because we're both so happy. It never really seems like much more than friendship, until he's one his knees, dramatically serenading me, and we both know it's a joke, but for the first time, I realise I'm falling. And I don't know if he'll catch me. But if he does, then nothing much will change, most everything will stay the same, except the way he says my name, and the way I hold him closer. The way he kisses my lips, or the impromptu midnight trips that I turn into dates.

And I just think that love so important and wonderful. And I know everyone doesn't feel love in the same way, and I know some don't feel romantic or sexual love at all, and that is okay or completely valid. Because I feel like you can get so much out of just romantic love, or just platonic love, because love has no limits and neither do our hearts.

But yeah, sometimes, I just love to dream.

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7 months ago
Been Doing Some Fantasy OC Designs For Some NSFW Art And I Recently Discovered How To Use CSP Models

Been doing some fantasy OC designs for some NSFW art and I recently discovered how to use CSP models which is really gonna save my ass in terms of anatomy. So satisfying not searching through Pinterest until the end of time to find the right pose for drawings.

I'm going to be posting censored versions of what I've been working on very soon so stay tuned ];)

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5 months ago
You Better Not Get That Faux Leather Shit Either

you better not get that faux leather shit either

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