41 posts

'To Whom The Bells Toll'

'To Whom The Bells Toll'

König x reader

Warnings: foul language

So, this will be as lengthy or possibly longer than adrenaline high, and so the possibility of an every two day posting or day to day base will most likely not be possible. So there will be either one to two parts posted weekly at scheduled times on the respecting days:Monday and Thursdays.

These chapters will also be much longer,give or take the range of 1,500-3,000 words or longer for each chapter.

Parts of the fan fic are not a part of the campaign as I do not like to stick to the game, so be warned if things are a little out of whack. As well as locations will also be made up.


Just as your back had struck the cold metal of the choppers belly,you felt relief from the harsh heat that broke down onto you and your team. Respectfully, Laswell had assigned you to the task force 'Dark' given your team, and you have had your fair share of doing things behind the scenes and doing thing sometimes even the government isn't even aware of until Laswell herself gets word from your team and report it back to base and then the government. And now you all were on your way to a touch and go base somewhere out in the Pacific coast line of Australia... to help or well give extra set of hands to the task force 141, and you'd be damned if Captain Fucking Price though he'd be commanding your squadron. Your team. Your family. As far as his bucket ass is concerned, your title as Captain holds you as commander on your team.

And his on his.

Turns out some sort of uprisen activity of a wanted fugitive, Hassan. Had missiles. American missles, and now here you were being sent out to help these boys out due to the uncanny fact that they got screwed over by the US governments task force : the Shadows.

Your pack lay hard against your back as you pondered what the hell made you stay. After taking a bullet to the face and surviving with basically the left side of your mouth exposed to one of your first missions to date for a commanding officer, you were "saved," but had been given the offer to stay or be departed from your team... you stayed. Scared and knurled, you climbed your way bitterly to the top, and now found yourself captain of your beloved team.

Your fingers subconsciously traced the mutilated side of your face. The scar ran down to the bottom of your chin to culr its way up to your lip or where they'd be on the left side. All that was left was a pinkish thin line of scar, and what was left of them on that side. The scar left no skin to protect your upper gum and teeth area. Leaving your teeth and canines exposed on that side. You were once ashamed of it. Before realizing that It showed you truly were a survivor.

And as the people at base call you and your team, "Laswells Hell Hounds".

Fitting to the monstrosity of things you've all seen, been through and have been left scarred with. Either mentally or physically.

Glancing over your members. Your eyes ghosted them as they conversed, gladly leaving you to be alone for the time being until you were to speak. They knew how you got on choppers. On alert. Hostile even. You never liked choppers. Always gave you the feeling of being open to being popped right out of the sky.

Almost 3/4th of your squadrons members had visible scars or mutilation from missions.

Others had them worse behind clothing and the protection of cloth.

Only 5 of you.

And you 5 where utter machines.

And you could it feel it. The urge itself to move even while sitting on the chopper. The way you shifted in your seats, your eyes scanning over everything, the constant checking of your guns.

You all were bred for it. Best of the best. Weened right off of the teat of the training programs and chucked right into others to morph you all into the beings you are now.

Like rapid dogs, you all tore up the battlefields. Secreted dread from any other teams you where placed on.

And as the wind weeded unto your now sweat dried face, you only would imagine what awaited you five when you stepped off this chopper.

Imagine, funny how you couldn't lay a finger on what would happen, yet here you all were. Standing in a dust filled room with the sun slowly creeping in like a shadow would, dancing with the dust with its rays that danced off parts of skin and wretched its way harshly onto the outlines of the guns still held in your hands like defensive dogs.

And give or take you held a scowled look, almost a snarl on your face. Couldn't help it with how you face looked now.

Scoffing at the words of your own sourness as your eyes danced along the members of the others team.

You've worked with some of these men before.

Soap Mctavish. Simon Riley. And Price.

But a new face caught your eye.

One who was hidden behind a snipers mask but was evidently too tall to even be a sniper in the first place.


And you felt his eyes lock onto yours. Crocodilan. Sharp.

You felt the hair on the back of your neck. You felt your face scrunch up slightly, your teeth baring harsh together as you forced a quick smile. And you could feel his eyes narrow at you, his back straightening and his shoulders squaring.

You could just feel that you two would be butting heads.

Feeling yourself space out at him like a rapid dog, you snapped back into motion with a blink before cocking your head audibly toward Laswells voice, the tall ones figure kept in the corner of your eye. All of their team was kept in the corner of your eye as she talked.

"The main goal is to get Missiles back out of the hands of Hassan. So far, we have gotten one missile out of this bastards hands. But there are two missing. Mind you, these are American, leading in for us to believe that Hassan had some ties with the Shadows and Sheperd. Which also has come to the lead of Hassan having ties in Russia. We may have a lead on the Missile."


Her gaze snapped to your voice as it rung out, your brow quirked up, waiting for her to answer.

And she seemed pleased to see her "hounds" ready.

"Russian Town on the border of Ukraine,океан or ocean. He is believed to be there as well. He is the second primary target of this mission. Capture or kill. Do what you may, but we need to get that missile out of his hands. You all will take one jet out. And then will weave through the rear end of the border between the town and the ocean cutting at the base of them both. And through the border, you will split. 141, your duty it to ensure a clear path way for the recovering chopper, Gaz will take an overlook and snipe. After that, Y/n will take their team and swipe the ground clean and recover the Missile and hopefully kill or capture the mad man behind this all. You have until tomorrow evening 6 sharp to rest and prepare. Dismissed"

And with that your Team had already weaseled past the rest, leaving you to shoo them off as you stayed back with the expected look from Laswell to stay and wait for the other to leave. And the rest did. Besides the hulking crocidle next to you.. of a man they called König.

And she spoke.

"König will be with your team. He is big and large and will divert eyes enough to pry attention from your guns to take the eyes eye ."

"Ma'am, I will allow him to work with My team. But he will stay clear of my way."

"As I expect him. And I expect you to ensure he stays clear out the jaws of your team. Dismissed."

And with that, you turned and left. Your eyes narrowed at König as you walked past him. And he followed After, before shoving past you like a child.

"Ah, excuse me bitte."

And with that and a heavy Austrian accent, he was gone as you both spoke in unsion.

And as you walked out after him you faintly heard a voice..Laswell.

"Don't blow it Y/n..one shot."


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More Posts from Bleachedjuice

2 years ago

'Pompeii ' pt3

Warnings: mentions of ptsd,war, and angst

Yeah, so just like the konig one, this is only to get one more part due to the fact that I wanted this to be a more so bitter sweet and cut to the chase type fic. But don't worry the longer ones are on their way

The blinding lights that seemed like the heavens gates opened up and beamed down onto your eye, utterly filling it with blurred circles and twos of everything. And then a snarl erupted from your lips at the blurred faces above you as you lunged upward with an impeccable view of the adrenaline swimming through you to fight at whoever was blurred in your vision until a harsh grip held your shoulders and utterly pinned you still back down against the beds groaning metal frame and mattress that seemed to drowning you. Everything burned. Everything rang. Everything was buzzing.

You were..


Your focus then snapped back into reality, almost like a whiplash, and then everything went...quiet. So utterly quiet...the calm before a storm it seemed.

And then you saw a pair of blue eyes boring down into your own.


It's been months and months of hunting down the rest of the cartel. And months and months more of rehabilitation due to your undying stubborness to stick with 141 even with a knurled face and one eye. And Ghost...no.. Simon was there every step of the way. You made it out of there barely alive, and they said, with a broken rib and almost a snapped spine... lucky they said. Lucky. But..it didn't take away your ability to shoot.. or even utterly be even perhaps a better soldier It seemed. Gave you an edge. And made you like a rapid dog with the wrong things.

And that just happened.

Price was smoking a cigar and got too close to you and then your blind spot, and once the smell hit you..

All you saw was the room filled with dirt and the smell of blood as you recoiled and swung yourself frantically in pain in the chair. Your vocal cords raw and pain stricken your eye tumbled to the floor and all you felt was excruciating pain and your face was pinned..and the smell of Burning flesh filled your nostrils as a cigar was all that was your other eye saw before it snapped shut as you reared around mad with pain..

it was too late for Simon, who was sitting right next to the two of you... and he watched as your pupil dilated and your scarred side of your face that now reveled quite the sight of some of your side teeth, including your lower jaw and upper,canines,gums,and tongue as well, and traveled up to the now empty and healed hole of an eye socket... roll into a snarl, more so your teeth baring as you twisted at Price and the white of your eye showed pure utter horror as strangled noise came out of you. Followed by a noise of a stool clattering the floor, Price yelling and the noise of a loud thud. You had whammed him right in his face, and Simon had almost ran out of his chair while the others checked on Price, and you practically reared out of your chair, panting harshly as you hit the tiled floor with a thud and Backed up like a spooked animal would frantically against the drawers of the kitchen. Your eyes were wide and horrored as you realized what you had just done. And then you saw the look in Prices' eyes change from being practically gobsmacked to a soft sorry look as he realized what had just happened.

Tears pricked your eyes as the images just utterly fluttered through your skull, and all you saw was Ghost veer into your vision.

And then he looked over his shoulder before snapping back to you as you spoke,

"Fuck! Price I'm sorry....I'm so sorry"

And then Price, as he was getting up, spoke, as he left the room, practically and evidently going to the infirmary to get it checked out with the knowledge that you had drawn blood,

"Easy kid, you didn't. There's nothing wrong, I should've known to stay away from ya on that side let alone with a cigar."

And with that He was gone.

And so was everyone else.

Just you and Simon.

And then, you felt yourself unable to even breathe, and as a harsh pant filled you lungs with gasps, a harsh hand gripped your chin to look him in his eyes. Your eye wincing as it struggled to focus on just one eye or let alone anything else in the room.

"Easy there, hey,Hey! Just look at me. I know you can still see my eyes through the mask. Focus there. You're fine. Your ok. I got you now. I got you."

And with a choked sound, you utterly just hugged the man, and you both sat there as you cried into his shoulder, and your breath returned..and you two sat there long after you had stopped crying, with you sniffling and him just sitting there holding you as he lowly whispered small words of encouragement and kindness? All you felt was the rumble of his chest as he spoke..his breath..his heartbeat

And slowly, by the steady and strong beat of the man that held you, you had been lulled to sleep.. and you found yourself with the best sleep you've had for months after the incident.

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2 years ago

'Blood is the Color of Our Lives(And the Color of Our Blood)' pt3.

AHHHH FINAL PART OF THIS FIC, as said before twice, this was not going to be a long series fic like 'Adrenaline High'. This one was just supposed to be a quick one-shot type nice little spice of life fic. Enjoy the last Fic before the end of the year, everyone.

Enjoy and have a happy new year :)

Warnings: nothing but pure fluff :)

To say the least of König utterly wavering on the chair next to your bedside was an understandable understatement. He was utterly worried, partially sorrowful, and at the least part. Having only known you for giving or taking two days. He felt as though he'd known you forever. And now, here he sat, like a worried bird fluttering over you, hovering over the doctors. And now he pleaded for your still figure to awaken. Just for him to catch a glimpse of your E/c Orbs, to see the light utterly flick off of them like a sunset. Three days have passed. Three days of the head trauma you've suffered from the fall had caught you in a mid drift of coma and not a coma. And now here he was, standing up, his legs feeling wobbly, numb,and utterly weak from the denial of his own care and needs to watch over you with worry. And now here he was, quite literally staggering to the door to question another nurse to come in and check on you out of his own worrying and overbearing nature. And just as he went to reach for sullen doorknob..he heard a voice.. mumbling and quite silent... Your voice.. "König?" ... And then,he turned to see your figure sitting upright and still quivering from the mere strength it even took of energy to life yourself up, let alone you holding yourself up at the moment.

And you watched as he soon abandoned the doorway and seemed to cover the room's floor in just one singular stride. And now here he was, standing over your sitting up figure, and without warning, you just pulled him down and almost sent him toppling into you as now you held him into a tight hug. He stiffened beforehand, relaxing and catching his Bearings. And held you quietly back. As of right now, you were at peace of just holding him, and he seemed jist as well, but his legs said other wise as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. And you noticed. "Take your boots off, come on König." He jumped at your words that rumbled against his waist area as you spoke. And with a swift nod, he kicked off his boots and stared at you with an awkward look before he watched you attempt to try and lay down only to wince. Which caused him to act almost immediately. Like the flash and in a flick of a motion he had hoisted you up like a rag doll and slid beneath your now startled figure and gently placed you on his figure. The clothes he wore weren't his military gear, more just cargo sweats and a white t-shirt. Basically, what he was able to grab first before racing here to see you after he found out they had got you stabilized. And he was comfortable, and so where the arms he gently wrapped around your figure, which was wearing the usual loose fitting white t-shirt and navy sweats the Med bay had on hand to change soldiers just like yourself who came in needing serious attention and care. And soon, with his head resting gently on the side of yours,his lower face and chin resting on your shoulder,you felt his breathing slow and listened as he dozed off into much needed rest. Within a few more moments of listening to his slowed heartbeat and his breathing, you,yourself, were lulled to sleep...utter bliss of a full sleep.

You both may be hand soaked with Red, and your lives drowning in it, But you both bleed Red.

Blissful Red.

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2 years ago

'Pompeii ' pt2.

Warnings:foul language, implications of ptsd,depictions of warfare and gore.

Hey, so as you see from the warnings alone, this is going to be a darker fic. As said before, this won't be a romtically centered one, and will be placed mostly in flashbacks and warfare.

All you remembered from the night before stripped a Groan from your lungs as you shifted in the bed to your alarm, straining an alarm beeping into your face. Sitting up, you lazily hit the alarm and checked the time. You then threw your legs over the edge and let them dangle as your eyes ached before you rubbed them harshly. Aching. You felt a headache coming.

Hissing through your teeth, you dragged yourself out of the bed. More so a cot with a thin sheet. As you made your way through the dark and cold floor to your door and slid it shut all the way, hearing no sound come from anything else around you before flicking your light on. And then you did the routine of getting ready swiftly.... before you heard movement buzz alive around you. Fuck. Swiftly tugging on your pants and socks, you muttered lowly as you soon got yourself put together..and then the rush of the routine as blurred as you threw on deodorant and almost ran to the bathroom and scrubbed you teeth and face with cold water before you now found yourself finally tying your boots and outside in their little area of the base before where price had told you the night before the meet them. And well... least to say watching them all March in right after the other made you purse your lips precisely on why you hated moving team to team. The issues of acceptance and how long it took for yours and their presence to be normal to one another in any aspect.. and one by one, did you meet them. But all you caught were the names. Soap, Alejandro,Gaz....and Ghost. You peered at the masked man before huffing through your nose as Price had 'closed' the meeting, and that's when you noticed the Shadows had arrived.. and then everyone dispersed, but two gazes. The one they called Ghost and yours. And with one final stance, stare, and breath, you had turned your back and revised the singer words you had caught as you had spaced out during the verifying of introductions. But had caught the entirely of the mission.

Looks like you were in for a dog fight.

The small boy whimpered as he had scraped his elbow on a rock harshly after being flung into the ground by a group of larger boys, stronger boys. Meaner. And he watched as they all reached for him as his back twitched in their vices... and all he could do was run. His little feet strike the dirt ground as he cries out for his ma..his pa..or his dog as he raced for his home,as the others gave chase.. his elbow hurt, his face ached from the punch he had taken to it that had definitely made him lose a tooth as his cheeks felt clammy and his face swollen, and so he ran, as fast as he could.

You never knew that someone's little mistake would wind up here now. You heaved a breath as you watched with a darkened, exhausted stare at the men around you as they sneered at your bondaged state. Tied to a chair that was against the wall, a hard concrete wall that made your bones ache against the rough wood of the chair. Your legs ached... and so did your arms as you were sure circulation had been cut off from them from the tightness of the rope alone, let alone the force you had been yanking at them with.

Inhaling harshly in the smoke filled air, you let out a rasp as you decided to fetch down memory lane to think about how you got here.

Oh yes, that's right. You were sniping, covering the men, a shadow was supposed to ...SUPPOSED TO.. Watch your flank. Turns out they did not .. and caused you to take a butt of a gun to your head. And here you were...for the gods know how many days or weeks or even hours... all you knew was that your body ached... your face dried and sticky with blood... and your left eye laying on the floor a few feet from you. You remembered being injected with something... that made you feel... funny. very funny. funny to the point that you were so out of it to the point where you didn't even realize what was happening until you had lurched forward and spat in the man's face....and with that a blade appeared and had hooked your upper lip and tore a good amount of skin off...and your eye being practically clawed out.. you felt the dull ache remind you of the screams that had left your mouth from it moments after.... shuddering from the ache of shitless job of bandaging your face, let alone stopping the bleeding they had done...to keep you around longer, for the information you still held from them....they said...as they burned your fresh wound with liquor and cigars..the smell of Burning flesh and metal that rest still in your nostrils caused you to gag. And then watched as they watched you... waiting for you to crack...hawking... waiting for their leader to come back.

You've been through your fair share of being around for quite some time of tortures, you're prefer water boarding over your eye being plucked out of your face and it being burned any day of the week to say in this situation.

Least to say the fact that your body felt sluggish and hard to breathe.. and cold..so cold... was not a good sign..and then the knodding out happened. And you were awoken with a large.. and loud..boom. One that practically shook the building and caused dusting of the ceiling to dribble down..and before you knew it forgein languages where being shouted in your ears ..and you where untied,pinned to the point where you couldn't even move your body with the fact of being shot..retied and dragged to your feet,and with that your body sagged and limped to keep up with what was happening around you until you realized what was happening..a recuse. Sneering at the man dragging you practically, you felt yourself sag and then stumble forward before you pretend to fall forward, which, in fact, you almost just passed out at the moment..the pain overbeared your senses and lead to explosions ringing your ears and gun fire sparking your adrenaline alive...you where alive alright...just barely at this point.. panting as your chewt ached with the definite prominent of a bruised rib ...you quickly caught the glimpse of glass..in the sand..a sharp shard..gripping it in your hands, you felt yourself being yanked back up from the sand you had grazed and dusted your skin with...and the with a harking yell you had been shoved forward..in front of the man and then pinned...held there with a gun to your head... this was it... you managed to make out in your blurred vision was familiar structures..soaps bald sides...prices hat. Alejnadros voice ...Graves yelling and Ghosts yells as they fired their guns and yelled for something..for you..

Glancing up at them, you mustered the most sorry look you could give them before grabbing the sharf of glass you had just hidden and twisting and stabbing right in the shoulder area near the neck,the jugular. And then, with a reflection of a reflex, the gun went off right next to your ear,causing you to rear backward and with that you took the now scrambling and gurgling fortune with you tumbling down debris and sand and dirt..and bodies ..and with a loud thump you had connected to a large piece of stone...more so your back...your ears rung...and you felt something trickle out of them...and you realized you could only hear muffled...wincing you attempted to get up only for your body to give out and limply lay there. You panted and watched the man you had brought down with you dead..and with that you had realized who it was....Hassan.. letting out a small huff, you felt the air leaving your body..and with one last glance around you felt the area around you rumble as watched as debris fell around the two of you...and then you felt your eye roll to the back of your head as everything had went black with a loud boom being the last thing your heard...

The boy had found himself hiding underneath a thick brush backing away frantically from the clawing hands of the older boys who had whooped him over nothing but a rock being kicked at one's shoes on accident. And here he was, crying and backing away from the reaching hands of them. Before a bark was heard and a gun shot... a warning shot..and with a 6 scrambled out the brush and toward his dog and his pa... he was safe...as the others ran off..and off to home he was carried as his father cooed to him with how brave he was..and how his dog stayed near them...

And the next thing you knew. .a bark and a wet nose where what you were being greeted with..your mangled side of your face now pressed into the dirt,your bandage now slipped off and resting as a border between the filth and the filth it was already in.


Feeling your heart sink as you heard footsteps approach, you struggled to get up.. but found yourself unable to breathe properly, gasp more like it as a thick amount of a sheet of fallen debris was directly on your back and rib area...

And with that, you groaned and began to panic before a familiar Ghost mask came into view that had said something to the dog...something...you couldn't breathe...

And then, with that, Soaps face came into view as he coaxed your now shaking figure as the others now where pushing this thing off of you...until you felt the weight lift off and a harsh breath knock you into a spasm as it refused to enter your body..

"Fuck, Price he's going into Shock! We found hassans body, and now we got our boy, and he needs medical now!"

"Choppers inbound Soap get some air into him!"

And with the blazing sound of a chopper in your ears, all you heard was a harsh British voice and a rough smack to your back,


And with that air entered you lungs causing you to inhale and exhale lowly with a groan as your body rocked in and out of eachothers consciousness of your mind. And with a Grunt, you had been lifted and carried limply to the chopper onky for the last thing for you to see for the time being was a Ghost mask...and your cold body shuddering against his warm one as the medics rushed to him and you and practically yanked you out of the warmth yoru body needed.. and with that,once the oxygen mask was upon your face,you had collapses underneath the darkness in your eye lids...

Into the cold..dark waters of the dark and what it held for you...

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2 years ago

'To Whom the Bells Toll' pt2

Heyyyy so yeah delayed posting on my end and Tumblrs end. Sorry about that 😭

Enjoy 🙈

Warnings:foul language, mentions of blood,and gore.

With each sharp crunch of ice and snow beneath our feet. It left you wishing you had never agreed with Laswell to take this mission. Though You don't think the team nor You had a choice. Laswell had said that National Security was at risk, hence why this task force of yours was created in the first place. You almost feel like she put König with you to test how much bullshit you both can take. Because You where already fed up the moment you had entered the jet and You had to stand next to the giant of a fucking man. You had plenty of time to get to know this man in such a short time... and..

You were sure König could agree.

Maybe that's something you both can agree on.

Russian winter wasn't always the best time to be hiking through the wilderness on the outskirts of the fishing town,but timing and scerecy were of the essence. It was imperative that you had footed the rest of the way on foot for the sake of Russian intelligence being none the wiser.

The icy winds howled past your team as you then departed from 141, König trekking close to your sniper. Lucile untilshe also departed to take a place in the shrouded hillside with a snipers nest.

And then you stopped as you approached the mere outskirts of the town as buildings crept into sight through the thicket of trees.

Then a voice creeped out into your ear piece.

"This Bravo-134 in position."

Then you spoke. Pointing at Jake, one of your other members, and Maxwell. Your medic. And then König and motioned them to go left.

"This is Bravo 0-2 sending 0-8 and 12-3 your way sight on left along with 141s boy"

You could feel eyes dagger into your back as you ignored them. Hearing their boots straught out of ear sight.

"This is Bravo 0-2, 0-6 and I are moving out"


Your second in command was Jake, but Serena was quieter.

And you needed silence.

And she needed it.

They had the "diversion," and you had you utter rumble of a breath in your chest.

"This is Bravo 0-2, going in with right side team."

"Roger than, 141s boy out."

A thick Austrian voice.

Fuckinb König.

And in you went.

Sniper nests broke into your sight as you both crept with a light jog until the whizzing sounds of a snipers bullet sipped the airs silence until light thuds sounded out..

Atta'girl Lucile.

Your feet broke out into a run, Serena shadowing you before she broke into your left side. Seemingly like dogs, you flew with harsh glints in your eyes

Then, you grabbed your gun and slid to the left side of the fenced area, finding its way to be strapped to your back. You tore wire cutters out of your left hip and snipped the fence open before plowing through the loose netting of the fence and into the camp you went.

And your gun found its way into your hands and with a quick eye, and with the assistance of the darkness, you clipped a silencer onto your gun, and off you and your partner went.

And all hell broke loose.

An explosion sounded on your left, causing you to shove Serena to the right behind a few crates as gun fire broke out. A grunt escaped from her as she then got up and started returning fire. And quick work your gaze made of some of the ground of Russians at this out post of a fishing village. Motioning to the group you ducked as she kept returning fire and ducking from it you crept to the right side of the gate,hugging it ad your crept closer and closer until two grenades gripped themsleves Into your hands and the clips sank itself into your teeth as you pulled them off and whipped them right at the group. And down you ducked.


A loud boom erupted into your ears that turned into ringing, and the sight of a light yellow came and went as it quickly came. But the smell causes your nose to quickly recoil to shallower breaths and something splattered over you and onto your face..and a couple thud echoed out into the air that now was silent.




You then crept out of the hiding spot, your gun raised and poised to be fired at any given moment until the sight you saw beheld you to a sick satisfaction.

The smell of metalic crept out as you saw pinkish colors of someone's lower body and grey military pants now soaked with blood darkened to a reddish black, the part of the spine showed mixed with the intestines, severed and reddened through their pink shade and moistened texture, the right leg still twitched with nerves still thrusting through its systems. Blood scattered and practically soaked the concrete. Someone arm lay close by, bodies contorted in motion and missing pieces.

And then a groan erupted, causing your head to whip to the left, cocking to the side as Serena came into view on your right in your peripheral vision.

A soldier, male, laid trapped beneath a piece of shrapnel, his arm lay trapped beneath a sharper piece, evidently about to fall off at any given moment but still connected to the bone and nervous system as flimsy flesh held it together.

Approaching the soldier a badge caught your vision.


Your eyes narrowed as you squated above the man in the dark. The street light that dimmed yellow was the only thing that masked the whitened, terrified gaze of the man in front of you as you spoke.

"Where is Hassan."

Hos gaze narrowed as he spat at you before mumbling something to you in Russian and on mere reflection of the moment you then stood up and pressed your foot against the tender wound.And he cried out and weakly pried with his other hand to try and push you off of his arm,writhing like a fucking worm.


"I'll give you one more chance soldier. Where is Hassan."

Nothing, and then with a tight pressure of your foot you pressed down to hear a ripping noise come from this man's arm.

And then he broke.

With a pained gasp he broke out into a mumbled babble of a whimpered broken sentence before he repeated it. Clearer. Shorter.

"The D-do cking house awaiting pick up.."

The docks. Not far from here.

Pursing your lips, you released your foot from his arm to hear a relieved gasp come from him as he panted vigorously and spasmed against the relief from the wound. And then you cooed mockingly at him.

"That wasn't so hard was it? Now..let me"

Breaking yourself off, you then placed your foot against the sharp shrapnel that pierced the arm. And you pushed,and a pleasingly crack broke out into the night as the man screamed..

"Give you a hand."

A clean cut. A splattering noise made its way into your ears as his now dismembered arm flopped limply to the side. Oozing blood... and the bone slightly peaking.

He seemed relived.. and then pure utter horror broke out onto the man's face, and a scream went to make itself out of his pain wracked body. Until Serena brandished a blade and made quick work of his jugular as blood sputtered and scattered onto your boots and her arm.

Motioning her to move out, you both jogged quickly, leaving the now twitching body of the soldier on the ground in the concrete light.

"This is Bravo 0-2, Hassan is located on the docks awaiting pick up. I repeat, revendous quickly to the Docks!"

And with that, you broke out into a quick sprint, the dirt and concrete stone roads before your two whipped around the corner and into the docking area, guns drawn as you slammed into the docking buildings door. Shattering it beneath your weight as your guns ready to fire as you creeped through the building until one small creek made your body whip around, just enough to the point a bullet zipped past your head,causing you to stumble back and twist behind a pile of crates, Serena taking spot In a neighboring sack of something. The air stunk of gun powder and fish...and then with your back to the crates, your gaze caught sight of something...the Missile.

You then gritted your teeth before whipping up around the crates before releasing rapid fire, your teeth bared as a shout erupted from the air. And then a thud... you continued watching the men fall... gaurds.

You then turned to face Serena only to find her writhing on the ground, gripping at her chest. Your face dropped into shock as your heart pounded into your chest. You felt the color drain from your face until you threw yourself next to her,cradling her upper body onto your lap as your shouted into the comms..



You then took out your first aid kit and took out gauge and tried pressing it to stop the bleeding until sputtered breaths broke into her used to be staggering breaths..blood leaked through her nostrils and mouth as she struggled to speak.

"Nonono...No! Fuck, Serena save your strength.."

And then, with a strong grip, she spoke. Her gaze blazing with acceptance and a look of determination...


With a groan of pain, you went to say something as she spoke..

"Shoot the fucker down...."

And with that she limply gripped her dogtags off and ripped them with what was left of the strength in her strong but shaking limbs..and shoved them into your chest,and then your held her shaking hand..

"You're gonna be okay Serena.. You're gonna be ok -"

You heard one last shallow breath escape her shell of what she used to be and then nothing...


Your face then broke Into its used to be harsh look...



Looking up at the ceiling, a harsh bite hit your bottom lip as you blinked back tears as you shakily spoke into comms. As the footsteps broke into your line of sound...and then stopped...

"This is Bravo 0-2.. Serena is down. Requesting back up from left side group to retrieve the body and then locate the boat in which Hassan is in.."

Capture or kill.

Then Jake's voice broke out into the Docking house..

"We're here, Max, get the Blood prepared for trasfu-"

before he stopped... and saw the sigh of a now limp and dead Serena in your arms with your hands still gripping the bloodied gauze to her chest with a shaking grip...


Looking at them from the corner of your eye,you then spoke bitterly. Nonchalantly... like nothing had happened.

"Jake, Maxwell, Take the boat out to Lucile and then transport to the chopper point."



With a harsh tone, Max nudged Jake before he nodded to you and approached the body. Of what she used to be. And then took her head off of your lap and gently placed it onto the floor..your pants and arms soaked with blood. Her blood.


"Me and König will find Hassan and take him out and then cripple the Missile. Now go.."

With a knod, Maxwell hoisted the limo body of your guys comrade, and with Jake, they left. Her dogtags are still tight in your hands before you swiftly yanked them onto your head before tugging it under your gear. And then approached the Missile. König standing gaurd outside of the Docking Building as you made swift work of cutting wires that needed to be cut in the Missile. Before jamming a blade into its wiring panel. Making it unfixable. Pulling your blade out and then shoving it back into your sheath you then spoke..

"Let's go..."

Shoving past the mountain of a man, you then heard him mumble something directed to you, ignoring it. You then looked at the three ships on the docks...

Two seemed to be abandoned small Russian military boats and the other a normal fishing boat.

"I got the the two on the left, take the one of the right."

With a glare to the side of your eye, you watched him solemnly nod to you..huh...

Barging into the first deck of one of the military boats and turning your flashlight on, before whipping around the corner around the front part of the deck and made your way to the front part of the ship, toward the bow. And then rounded to the steering amd control area of the boat..nothing.

Heading out of the boat, you spoke hushed into the comms between you and König, "Clear. Checking second now"


Spiffy. Asshole. Scoffing, you then headed toward the fishing boat and hopped into the back deck before searching the captains area. And then rounded it and found it to be clear.. before you creeped onto the front deck on the right and approached the edge of the boat... and checked the water for anything...

And felt a rush of footsteps only to round your footing to release two quick shots from your gun only for the figure to just blindly leap at you and slam into you,your gun was flung out of your hand,and slammed onto the deck with a bang as you felt the edge of the boat soon become nothing but air as the cold harsh thwack of the thin ice break with your weught and water below strike you and envelop you into darkness as you made out a figure...and then the familiar face...Hassan.

Bleeding from two wounds in his side, you both blindly tangled away and toward each other as your staggered back with quick thrush of your legs only for him to rush a quick burst of a swim and slam you into the rough edged of one of the concrete pillars holding up the dock..and then a glint met your eyes as you ducked, the quick sharp split of the knife zipped through the air before your pistol hidden in your boot found its way into your hands a up It went up against the thrashing Hassan..and then a bang...

Blood enveloped your vision as he then stopped moving. Then you watched as the whites of his eyes roll to the back of his eyes before you kicked his sinking figure away from you as you discarded your now ruined pistol, feeling the cold shock through you as your lungs screamed. .. clawing to the surface, you then broke the top of the thin iced water coughing and clawing limply at the ice toward the dock to try and climb it or even grab its edge to pull you up... only to feel yourself slip on the ice, and it breaks under your thrashing weight and paddling swimming strides..

And the cold shocked through your body, causing you to shiver until a large hand grappled your right arm and pulled you out of the water with a hoisted Grunt until your "hero" unceremoniously tossed you on the deck as you shuttered and caught your breath..

König. And in silence, he crouched next to you, gasping figure as the cold enveloped your every sense and figure.

"What happened?"

"Fucker rushed me on my blind side... and down we went. Now, if you don't mind my prince in shining armor, I'd like to not freeze to death."

With a scoffed chuckle, he threw your gun at you before he yanked you to your feet just as your gun was in your grip. And without warning, he began to stride into a sprint. Even with the thick, shrouded clothing you wore. It was soaked. And heavy. And slowly feeling like an icy tomb on your end.

And with a shaking breath you shouted as you ran.


Then, a familiar voice broke out. Prices.

Good fucking God.

"Roger than Captain Y/N, Choppers already on its way"

Scoffing, as you both stopped and waited for pickup.. which seemed only a mere moment as the chopper broke out into sight...and With a quick movement it lowered and you and König hauled ass to the chopper, leaping into the chopper , you dare not look at the sheet that covered Serenas body as Price shot you a sorry look. And then he watched you shiver as the cold air, basically going to catch hypothermia if he delayed giving the pilot the ok to fly out...

And off you went, and out you spaced as you realized that she was gone...for good...and as if he sensed it, König found his way next your figure and sat down next to your shivering figure and patted your back teasingly.

"Yeah yeah piss off König."

"Ah, but then you'd miss the mere presence of me."

"Fuck you."

"Vielleicht nehme ich das Angebot an."

"Yeah whatever you said."

And in silence, you both sat as the chopper made its way to base...

Once the chopper landed, you practically had defrosted after changing areas and thermal seasons. Now you were a dry damp. And here you were, watching as people who took care of the soldiers dying on the field or while still in service take her away...

They took your statement of what happened while in action before questioning her dogs tags before explaining to them what happened. And then they left.

Leaving you damp,wet, and numb.

You hated this. Gaining a member, and then losing someone to something. You now went from a pack of 5. To 4. And Laswell won't recruit anyone else to your team. Saying it's not needed.

You felt a hand on your shoulder before you shoved it off and turned around. König.

"I'm fine"

Hissing the words, you rushed away, no stalked away from everyone else, and threw your guns into your room and discarded your gear on the floor before rushing into a shower in the personal showers in the barracks before getting into a pair of sweat and a clean pair of boxers and socks...and laid in bed. .staring at the ceiling...numb.


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2 years ago

'Adrenaline high' pt 9.

I'm fr bugging with finals before break 😭


The way his eyes stared into yours as you stared at each other had your heart slamming against your rib cage almost hurriedly. Like a spooked bird frantically flapping around trying to escape a cage. And you watched as his right hand traced up to your ribs and rubbed the daring mountains of bone that expanded and contracted with every harsh and desperate breath you took..and he felt them hitch as your breath held as his left hand lay now teasing your hip bone area. Rubbing in circles and tracing down close to your now erect hard on and then tracing back up,causing a frustrated and desperate whine to trickle through your body,shuddering to his touch as he chuckled deeply.. and before you knew it, he had moved his way back up to what your pull over exposed of your collarbone and began to leave harsh marks. Almost like a rampant dog would when marking its territory, wincing at the harsh feeling of the way his teeth nipped at your skin and the way his tongue lapped at it with every mark he left.

"Easy now, no need to get all worked up yet." Demanding almost. And just like that, he had left your skin utterly feeling naked without him there marking it. Claiming it to be his almost.

A yelp escapes your lips as you could feel his fingers grazing your hard on,teasing..draggin..and utterly driving you insane, Choking on the breath that was able to enter your lungs all you could do was shudder and writhe beneath his touch deliciously.

And Simon enjoyed it. Watching you tremble and shudder beautifully beneath him..and then he let out a dark chuckle once more as he left you to the nights cold air as he scuffed off his sweats and boxers. The sight of his cock bare to you sent shivers down your spine and then you traced your gaze up to his..and there it was...the look that almost caused you to cry out either in desperation or utter temptation.. his eyes dark and hooded beneath his mask,the blue ocean that lurked within his Iris's shone through the slight light the moon offered..and his eyes seemed to trap you..hypnotize you..and you found yourself leaning into his touch as his hands found themselves tracing your hips,dragging up to the curve of your spine and then down to holding your hips in place...and then you realized the sudden stop in motions. He was waiting for the consent to proceed.

Nodding all too quickly to what he was asking, you felt something hard prod your entrance,slightly wet already with precum. You felt your grip tighten on the bedding of the cot beneath you felt him enter you slowly,and you didn't even realize how tight you were until now as a squeal almost left your lips from the feeling of him stretching you out slowly..teasingly.. you watched him shudder and groan against you... and soon after many moments of coaxing and pushing...and dirty sweet words from the two of you,his hips connecented with your ass.

"So beautiful.." Murmuring came from his lips as he then began to slowly set the pace,rocking his hips at an utterly teasing pace as he slowly left you feeling empty only for him to fill you back up again as light gasps ajd groans came from you and shuddering breaths left the man above you...and you could just feel him taking up every little space and crevice in your body..fitting like a glove around him almost...as if you where built just for him..and him alone.

Suddenly, Simons pace began to get harsher.. and his breaths turned to grunts... and your body twitched against his own,back arching and lungs coaxing from the lewd sounds escaping your mouth as he soon began to have his way with you..and he watched utterly fixated on your body shuddering against him as he pulled out and you almost pulling him back in..like your body needed this. Wanted this. And by the gods did you want this.

Crying out, you felt his body press harsher against yours as the grip he had on one side of your hip was sure to leave a bruise as he trusted harsher into you,almost enticing the high that you both where after. And he watched as your legs were now desperately rocking with your hips with his thrusts..and as your eyes were shut,head titled back and arms desperately clinging to the pillow beneath you ad tears where obviously pricking your eyes ...and the sound of the noises you made where music to him..utter music..

And then he noticed how desperate your sounds were, how.. high they were..

Letting out a Grunt, he gripped your hip with one hand and the other holding his upper body up above you as he teasingly slowed the pace,dragging out the high you were utterly on the verge of hitting.

"S-simon please!"

He seemed amazed at how you were utterly putty in his hands... you were all like this..just for him.. only for him.


Not giving a response, he suddenly let out a harsh snap of his hips and returned to an utter harsh pace and watched as you fell apart...

And all you could do was just let out voice cracking groans and whines as you could just feel the pressure in your abdominal area building and building... and then, with one snap of his hips, you came, and he continued slamming into you and utterly sending you into over stimulation, and you listened as Simon's thrusts became more desperate sloppy and his breathing heaved..and you swore you could here a frustrated whine followed by a chain of groans come from him...

And then.. with one final snap of his hips, he came.. and he watched as you shuddered at the feeling of his cum filling you up inside.

And watched as you breath heaved with his,like you were one, and then your eyes met, and he couldn't help it..but just kiss you on your head before holding your hips tenderly and gently pulled out causing you to seeth a breath through your teeth before gently sitting yourself up and used your arms to hold yourself up. And you watched as he motioned for you to stay, and he grabbed one of his personal clean towels and wiped himself off before he pressed the towel against your entrance and then cleaned you off and threw the towel in the basket he had in his room... and then, within a moment of silence,it wasn't an awkward silence. It was peaceful between the two of you. This silence was saying more than words ever could possibly.

And with a creak of the cot, he got up once more and grabbed the discarded clothes, and threw his on quickly and quietly before handing yours to you. And he watched as you nimbly pulled your boxers onto your body.. before he realized you had jeans and within a flash, he had a pair of sweats in his hands.


And he watched as you pulled them onto your body, these where obviously too big for you, but they'd do.

And then, as if he was waiting for you to the pants on to do this, he practically crawled onto the bed and shifted under the covers before pulling your upright figure in the warmth cocoon with him.

And as you comfortably set against him like he was a portable heater and as you drifted off to sleep, you swore you could hear a faint murmur that rumbled from his chest...

"I love you..."

And you realized this....this...

This was a mutual understanding between two humans...

This was....


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