Aaaaaaa Thank You So Much For Doing My Request! And So Soon Too! (The One With The Father Villain And
Aaaaaaa thank you so much for doing my request! And so soon too! (The one with the father villain and telepathic hero) the title is so great and it is all so shippy and adorable and I love it, thank you so much
You’re welcome! Your request was so much fun to write, I’m glad you enjoyed it! 💞
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More Posts from Bleeding-letters
Snippet #4.01
TW: description of wounds, use of medical equipment

“As fascinated as I am watching you work with this kind of expertise, I am curious as to how you know to stich someone up so professionally. Do you work for Hero, or Superhero perhaps?”
’Twas but an awkward situation, that one. Supervillain had been in the process of fleeing leaving a fight downtown between a few of the city’s biggest and brightest supers on both sides. When they had taken to the air, they didn’t realize how bad their injuries had been. Their vision turned black within moments- and miraculously -Supervillain crash landed on a balcony instead of plummeting to their untimely demise. When they came to hours later, they had been brought indoors and set on a couch, apparently owned by this civilian.
The supervillain had been surprised. This person had an opportunity to do anything. Call the cops, flag down a hero, even unmask them. But they hadn’t. And since Supervillain considered themself as a slow-to-destruction kind of person, the civilian wouldn’t be killed on sight.
Then Supervillain noticed their injuries, treated and either bandaged or stitched, save one rather nasty gash over their ribs.
And it was only after that did they noticed the civilian crouched on the floor. Frozen in place, holding a string-like fiber and a hooked needle in their clutches. This civilian was not normal, that was for certain.
Said civilian, now, shrugged and continued their work. “I don’t work for any super in this city. Maybe once however, I was a super living in a different city. It would have been years ago, obviously. I would have learned how to use sutures to patch myself up because it was the only way I could survive, because there was no one I could go to for help,” They paused to look them in the eye.
Or maybe,” They tugged the thread a little too harshly, getting a hiss out of the supervillain. “I’m a paramedic who does this kind of procedure nearly every day, because ya’know, it’s my job.” They tied the last knot and set the hook-like needle down.
“Speaking of going to some one for help, stitches should come out in two weeks. I assume one of your villain friends can help you with that?” The civilian helped Supervillain to their feet before leaving them in favor of cleaning their equipment.
Supervillain didn’t acknowledge them as they made their way to the balcony, testing their flight abilities and then leaping off the fourteen-story balcony ledge. Today must’ve been their lucky day.
Part 2
Snippet #1
TW: light description of injuries

“I’m not as bad as the others say, you know.” Villain tried.
“Quiet, Villan.” Hero’s Sidekick barked.
“Ooh, so scary. Truly, I’m shaking in my boots.” Villain’s Sidekick scoffed.
The cuffs rattling was the only other sound as the group made their way through the hospital wing.
“If you just talk to Hero-“
Hero’s Sidekick cut Villan’s plea off. “I’ll do what I want, thank you.” Villain sighed. There really was no way to get anything through their thick skull. Just like Hero warned.
Hero’s Sidekick opened a door at the end of the hall, shoving Villain through before entering themselves. “Thank you, Hero’s Sidekick. You can take Villain’s Sidekick to the medbay and check over their wounds.”
Out of the corner of their eye Villan saw their sidekick and Hero’s Sidekick back out of the room. Villain wasn’t for sure, but they could’ve sworn they heard one of the sidekicks whispering. Something about going somewhere private.
“I figured they could use some time alone.” The Hero clarified after the door closed. They stood, crossing the room to get a proper look at Villain. The Villain felt hands— ever so lightly— brush against theirs, the handcuffs clattering on the floor a heartbeat later. Villain didn’t dare look up.
“Look at me.”
Villain wrapped their arms around Hero instead.
“Hey,” The hero lifted the villan’s chin. Shallow cuts, split lip. A black eye. Tears rolling down their face. “Look at me.”
Their eyes met.
“Tell me who did this to you.”
I thought I was following you but apparently I wasnt! So hi!! :)
Hi!! Thank you! :)
Hmm how about a hero x villain thing where hero realises villain is actually a good, caring parent?
Or something that has to do with telepathy?
I am out of ideas ;-;
Your writing is amazing though, keep it up and thank you so much for posting it!
What Are We, One Year from Now?
“So… where have you been? It’s been a week since we last fought and— wait, you’re not avoiding me, are you?”
“Why are you here, exactly?” The villain stood on the front steps of their home, thoroughly annoyed by their unwelcomed guest. They held a stack of unopened letters in one hand, the other on the doorknob, a clear sign they wanted out of the conversation.
“You didn’t answer my question. Why are you avoiding me?”
“Wouldn’t it be easier just to take the answer from my brain?”
“Thought it would be better to ask first,” The hero gave them a small but genuine smile. “Figured I’d get more results that way then dealing with mental walls and making you angry.”
Villain wasn’t avoiding them per-say, they had just been a little busy. But they couldn’t say that out loud because well, if the hero asked what they were doing they couldn’t lie, Hero would know. Having a nemesis with telepathy really was the worst.
“I- Something came up.“
“For an entire week?”
“Y-Yes. Look, I’m not making plans or hiding out or anything. I should be back to doing my criminal deeds by the beginning of next week. But for now-”
A little child that couldn’t be any more than four years old appeared at the pair’s feet, wrapping her arm around the villan’s leg. The little girl looked up at Hero, rubbing the sleepiness out of her sapphire eyes. And for the first time since Hero met Villain, the criminal looked truly afraid.
“Yeah baby, you need something?” The villain crouched down to her level, the hero momentarily forgotten. His voice became laced a level of with care and concern Hero didn’t know was possible.
“My tummy still hurts daddy.” The girl coughed.
“I know baby. Do you want to try some soup? C’mon, I’ll go make you some.”
“What about— *cough*—what about them?”
The villain turned to Hero, his face a mix of pleading, concerned, and terrified at the same time. I’d never dare harm them, you know that
Villain seemed to relax slightly at the hero’s message, opening the door to let them pass into the house. Villain led the way to the kitchen, only pausing once to ask the child to go wake her brother. And she did, leaving the two adults in the kitchen alone.
Villain knew Hero would have a lot of questions for them. How old are they, is the home safe, who’s the mother, is she alive or dead, are they really his kids—
“Do they know?” Hero started softly.
Wow, out of all of the questions they could’ve asked... “No. If I can help it, they never will,” Villain grabbed a small pot and a can of chicken noodle soup. “Her brother starts school in a year, and I plan to be out of the villain life by then.”
“A year? You mean-”
“Yes. A year from now I will be a normal civilian living a normal life being a normal father. I’ll have a normal job and live in a normal house.” Villain’s vision blurred as the tears began. “A year from now you and I…”
Villain’s voice cracked and Hero’s heart wrenched in two. They knew him, Villain was giving up everything they’d ever known for these kids, even if he didn’t have to. “That doesn’t have to be true. I’m still here, we could work something out.”
“Like what? There’s no idea or plan I haven’t thought up where this ends well for us. It just-” And suddenly Hero was beside him, a finger hooked under his chin. His breathing nearly stopped at Hero’s sudden proximity. Villain wanted this. They wanted Hero to hold him in their arms and tell him it would be all right. To look him in the eye and he know it would turn out okay. But… they couldn’t do this to them. There was no situation where they could be together, not without putting someone in danger. They couldn’t do that to them.
It took a moment to register the arm snaking around his waist, pulling them closer, closer, closer, until their chests were touching. “What if,” The hero’s voice was a hushed whisper as they removed their finger from under Villain’s chin, bringing it up to their own face. To their mask. “I did this?” And with deliberate slowness, the mask came off.
The villain started when a high pitched gasp came from across the room. The noise was soon mixed with muffled giggles and the sound of small feet running. The villain turned just in time to see a little boy turning down the hall and out of view. Moments later his daughter appeared, all wide-eyed and excited, tentatively coming up to the pair. Her brother came up behind her, peeking over her shoulder shyly.
“Mx. Hero, —*cough*— aren’t you supposed to be in love with —*cough*— with Villain?”
“I was supposed to but… I fell in love with your dad instead.”
And Villain was sure the blush taking over his face was warmer than the soup cooking on the stove.

I meant to post this yesterday sorry ;-;
Would it be possible to get a continuation of Snippet 2?
Guess what’s coming soon!
And I assume you’ll want to be on the taglist? If not just let me know.