I Gotchu Fam...~ - Tumblr Posts
A hero and a villain (or their sidekicks?~) trapped in a small space (and maybe crushing on each other)? (@creweemmaeec11 just made a list with situations and they seem cool, in case you feel like writing something like that!)
Have a nice day✨
I’m going to give the sidekicks names so the writing flows better, is that alright? Hero’s Sidekick can be Ember, and Villain’s Sidekick can be Riptide I guess. Those are cool names, I think? But fire and water have a… tendency to make a little steam, do they not? Anyway, hope y’all enjoy!
Anyone But You
“How long have we been trapped here?”
“5 minutes, Em. It’s been 5 minutes since the power went out.”
If someone had told Ember an hour ago they’d be trapped with the one person on the planet she shouldn’t be in love with, she would’ve laughed and walked away.
But here she was.
How was she supposed to explain this to Hero? Hey Boss, don’t worry about where she’d been or why she hadn’t bothered to even clock in. No worries, yeah, she was just with her sworn enemy checking on a hunch that an even bigger sworn enemy had evil plans in their mansion. Yes, the one on the outskirts of town where the next closest house was a quarter-mile away. Yup, that’s the one. No no, it’s all good. Nothing to worry about.
Riptide had started searching right away, his face scrunched in concentration as he threw papers through the air. Ember walked off to look in another part of the house, silently searching for Supervillain’s plans. The pair had not been searching for thirty minutes before Riptide came running in to the kitchen, a panicked mess. He said he heard the front door open. And that was how the two of them— albeit without thinking — ended up in the tiniest hiding place possible.
A dumbwaiter.
A freaking dumbwaiter.
Oh, and then the power went out.
So here she was, stuck in a dumbwaiter, with her crush laying in her lap, in the dark.
“Would you mind um, getting off me, for a second?”
“Oh right! Sorry, I’ll um… I, uh-” Ember stopped listening for a hot second as the other continued to mumble and go on. Why all of a sudden was Riptide, a normally brash and cocky charmer, now a bumbling mess?
Cold air filled the space where he’d been. And as much as she wanted him close, Ember had to shake off that feeling. Her priority right now was escape, not Riptide. She called upon her powers, feeling that familiar heat flood through her veins and up her arm, igniting a small flame in the palm of her hand. Now she would be able to see.
Well, she would have been able to see… if Riptide didn’t immediately put out the flame. Ember tried again, only for her nemesis to do the same thing. A hissing noise filling the air as the two elements made contact. Why was he acting so strange? It was really starting to get on Ember’s nerves. “I’m trying to get us out of here. If you shoot out my flame with your freaking water blast again, I’ll make you regret it.”
And suddenly one of Riptide’s hands slammed into the wall beside her. “Will you now? Do tell me, how do you plan to do that?”
She would’ve come up with some snarky or witty comeback, but her brain stopped functioning. He was flirting with her. Actually flirting with her. Was that why he’d been acting strange? It was the only reason, right? Well, two can play at that game. And so she brought her hand up in front of her face, and ignited the tips of her fingers.
Was that— Was that a blush on his face? Before she had another moment to contemplate, his hand wrapped around hers and the flames died with a quiet hiss. He pulled her forward, right into a searing kiss. Slow. Claiming. Possessive. Everything she’d ever imagined and more. And when he pulled away, she realized how badly she had really wanted him.
She’d give just about anything to see. The walls, her suit, him, anything other than the dark. She could feel his smile though, cool against her burning skin. Taunting her.
“You put out my flames. I can’t let you go unpunished, now can I?”
“Mmm, I suppose not.”
His lips found her neck in a breaths notice, leaving a trail of kisses in its wake. She gasped when he hit a soft spot, his grin then turning feral against her. “You might want to cool it down, darling. Your fingertips are sparking.”
She lost control of her emotions. Crap. She needed to get him away. If she hurt him with her fire…Ember tried to push him back, only for him pin her wrists over her head.
“Ah ah ah, I don’t think so,” He was close again, his breath fanning over her neck. “You’re not running from this. You know I can take the heat~” As if that wasn’t the cheesiest thing he could’ve said. Ember shivered at the sudden drop in temperature as Riptide took over.
“My my, I didn’t think you were supposed to feel that way about your nemesis. Aren’t you supposed to hate the bad guy?” She rubbed circles into his palm, biting back the reply held on the tip of her tongue. The dumbwaiter rumbled to life through the wall behind her. Something was happening. “Rip-”
His fingers brushed the hem of her shirt, Ember bristling at his touch. “Rip. We’re— someone’s coming! Rip listen, I’m serious, the powers’ back. We’re going up. And if it’s-” The dumbwaiter door flew open.
“Well well well, what do we have here?”
Oh, they were in trouble. And it wasn’t the kind either of them wanted.

DP077 Staging a Heroes' Welcome! (about 19:13 into the vid)
I'm gonna do a huge self-report here and say I used Bulbapedia to find which episodes had Jessilina in them (Jessie's contest alias in this ep and many others), and THEN used the airdate from the original post (2008), which limited the episode pool even further. Scrolled through each potential episode because I wasn't about to sit here for like six hours and eventually found it (took about a half hour or less I think?)
anyway here are some screenshots from the other episodes that had me pissing myself because I had the volume off and no context

also who named this episode of DP I just wanna talk

Pokemon predicted Infinity War in 2008 lmao
For those who want a fiancesona,dm/ask/whatever me. Give me a gender,a preferred name, and any other specifics. Also one hobby you have, cuz I gotta make it work,k?
"You can't wear a ring on THAT finger! Men will think you're taken!"

Other players: *maximizes arena score by using armor emblem team with good synergy, blessings and AoE specials*
Me: "I'mma pour all my resources into my husbando."
And it was good...

Now I just need Duessel and Frey and my Husbando team will be complete~♡

Quick overview
So this is my first time going over a character, who mind you there’ only 2 of them, who fall into this sub bracket of units. So I’m sure you’ve heard of trainees right? Units with more BST for being the new recruit. Well meet the opposite where units are essentially inflicted with a ‘old people’ status where it deducts points for them, and considering he has a hore, him and Jagen are the only characters to suffer this. To make up for it, they tend to boast amazing stats early on and the growth from 4 to 5 stars is less of a change meaning he’s a great budget unit. Mind you he still ranks more in Arena than Horse mages at least.
Base kit
Silver axe is decent for a weapon it just lacks a passive which is normally better than might in general. Harsh command is a niche skill and should only be used if you find yourself being targeted by debuffs a lot, otherwise it’s safe to go with other skills. Armoured blow is really meh as a offensive skill, he’s going to have much better options in the long haul. Finally Gunters saving grace, Hone cavalry. This skill alone is feared by many players, it’s the glue of horse emblem so if you want to use Gunter you’ve got a head start.
As for B skills lance breaker is nice to fight lance units, otherwise quick riposte is his best option, unless you plan on using the seal then renewal and guard are prime choices. Special wise Bonfire is the best choice.
Pros + Cons
+Amazing defence and solid attack to back it up
+Hone cavalry is amazing
+A incredibile choice for a 4*+10
-Low speed hurts his offence
-no res means he won’t survive a mage most of the time unless its Odin.
-Is going to need a lot of skill inheritance
Well horse units are the clear choice here and the best choice too as Gunter finds it hard to live outside of horse emblem, but if you can boost his defence and attack they’re normally a solid partner for Gunter.
Suggested set(s)
Revenge is a dish best served cold
+Atk/def -spd/res
Slaying axe+, reposition, Bonfire/ignis
Slot A = close defence, steady stance, fortress defence, earth boost
Slot B = quick riposte, guard, renewal, lance breaker
Slot C = hone cavalry or any c skill
Sacred seals: close defence, quick riposte
Weapon refinery: +def is the best option for him
Basically his role here is to act as the green wall, a protector of sorts. with +def and the refine he can reach 42 defence, thats 48 with one close defence and 54 with 2, add in a fortify buff and he can reach 60 defence. Which even some reds can’t cut into to. Blues especially will be left stopped in their tracks. However he can sacrifice 6 of those points to use the quick riposte seal and use another B slot, Guard being a choice to prevent units with high damage specials breaking through.
Old time punishment
+atk -spd
Brave axe+, reposition, Bonfire
Slot A = Death blow
Slot B = Hit and run, axe breaker,
Slot C = and c skill or hone cavalry
Sacred seals: atk+3
A basic brave axe set, Gunters highish attack stat makes hima really nice choice for the weapon and with death blow sweep through teams with ease. Axe breaker can be used to power through armours like Hector and Amelia.