Katy Perry Turned Me Gay! (my Chaotic Katy Perry Makeup Tutorial)
Katy Perry Turned Me Gay! 🏳️🌈😳😱 (my chaotic katy perry makeup tutorial)
More Posts from Boybasher
Late Bloomer 🥀 (my alternative outcast poem reading)
my poem:
I bloom as fast as the flowers
Late in June
I take a while
Do you know I was a kid once?
I still wear the same sweater, from back when I was 14
Back when I had nobody to please
Just being me or the “me” my parents let me be
I can’t wait my turn
Not no more
Patience is a lie
When you’re growing inside, all the time
Cross the road when you want
The time is now
Fuck the clock
German Shepard on a chain
Remind me of what my days were
Back when scribbling with chalk on the sidewalk, was all I really wanted
Vapes on the floor
Ditching class and failing p.e
Abandoned car seat
You never really grow up of being a baby
I don’t shine like the sun
Glimmer like the moon
Don’t look at me, not on purpose
Only because you can’t look away
Pay attention to me, what do you do want from me?
I’m only giving myself out for free
For the feelings daddy couldn’t give me
The older, the better
The younger, the meaner
More insecure
I’m too 23 to feel free
Give me 30, 40, 50
Love my generation but not enough to kiss them. Date em
Too mentally crazy
And I’m just like them
You can find me hiding in The Alleys
Where’s it’s quiet
And the strays skip happily
Bet you can’t look away, once you do
It’s kiss me or harm me
No in-between
Want me or trap me
Hold my soul, likes it’s yours to own
Can’t catch a butterfly
Can’t force the wind
I’ll be your girl
If you promise me one wish
I’m looking for a daddy
Not a dad
There’s a difference
One you only call after midnight
One never calls you back
poem: Late Bloomer by Roger Awkward, (2023).
Looking For Love 📱 (my gay dating apps movie and katy perry music video)
False Hope 💀 (my emo goth style look book and anti religion poem reading)
my poem:
What starts at home, spills outward
Trapped in my own sorrow, I’m just like you
Human like you
That’s my only flaw
I’m built to breathe
Built to live
Decay by the day
I only wanna be alive when the sun’s down
Kicked out of society
2 feet on the ground
But I only see what’s outside of me
Remind myself of the holy
Til something ugly shocks me
God, I’m human
Nobody’s daddy
Don’t wanna harm no body
Just want a somebody
Not just another body
I don’t touch mine
Why waste your time, I can’t be your dream
I’m only pretty when I’m not thinking
Dare ask me to speak
I wear my ugly
Can’t hide me
Trust me I tried
But it oozes out like black jelly
Overgrown roots and dirt under my nails
No amount of nail polish can make this in between boy pretty
Trust me I’ve been trying
But nobody gets me
poem: False Hope by boybasher, (2023).