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7 months ago
 Kora Yuumei - Oc Info And Ref Sheet !!

💟 Kora Yuumei - oc info and ref sheet !! 💟

(A silly Yuu in a trio of Grace from @babyghoul138/Hana from @theolivetree123)

A 2020 inspired/alternative

 Kora Yuumei - Oc Info And Ref Sheet !!

💟 Basic info ! 💟

Pronouns: she/they

Sexuality: bisexual

Dorm: Ramshackle

Age: 18 (idk what year)

Height: 5’4(5’7 with platorms)

Class: 3-A

Club: N/A yet

Dominant hand: ambidextrous

Homeland: Japan (born somewhere else but adopted by Japanese couple)

Birthday: February 5th

Best Class: Mainly mathematics

Hobbies: styling, making DIY clothes, hanging out with other Yuus, napping, learning about drama, baking, eating at cafes

Nicknames: Maomao fish (Floyd), maîtresse du rose (rook), Koko (close friends), Yume (socials name)

Lover: yet to be decided ?

Likes: eating at cafes, her fans, music, fashion stores, malls, legs/hand warmers, cute brands, cats, bunnies, being underestimated, warm milk, K-pop, collaborations, learning the fashion of other cultures, trying to crossdress

Dislikes: disagreements, Mr Trein waking her up, thunderstorms, barking of dogs, anyone who thinks she’s childish for how she dresses, when she’s left on read,

 Kora Yuumei - Oc Info And Ref Sheet !!

💟 Personality 💟

An airhead who carries a gifted brain, she’s smart but doesn’t feel the need to use it if it doesn’t help with her interests, leading to her to be dozing off in classes but ace her assignments (granted, she always turns her homework in late..)

She’s never aware of her surroundings and gets lost easily, wandering off to wherever catches her eye, always being a lazy bum until you wave a treat in front of her.

They never curse, but when they do, that means they’re genuinely enraged, does that make them threatening in the slightest? No, but they do have spikes on their shoes…

They’re sarcastic, but with their soft tone sometimes what they say gets miscommunicated, something Kora wants to work on.

A constant: :3 or >:3 face

 Kora Yuumei - Oc Info And Ref Sheet !!

💟 Unique Magic: N/A 💟

 Kora Yuumei - Oc Info And Ref Sheet !!

💟 Relationships 💟

Hana, or Mami, as Kora calls her, Kora knew about gyarus, never seeing one before in the wild, Kora was immediately impressed by her. But Kora at first muted their respect and admiration for the older woman, but as they grew closer, Kora learned that despite all that, Mami was another human. They met her after they met Grace.

Grace and kora met at the opening ceremony, Kora noticed the iconic raccoon stripes of hair and jumped for joy, another girl that didn’t know what the duck was going on, who also had a great fashion taste! Grace’s presence soothed Kora and she just followed the scene girl around like a puppy.

More to be added?

 Kora Yuumei - Oc Info And Ref Sheet !!

💟 Back story 💟

Growing up with Asian parents, Kora was occupied with studies in no time, but they still loved their parents as they had a reward system for her. Good grades, purchase whatever you want.

A child prodigy, studying WAYYYY ahead of her grade, always at the top. It bored her.

Then as high school end grew near, Kora was a bit bored and decided to try and be on social media more, started with cute pictures of insta to fashion tips on YouTube, then a streamer by the start of senior year.

Her cute style and eye catching, desirable outfits caught attention of millions, leading her to be very successful, her parents knew what kinda of person kora was, and while they were against it at first. They eventually gave Kora the trust and time.

Her fans are called ‘dreamers’ as she encourages them to dream, and that if life is that boring, the least you could do it dream.

Symbolism: N/A

 Kora Yuumei - Oc Info And Ref Sheet !!

💟 Songs to Explain ! 💟

Trio goals (Kora/Grace/Hana)

IT GIRL - Aliyah’s Interlude

Sue Me - Sabrina Carpenter

Looking at Me -Sabrina Carpenter

サインはB - B Komachi


Espresso - Sabrina Carpenter

Please Please Please - Sabrina Carpenter

wutiwant - saraunh0ly

Fboys Anonymous - Poutyface

Savage - Bahari

Still With You - Jungkook (vibe)

Attention - New Jeans

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7 months ago
 Kora Yuumei - Oc Info And Ref Sheet !!

💟 Kora Yuumei - oc info and ref sheet !! 💟

(A silly Yuu in a trio of Grace from @babyghoul138/Hana from @theolivetree123)

A 2020 inspired/alternative

 Kora Yuumei - Oc Info And Ref Sheet !!

💟 Basic info ! 💟

Pronouns: she/they

Sexuality: bisexual

Dorm: Ramshackle

Age: 18 (idk what year)

Height: 5’4(5’7 with platorms)

Class: 3-A

Club: N/A yet

Dominant hand: ambidextrous

Homeland: Japan (born somewhere else but adopted by Japanese couple)

Birthday: February 5th

Best Class: Mainly mathematics

Hobbies: styling, making DIY clothes, hanging out with other Yuus, napping, learning about drama, baking, eating at cafes

Nicknames: Maomao fish (Floyd), maîtresse du rose (rook), Koko (close friends), Yume (socials name)

Lover: yet to be decided ?

Likes: eating at cafes, her fans, music, fashion stores, malls, legs/hand warmers, cute brands, cats, bunnies, being underestimated, warm milk, K-pop, collaborations, learning the fashion of other cultures, trying to crossdress

Dislikes: disagreements, Mr Trein waking her up, thunderstorms, barking of dogs, anyone who thinks she’s childish for how she dresses, when she’s left on read,

 Kora Yuumei - Oc Info And Ref Sheet !!

💟 Personality 💟

An airhead who carries a gifted brain, she’s smart but doesn’t feel the need to use it if it doesn’t help with her interests, leading to her to be dozing off in classes but ace her assignments (granted, she always turns her homework in late..)

She’s never aware of her surroundings and gets lost easily, wandering off to wherever catches her eye, always being a lazy bum until you wave a treat in front of her.

They never curse, but when they do, that means they’re genuinely enraged, does that make them threatening in the slightest? No, but they do have spikes on their shoes…

They’re sarcastic, but with their soft tone sometimes what they say gets miscommunicated, something Kora wants to work on.

A constant: :3 or >:3 face

 Kora Yuumei - Oc Info And Ref Sheet !!

💟 Unique Magic: N/A 💟

 Kora Yuumei - Oc Info And Ref Sheet !!

💟 Relationships 💟

Hana, or Mami, as Kora calls her, Kora knew about gyarus, never seeing one before in the wild, Kora was immediately impressed by her. But Kora at first muted their respect and admiration for the older woman, but as they grew closer, Kora learned that despite all that, Mami was another human. They met her after they met Grace.

Grace and kora met at the opening ceremony, Kora noticed the iconic raccoon stripes of hair and jumped for joy, another girl that didn’t know what the duck was going on, who also had a great fashion taste! Grace’s presence soothed Kora and she just followed the scene girl around like a puppy.

More to be added?

 Kora Yuumei - Oc Info And Ref Sheet !!

💟 Back story 💟

Growing up with Asian parents, Kora was occupied with studies in no time, but they still loved their parents as they had a reward system for her. Good grades, purchase whatever you want.

A child prodigy, studying WAYYYY ahead of her grade, always at the top. It bored her.

Then as high school end grew near, Kora was a bit bored and decided to try and be on social media more, started with cute pictures of insta to fashion tips on YouTube, then a streamer by the start of senior year.

Her cute style and eye catching, desirable outfits caught attention of millions, leading her to be very successful, her parents knew what kinda of person kora was, and while they were against it at first. They eventually gave Kora the trust and time.

Her fans are called ‘dreamers’ as she encourages them to dream, and that if life is that boring, the least you could do it dream.

Symbolism: N/A

 Kora Yuumei - Oc Info And Ref Sheet !!

💟 Songs to Explain ! 💟

Trio goals (Kora/Grace/Hana)

IT GIRL - Aliyah’s Interlude

Sue Me - Sabrina Carpenter

Looking at Me -Sabrina Carpenter

サインはB - B Komachi


Espresso - Sabrina Carpenter

Please Please Please - Sabrina Carpenter

wutiwant - saraunh0ly

Fboys Anonymous - Poutyface

Savage - Bahari

Still With You - Jungkook (vibe)

Attention - New Jeans

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1 year ago

God Bless Me 🕊️ (my soft goth style look book and emo girl poem reading)



my poem:

Why does no one like me?

Am I not pretty

Was I easier to love when I was 13

Scruffy face and soft thighs

Rigid thoughts and crooked teeth

I’m fixated on someone who isn’t alive

Dreaming of a better me

Leaves me feeling lonely

Ripped soles, ripped soul

I’m already bleeding

Jab the steel in deeper

Fingers like metal

Cold and boney

Artificial Intelligence

What’s the point of living

Don’t mind me

I forgot the world exists outside of me sometimes

Shy and nervous

I’m scared and anxious

Just ignore me

I forget there’s other people breathing

Don’t wanna be seen

Stop looking at me

I’m fake hair and too much eyeliner

Walking past the beach

I’m used to puddles and jagged streets

Never been somewhere where I could just be me

Stare at me but I just don’t care

Dark Chocolate

I’m not as sweet as you think

Not as dark as I seem

My scopes so small

And my eyesights pretty bad

I’m pretty in the mirror

Behind the digital camera

But never in person

Kiss me til I can’t feel my toes

Heaven Is For Real

Ain’t just a movie

Living in hell

Is just another Tuesday for me

Who wears boots to the beach?

A hipster wannabe

Is all I’ll ever be

But hey, at least the boys think I’m sexy

Dirty blondes

Oversized tank tops

Sweaty, so shiny

You’re the highlight of my day

I wish I could be under you

As I pass by with my head down

Dodging eyeballs

As if they were bullets

I don’t give smiles out for free

Unless you entice me

Little kids building sand castles

As big brother kicks them down

That’s life for you

God loves you

But only on Sundays

Melted ice cream

I’m dripping for you too

I can’t accept your drink

I don’t let my guard down just for anybody

Unless a paycheck is involved

I only see me

And I’m not used to giving in

Expensive Prescriptions

Big fake teeth

We don’t belong here

Yet i try so hard to fit it

In a place so temporary

Would god mind if we shared a sin?



poem: God Bless Me by dark baby, (2023).

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