brbuttons - Buttons & Co.
Buttons & Co.

[⚠️ 16+ - we post/talk about horror/heavy/suggestive art at times]

359 posts

Daily Diary Doodle - #001 - Oh Joy

Daily Diary Doodle - #001 - Oh Joy

Daily Diary Doodle - #001 - Oh Joy

One square book, 366 blank pages, and the life of many in one: the Doodle Diary! Last year we did around 200 drawings in all different mediums, expressions, and efforts, pushing ourselves to experiment more over anything. Yes, we didn't do all 366, but I'm damn proud that we got as far as that. ⠀ New Year, New Book; and this year it’s an exercise in restraint-- to understand that quick and scribbly is fine even in comparison to neat and perfect. Ultimately, we're trying to keep it more on the simple side: one or two mediums per, more typography, etc. Hopefully our social media will reflect that too; we’re trying to not be so specific on what we post, to lessen the grip of the algorithm mentally.


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More Posts from Brbuttons

4 years ago
The Archives - 2017 - Echoes Of Time
The Archives - 2017 - Echoes Of Time
The Archives - 2017 - Echoes Of Time

the Archives - 2017 - Echoes of Time

One of the first big background pieces we ever did- or at least one of the first we were proud of. The fixation on Chromie & the Bronze Dragons was super strong back then, which was likely the only thing driving us to actually finish something so stupidly complex.

If we ever go back to WoW, we’ll have to finally do her questline.

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4 years ago
System Sketches From The Last Year Or So. Drawn By Various Alters, Of Various Alters, And Of Our Inner
System Sketches From The Last Year Or So. Drawn By Various Alters, Of Various Alters, And Of Our Inner
System Sketches From The Last Year Or So. Drawn By Various Alters, Of Various Alters, And Of Our Inner
System Sketches From The Last Year Or So. Drawn By Various Alters, Of Various Alters, And Of Our Inner

System sketches from the last year or so. Drawn by various Alters, of various Alters, and of our Inner World.

It’s been a stressful, insightful, eventful journey since the May of 2019, having found out we had Dissociative Identity Disorder. A lot of things started to make sense, but in that, a lot of things were new and unrelenting. Those ‘episodes’ we had suddenly had a name- dissociation- and those ‘overbearing reactions’ had a reason- emotional flashbacks- and god our host was in such heavy denial of it all for so long.

But eventually the confusion let up a little, and we started accepting it, and working together to find coping mechanisms, and using our openness of it all to help educate others and fight the stigma. Things got better, but it’s still been incredibly tough. So, to see if it helps piece the puzzles of our fragmented being together, we’ve tried to document things in amongst the forgetting.

- Atlas

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4 years ago
Hypnos, God Of Sleep

Hypnos, God of Sleep

You know what we haven’t done in a while? Dissociated heavily, and come back to scribbles drawn by an unknown Alter. At first I thought it was the Hypnos Introject that turned up a few days back, but he claims it’s not him...

so that poses the question of ‘who?’

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4 years ago
Mr Kensington; The Primary Protector -- 28 - He/they - Marionette

Mr Kensington; the primary Protector -- 28 - he/they - marionette

Some of you might actually remember Mr Kensington, one of two matching marionettes that we once thought characters, and eventually ‘Mental Guides’. In all actuality- and in hindsight it’s so very obvious- they were both Alters.

Mr K’s been looking out for us since childhood, primarily handling high-intensity situations that the others can’t handle. He's had to put up with a lot of shit, and we’re incredibly appreciative of him and his logical, no-nonsense attitude, and even- dare I say it- his sarcasm.~

- Atlas

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4 years ago
We All Scream, For Ice Cream! And Mr. Joy Will Make Sure Of That.~-- Sketches By Miss K & Atlas --
We All Scream, For Ice Cream! And Mr. Joy Will Make Sure Of That.~-- Sketches By Miss K & Atlas --
We All Scream, For Ice Cream! And Mr. Joy Will Make Sure Of That.~-- Sketches By Miss K & Atlas --

We all Scream, for Ice Cream! And Mr. Joy will make sure of that.⁣~ -- sketches by miss k & atlas --

Some character concepts for our newest OC, Jamerson Joy. He's your friendly, reliable neighbourhood Ice Cream Man! Except, you don't remember having a neighbourhood Ice Cream Man. And it's the dead of Winter...⁣ ⁣ So why is he outside your house? And why does he look at you like he's... Hungry?⁣ There’s more info on our Ice Cream God over on

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