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477 posts
Were Re-reading A Christmas Carol. And All I Can Think About Is
We’re re-reading A Christmas Carol. And all I can think about is…
Cry of Fear Christmas Carol where Simon is Scrooge, or the Scrooge Adjacent figure (because not everything has to be EXACTLY the same as the original.)
That… that is all. I can fucking see it so clearly in my mind. Why is it so fucking clear in my mind to have Simon as Scrooge??
ceenslol liked this · 1 year ago
us-the-voices-and-more-voices-2 liked this · 1 year ago
bstroobery liked this · 1 year ago
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Um… hey, can you explain this a little more clearly? Sorry the response confused me a little bit.
Why exactly is it 90% the system though?? Not trying to be mean. Just curious.
Another poll kinda related to the earlier one that is less specific.
Uh… sent a message to my source with the hosts’ approval… I deleted the message I sent to them afterwards because I realize now that it was just about sending it and not if they got it or not. So… I highly suggest creating fake messaging apps were you can send shit to people and never have to deal with them actually reading them.
It’s therapeutic.
Purnell told me that’s not a good idea but whatever
to your most recent post, it sucks to say but i think ppl think that the whole system is accountable because non-systems think that systems aren’t actually multiple people :( i don’t think system members should have to be responsible for one person’s actions, but it would be extremely hard for singlets to understand that
That makes sense. It does suck though, especially since my headmates have 0 control over my own actions. It just boggles my mind.
Like… I can understand why someone would block the system for the actions of one alter, since it’s the only way to block that alter really, but to hold the entire system accountable for one person’s actions…
It’s something I really hate about being a system. Especially since if I were my own person outside this system they would say I alone was responsible and should be at fault for my actions.
It really sucks that some of the nicest people I know are marked by this and being held accountable for things they didn’t do…
Thank you for answering! It was really helpful!
Being a factive really sucks, especially if you’re a factive of someone a lot of people know. Because I remember my life, but it’s not my life, but it is as well. Like… I’m me but I know I’m not me, and I’m scared to actually be me in case the orignal me comes into contact with me. Y’know??