bstroobery - Blue Strawberry System
Blue Strawberry System

Welcome to our main tumblr blog! We are the Blue Strawberry System!Our most active alters on this blog are shown above. From left to right: 🔦, 🍞, 📖, 🍓, 🧡🐍, 💀, 💻, 📺, and 🍄

477 posts

Were Re-reading A Christmas Carol. And All I Can Think About Is

We’re re-reading A Christmas Carol. And all I can think about is…

Cry of Fear Christmas Carol where Simon is Scrooge, or the Scrooge Adjacent figure (because not everything has to be EXACTLY the same as the original.)

That… that is all. I can fucking see it so clearly in my mind. Why is it so fucking clear in my mind to have Simon as Scrooge??


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    ceenslol liked this · 1 year ago
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    bstroobery liked this · 1 year ago

More Posts from Bstroobery

1 year ago

Ok! That makes perfect sense! It’s great to know that the definition we’d been given is wrong. That was what was getting me the most really, I guess.

But yeah, I get it. :)


Ok so… in response to this poll that I made last night, why is the entire system at fault for what one alter did?

Because if everyone was their own separate person outside of the system, then the blame would be placed on that one person who fucked up.

You wouldn’t go around blaming their friends, family, and entire social group for what they did, right? Or would you?

Because last I checked, the only person responsible for someone’s actions is themself in the end. You can try to sway them, you can manipulate them, you can convince them, but ultimately they have a final say in their actions.

At least that’s what I’ve been taught.

So please enlighten me on why the entire system is at fault for the actions of one alter? I am just trying to learn why so I can try and better myself and keep all of my headmates from being at fault for my own stupid actions. /gen


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1 year ago

Another poll kinda related to the earlier one that is less specific.


Important edit:

See fault as who should be held most accountable for the action.

Also, the responses that this has gotten so far have really helped because a lot of this was extremely related to our system’s past trauma from being emotionally abused (being given a bullshit definition of system responsibility, being “held accountable” wasn’t to make amends but to be held at fault and shamed/blamed no matter how much you tried to change and get better, and those internalized beliefs affecting my own view of myself through feeling as if I should feel guilty despite trying everything I could to make amends for what I did)

Thank you to everyone who responded to this already. Your responses have been truly helpful! :)

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1 year ago



1 year ago

Ok… kinda tangent from this post I made a few minutes ago:

We got a tattoo recently. And… it’s helped me a lot all of a sudden. This tattoo. Right here.

Ok Kinda Tangent From This Post I Made A Few Minutes Ago:

A semicolon with a heart. Blue’s attempt to remind us all that we are loved, and that we should never give up. Gotten in an attempt to give our system inspiration to work through each day.

So… knowing that we’re all loved and can lean on each other in this system does help a bit…


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