bstroobery - Blue Strawberry System
Blue Strawberry System

Welcome to our main tumblr blog! We are the Blue Strawberry System!Our most active alters on this blog are shown above. From left to right: šŸ”¦, šŸž, šŸ“–, šŸ“, šŸ§”šŸ, šŸ’€, šŸ’», šŸ“ŗ, and šŸ„

477 posts

Um. Changing My Proxy From To Just To Make It Easier For Myself. So Just So Peeps Are Aware. K. Bye :)

Umā€¦. Changing my proxy from šŸ©¶šŸ‘» to šŸ”¦ just to make it easier for myself. Soā€¦ just so peeps are aware. K. Bye :)


  • bstroobery
    bstroobery liked this · 1 year ago

More Posts from Bstroobery

1 year ago

Hey Taleblr. Justā€¦ wanna make an official hiatus post for the fandom, I guess. I know I havenā€™t actually posted anything related to this fandom in awhile, soā€¦ yeah XD

I mean my last post was done inā€¦ November. Iā€™ve had a lot of ideas, especially for the TMNTPIE AU, and Iā€™ve been bouncing them around in headspace here butā€¦ I havenā€™t found the time to do anything with it. And I wonā€™t for awhile probably.

We as a system have been working on ourselves a lot. I wonā€™t go into specifics because itā€™s nobodyā€™s business but our own. However, I just want to be somewhat clear about this in case anyone thought I died or dropped the fandom or something.

I want 2024 to be our year. Weā€™ve gone through a lot of shit throughout 2023. There was justā€¦ so much going on. I wonā€™t give a bunch of details because, again itā€™s no oneā€™s business but our own, but weā€™ve gone through so much to finally feel comfortable as a system and within our own skin. Likeā€¦ itā€™s taken all of us so long to finally be comfortable as we are. Weā€™ve done so much work over the past few months and will continue to do so during this year as well. Itā€™s an ever going journey, but it needs to be a major focus for us right now before school starts back up.

Soā€¦ an official hiatus post for the taleblr fandom. Iā€™ll still likely reblog stuff here, butā€¦ uhā€¦ yeah.

Until next time Taleblr! Because I definitely will be back!

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1 year ago

Our family: Youā€™ve got a major obsession with Handsome Jackā€¦

JackšŸŽ­, fronting but trying to mask currently: Yeah. Weird huh?

JackšŸŽ­, in headspace: I am egotistical, arenā€™t Iā€¦?

BluešŸ“: Yeah. But youā€™re not the only one with the obsession/hyperfixation currently

JackšŸŽ­: Meaning????


RhysšŸ¦¾: Why is everyone staring at meā€¦?

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1 year ago

Our Singletsona!!

Our Singletsona!!


Our Singletsona!!


Our Singletsona!!


Name: [Redacted for our privacy because itā€™s the same as the bodyā€™s :/]

Gender: Nonbinary (specifically Demi-girl) and uses literally any pronouns (mostly found people use she/they tho)

Sexuality: Demisexual and demiromantic (listen, we as a system need to all agree for our partner if we ever have one outside the system mkay?)

Likes: Snakes, cute stuff, creepy stuff, walking (only liked physical activity), drawing, writing, cats, bunnies, Halloween, coffee, sushi, sweets, fall, winter, cold temperatures, swimming, music (literally cannot travel without music. It is a MUST HAVE)

Hates: Birds, spiders, physical activity, pizza, chocolate covered potato chips (do not ask), painting, summer, hot temperatures, Christianity (the overall religion, but those who practice it are ok as individuals we promi)

Hobbies: drawing, writing, reading, watching YouTube, cooking, baking

Personality: shy around new people but confident around people they know, worried about money and finances often, teacher, loves working with kids and wants to help them succeed, wants to promote autonomy in kids but understands that some kids donā€™t want autonomy yet, pagan (yes our entire system is pagan too. No judging), practices witchcraft, switches between cute clothes and a t-shirt and jeans depending on the day and whatā€™s available to wear, packs a lunch daily to work and school because of strict dietary restrictions (gluten intolerance, lactose intolerance, and diabetes make it impossible to safely eat school or restaurant foods), but also isnā€™t a picky eater, has anxiety and depression, absolutely insane /pos, talks to herself OFTEN, very imaginative and creative, so fucking socially awkward itā€™s not even funny, nicest person youā€™ll ever meet (if I had a nickel for every time our friends told us we were too kind for this world I swear. Itā€™s all from Blue, but still)

We just made this because weā€™re proud of have made our singletsona as if they were an OC :3


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1 year ago
Just Realized That Blue Never Shared The Holiday Card They Made For The System So Here It Is!! :D

Just realized that Blue never shared the holiday card they made for the systemā€¦ soā€¦ here it is!! :D

Yes this is what the front looks like to us. And yes itā€™s always this crowded, but thereā€™s more space behind the couch we promise.

People pictured (from left to right top to bottom), we have: Deathā˜ ļø, SimonšŸ“–, BluešŸ“, ToastšŸž, GhostšŸ©¶šŸ‘» (me), Sebastian, BlueberryšŸ”µ, JaydenšŸ§ø, SophiešŸ¹, DavidšŸ’Š, Andrasā›ˆļø, MiyošŸŒø, and KiyokašŸ’„.

Happy (late) holidays everyone!

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