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History Of Maria Padilha
History of Maria Padilha
In 1334, in the Spanish city of Seville (in the homonymous province), a woman (an influential courtesan or high-class prostitute) who determined the fate of a European court. Dona Maria Padilla, from lover to queen, influenced King Dom Pedro I of Castile (1334-1369) in the most important decisions, such as the mode of government and the negotiation of his marriage to Branca de Bourbon, aiming at an alliance with France.
Among the most common offerings for this phalanx are: farofa padê with palm oil, champagne, cigarettes, earrings, bracelets, necklaces and candles, in addition to red roses. His favorite colors are usually red and black.
Which Maria Padilha exist?
Among the various sub-phalanges are:
Maria Padilha do Cruzeiro das Almas - Omolu-Obaluaê/Iansã Line Maria Padilha da Encruzilhada - Line of Ogum Maria Padilha do Cemitério - Omolu-Obaluaê Line Maria Padilha da Kalunga - Oxum/Iemanjá Line Maria Padilha das Sete Catatumbas / Sete Tombs - Omolu-Obaluaê Line Maria Padilha da Navalha - Line of Oxum Maria Padilha das Sete Saias - Line of OxumHistory of Maria Padilha
In 1334, in the Spanish city of Seville (in the homonymous province), a woman (an influential courtesan or high-class prostitute) who determined the fate of a European court. Dona Maria Padilla, from lover to queen, influenced King Dom Pedro I of Castile (1334-1369) in the most important decisions, such as the mode of government and the negotiation of his marriage to Branca de Bourbon, aiming at an alliance with France.
Among the most common offerings for this phalanx are: farofa padê with palm oil, champagne, cigarettes, earrings, bracelets, necklaces and candles, in addition to red roses. His favorite colors are usually red and black.
Which Maria Padilha exist?
Among the various sub-phalanges are:
Maria Padilha do Cruzeiro das Almas - Omolu-Obaluaê/Iansã Line Maria Padilha da Encruzilhada - Line of Ogum Maria Padilha do Cemitério - Omolu-Obaluaê Line Maria Padilha da Kalunga - Oxum/Iemanjá Line Maria Padilha das Sete Catatumbas / Sete Tombs - Omolu-Obaluaê Line Maria Padilha da Navalha - Line of Oxum Maria Padilha das Sete Skirts - Line of Oxum
Maria Padilha

História de Maria Padilha
Em 1334, na cidade espanhola de Sevilha (na província homônima), uma mulher (influente cortesã ou prostituta grã-fina) que determinou o destino de uma corte europeia. Dona Maria Padilla, de amante a rainha, influenciou o rei Dom Pedro I de Castela (1334-1369) nas mais importantes decisões, como no modo de governo e na negociação de seu casamento com Branca de Bourbon, visando uma aliança com a França.
Entre as oferendas mais comuns para esta falange estão: padê de farofa com dendê, champanhe, cigarros, brincos, pulseiras, colares e velas, além de rosas vermelhas. Suas cores preferidas geralmente são o vermelho e o preto.
Quais Maria Padilha existem?
Entre as diversas sub-falanges estão:
Maria Padilha do Cruzeiro das Almas - Linha de Omolu-Obaluaê/Iansã Maria Padilha da Encruzilhada - Linha de Ogum Maria Padilha do Cemitério - Linha de Omolu-Obaluaê Maria Padilha da Kalunga - Linha de Oxum/Iemanjá Maria Padilha das Sete Catatumbas / Sete Tumbas - Linha de Omolu-Obaluaê Maria Padilha da Navalha - Linha de Oxum Maria Padilha das Sete Saias - Linha de Oxum
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The Subcubbuses and Incubi
The Subcubbuses and Incubi They are an energy that you have to know how to handle, because it is a very powerful energy and it can destabilize you a lot energetically and physically. Besides, the person has to cleanse himself spiritually speaking, since if the person is sexually active, he probably has "dirty" energy and may have astral larvae or could make it difficult to break ties with the succubus/incubus. .............................................................................................................................. Los Subcubbos y incubos son una energia que hay que saber manejar , Por que es una energía muy potente y te puede desestabilizar mucho energética y físicamente. aparte la persona tiene que limpiarse espiritualmente hablando ya que si la persona es sexualmente activa probablemente tenga la energia "sucia" y puede tener larvas astral o pude dificultar el romper lazos con el sucubbo/incubo.

1: When going to a cemetery, ask the Psychopomp or death deity of your choice for permission.
2:If you visit a graveyard and it has doors, you must knock on the door three times. as a form of respect and to tell the deceased that you have just arrived and that you want to pass.
3: After step 2. You can leave offerings at the same door you knocked on for the dead
4:Offerings: coins, coffee, The alcohol: Whiskey, Rum, Brandy,legumbre .
5:If you are going to collect graveyard dirt or dust. it is important that you know how that person died that is, if he died of natural causes, by engermerdo if he died calmly or violently. for this you could use some divination method, such as: the pendulum. and ask “Is the filth of this tomb suitable for my purpose?” If you get a positive answer, then ask “Is (the spirit of the tomb) willing to sell me some of its filth?” Again, if you get a positive answer ask "Is the spirit willing to accept my offering of (offering) in exchange for some of its dirt?" If you get a positive answer, then make the offering and collect the dirt. negative answer, either 1) move to another grave or 2) return to the same grave at another time.
6:If you don't have a pendulum handy then you can simply walk towards the center of the graveyard. Mentally contact the spirits around you, explain your situation and ask if there are any spirits that would be willing to help you complete your goal. So you can feel a psychic pull towards a certain grave. Once a grave is chosen, strike the headstone three times and place your palm on it mentally declaring your goal again asking the spirit if it will help you. If the spirit grants permission, then you can go pick up the dirt. Next, you will cut a small section of grass and then remove the dirt about 4-6 inches down. Never take more than you need. When you're done, place a silver penny in the hole, then replace the grass. Put your dirt in a container like a plastic bag or glass jar. Remember to label the container with the name of the deceased, as well as the dates of their birth and death. Upon returning home, you may want to put the dirt on a plate or other flat surface to dry if it's wet. Then, too, through a sieve or strainer to remove any rocks, roots, or plant matter.
Satan's Bitches

Types of water and its uses.

Sea water: good for cleansing and healing rituals, for cleansing crystals (some crystals may be damaged), check first. for banishing and protection spells. Storm water:for spells related to emotional strength, confidence, motivation and strength. Known for strengthening spells. Curses. River water: to advance, concentrate energy, protect, get the energy flowing which is also good for cleansing for this very reason. also when you do some kind of spell and you want to get rid of it or throw it away you can do it in a river.
Rainwater: Multipurpose especially for growth and rebirth spells and spells you want to keep gaining power over time. Snow water: spells that focus on purity, endings, and change. Slow working spells. Dew water, love and fertility spells, delicate magic and for fairy work.