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Altar of the ancestors(altar of the dead)

when making the Altar of the ancestors it is necessary to take these things into account: 1:not place it on the ground because it is believed that this attracts the "low astral" 2:the altar must be colaco on a base or place that is wood 3:If you are going to place a tablecloth, it is best to be white and "bright" or "happy" colors, but never in dark colors or black. 4:when placing photos of the ancestor he has to be alone, he cannot be accompanied by people who are still alive. 5:you can place offerings such as things they used to enjoy in life. like food, some garment or flowers. 6:you should always refer to them with great respect. 7:not ask them for things like they were some kind of "Genius" I mean asking them for help in situations that really deserve them. you can tell them to guide you, advise you or guide you. 8:you can also place some "religious" images or objects although this is not mandatory .
voodoo dolls.

Voodoo dolls are generally made or made with cloth and filled with cotton. but they can be made of any other type of material. such as: with corn leaves or wax. on New Orleans they do it with wooden sticks and they fill it with Spanish moss, cover it with cloth and finish making the details. and it has different uses, it is not only to inflict damage. It can be used to represent a person and help him with health problems for example. or any other kind of problem. You can also fill in with specific things: *personal "objects". *or some "herbs". and put more details if you wish. Or you can use it to make a representation of yourself and this in turn will be an "extension" of you and you can put it on your altar. so that a part of you is "accompanying" to the altar. Before using it, in general, before using it, it is "baptized" in the name of the person who is going to represent the doll.
and it is made "holy water".
or with any other type of water that is used within the "magic".
Hodooo bath with hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)

hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) is a plant that is used to clean and purify, it is mentioned in Psalm 51 of the Bible. You can use it as a bath by adding it to water, you can even add flower water, sea salt, or other types of "baths" Yes
you want it.
while reciting Psalm 51
Purify me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
Wash me and I'll be whiter than snow.

in the hooodoo the "dirt" is collected and used and it also refers to "dust" since "dust" is a type of "dirt", from a certain specific place for a specific purpose since the "dust" from that certain place has the "energy" or "quality" of that particular place from which it was obtained. and although it could be said that it is a "form" of "sympathetic magic" it is not, since in "sympathetic magic" what you do is "represent". On the other hand, in this practice what you do is take part of the "force" or "quality" of a certain place through "dirt" for a specific purpose, that is, it "works" directly with that "energy". "and not through any other means. Another important piece of information to take into account is not only to pick it up, no, it also depends on where and how you pick it up. a little dirt list of its "functions" and uses: *hospital dirt: to heal the sick. *Bank dirt: for money "jobs" and financial affairs. *House dirt: for protection, family or even "destruction". *Dirt of the Police Corps and judicial center: for justice and legal matters. *Cemetery dirt: I want to clarify that by "dirt" of the cemetery I do not mean only the "dust". I also mean the graveyard land. To deal damage to an enemy, connect with the ancestors. The dirt of the cemetery: I want to clarify that by "dirt" of the cemetery I do not mean only the "dust". I also mean the graveyard land. It should be collected with respect and first asking permission from the "guardian" of the cemetery. It would be best to know more about the death of the person in the grave. that is, if he died: of natural causes and in a calm way, or if he died by some disease, accident or violently. Having said this, go to the grave and say what you need it for, I mean dirt and or earth. after this as payment to the deceased you can put some coins or any other offering that is to your liking.
Animal Curiosities And Insects In the Hoodoo.
curiosities of animals: Rabbit's foot: it is used as a good luck charm because it is believed to bring good luck. Crocodile feet: used to win and attract good luck in gambling. Chicken eggs, and feet: Eggs: spiritual cleansing and removing disease. In general, the egg of a black hen is used, but when obtaining it, you can use another type of egg, I mean that of the white or commercial hen. Chicken feet:feet of protection and "defensive magic". Black cat:It could be said that it fulfills a double function of good and bad luck. help to regain a lost love. Black cat bone:believed to provide "invisibility" Black cat and dog hair:to cause separations and disagreements (fights). Dog manure-(Dog shit):curse enemies Crab Shell Powder:Crab Shell Powder: Powders made from the shells of the crab is first powdered and used to reverse spells and damage on a person. curiosities of insects: Bees: protection, ,good luck,marriage and love. honey is also used in sweetness and love spells. Wasps: defensive magic,confusion and fights. Red ants:they are used to curse and cause fights because they tend to get angry very easily and their bite is inflammatory and painful.
All negative energy will be returned to the sender ✨🧿


Alexis Rakun
instagram: rachaeldayart

I study tarot like I got final on it or something ..


The linking sigil is a sigil that was made back in about 2003 by a man named Arjil to break certain views of consensual reality, and to make the world a more magical place by connecting acts of magick together. This sigil was also used to assault the consensual reality of people who we’re not yet awakened, and was heavily used by the group DKMU. This symbol became famous between chaos magicians, and has become very powerful, and well-known in the magickal community.
The linking sigil is also called ellis, or the ellis sigil. Ellis is connected to all the other ellis sigils through a connection called the ellis web. This web allows the ellis sigil to call upon energies from other places where the ellis sigil was drawn, in order to empower your magickal workings with the energies that have been stored in the ellis web. The ellis web takes these energies in, and grows, evolves and becomes more powerful with each absorption of these particularly creative energies. The linking sigil can also be tagged in places in order for them to become more magickal, or haunted. Though it is said this can only be done in places that have at least a small affinity for magickal working, or to be haunted. The ellis sigil also has the power to awaken people to the magickal World, and to imprint upon them a reality that is more magickal, and weird. The symbol can be brought into your magickal practice to connect you with people that have used it in the past, and to put a little bit of your magick inside the ellis web. To do this the sigil can be added into any spell, sigil, or magickal practice that you will do to add a little bit more extra flavor into your working. All it has to do is be nearby in order to effect, and take in certain energies. Ellis has also been said to have over the course of time evolved into a thoughtform. This thoughtform is said to act like a guardian over the ellis web, and has been known not to take people’s shit. She is really more of a godform due to the fact of her higher power, and connection to multiple places, and people. Ellis is said to be a spider queen, and also the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland. Ellis mostly appears to people as a red headed woman. She is said to represent aspects of child, lover, and crone. Ellis is powerful, and intelligent, and can be used, and worked with in a myriad of different ways.

instagram: spectral_skully

I have power here
Draw this sigil anywhere to expand your turf, mark your boundaries, power up your spells, embolden your abilities...
Tarot Initiation (Iniciación al Tarot)

for those who have Cactus in their house or wish to have one You should keep in mind that there are certain types of Cacti that are better to have outside the house, for example: those types of cacti that are very large and have large spikes. since on the spiritual side spiked plants are generally used for defensive "magic" and in closed spaces this can cause fights and arguments in your home. It is best to have a small cactus with not very large spikes for the interior of your home. I want to clarify that this applies to other types of plants that are also pointed. image:desertgardencare
Visualization in Witchcraft: The Basics
I’ve gotten many, many requests for more information for beginning witches or those who are just curious, and I’ve decided it’s time I start writing and posting such things more often. This article will be (one of) the first in a series where I’ll talk about common beginner issues an techniques for those just starting out, skills that I personally found useful early on, and anything else that comes up. My plan is mostly to write based on questions I receive, and address topics as needed. Here we go.
Today, I’ll be writing about visualization, and I’ll just be explaining the basics as I see them. I recently got a message from someone interested in studying witchcraft who was concerned about how to begin practicing without having to buy things. This is a common sentiment, and I get questions about it a lot. There’s not too many authors who address it, except in passing. The books that do talk about practicing witchcraft without tools often suggest learning to astrally project and creating a sort of sacred space in the astral realm containing all the tools you might need. This never seemed practical to me, as many people who are just starting out won’t necessarily be able to fully project, and heck, even many experienced witches never quite pick up the skill.
A far better approach than trying to astrally project right away would be to study visualization and develop it as a skill. Visualization is the art of manipulating your own imagination in order to create vivid experiences within your own mind. This practice sharpens your intuition and magical acuity. Even many rituals and spells in books (with or without suggesting tools) will call for the witch to visualize, though they may not call it that, and sometimes say “imagine” instead.
It’s perhaps best explained by way of examples, and can take many forms with varying levels of complexity. Sometimes, you might want to visualize something as existing within your physical space. In other words, you would want to strongly imagine it appearing to you as if it were physically in front of you. In one particular ritual I used to perform regularly (it was for banishing), part of it entailed my strongly imagining a pentagram in a particular color left in the wake of my ritual actions. That’s a form of visualization. This may sound like a simple thing, but it does take practice.
After a while, though, I got to the point where yes, I could “see” the pentagrams surrounding me in the ritual, though I knew it was actually a visualization sprung from my imagination rather than a physical object hanging in the air. Techniques like that are pretty common, and they aren’t a new thing - books written in the Victorian era and earlier will often recommend doing this, though the word visualization itself wasn’t often used.
Many witches and magicians incorporate visualization into simple symbol and sigil magick. In the image below, I’ve listed the planetary symbols and associated colors. While many people, when working with symbols, would assume they’d need to carve, draw, or sketch the symbol on a physical talisman or something similar, there are other ways.

One technique using visualization would be to trace the symbol in the air with your finger. You would visualize light in a particular color (of your choice, or relevant in some way) flowing from your fingertips and forming the symbol hanging in the air. The length of time you’ll be able to visualize will likely vary based on how long you’ve practiced, as well as whether there’s anything breaking your concentration. In some settings, I can only “hold” the symbol in my mind for a few seconds before it’s interrupted by something in my environment. Conversely, I can think of a ritual I recently did with a partner that involved visualizing symbols. We did this in a quiet room and with much mental preparation, so I was able to “see” the symbols for much longer than in other situations.
All of that, of course, is going to be done with your eyes open, visualizing objects in your physical space. Things can get pretty interesting if you close your eyes, though! Obviously, you wouldn’t be moving around doing a ritual with closed eyes, but it’s possible to work magick while sitting (or even lying down!) with your eyes closed performing an intense visualization. Some people find this easier than open eye visualization, but for others, it’s the reverse. It just depends on the person.
One mistake I made when learning this type of visualization was trying to make my visuals too complex too quickly, not realizing that these things take time, and complicated, immersive scenes are something that has to develop slowly. One way of beginning is to start with, again, symbols, visualizing them projected on the back of your eyelids.
Simple shapes, like line drawings, are great to begin with, too. Slowly add color and depth, and eventually you’ll be able to build a proper scene inside your mind. This could consist of imagining the workspace you’ve always dreamed of with everything you would need for any kind of spell, but for many witches, the visualization is the spell itself. I find that method more productive than just imagining tools. Experimentation is key, and you’ll find something that works for you, but one common method of using visualization in spellwork would be to visualize the goal of the spell manifesting in an efficacious manner. For example, if I were visualizing as part of a spell to help a friend’s wedding go smoothly with no mishaps or delays, I would visualize exactly that happening.

There is, naturally, a strong connection between visualization and scrying, and usually improving your skills in one will improve your skills in the other. In the image below, I discuss how scrying can often be much more than just seeing images, and that is true of visualization as well - you can experience any sensation or impression via visualization, be it auditory, visual, olfactory, or really anything else.

The owls are not what they seem. If the elites want to play with pagan gods, let the pagan gods awaken in them care for the environment and compassion for all peoples and living things…

Sansevieria trifasciata Cow's tongue or also called mother-in-law's tongue It can be placed in the corner of your home or on the door of your home to stop gossipers or gossips.
Types of water and its uses.

Sea water: good for cleansing and healing rituals, for cleansing crystals (some crystals may be damaged), check first. for banishing and protection spells. Storm water:for spells related to emotional strength, confidence, motivation and strength. Known for strengthening spells. Curses. River water: to advance, concentrate energy, protect, get the energy flowing which is also good for cleansing for this very reason. also when you do some kind of spell and you want to get rid of it or throw it away you can do it in a river.
Rainwater: Multipurpose especially for growth and rebirth spells and spells you want to keep gaining power over time. Snow water: spells that focus on purity, endings, and change. Slow working spells. Dew water, love and fertility spells, delicate magic and for fairy work.

Hail Mary full of Grace, punch the devil in the face.. Not just a funny rhyme.