
🇩🇪 / 🇪🇸 Tarot reader and artist. I will never offer any Tarot/Oracle readings for money via DM. 🔗 Linktree 🔗☕ Buy me a coffee ☕

337 posts

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5 months ago
 LEO A Chance For Fulfilling A (Small) Wish

♌ LEO ♌ A Chance for Fulfilling a (Small) Wish

Disclaimer Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree ( – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Deck used: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot VIII of Wands, IV of Wands, Death The cards imply that attending a reunion or otherwise getting (back) in contact with old friends or family would be a good idea for you. Serendipity might just grant you the chance/sudden insight to fulfill a wish you’ve been harboring at these occasions. Be prepared to take bold action and do not stop to think for too long when opportunity smiles, as the chance is fickle and fleeting.

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6 months ago
Photos By Carina Sibila(c) 2024 Carina Sibila
Photos By Carina Sibila(c) 2024 Carina Sibila
Photos By Carina Sibila(c) 2024 Carina Sibila

Photos by Carina Sibila (c) 2024 Carina Sibila

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6 months ago
PICK A CARDAttaining A Balance Of Light And Darkness This Mabon Season

PICK A CARD Attaining a Balance of Light and Darkness This Mabon Season

Disclaimer: Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree ( – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Decks used in this reading: Kitty Kahane Tarot Blue Bird Lenormand* Enchanted Spell Oracle** PILE 1 The High Priestess, Garden*, Good Fortune** Back of the deck: V of Wands The cards warn you that the relationship between your inner light and darkness is dangerously unbalanced – throwing your inner life into chaos. This is mostly due to you no longer listening to your intuition/spiritual insights in order to please other people and protect your image. The good news is that Mabon Season is the right time to change course and work on finding a new balance. PILE 2 VI of Cups, Sun*, Illumination** Back of the deck: V of Swords The cards indicate that, to some degree, you’ve neglected to nurture the qualities of lightness and goodness in your heart. Wordly/material concerns have led you to a place where you value ‘toughness’ a little bit too much. To find balance, you should meditate on more innocent times and let more positive energies into your life – without them overshadowing the darkness fully, of course. PILE 3 Ace of Pentacles, Young Man*, Energy** Back of the deck: III of Wands You seem to be struggling with finding a balance, and the ensuing frustration and negative energies only put your goal further out of reach. The cards reveal that the most likely source of this problem is an unresolved situation from your past weighing you down. To work through this, you should try a plethora of approaches and keep at it – sooner or later, you’ll stumble upon a resolution.

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6 months ago
 CANCER What Is Currently Blocking You?

♋ CANCER ♋ What Is Currently Blocking You?

Disclaimer Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree ( – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Deck used: Kitty Kahane Tarot Strength, Knight of Swords, VIII of Swords The cards reveal that, perhaps without being aware of it, you’ve allowed yourself to be beset by self-doubts and anxieties, in the worst case even to the point of practically being paralyzed when confronted with opportunity. Right now, your focus should be on yourself: work on breaking out of this self-created mental cage and (re)discover your inner strength.

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6 months ago
PICK A CARDPersonal Development Reading (September 2024)

PICK A CARD Personal Development Reading (September 2024)

Disclaimer: Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree ( – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Decks used in this reading: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Blue Bird Lenormand* Enchanted Spell Oracle** PILE 1 Queen of Pentacles, Sun*, Contemplation** Back of the deck: Wheel of Fortune The remainder of this month can be a fortuitous time for self-immersion, reflection, and introspection for you – but only if you do it in the right environment. The cards counsel you to make significant changes to the safe haven in your home. More specifically, you should focus on re-arranging your surroundings into a warm and nurturing environment where you can truly be yourself. PILE 2 VII of Swords, Letter*, Patience** Back of the deck: The Hermit For this month, the cards warn you about possible trouble with friends/acquaintances coming your way. In particular, beware of petty arguments and learn to disengage from them immediately – if necessary, withdraw yourself from the situation. Otherwise, you could be drawn into a maelstrom of meaningless conflicts that would strain your peace of mind and drag you down for months to come. PILE 3 IV of Wands, Clouds*, Love** Back of the deck: Knight of Cups The cards ask you to work on your demeanor towards the important people in your life. It looks like you’ve lately been missing out on little opportunities for showing them your appreciation, making you appear somewhat aloof. Work on actively letting others know that you welcome their presence in your life – it will not only improve your relationships but also your general mood.

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6 months ago
 GEMINI Something You Havent Realized About Your Life

♊ GEMINI ♊ Something You Haven’t Realized About Your Life

Disclaimer Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree ( – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Deck used: Kitty Kahane Tarot IX of Cups, II of Swords, Knight of Cups The cards show that, perhaps without noticing, you have grown too comfortable living your life by yourself and are engaging mostly in solitary activities. A degree of solitude fits you, but you seem to be overdoing it. Finding companions for some of your hobbies will emotionally enrich your life and open new doors for you.

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6 months ago
PICK A CARDGeneral Reading (September 2-8)

PICK A CARD General Reading (September 2-8)

Disclaimer: Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree ( – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Decks used in this reading: Kitty Kahane Tarot Blue Bird Lenormand* Original Kipper Cards** PILE 1 Knight of Cups, Scythe*, Coffin** Back of the deck: The Emperor You’ve been wanting to gain more control over your life and are about to/planning to get rid of a number of things that you feel are in the way. The cards counsel you that you should take a breather this week and reflect whether some of these things only look impractical but don’t actually distract/hinder you; you’re about to throw out stuff that would still add value to your life and thus should be kept! PILE 2 Page of Wands, Clouds*, Pathway** Back of the deck: The Lovers You’ve been trying to decide whether you should start doing something or not but are hesitating because you fear there’ll be a tough/long road ahead of you. The cards imply that, if it’s something you truly want, this week is an opportune time to take the first step – don’t focus on how long/difficult the process will be but instead on what inspires you to take on this challenge in the first place. PILE 3 Page of Pentacles, Mature Man*, Journey** Back of the deck: Queen of Cups If you’ve been feeling a bit down lately, the cards show that it would be a good idea to take some time for recreation this week. In order to choose the best type of recreational activity for your specific situation, you might want to get advice – perhaps from a book, or from someone who knows you well and is familiar with your situation and individual needs.

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7 months ago
Photos By Carina Sibila(c) Carina Sibila
Photos By Carina Sibila(c) Carina Sibila

Photos by Carina Sibila (c) Carina Sibila

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7 months ago
PICK A CARDGeneral Reading (August 5-11)

PICK A CARD General Reading (August 5-11)

Disclaimer: Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree (>) – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Decks used in this reading: Kitty Kahane Tarot Blue Bird Lenormand* Original Kipper Cards** PILE 1 The Empress, Fish*, High Honor** Back of the deck: III of Pentacles You’re currently working on a project you feel has the potential to become a huge success for you. This week, you might be considering getting a couple of people on board to achieve that goal. The cards counsel you, though, to very carefully choose who exactly you want to get involved with your project, because this selectiveness will play a crucial role in your success! PILE 2 The Fool, Lily*, Official Person** Back of the deck: IX of Swords This week, you’re worrying greatly about what would be the right way to proceed in a specific situation; looking for precedents will not help you, as your situation is too unique for you to follow a predefined path. The cards counsel you stop worrying and simply go ahead – perhaps not everything will turn out as you envision it, but starting the journey this week is the right thing to do. PILE 3 The Hermit, Crossroad*, Marriage** Back of the deck: II of Cups This week, a friend will contact you, but you currently feel like having a lot of time for quiet reflection and therefore don’t feel inclined to meet up with others. The cards ask you to deliberate on how much solitude you truly need this week; otherwise, you could be missing out on a memorable experience with your friend.

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7 months ago
PICK A CARDHoning Your Craft This Lammas Season

PICK A CARD Honing Your Craft This Lammas Season

Disclaimer: Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree ( – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Decks used in this reading: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Blue Bird Lenormand* Enchanted Spell Oracle** PILE 1 III of Swords, Heart*, Protection** Back of the deck: The Empress The cards show that painful events have been occupying your mental space, to the point of distraction. The cards ask you to reclaim your focus and dedication to your craft this Lammas season. In doing so, you will not only hone your skills, but also rediscover how much you love your craft; this love and joy will help you come to terms with what has been bothering you. PILE 2 King of Swords, Key*, Contemplation** Back of the deck: VII of Wands If you’ve been desperate to make some progress in your craft – with little results –, the cards imply that this Lammas season is the perfect time to take on a more methodical mindset: identify your current stumbling blocks and research how exactly other people handle these specific issues. Integrating those methods into your craft will be the key to you reaching the next level! PILE 3 VII of Pentacles, Bouquet*, Faith** Back of the deck: IV of Cups The cards reveal that, due to your attitude of working on your craft whenever you “feel like it”, you’ve hit a ceiling and are unlikely to progress further unless you change something. If you’re happy with where you are – fine; however, if you wish to realize your full potential, this Lammas season would be an auspicious time to take a more organized and active approach to your craft.

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8 months ago
PICK A CARDGeneral Reading (July 29 - August 4)

PICK A CARD General Reading (July 29 - August 4)

Disclaimer: Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree ( – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Decks used in this reading: Kitty Kahane Tarot Blue Bird Lenormand* Original Kipper Cards** PILE 1 IX of Pentacles reversed, Bouquet*, Child** Back of the deck: VIII of Swords Should you receive a gift/gesture this week that at first glance appears to be generous, the cards urge you to handle the situation with utmost care. It is likely that, upon careful consideration, the generosity and thus value of the gift/gesture will turn out to be hollow in nature: perhaps it is designed to trick or demean you. PILE 2 Justice, Cross*, Official Person** Back of the deck: Queen of Wands The cards show that, this week, you’re likely to be confronted with an issue that will be taxing, if not painful, for you. To solve the issue, you’ll have to think highly analytically and strategically, as well as show a challenging amount of grit and persistence. The rewards for seeing things through will definitely be worth it, though. PILE 3 The Sun, Stars*, Gift** Back of the deck: III of Swords Be aware that, this week, you’ll come to face with a reminder of a past painful experience. The cards counsel you that it’s finally the right time to work through those memories and put them to rest instead of agonizing over them. A good way to go about this might be to focus on the things you’ve learned through the experience or how it has helped you grow as a person.

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8 months ago
 TAURUS Where Are You Currently Headed?

♉ TAURUS ♉ Where Are You Currently Headed?

Disclaimer Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree ( – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Deck used: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot The Hermit, VIII of Pentacles, II of Pentacles The cards imply that you’re currently busy with diligently fulfilling a myriad of tasks. Unfortunately, they also show that, as a result, you are in danger of isolating yourself – if you’re not careful, you’re headed towards estrangement from friends/family/your partner. Thus, they ask you to reprioritize and, if possible, to delegate certain tasks to someone else.

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8 months ago
Photos By Carina Sibila 2024 Carina Sibila
Photos By Carina Sibila 2024 Carina Sibila
Photos By Carina Sibila 2024 Carina Sibila

Photos by Carina Sibila © 2024 Carina Sibila

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8 months ago
Photos By Carina Sibila 2024 Carina Sibila
Photos By Carina Sibila 2024 Carina Sibila
Photos By Carina Sibila 2024 Carina Sibila
Photos By Carina Sibila 2024 Carina Sibila
Photos By Carina Sibila 2024 Carina Sibila

Photos by Carina Sibila © 2024 Carina Sibila

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8 months ago
PICK A CARDGeneral Reading (July 22-28)

PICK A CARD General Reading (July 22-28)

Disclaimer: Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree ( – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Decks used in this reading: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Blue Bird Lenormand* Original Kipper Cards** PILE 1 King of Wands, Child*, Message** Back of the deck: II of Pentacles This week, you should consciously indulge in your childlike sense of wonder and innocence (more than usual), despite the fact that you have to take care of important matters this week and are thus little inclined to do so. The cards emphasize that this sense of wonder and innocence will provide the key to taking care of/solving the matters you’re preoccupied with. PILE 2 VI of Swords, Key*, Wealthy Man** Back of the deck: Ace of Pentacles The cards show that you might get to talk to someone in an important position this week who will gladly support you on your journey towards abundance and prosperity. Most likely, they’ll be willing to open doors for you that would otherwise have remained closed. However, make sure to put in the work, as you won’t be handed anything “on a silver platter.” PILE 3 VII of Pentacles, Book*, Distant Horizons** Back of the deck: Temperance The cards reveal that this an auspicious week for you: you’ll encounter opportunities/chances to make your hard work pay off in major ways. However, for this to happen, you’ll only need to employ a careful balance of thinking inside and outside the box at the right moments. Both (book) knowledge as well as a more ‘esoteric’ mindset will be needed to harvest the sweet fruits of success.

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8 months ago
 ARIES Something Youve Neglected In Your Life

♈ ARIES ♈ Something You’ve Neglected in Your Life

Disclaimer Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree ( – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Deck used: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot III of Cups, VI of Wands, II of Wands The cards indicate that recently you’ve grown too comfortable in regards to your social life and neglected to engage (much) with new people or try out new activities, causing an underlying feeling of disappointment and a lack of confidence. Reclaiming your sense for adventure/spirit of discovery – without losing appreciation for the joy of the familiar – will increase your happiness and self-esteem.

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8 months ago
Photos By Carina Sibila 2024 Carina Sibila
Photos By Carina Sibila 2024 Carina Sibila
Photos By Carina Sibila 2024 Carina Sibila
Photos By Carina Sibila 2024 Carina Sibila

Photos by Carina Sibila © 2024 Carina Sibila

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8 months ago
PICK A CARDLove Reading (July 15-21)

PICK A CARD Love Reading (July 15-21)

Disclaimer: Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree ( – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Decks used in this reading: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Blue Bird Lenormand* Original Kipper Cards** PILE 1 Knight of Pentacles, Snake*, Main Female** Back of the deck: V of Cups Lately, you’ve invested a lot of effort into your relationship, but it feels like your person isn’t reciprocating (enough), and that is sapping your spirit. The cards confirm that you have no reason to doubt your feelings: your person’s romantic efforts have been a disappointment. You should ‘take this week off’ and focus your energies on your own well-being for a change. PILE 2 Strength, Bear*, Mature Man** Back of the deck: IX of Wands An ongoing argument is casting a shadow over your relationship. The cards indicate that this week is a good time to try resolving the situation, even if things don’t look promising at first. Your person might still try to push their point of view through, but with empathy and understanding you’ll be able to put your person into the right mood to find a compromise. PILE 3 VI of Cups, Bouquet*, Distant Horizons** Back of the deck: IV of Wands If you’re looking for love, there’s a good chance that soon your dreams will come true. Keep your eyes open at parties or celebrations you’re attending: someone from your past, possibly an old childhood friend or past romantic interest, might cross your path. Make sure to show that you’re interested romantically in the person – be nice, flirt, compliment – to start things off right.

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8 months ago
 PISCES A Current Weakness To Work On

♓ PISCES ♓ A Current Weakness to Work On

Disclaimer Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree ( – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Deck used: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot III of Cups, The World, The Magician The cards indicate that you might have cultivated some wrong friendships – friendships that are neither deep, emotionally fulfilling nor help you grow as a person. You should take time to evaluate your circle of friends and, where necessary, make changes: perhaps some friendships can be made deeper, or perhaps it’s time to part with some ‘friends’ and meet people you resonate with better.

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8 months ago
 AQUARIUS What Is Threatening Your Inner Peace?

♒ AQUARIUS ♒ What Is Threatening Your Inner Peace?

Disclaimer Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree ( – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Deck used: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot II of Swords, IV of Wands, X of Pentacles A bitter family quarrel and painful choices lie ahead of you, and whatever decisions you make might threaten to further disturb the bonds of family. Nevertheless, you need to work through your fears of what might happen and go with what you think is correct. Only then will your inner peace be restored – afterwards, you might want to think about trying to mend fences with (certain) family members.

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9 months ago
Photos By Carina Sibila 2024 Carina Sibila
Photos By Carina Sibila 2024 Carina Sibila

Photos by Carina Sibila © 2024 Carina Sibila

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9 months ago
Photos By Carina Sibila 2024 Carina Sibila
Photos By Carina Sibila 2024 Carina Sibila

Photos by Carina Sibila © 2024 Carina Sibila

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9 months ago
PICK A CARDWeekly Reading (June 24-30)

PICK A CARD Weekly Reading (June 24-30)

Disclaimer: Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree () – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Decks used in this reading: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Blue Bird Lenormand* Original Kipper Cards** PILE 1 The Hierophant, Fox*, Judication** Back of the deck: The World This week, you’ll be confronted with a complex problem – a problem you will need to seek out information on to solve. The cards warn you that once you have assembled your information, you need to take a step back and focus on the big picture. Otherwise, you might arrive at the wrong solution to the problem by only looking at/fixating on one misleading piece of information. PILE 2 VI of Swords, Rider*, House** Back of the deck: The High Priestess This week, an unfamiliar situation will come up that you’ll to want to “escape” from. However, the cards encourage you to overcome your uneasiness/wariness about the unfamiliar and just go where the situation takes you. Some disruption in your life and a small bit of chaos will do you good as lately you have grown too comfortable in your routine. PILE 3 III of Swords, Bear*, Official Person** Back of the deck: Queen of Cups The cards caution you that your high standards, while otherwise commendable, might serve you ill and backfire on you this week. You will encounter a person/situation for which clinging too closely to your standards will harm your prospects for the near future. So even if it is uncomfortable to you, try to soften up your approach a bit and be prepared to act with a certain degree of flexibility.

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9 months ago
PICK A CARDSpiritual Cleansing During Litha Season

PICK A CARD Spiritual Cleansing During Litha Season

Disclaimer: Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree ( – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Decks used in this reading: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Blue Bird Lenormand* Enchanted Spell Oracle** PILE 1 The Hanged Man, Tree*, Luck** Back of the deck: Judgement Your spirit is (unconsciously) burdened by a harsh – perhaps too harsh and thus unfair – judgement you have made about a person/group of persons. To let go of this burden, you should not plan your cleansing, but spend this Litha season doing something that grounds you – possibly in nature, or creating something meaningful with your own hands. Things will fall into place! PILE 2 Temperance, Key*, Wishes** Back of the deck: Knight of Swords Your spiritual balance has been unsettled by (a) change(s) in your life: you acted too single-mindedly or even violated your own moral code in the course/as a result of the change(s). To restore harmony, this Litha season you need to open-mindedly meditate on what your actions mean for yourself and others and accept it – but do not focus on the negative, as you have gained something as well. PILE 3 II of Cups, Anchor*, Faith** Back of the deck: III of Swords Your spirit is marred by a deep emotional wound that still hasn’t healed: you have suffered the loss of someone close to you, perhaps the end of a friendship or the break-up of a romantic relationship. Your clinging to the memories of that relationship is weighing you down – this Litha season, you need to let go and focus on the possibility that better days might yet be ahead of you.

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