Tom Hiddleston X Reader - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

In the library.

In The Library.

Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x reader

Warnings: A few curse words, shakiness of hands (?), stuck in a library

Summary: A dull January evening turned into something much more, as you met your future lover.

Word count: 1.2k

Yet another dull January evening. The cold wind burnt your skin as your steps quickened. It was around 6 in the evening, the sun had long been gone and the sky was covered in a white layer, hinting the upcoming snowy night. The crowds were slowly dying as people rushed home, protecting themselves from the terrible cold.

You cursed under your breath as you had forgotten your gloves at home, and your hands, which were carrying the books back to the library, had turned red and limp. Your rushing form made a sudden stop, exhaling, the air turning into a white puff. Your shaky, numb hands reached for the old handle of the library, pushing it, almost throwing yourself inside, you sighed in content, the scent of old books and the warmness of the heater right above the door hitting your body.

“Good evening, Mrs. Watson” you beamed at the old librarian who was busy with her soap operas, ‘As usual’ you thought with a giggle.

“Ah, Y/N, good evening, sweetheart. Back for more?” She indicated the books on the “New addition” shelf, to which you nodded.

“Though, I’ll be surfing the classics this time, I have to write a report on Shakespeare for my literature course” you added as your feet dragged you to the deeper ends of the huge library, which you grew to adore.

Your fingers got into contact with almost every book on the shelves to your way to the second floor. ‘The library is oddly quiet tonight’ you thought, while searching for the desired book. All of a sudden, you hand got covered by another making you look up to meet a pair of blue eyes. A small gasp left your lips at the small proximity between you and the stranger, making you retreat your hand.

“Hamlet?” The stranger’s voice drummed making your cheeks softly cover themselves with a shade of red. You nodded at the statement, a laugh escaping your lips.

“Yes, Sir, Hamlet” you nodded as you reached for the one book that you needed, a frown soon replaced your smile, while you glared at the man, who took the book right before you could.

“Hey! That was mine!” You exclaimed, with an eye roll, sticking your hand out, so he could return the book.

“Oh? I don’t see a name here, unless you’re Shakespeare himself” he laughed at your glare.

“Clever way of getting my name, Sir, but I desperately need that book” you whined, as your lips formed a pout.

His eyebrow raised, a hum leaving his lips “Let me guess, for your literature report?” He beamed making your eyes widen. “Don’t worry, I’m not a stalker, I just heard your conversation with Mrs. Watson.”

Your lips formed into a small sly smile, as you quickly reached for the book, though he held it right behind his back, making you stumble right into his firm chest, a groan leaving your lips.

“Ah-aah” he shook his head “Name first” he laughed.

“Y/N” you replied with a scoff at the antiques of his. You hesitated before asking him for his name “And yours, Mr. Tease?”

“Thomas, though call me Tom, lovely” he said casually as he held the book tighter to his body. “Would you like some tea? I was supposed to have one of my friends here, yet, they couldn’t make I, hence I have two cups of tea. Plus you look like Rudolph the Reindeer, your nose is beet-red” he giggled.

“Oh how nice of you” you snarled at his comment, “Though, I have a few cookies and some chocolate with me” you said reaching into your tote bag, showing him the goods.

He guided you to the two armchairs next to the window, you arranged the tea along with the sweets on the windowsill and set comfortably with him facing you.

“I can help you with the report, you know?” He said reaching for The book that was next to his coat. “I must admit, I am rather fond of Shakespeare” Tom continued.

You nodded “In general, all the books, the old scent, the pages, it is perfect” your words made his eyes twinkle in excitement as he found a young woman with an old soul, sharing the same interests as him.

Time went by, it was now around midnight when you didn’t even hear Mrs. Watson shouting about the closing of the library, yet soon, the lights turned off and so did the heaters, making the both of you realise that you were locked in the library.

“Shit, my phone has no charge, but I remember it had about 12% left” you cursed at the black screen as you paced around, the same white puff of air leaving your lips, indicating the growing coldness, though you had your coat on.

“Must be because of the awfully low temperature” he sighed as he reached for your forearm, pulling you into him. “There we go, love” he muttered as his hand went to his neck, unwrapping his thick wool scarf, and wrapped it around you making you look at him, your heartbeat increasing, now you were sure he heard it.

“No no, Tom, you’ll get cold” You shook your head as you reached for his scarf that rested comfortably around you, leaving his scent onto your skin, when his warm hands came atop your relatively cold ones.

“Leave it on, I don’t want you to catch a cold, love.” He answered, taking your hands in his and then looking down to your eyes. “Is this okay?” He pointed at your held hands making you smile cheekily, though it was dark, the street lamps lit the room just enough.

“It’s..” You stopped “It’s perfect” you quickly said, tightening your grip onto his hands, as your face sunk into his scarf.

“You’re endearing, young lady” he laughed whole-heartedly, making you even more flustered.

Your little moment came to a stop when you heard the heavy doors of the library being unlocked. Both of you packed quickly, running downstairs almost immediately. It was Mrs. Watson.

“Oh dear Lord!” She shouted, her hand going to her chest “You scared me! Where you here this whole time?” She asked with a frown as she saw you both standing at the bottom of the staircase, foolishly nodding. “Good thing I came back for my hat, you idiots” she muttered as you and Tom apologised for not hearing her earlier.

You and Tom were now walking hand in hand to your apartment. It was now snowing heavily, though neither of you minded, since both of your hearts were warm.

Though you hesitated, you turned to him when you stopped at your flat. “Can we meet up later tomorrow?.” You both said in unison.

“I’d love to, honestly” you answered with a low giggle. “As would I, you’re quite an eye candy, and a pleasant little soul, love” he answered.

Oh those nicknames..

“Right, by the way, here is ‘Hamlet’” he reached into the paper bag he had been carrying the whole time, and took it out, handing it to you.

“Wait, did you take this from the library?!” You half-shouted in shock, reaching for the book.

He shook his head “Not at all, it’s mine, perfectly annotated, but also new enough for you to use it” he smiled, as he came a tad closer.

“Then why did you need the one from the library?” You turned to him towering over you now, while you put the book into your bag.

“Sweetheart, then how was I supposed to talk to you?”

A/N: My second imagine on this platform. It was not proofread, so I apologise for the mistakes. This is also my first imagine with Tom Hiddleston, a plot I was particularly interested in, since I find libraries one of the most calming places.

PS: I edited the plot a bit.

Taglist; @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds

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3 years ago

Bruises and tea.

Bruises And Tea.

Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x reader

Warnings: Mentions of a physical fight, bruises, threatening. (Please tell me if I missed any).

Summary: The reader meets Tom who had had a fight with one of his former friends.

PS. This is a part 2 to “In the library” but you can read it as a oneshot.

Word count: 1.6k

The sun was already getting near the horizon, making the night sky hang itself upon London. The damp, yet freezing air brushed your skin as your feet took you out of your apartment, to the library. It had been a month since you had met Tom, the both of you were inattentive enough, that you had forgotten to give each other your contact details. Your hand reached for the worn out, rusty handle as the smell of old books engulfed your senses. Mrs. Watson was in her usual place, concentrated on her soap operas. You had borrowed another one of Shakespeare’s works for your literature paper.

“Good evening, Mrs. Watson” you beamed as you placed a small box of cookies you had baked on the counter.

“My, my, Y/N, hey, sweetheart. What a pleasant surprise!” She gushed at you, taking one of the cookies, placing it in her tea, to wetten it, to make chewing easier.

“I just came to return this” you said placing the book next to the box of cookies. Your teeth sank in the soft flesh of your bottom lip in nervousness.

“H..Has Tom…that guy, from the other day..has he ever showed up here?” You asked looking around nervously.

“I can see you flustered there, child, and unfortunately, no, he hasn’t come here since that day” she said with a small sympathetic smile.

You nodded, your shoulders slumping a little, the little hope to meet him once more, just to glance at those blue crystal eyes, got crushed up into small pieces that sank into your heart. “Thank you, Mrs. Watson” you mumbled while forcing out a small smile, a curt nod following it, as you moved to the exit.

“Stupid, stupid” you repeated to yourself as your hands dug deeper into your trench, forming tight fists, trying to soothe your frost bitten hands. “You should have asked for his number or at least hinted that he’d ask yours” Your head turned to the shops and stores you were walking past. People were happily purchasing products, the balloons from Valentines still hung in some shops.

Your steps came to a halt when your eyes met a familiar face you wanted to see oh so much. It was Thomas. Your eyes sparkled in an instant and lost their sparkle just as quickly when you practically went inside to see him with a heaving chest, his cheek bruised, and a man laying under his legs.

Your eyes widened as you made eye contact with him “T..Tom” your voice quivered as you ran to him, your eyes scanning all over his beaten state. His jaw clenched at his vulnerable state.

“Y/N, oh Lord, sweetheart, I had been searching for you, but, but” he held your forearms, though his eyes fell on the man who groaned while standing up, making you look in the same direction as him. He softly pushed you behind him in a protective manner, his eyes digging holes in the man who was rubbing his chin.

“Nick, go before I kill you right here” his voice was below a whisper, but constant and stern, making you grip his bicep. “For hell’s sake, it was years ago, get over it” the man, Nick, spit through his gritted teeth as he stepped backwards and then turned away and left.

Your eyes watched him leave and then set back on Thomas who was looking at you. “I’m sorry, for..this” he pointed his wound and the half-torn clothes. You were about to speak up but then stopped, realising that all eyes were set on the both of you and the manager was stood in front of you and Tom, expecting you to leave.

“I..I am sorry for this Sir,” you quickly apologised for the chaos, you looked at Tom and then back at the manager who gave you a curt nod. “Please see yourself out” he said as you hastily reached for Tom’s hand, nodding at the manager, and rushing out.

The moment you had stepped out, Tom turned to you, holding your forearms firmly. “We’re idiots” he joked, shaking his head, while he pulled you into his chest, caging you in his arms. It was the second time you had met this man, but it felt so warm and so safe in his embrace. Thousands of butterflies flew around your stomach. Your hands reached for his neck, hugging him back, your digits hesitantly sliding through his curls.

“I’m sorry for this state” he apologised again once he had pulled away. “That guy used to be a friend of mine, me and him were quite the best buddies but then he” he stopped for a second, sighing loudly, suddenly getting interested in his shoes.

“ don’t have to tell me, I understand.” You said softly, your hand going to his bruised cheek as you gently lifted his head up, rubbing the skin of his cheek slowly. “You’re injured, let’s get you to the hospital” you added while looking at his eyes.

He shook his head “No, no need for a hospital, darling, it’s just a small scratch” Tom chuckled at your worried state “As my apology to you, you can come to my place? For tea?” He asked looking into your orbs nervously.

You nodded happily, “But only if you let me treat that” you pointed at his cheek, a giggle leaving your lips when his eyes lit up instantly. His hand came to yours, his orbs silently asking for permission to which you replied with intertwining your fingers together as he led you to his car.

It was a black Jaguar, making you look at him with wide eyes, to which he only smiled shyly, opening the door for you. The ride was pleasantly silent, a few stolen glances, though, the both of you were tensed up.

“And here we are” he said after parking his car. It was a rather tall building, in a quiet area, though, close to the city centre. He opened the door for you, holding out his hand for you to take, which you happily agreed to.

The lift took you to the 17th floor, the top one. Your hands were still clasped together, he used his free hand to unlock the door to his flat. It smelled so nice, just like him. It looked organised, too, clean and comfortable. The furniture was brown, with the plants resting on them.

“It looks so pretty” you said, peaking around while he looked at you. “Now wait, I need to treat that” you stopped him from moving forward. “Give me the first aid kit” you frowned at him.

“Alright, ma’am” he chuckled, letting go of your hand, as he moved to the bathroom, you assumed, soon coming back with a small kit. “But first, tea” he smiled, leading you the kitchen. He stopped at the stove, turned on the kettle and then turned to you, with a smile. “Well, darling, I’m all yours now” he chided with a grin making your heart flutter, your cheeks turning red, him motioning his cheekbone.

“Come here” you motioned him to the chairs that were around the kitchen isle. You prepared the cotton pad and slowly inched forward to this face, your hands carefully dapping on the wound making him wince “I’m so so sorry, I’ll be quick” you said while focusing back on your work, which was hard, due to the close proximity of you two, you could feel his breath on your face, his scent engulfing your senses. It took you a few minutes to put a small plaster on his cut.

“And..done” you said with a smile as your eyes went back to only meet his, looking right into yours. His eyes were two oceans, two crystals, so bright yet so deep, his lips were resting atop each other, so kissable. It was weird how it was only the second time you met him, but now you were there, imagining things you shouldn’t. But the moment you wanted to enlarge the gap between you, one of his hands came to your cheek, his lips curved into a small smile, his thumb was now a millimetre away from touching your lip, his face now much closer, the other hand now rested on your waist, pulling you into him a tad more, making you place your hands on his muscular chest.

Just then, the kettle’s whistle went on, making you two flinch away from each other. “I’ll..I’ll go make the tea” you quickly said taking all the used up cotton to the trash and focusing on making the tea, your stomach doing flips, your heartbeat faster than the light speed. You noticed him smile a little more when he came to where you were standing, you had grabbed the two mugs that sat on the cupboard, his hands reached for yours, covering them.

Your breath hitched, your nervous system not being able to comprehend with what was happening, you playfully whined. “Tom..” you stopped “I..uh..I want tea” you reasoned to which he only laughed loudly “You do? Alright alright, darling” he said stepping away, to give you a bit more freedom to move, yet he remained stood next to you. You quickly made the tea, slowly blowing on them, you picked the two mugs up, “Welp! They’re read-“ you were about to finish when a pair of lips had stopped you mid-sentence, making you gasp and let go of the tea mugs. His lips felt so soft, your mind turned off for a second or two, but then quickly you caught on what happened, though, his hands were now clasping the mugs which were loosely in your hands. He pulled away, setting them aside, a low groan following his act, as his hand slithered up your waist, pulling you into his arms, leaning onto the counter.

“I apologise but you’re hard to resist” he said with a ‘hehe’ following it. You only smiled, getting on your tippy toes, attaching your lips back on his, your hands holding his cheeks.

“Now I’m not losing you, ever.”

So after a while I got this. I do apologise if there are any mistakes, it is not proofread.

Once more, this is a part 2 to one of my previous posts, but you can read it separately.

Hope you have enjoyed it.

Tag-list; @veroriddle @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds

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5 years ago

Russo brothers: Loki dies in infinity war and isn’t coming back.                       

Tom Hiddleston: Hold on, let me ask my fans. 

Russo Brothers: that’s not ho-

Tom Hiddleston: Well darn, they said no.

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2 years ago

Hey guys, can you go and check out my Wattpad.

The name is the same as my one on Tumblr.

It’s one shots of Tom and Loki.

Thank you 💚

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2 years ago

“Valentine's Day.

The worst day of the year...for you anyways.

Everyone you see is all lovey dovey with each other as they stare at each other with love filled eyes.

It made you want to throw up.

Okay maybe your overreacting a little but it's just not nice to be single on Valentine's Day.

This doesn't mean your going to ruin it for everyone else...”

Is your dream man going to sweep you off your feet or will valentines end bad for everyone?

Loki/Tom Hiddleston One-shots  - Loki- Valentines Day
Read Loki- Valentines Day from the story Loki/Tom Hiddleston One-shots by K_writer17 (Hiddlestoner1615) with 122 reads...

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2 years ago

Zoom mistake

It’s Christmas season and Tom has a zoom call with Josh Horowitz to create some content to sedate the fans over Christmas time.

Your relationship is private with Tom because you don’t want the fuss of the paparazzi following the two of you around so the world does not know that two of the most famous actors in the world are dating.

Whilst Tom and Josh are on zoom you decide to prepare dinner for the two of you and watch the end of the zoom call once you are done.

Tom thinks he had muted the call and turned the camera off as he asks you to help him leave the call.

Will his lack of knowledge on technology expose you both ??!


Loki/Tom Hiddleston One-shots  - Tom- Zoom mistake
Read Tom- Zoom mistake from the story Loki/Tom Hiddleston One-shots by K_writer17 (Hiddlestoner1615) with 175 reads...

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