Fangs Fogarty X Reader - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Imagine/Headcannon Requests

I wanna start writing stuff, I have some ideas myself but I’d love to write what you guys want to see! So send me requests! :) x

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6 years ago

Cause I live in the UK I’m going to get off tumblr now so it doesn’t get ruined, I’ll be back tomorrow after I’ve watched it and I’ll have a couple of one shots to stick up for you guys. Remember to request what you want to read!

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6 years ago

Send me numbers and which character you’d like to see guys!

Drabble Challenge! #1 - 150

Rules: Followers send a number to your ask and you write a drabble using that sentence/prompt in your piece. Try to keep up! Expect a TON of requests!

Take the long way around

Can you shut up for five minutes, please???

He’s been gone for quite a while

I can’t see anything.

I heard a noise.

Scary movies are for chumps.

You’ve gone to the bathroom fifty times today.

The floor is lava.

Where’s my food?

I bet you feel like an artist

Did you ever clean the attic?

Can I be of assistance?

Get out of the way before I murder you.

I think you forgot who wears the pants in this relationship

You’re breaking my heart, babe.

Cry me a river.

Build a bridge.

Get over it.

Another credit card?!

It’s just rain, you aren’t gonna melt!

When’s the last time YOU cleaned the bathroom?

I don’t know why I married you.

Have you ever lied to me?

If I trip over one more of your shoes, I’m throwing them all away.

Aren’t you supposed to be the adult?

I’m stuck! Help me!

I swear, I’m not scared.

What do you think a cupholder is for?

You know when your phone buzzes, it means I’m trying to talk to you, right?

Turn that sh*t off!!!!

When’s that last time we went on a date?

I thought you didn’t like cats?

The door’s locked.

Remember when you were a kid and you ______ (insert memory)

I’ll just tell your mom on you.

I thought you were nice.

I had a dream about you.

I work pretty hard around here, but you get all the credit

What color do you like better?

Am I your husband or your taxi service?

Take notes, sweetheart.

This is where you impress me, right?

Pick up lines only work when I’m drunk.

I can’t believe you didn’t remember

If that makes me a child, so be it.

I could beat you up, you know that right?

Would it kill you to help people?

I bet you can’t go 24 hours without cussing.

But, I said I love you.

Is it just me or is cold as hell in here?

I’m not weird, you’re just basic.

Just sleep with one eye open, that’s all I’m saying

Take off your shirt.

Why’s there a pregnancy test in the trash?

Way to go, kid.

I found the candles, we’ll be alright.

We could get struck by lightning, but you want to kiss in the rain.

You’re never this quiet, what’s wrong?

…or we could make out….

I said “I HAVE AN IDEA!”

Down the hall, second door on the left.

I warned you. He warned you. Your freaking mom warned you.

Sit still, for the love of all that is Holy.

Are you even human?

We’ll talk later.


I’m afraid.

I thought there was time.

Can you just leave me alone?

I’ll carry it.

We’re not ‘fine’.

Are you really taking his side right now?

I like proving you wrong.

Girls can’t drive, plain and simple.

Who are you?

I think you need stitches

Must be a coincidence

Can you be romantic for once?

This is your fault by the way.

Nothing bad is going to happen, baby, I promise.

Excuse me for falling in love with you.

I have fans. More fans than you to be exact.  

I paid for half and you ate three-quarters.

I knew you’d be mad.

If you die, I’m going to kill you.

You’ve never smoked anything in your life.

You gave me a black eye.

Stop looking at me like that, weirdo.

What if it sinks?

Birds can’t fly without wings.

Sorry I’m protective over the things I love.

That SOOO classifies as a date.

No backsies.

You’re an idiot. I married an idiot.

I never liked it, I lied.

Remember, we have to get up early tomorrow.

Are you trying to flirt? Because, you’re embarrassing yourself.

Remember when we were dating and you _____

Be brave, sweetheart.

I’m sorry, but that was adorable.

You don’t hate me, quit lying to yourself.

You hear that? That’s the sound of my awesomeness.

She’s my daughter, I can read her diary.

That’s a fact, Jack.

Actually, I couldn’t care less.

I try my best.

Doesn’t make a difference to me anyways.

I’m glad you’re mine.

You look pretty good for your age.

You passed out for like an hour.

Delete it. Now.

You’re a jerk.

Are you high?

No, you’re MY bitch.

Ew ew ew. You’re so gross.

Spare change for the poor and lonely.

She’s 6, how can she scare you?

When’s the last time we ______

He’s spoiled rotten.

I can’t stay long.

There’s nothing we can do.

Do you ever stop smiling?

Step aside and watch a pro.

Never give him stuff like that!

You’re the one who left it laying around.

I’m a lucky girl. I’ll admit that.

Teach me how to play?

It’s called a prank.

Well, you’re a prick.

Good, I hope you feel bad.

You have cold, you’re not dying.

I have reasons. You wouldn’t get it.

I hope you have a cold shower.

You don’t mean that.

Sing to me, please.

Did you enjoy yourself last night?

Why do they behave for you?

Stop making your own rules.

Don’t open an umbrella in the house.

You know what happens when you assume things.

That’s open for discussion.

Oh, what a shocker, you have an excuse.

Be serious for two minutes, please.

I cheated.

What’s the biggest lie you ever told?

Pillows are over-rated.

Zombies aren’t real, I promise.

Are we lost or do you know where we are?

We started with one and now we have seven. You have no chill.

*Make up your own*

Happy Writing! Visit @prompt-bank for more prompts!

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6 years ago

I’ll do any character x reader and I do smut and kinky shit (if that’s what you want)

I also just released anon wasn’t on so if you wanted to request something before but didn’t want to be named you can request on anon now - oops

Guuuuuys! Send me requests!

Preferably for any character except Sweet Pea, because he’s currently all I’ve written for! Please and thank youuuuu!

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6 years ago

The Perfect Man - Fangs Fogarty x Reader


((Image is not mine))

Pairing: Fangs Fogarty x Reader

Requested: Yes! By anon: ‘126 with Fangs′ #126 - I’m a lucky girl. I’ll admit that.

From this list. Requests are still open, so send whatever you like - except Sweet Pea please, just because I’ve written him a lot recently and I still have more prompts for him.

Summary: The girls are impressed with Fangs’ proposal. 

Words: 611

Warning: none

A/N: This is fluffy craaaaap, I hope you like it anon!

My Masterlist

“Let me see it!” Veronica screeched at you across the bar. You met Veronica, Betty, Toni and Cheryl for drinks every Thursday night. You and Fangs had just gotten engaged a few nights before and although you’d texted the girls in your group chat it was the first time you’d seen them since.

“One minute, Ronnie! I’m just getting a drink.” You called back to her, laughing at her antics. Veronica always flocked to shiny things, you’re surprised Fangs hadn’t enlisted her to help him pick out your ring, but you were kind of pleased to find out that he had picked the ring on his own.

Armed with a vodka coke (in your right hand as you knew Veronica would grab your left hand when you were close enough), you made your way over to your usual table and surely enough Veronica grabbed your left hand and brought your ring finger to her face.

“Oh my gosh! He did such a good job Y/N/N!” Veronica commented excitedly as she examined your ring. It was fairly understated but very pretty, a thin, plain silver band, with one medium-sized diamond in the middle and smaller one either side.

“I’m a very lucky girl, I’ll admit that.” You grinned and passed your hand to Cheryl and Toni (who you suspected had probably seen the ring before Fangs’ had proposed anyway).

Cheryl grinned and ran her finger over the ring. “I knew it would look amazing on you!” Toni nudged her girlfriend, but you shook your head.

“It’s okay, I figured you guys would have seen already!” You insisted before passing your hand to Betty who promptly burst into tears. “Hey, hey, hey! “What’s wrong?” You pulled Betty into your arms.

“Jughead doesn’t want to get married.” She revealed between sobs. The couple had been together for almost 6 years now, compared to your 2 years with Fangs.

“Did he actually say that B?” You asked, one hand rubbing up and down the length of the blonde’s back.

“It’s been 6 years, Y/N!” Betty sobbed.

“Then maybe you should talk to him about it! He’s nowhere near as touchy feely as Fangs is.” You suggested, feeling bad that something that had made you so happy had made Betty indirectly unhappy.

Betty nodded and wiped away her tears with shaky hands. “I’m sorry, we’re supposed to be celebrating.”

“It’s okay Bets!” You rubbed her back once more before pulling your hand away and holding your drink.

“So how did he do it in the end?” Toni asked taking the attention away from an embarrassed Betty.

A massive smile took over your face. “Well, you know we met by bumping into each other in Grand Central Station? He took me to New York for the weekend and we were walking to get on the train on the way home and I realised he wasn’t walking beside me anymore and I turned around and there he was, on one knee!”

“That is so romantic. He is the perfect man.” Veronica swooned, resting her chin on her palm. “Urgh, I need to get laid.”

“What happened to, oh what was his name? Jack, Josh?” Cheryl inquired leaning forward.

“James, urgh well…” You tuned out of the conversation and stared down at your engagement ring. I’m such a lucky girl you thought with a smile.

6 Months Later

You stepped into the church, your dad’s arm linked with yours, wearing a white, silky dress. You reached the end of the aisle and a crying Fangs. He pulled your veil away from your face and over your head.

“I’m such a lucky guy.” He whispered to you, cupping your face.

Taglist (message me to be added): @ssnakecharming

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6 years ago

Last call for these, then I’ll find some new prompts - also I’m gonna start writing for 13 reasons why too, so please prompt for the characters from 13rw as well, especially Scott Reed! 

Drabble Challenge! #1 - 150

Rules: Followers send a number to your ask and you write a drabble using that sentence/prompt in your piece. Try to keep up! Expect a TON of requests!

Take the long way around

Can you shut up for five minutes, please???

He’s been gone for quite a while

I can’t see anything.

I heard a noise.

Scary movies are for chumps.

You’ve gone to the bathroom fifty times today.

The floor is lava.

Where’s my food?

I bet you feel like an artist

Did you ever clean the attic?

Can I be of assistance?

Get out of the way before I murder you.

I think you forgot who wears the pants in this relationship

You’re breaking my heart, babe.

Cry me a river.

Build a bridge.

Get over it.

Another credit card?!

It’s just rain, you aren’t gonna melt!

When’s the last time YOU cleaned the bathroom?

I don’t know why I married you.

Have you ever lied to me?

If I trip over one more of your shoes, I’m throwing them all away.

Aren’t you supposed to be the adult?

I’m stuck! Help me!

I swear, I’m not scared.

What do you think a cupholder is for?

You know when your phone buzzes, it means I’m trying to talk to you, right?

Turn that sh*t off!!!!

When’s that last time we went on a date?

I thought you didn’t like cats?

The door’s locked.

Remember when you were a kid and you ______ (insert memory)

I’ll just tell your mom on you.

I thought you were nice.

I had a dream about you.

I work pretty hard around here, but you get all the credit

What color do you like better?

Am I your husband or your taxi service?

Take notes, sweetheart.

This is where you impress me, right?

Pick up lines only work when I’m drunk.

I can’t believe you didn’t remember

If that makes me a child, so be it.

I could beat you up, you know that right?

Would it kill you to help people?

I bet you can’t go 24 hours without cussing.

But, I said I love you.

Is it just me or is cold as hell in here?

I’m not weird, you’re just basic.

Just sleep with one eye open, that’s all I’m saying

Take off your shirt.

Why’s there a pregnancy test in the trash?

Way to go, kid.

I found the candles, we’ll be alright.

We could get struck by lightning, but you want to kiss in the rain.

You’re never this quiet, what’s wrong?

…or we could make out….

I said “I HAVE AN IDEA!”

Down the hall, second door on the left.

I warned you. He warned you. Your freaking mom warned you.

Sit still, for the love of all that is Holy.

Are you even human?

We’ll talk later.


I’m afraid.

I thought there was time.

Can you just leave me alone?

I’ll carry it.

We’re not ‘fine’.

Are you really taking his side right now?

I like proving you wrong.

Girls can’t drive, plain and simple.

Who are you?

I think you need stitches

Must be a coincidence

Can you be romantic for once?

This is your fault by the way.

Nothing bad is going to happen, baby, I promise.

Excuse me for falling in love with you.

I have fans. More fans than you to be exact.  

I paid for half and you ate three-quarters.

I knew you’d be mad.

If you die, I’m going to kill you.

You’ve never smoked anything in your life.

You gave me a black eye.

Stop looking at me like that, weirdo.

What if it sinks?

Birds can’t fly without wings.

Sorry I’m protective over the things I love.

That SOOO classifies as a date.

No backsies.

You’re an idiot. I married an idiot.

I never liked it, I lied.

Remember, we have to get up early tomorrow.

Are you trying to flirt? Because, you’re embarrassing yourself.

Remember when we were dating and you _____

Be brave, sweetheart.

I’m sorry, but that was adorable.

You don’t hate me, quit lying to yourself.

You hear that? That’s the sound of my awesomeness.

She’s my daughter, I can read her diary.

That’s a fact, Jack.

Actually, I couldn’t care less.

I try my best.

Doesn’t make a difference to me anyways.

I’m glad you’re mine.

You look pretty good for your age.

You passed out for like an hour.

Delete it. Now.

You’re a jerk.

Are you high?

No, you’re MY bitch.

Ew ew ew. You’re so gross.

Spare change for the poor and lonely.

She’s 6, how can she scare you?

When’s the last time we ______

He’s spoiled rotten.

I can’t stay long.

There’s nothing we can do.

Do you ever stop smiling?

Step aside and watch a pro.

Never give him stuff like that!

You’re the one who left it laying around.

I’m a lucky girl. I’ll admit that.

Teach me how to play?

It’s called a prank.

Well, you’re a prick.

Good, I hope you feel bad.

You have cold, you’re not dying.

I have reasons. You wouldn’t get it.

I hope you have a cold shower.

You don’t mean that.

Sing to me, please.

Did you enjoy yourself last night?

Why do they behave for you?

Stop making your own rules.

Don’t open an umbrella in the house.

You know what happens when you assume things.

That’s open for discussion.

Oh, what a shocker, you have an excuse.

Be serious for two minutes, please.

I cheated.

What’s the biggest lie you ever told?

Pillows are over-rated.

Zombies aren’t real, I promise.

Are we lost or do you know where we are?

We started with one and now we have seven. You have no chill.

*Make up your own*

Happy Writing! Visit @prompt-bank for more prompts!

Tags :
6 years ago

I’m now using this prompt list!! Send me numbers and which character you would like me to write it for!

Ask Daiki :3 Drabble List

Credit: @prompt-bank

Choose a prompt and a character for me to write about! 

“The skirt is supposed to be this short.”

“How long have you been standing there?”

“I may be an idiot, but I’m not stupid.”

“Who gave you that black eye?“

“You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?”

“I just like proving you wrong.”

“Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.”

“Forget it. You fucking suck.”

“Quit it or I’ll bite.”

“If you use up all the hot water again, I swear to god! You’re on the couch for a month!!”

“If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.”

“I’m pregnant.”

“Looks like we’re gonna be stuck here for a while.”

“Take. It. Off.”

“Well, you’re coming home with me whether you like it or not.”

“I’ll kick his ass if you want me to.”

“Stop it! It tickles!”

“It’s okay to cry…”

“And that’s how you ruin a life. Congratulations.”

“D..did you just make that noise?”

“He’s a bad kisser.”

“You can scream if you want.”

“I didn’t know we were keeping track.”

“We’re playing checkers. If you don’t like it, leave.”

“One of them’s missing.”

“Save some for me.”

“Oh, fuck off.”

“You’re still mad?”

“Come over here and make me.”

“You better watch yourself.”

“Eat your lunch and you wouldn’t be hungry.”

“Why did we have to have kids?”

“Call on Line 1”

“He creeped me out. I’m not gonna lie.”

“I’m done! You can fix it!”

“Can we just watch a movie and fall asleep on the couch?”

“Where did he go?”

“You leave whenever you feel like it.”

“I forgot I was a single parent.”

“Don’t apologize if you don’t mean it.”

“You’re going out dressed like that?”

“For the hundredth time, I’m not your babysitter.”  

“Frost the damn cupcakes.”

“Well that’s the second biggest news I’ve heard all day.”

“You look pretty hot in plaid.”  

“I thought you were dead!”

“I thought it was a one-night-stand…and now we’re married…”

“We’ve become the clingy couple that you used to complain about.”

“Quit touching me. Your feet are cold.”

“You know you want it, sweetheart.”

“I’m your husband. It’s my job.”  

“You just wanted them because the light up.”

“That wasn’t very subtle.”

“He thinks he’s a mind reader.”  

“It’s just you and me tonight. I was thinking we could have a little fun.”

“I don’t do hugs.”

“Don’t talk anymore.”

“I’m just a guy with a wife, two kids, and a Harley.”

“How do I even put up with you?”

“I said get rid of it.”

“They didn’t just find out. They already knew!”

“You’re not as quiet as you think you are.”

“Can you just man up and change his diaper?”

“Just don’t buy a goat. I don’t care what you do, just no goats.”

“I have a secret.”

“I won’t let you get hurt.”

“You’re strong, baby. You have to be.”

“He’s four years old!!”

“I’ve had enough! I want to be alone!”

“I can’t stand seeing you like this.”

“Me and the boys will handle it.”

“You’re competitive and so am I, and it’s going to lead to a fight.”

“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”

“You’re a dork, just like your father.”

“Mind if I join you?”


“I lost our child.”

“That’s my shirt. So is that..wait?”

“My name isn’t Leslie…who’s Leslie?”

“There’s a surprise upstairs for you.”

“I’ll take care of it.”

“I’m not your boss? Well then who is?”

“You can’t eat solids, only liquids until Thursday.”

“Come on, baby, up to bed.”

“They got you a present. Isn’t it sweet?”

“Am I scaring you?”

“Run! You said you’d work out with me!”

“After everything…I’d still choose you.”

“And when did you plan on telling me about this?”

“Trust me.”

“Scoot over a little bit, please.”

“You’re so clingy, I love it.”

“You didn’t just wake me up at 2am because you were ‘in the mood’.”

“Did they hurt you?”

“You’re cute when you’re all worried.”

“Stop being grumpy. It’s lame.”

“I don’t need a hero, I need a husband.”

“Don’t shut me out.”

“You got a cute butt.”

“I just got out of the shower, I can’t dance. What if my towel falls off?”

“Don’t be an asshole. Asshole.”

“Do you really think I could ever replace you?”

“Sharing is caring. Now give me your fries.”

“…or we can chill in our underwear.”

“You can’t make up for it by giving me a tic-tac.”

“Keep pedaling and don’t stop, okay?”

“You, me, popcorn, two liter Dr. Pepper, and a movie. You in?”

“Have you seen my contacts?”

“Life is a highway, and I’m always drunk. So I’m not driving.”

“Quit stalling. Where’s your father?”

“You can’t just hug me and think everything’s okay.”

“Is he coming home?”

“I prefer blondes.”

“No more dogs. How hard it it to understand?”

“I let you win.”

“I broke your nose, and I’m sorry for that. But what you’re doing isn’t fair.”

“Can I do your hair?”

“Your favorite superhero can’t be a villain.”

“I told you not to jump on the bed!”

“He’s pampering me, let him be.”

“Ready or not, here I come”

“I’m worried about losing my job!”

“Oh, did I scare you, big boy?”

“Happy new year!”

“Quit moving, I’m trying to sleep. Wait…are you…what?!”

“You nap, I’ll stay awake.”

“It’s turbulence. It’s normal.”

“Don’t touch me. We’re fighting.”

“I’ll give you a massage.”

“You fell asleep in the tub?!”

“Are you doodling?”

“We’re not playing strip poker. I don’t care what I said when I was drunk.”

“Slushies aren’t just for kids, fuck society.”

“Are you scared…Then why won’t you look at the screen?”

“Enough with the pillow talk, I’m tired.”

“You had a nightmare, tell me what it was about so I can fix it.”

“We need groceries, not just junk food. You’re worse than the kids.”

“Is this our closet? Or your closet?”

“If I win, you do dishes for a week.”

“Fist bumps are cooler than high-fives…”

“Use your words.”

“Hold my hand so he gets jealous.”

“Ew, your hand is sweaty.”

“Get out of my face before I hit you.”

“I don’t care if your 4 or 40, you don’t hit people.”

“You only care about football, beer, and raking leaves.”

“Look! Fireflies!”

“Why do you only kiss me when I’m sleeping?”

“I just need ten minutes.”

*Make Your Own* (please submit your own short prompt)

- daiki :3

[My blog] [Make Request]

Tags :
6 years ago

Hardly Appropriate - Fangs Fogarty x Reader

Hardly Appropriate - Fangs Fogarty X Reader

((GIF is not mine))

Pairing: Fangs Fogarty x Reader

Requested: No! I just thought flirting with his nurse would be something Fangs would do

Summary: Fangs flirts with you, the nurse who is taking care of him in the hospital after he’s shot.

Words: 1,007

Warning: none

A/N:  General requests are still open, and I am now taking prompts from this list.

My Masterlist

Fangs’ eyes slowly opened, blinking rapidly to adjust to the light that filled the room. He found himself staring up at the bland ceiling tiles of what looked to be a hospital. He tilted his head to the side and saw you, a nurse, inserting something into his IV line.

“Ooh! You’re awake!” You smiled at the young boy, he had been shot during a riot and had needed emergency surgery to remove a bullet from his stomach and repair a bleed in his spleen. “Do you remember what happened, Mr Fogarty?”

Fangs winced and stared at you, he tried to clear his throat, but it was too dry from misuse. You quickly brought a cup of water to his mouth and slipped the straw between his lips. After a few sips Fangs nudged the straw back out from his lips and you returned the cup to the tray. “I was shot.” Fangs’ voice was smoother and deeper than you’d imagined it would be, you had been tending to him through the night, he had been awake at some point, but he was delirious from the pain and you had had to sedate him.

“Yes, that’s right. You got shot in the belly and you had to have emergency surgery to get the bullet out and to stop a bleed in your spleen, but you’re okay now.” You told the boy and he stared back at you.

“You’re really pretty.” Fangs smiled dopily at you.

You blushed a light shade of pink, Fangs was on a high dose of morphine, meaning that he had no filter. “Thank you very much Fangs. Do you mind if I take a look at your wound?” You gestured to the boy’s stomach.

“You can my clothes off any day.” Fangs shot you a smug grin and attempted to pull his gown up but groaned and changed his mind.

“Careful.” You warned and gently pulled the covers back to expose his torso and then pushed the undone gown up his stomach.

“Hey! I don’t have any underwear on!” Fangs giggled and tried to push the covers back.

“No!” You flushed and quickly moved his hands, not wanting the boy to expose himself. “You need to stay still mister, or you’re going to stop the IV giving you medicine.”

Fangs eyes trailed off your face and to his arm and then he turned his head to look at the saline drip. “But I don’t want medicine.” He whined.

“Oh, I think you do, do you want your belly to hurt?” You asked, lightly pressing around Fangs’ wound before redressing it with a clean bandage.

“No, I don’t.” Fangs pouted and watched as you pulled his gown back down and the covers back up. “Where are my boxers?” Fangs looked confused.

“They had to take them off for your surgery. Here are all of your clothes.” You picked up a plastic bag full of Fangs’ clothes, the t-shirt and plaid shirt were bloody and although you couldn’t see any blood on his jacket, you were sure that was bloody too.

“Did you take them off?” Fangs asked a small smile on his face.

“No, I didn’t.” You laughed. “I’m a post-operative nurse, it would’ve been a pre-operative nurse that got you reader for surgery.”

“Shame.” Fangs pouted. You found yourself flushing at his words, you had had patients flirt with you in the past, but they were rarely this good looking or so close to your own age, but the boy was still underage and your patient.

“Fangs, this is inappropriate.” You commented as you started to pack away the medical supplies that you had used for Fangs, throwing away the soiled bandages and the syringe that had had Fangs’ medicine in it.

You didn’t have to check on Fangs again that night and the next time you saw him was when you were handing your patients over to the day nurse. He had fallen asleep by the time you reached him, so you explained that he had been a very flirty and he may get confused at where his clothes had gone.

When you came back for your shift the next day, Fangs was no longer on your ward, you didn’t know if he’d been discharged or just transferred to a different ward. But unfortunately, you saw many patients throughout your working week and although Fangs was one of your more memorable, you rarely saw your patients again.

As you were heading out at the end your shift a familiar voice called out your name. You turned and were greeted by Fangs.

“Hey, I just wanted to thank you, for looking after me.” Fangs grinned at you, then his face became flushed. “I also wanted to apologise to you… I vaguely remember asking you to take my clothes off…?”

You giggled and nodded. “Well, not in so many words, but yes Fangs, you did.”

Fangs groaned and ran a hand over his face. “I’m really sorry, I’m not usually so forward.”

You shook your head. “You were pretty doped up.”

“Well I’m very sorry Nurse Y/N.” Fangs nodded, a shamed look on his face.

“It’s fine, at least you weren’t being rude to me, like some patients.” You gave Fangs a genuine smile and fiddled with the strap on your bag.

“That’s true, at least I wasn’t rude.” Fangs chuckled. “Hey, do you think that maybe we could go out sometime?”

You winced slightly. “Fangs, you’re 16, it’s illegal, plus you’re my patient it’s hardly appropriate.” You try to let the boy down gently. “I’m sure you can find a nice girl your age.”

Fangs swallowed and nodded his head sharply. “It’s okay, I get it. Well see you round Nurse Y/N.” You bit your lip and nodded at the boy as he turned and walked away.

Little did you know that Fangs didn’t give up that easily and found very little excuse to see you until the day he turned 21, then he asked you out again. That time you said yes.

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6 years ago

Stuck - Fangs Fogarty x Reader

Stuck - Fangs Fogarty X Reader

((GIF is not mine))

Pairing: Fangs Fogarty x Reader

Requested: Yes! By anon: ‘Number 2 and 26 please with none other than the adorable Fangs Fogarty′

#2 - Can you shut up for five minutes, please???

#26 - I’m stuck! Help me!

From this list. I AM NO LONGER TAKING REQUESTS FROM THAT LIST. General requests are still open, and I am now taking prompts from this list.

Summary: Fangs wants your attention, but all of it is on your studying, until he gets stuck in your bathroom and gains all of your attention.

Words: around 680

Warnings: none

A/N: yes anon, Fangs is so adorable, I just wanna put him in my pocket and take him home.

My Masterlist

Fangs scowled at you watching you put all your attention into your studying and none of it into him. “Y/N.” Fangs poked you on the cheek, trying to gain your attention.

You ignored your boyfriend and continued to study. You had told Fangs not to come around as you were studying for your AP History final, but he’d come around anyway, convinced he could tear your attention away.

“Y/N… Y/N… Y/N!!!” Fangs got increasingly louder and kept poking you on the cheek.

“Can you shut up for five minutes, please?!” You yelled, slamming your pencil down on your textbook you turned to face your boyfriend.

Fangs shrunk back on himself and then got up off the chair he was sitting on and threw himself dramatically onto your bed. He mumbled a ‘whatever’ and pulled his phone out.

5 minutes later an alarm blared from Fangs’ phone. “Are you kidding me?!” You shrieked walking over and snatching the phone from Fangs and sliding it into your pocket. Fangs pouted and stormed out of your room.

“Y/N!!! I’m stuck! Help me!” Fangs called out after a while. You ignored your boyfriend and continued to study, after all what kind of trouble could your boyfriend have managed to get himself into in your house? You blocked out Fangs’ pleas for the following 5 minutes before you could no longer ignore it.

“Oh my god! What Fangs?!” You slammed your pencil back down onto your textbook and stormed out of your room to find your boyfriend. You started to wander around your house, looking for your boyfriend, with every intention of strangling him when you found him. “Where are you Fangs?!”

“I told you I’m stuck!” Your boyfriend yelled back. “I’m stuck in the bathroom!”

“Oh god, you didn’t lock the door, did you?!” You yelled back, quickly running to the end of the hall where the bathroom was and trying the handle. Your bathroom lock had been playing up recently, the lock sticking whenever someone used it, everyone in your family knew not to look the door anymore, but you must’ve forgotten to tell Fangs.

“Yes…” Fangs’ muffled voice came from the other side of the door.

“Why?! It’s only us two in the house!” You asked, still fiddling with the door handle.

“I stormed out and I thought you’d come looking for me and then I’d have the door locked and be like ‘too bad’!” You could almost hear the pout in Fangs’ voice.

“We’ll have to wait till my dad gets home to take the door off, again. You won’t be able to fit through the window.” You groaned. “You’re so silly, Fangs, I know you wanted my attention, but I told you I needed to study.” You slid down the door, so your back was pressed up against it and you could hear Fangs do the same on the other side of the door.

Fangs sighed. “I just had a bad day and I wanted to see my girlfriend, but then my bad day got worse when she ignored me and then yelled at me and it turned horrible when I got locked in her bathroom.” Fangs banged his head against the door, the thud causing you to jump.

“I’m so sorry baby, I’m just so stressed and you know history is my worst subject. I am so sorry for yelling at you and I’m even more sorry for forgetting to tell you not to lock the door on the bathroom. I just figured you wouldn’t use the lock.” Your tone changed to apologetic, feeling bad that you’d upset your boyfriend so much. “Do you wanna talk about your bad day?”

Fangs nodded inside the bathroom, before remembering that you couldn’t see him and cleared his throat. “It started when I had Miss Belcher for English, she really hates me…” Fangs continued to tell you about the rest of his horrible day, remaining locked in the bathroom for another hour before your dad got home and quickly took the door off the wall, finally releasing your boyfriend into your arms.

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6 years ago

I’m almost done with mot of these now, start requesting again guys. Also, I feel like Toni and Cheryl need some love, can you guys send me some prompts for our bisexual babes? (NOT AS CHONI, I only write x readers)

My Queue

I’m going to update this with what’s in my queue to write. I’ll be writing them pretty much in order but I may write them slightly out of order if I don’t feel inspired at that point or if I get a request in I really love then I might do that! Also I’m pushing any Sweet Pea requests to the bottom right now because I have an ongoing series for him and I’ve written a lot for him already. Everything will get done though! Italics means it’s just something I want to write.

24 with Veronica - if I trip over one more of your shoes, I’m throwing the all away

3 with FP - he’s been gone quite a while 

Love hate relationship with Sweet Pea

49&58 with Sweet Pea -  But, I said I love you. and  You’re never this quiet, what’s wrong?

99&135 with Sweet Pea -  Be brave, sweetheart. and  Sing to me, please.

1,2&9 with Sweet Pea (from the new list) - the skirt is supposed to be this short, how long have you been standing there and quit it or I’ll bite

1&3 with Fangs - the skirt is supposed to be this short and I might be an idiot but I’m not stupid - jealous/protective Fangs

Requests are still open, I’m no longer taking prompts from the list I was using previously though. I am now using this list. 

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6 years ago

My Queue

I’m going to update this with what’s in my queue to write. I’ll be writing them pretty much in order but I may write them slightly out of order if I don’t feel inspired at that point or if I get a request in I really love then I might do that!  Italics means it’s just something I want to write.

Sweet Pea - 99&135 - “Be brave, sweetheart.” and “Sing to me, please.”

Sweet Pea - 1,2&9 (from the new list) - “the skirt is supposed to be this short”, “how long have you been standing there” and “quit it or I’ll bite”

Fangs - 1&3 - “the skirt is supposed to be this short” and “I might be an idiot but I’m not stupid” - jealous/protective Fangs

Fangs - 7 - “everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy” - reader is slightly intimidated at Fangs being a serpent.

Sweet Pea & Fangs love triangle - 29 and 88 - “come over here and make me” and “after everything… i’d still choose you”

FP - 1,2&3 - “the skirt is supposed to be this short”, “how long have you been standing there” and “i might be an idiot but I’m not stupid”

Toni - 132,141&142 - “We’re not playing strip poker. I don’t care what I said when I was drunk”, “Use your words” and “Hold my hand so he gets jealous”

Fangs & Sweet Pea - 141&142 - “use your words” and “hold my hand so he gets jealous” - using Sweet Pea to make Fangs jealous

Sweet Pea & Fangs - 117&120 - “can I do your hair?” and “he’s pampering me, let him be.” - either or both boys (I’m still undecided haha)

Reggie - 148 - “why do you only kiss me when I’m sleeping?”

Requests are still open and I am now using this list. Please don’t prompt me 1, 2, 3, 141 or 142 anymore guys!

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6 years ago


Read the rules


Corey Cunningham

- His baby mama : part 2


Leon S. Kennedy

- Unexpected Boner

- Valentine’s day

- His young and bright light

- Australian girlfriend

- Caught in the office

- RE Boys x endometriosis!reader

- Sore loser

Chris Redfield

- Warm me up, Captain 

- Body heat

- RE Boys x endometriosis!reader

Albert Wesker

- Migraines

- Progenitor woman: part 1, part 2, part 3

- Disorder

- RE Boys x endometriosis!reader

- Hate makes you blind

- Shaking like a leaf

- God Complex

- Covidead

- Annoying Wesker

- Family

- Albert Wesker as a father

- Privacy

- How Wesker decide the perfect mate

- Nsfw headcanon

- Wesker’s captive: part 1

- Seduction fails


Joel Miller

- Your lucky star

- On his backseat


Bucky Barnes

- Protection 

- Exquise Esquisse - Part 2

- Bucky as a dad


- Meow

- The melted popsicle

- The Asgardian whale dancing salsa

Peter Parker

- Blur

Steve Rogers

Natasha Romanoff


Thomas Shelby

- Everything I touch

- Periods (part 2)

- Fading innocence

Alfie Solomons

- Periods

John Shelby

- Periods

- Perfect sexual partner

- Coward

Michael Gray

- Work of art

- Blow your brain

- Sex or more?

- Someone else better than him

- You grow up too fast

- Periods (part 2)

- The Clementine - Part 2 (finished)


Sweet Pea

-  FP’s desk


Dean Winchester

- We’re not super heroes

- Fuck you, Chuck

- Chicken Out

Sam Winchester

- We’re not super heroes

- Chicken Out


Tom Hardy

Cillian Murphy

-  The wrong path

- Love war

Sebastian Stan

- The Little

- I wanna love you

Jensen Ackles

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