Caroline-Maria, 24, french writer & book cover artist. Requests: closed. My novels - My masterlist - buy me a ko-fi please 💜 - my rules - My AO3: BetrayedWriter
196 posts
Rules To Ask An Imagine Or A Headcanon
Rules to ask an imagine or a headcanon

I explain why there are rules just after thoses:
1) Ask something original or at least not too cliché. I would accept something cliché if the character you want me to write for still doesn’t have the same plot written. :)
2) I’ll write what I want to, only if I like your request or if I feel comfortable enough to write it (it should be okay if you respect the first rule)
3) Don’t ask me the same imagine or headcanon you sent to someone else, please.
4) Don’t harass me. If you want an answer, message me in private ;)
5) Don’t ask for a character that isn’t already in my masterlist. I can accept only if I already wrote for a character played by the same actor. But I can’t make promises.
6) Feel free to ask age gap stories, I’m living for it! Aha
7) English isn’t my first language so I’ll make some spelling or grammar mistakes, so don’t be harsh.
8) Being polite is always a plus ;)
I’m not the kind of person to establish rules, except when I don’t have the choice. I need to explain myself, why I need to set up rules. I can seem stupid to say that, but I have been really busy lately and I always will. Firstly, I make my studies a priority. Besides studies, I write a lot. These are mostly novels (in French) and since I’m published author, I want to focus my efforts on my novels... I would like to live from my books but in France, it’s extremely difficult, so I have to work harder and harder. So, it takes a lot of my time. Not to mention that there are times when I really want to relax reading or watching movies and series instead of writing.
I hope you understand my choice,
Love you. ♡
My social media:
Instagram - carolinemertz_
Twitter - causeimhappines
Wattpad - CauseImHappiness
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More Posts from Causeimhappinesss
Valentine’s Day | Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil 2 remake)
Pairing: Leon S. Kennedy x reader
Disclaimer: I’m french and even if I’m learning English for eight fucking years, it’s not perfect and I’m sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes. If English is your native language (or if you’re bilingual), I would really appreciate it if you could help me by correcting my errors. Just don’t be too harsh, please. :)
Valentine’s Day:
- To be honest, Leon isn’t the kind of guy to set up a date in a luxurious restaurant and to do something crazy, nope. Instead, you’re welcomed with open arms and a good hug in his home.
Hand in hand, you follow your boyfriend in his apartment and instantly he covers your eyes with his slightly calloused hand. Completely blind, he led you in his living room.
“I’m coming back, just keep your eyes closed.”
“Leoooon!” you groaned and he didn’t reply. You were tempted to open your eyelids, but you chose to respect his request. One minute later, you felt his arms circled your waist and a few seconds after that, you felt something soft tickle the tip of your nose when a floral scent intoxicated you in the sweetest way. Flowers…
“Happy Valentine’s day, Y/N…” he whispered in your ear before he kissed your cheek.
You let yourself being rocked in his arms…
- You would eat something he cook or junk food
“Woooow, Leon Scott Kennedy the top chef of…. Pasta carbonara!” you awarded him the title and applauded him with a broad smile.
Your boyfriend shook his head and stole you a kiss. The man had set the table and cook for the two of you, you tried to help him, but he forbade you. He served your plate, himself and quickly, you started to eat dinner. You were impressed with his cooking skills, without knowing he trained himself for days to be perfect at this! He wanted to make you happy and to treat you the best way he could, yet no forcing himself.
- Food war… Leon had food in his hair and you on your cleavage
- Cleaning the room together with laughs even if both of you are disappointed with the mess you made
- Showering together which lead to a make out session and then, changing in pyjamas
- Playing video games and watching movies together, cuddled on his couch and you’re being better than him at Mario and Crash Bandicoot.
“Let that be a lesson to you, Leonie!”
“What did you call me?”
- Singing and dancing on 90’s rock in the middle of his living room. Did you knew he could sing? Well he could be a part of a band!
(Saudade, RE2 remake)
There’s two sides to every story
Did you feed off the pain of the glory?
(Gone, gone)
It all burns away
(Gone, gone)
But how did it go so wrong?
Now it’s all gone
(The pain of remembering)
(Gone, gone)
Forget yesterday
(Gone, gone)
It ain’t worth the pain
(Gone, gone)
It ain’t worth the pain
The pain of remembering
- Kissing a lot
- Making love on the couch and finishing it in his bedroom (smut imagine here)
- Staying awake after sex, speaking of your future together…
Only his presence and his love counted for you.
His deep ocean eyes,
His dirty blond hair,
His beautiful smile,
His voice,
His comfy and soothing arms;
You loved everything about him and you already knew this night would have been nice.
Author Note :
Did you enjoyed? Should I make other headcannons and imagines? :)
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter , I’ll try to write in english as much as I can if you do ♡
Hi! I just wanted to say that your English is really great! It’s a hard and confusing language to learn (grammar/structure/punctuation ugh) especially if it’s not your native language.
Hi! Thank you for being so nice! ❤
English isn't so difficult but if we want to have a good level, practice is needed. 😉
+ If you're the person that left two requests about Cillian Murphy, yes I'll write it as soon as I can, but I'm super busy right now. However, it will be online before December (I think) 😉
Stories ideas

Sometimes, I want to write stories morally very wrong, but I can’t because people will think I’m mad, they’ll insulte me or even boycott my other works... :(
Exquise esquisse (Part 1)

Exquise esquisse
How can a love so pure and innocent at first, be prohibited?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
⚠️Warning⚠️: This story will contain incest. If you feel uncomfortable, please don’t read. This story isn’t about smut or just to satisfy some pervert desires. I’m writing this story because I wanted to read a pure and very intense love forbidden, the kind that makes your heart and stomach hurt or even cry. I don’t advocate for incest, actually I think this is very wrong, I know and I’m not a big fan of that, tbh. However, I’ve been thinking of this for a year: “What could happen if Bucky Barnes got someone pregnant in the 40′s and now he’s falling in love with his great-granddaughter without knowing she’s family?”. In this story, I'll broach different points of view: philosophical (thanks to philosophy classes in high school!), cultural and historical. AND don’t come to insult me or what you want because, it will show you didn’t understood what I wanted to prove through this story. One last thing: I won’t write this story as a regular novel cause I don’t think I have the level in english (and the time) so, I'll stick to short chapters and emphasize the important points and feelings.
Disclaimer: I’m french and even if I’m learning English for eight fucking years, it’s not perfect and I’m sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes. If English is your native language (or if you’re bilingual), I would really appreciate it if you could help me by correcting my errors. Just don’t be too harsh, please. :)
Walking in the streets of Brooklyn, earphones on, you rolled up the sleeves of your denim jacket. Without looking straight ahead. You had never hit a muscular and hot torso or fell to the overthrow, but narrowly caught by a handsome man. It was only in the movies, so why se faire un sang d’encre? Life was a ballad, which, like any other, contains positive and negative. Nothing was all white nor black. It was all about nuances. Everything in your life was about shade of difference.
What you couldn’t imagine, would be that something would plow into you. You were more likely to take a post in your face, instead, a beautiful Labrador ran and jumped on your legs. The animal was adorable, so adorable that you couldn’t resist it, you caressed the top of his head before looking around for his owner. Came face to you a tall handsome man, your heart missed a beat and you couldn’t take your eyes off him. He had everything from a Greek god, the kind that makes you fall for him and leaves you with that strange feeling. A feeling on which you cannot put a label on it because you don’t know what it is, the kind of feeling that doesn’t leave you insensitive, the kind of feeling that leads you to ask yourself a thousand and one questions. Attraction is so powerful.
His azure eyes, resting on you, didn’t make you fall backwards, instead, he turned you upside down. Love at first sight existed, you were convinced. This invasion of so foreign sentiments overwhelmed you… Even, poisoned you. When he came to apologize to you, you couldn’t help but smiled and a long discussion ensued. It was the beginning of love... Love, so pure, so innocent.
You were so young, beautiful and kind. Despite your slightly grunge look, something in you reminded him of his youth. Your innocence, perhaps? Your doe eyes? Your shy smile? Or was it the sweet freshness you provided? In a single instant, Bucky was lost, but he knew one thing: you didn’t leave him indifferent, he desired to see you again, no, he had to. He needed you. You became his new heroin, when he barely knew you. The wrong way was already taken. But was it really your fault? Fate knew how to find you, nobody escapes it and there was no way you two would.
“Bucky… Call me Bucky, doll.”
Bucky, that name, you already heard it somewhere. He was Captain America’s best friend, but why did it sound so familiar? As if you personally met him before?
You didn’t question yourself any longer, because you knew you would see him again. One look, one smile, one hour of discussion and you were infatuated with him.
L'amour que nous ne ferons jamais ensemble
Est le plus rare le plus troublant
Le plus pur le plus enivrant
Exquise esquisse…
- Gainsbourg
Let me know what you think! I’ll write the next part as soon as I can! :)
Wattpad: CauseImHappiness
Instagram: CauseImHappinesss
Twitter: CauseImHappines
Chicken out (Winchester brothers x sister!reader)
Request: could you do a winchester sister one in which she goes on a mission alone bc she was sure it was safe and not a big deal but when she comes back to the bunker, hurt and bleeding without anyone seeing she goes to her room trying to stop it bc shes sure she can fix herself up, but when she cant she goes to the kitchen when everyone is and tries to explain herself before she collapses in dean arms? im all for the angsty shit ajsjs
Warnings: a bit of angst + I’m super sorry, it’s absolutely not my best work but I really wanted to write it before going on vacation, especially since I still have other things to do... :(
Disclaimer: I’m french and even if I’m learning English for eight fucking years, it’s not perfect and I’m sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes. If English is your native language (or if you’re bilingual), I would really appreciate it if you could help me by correcting my errors. Just don’t be too harsh, please. :)
➳ Who said it was a good idea? Nobody, but as stubborn as you were, you went to this “safe and simple” hunt.
➳ Even if you butchered this bitchy witch, you hadn’t escaped completely unscathed.
➳ She stabbed you in the right side. You lost a lot of blood, but you managed to drive to the bunker while trying to stop the bleeding.
➳ When you have passed the doors of the bunker, you immediately took refuge in your room to take care of your wound without your brothers noticing it.
➳ Despite your attempts to remain discreet, drops of blood crashed on the ground so far immaculate. A few minutes after your passage, Jack noticed them, but made no comment to the boys. After all, they always came back a bit hurt so that should be all right... Isn’t it?
➳ In your room, you rummaged in all your drawers, looking for your first aid kit. When found it, you opened it and began to disinfect the wound in a muffled pain scream. You didn’t want to draw your brothers’ attention or even Castiel’s.
➳ When you tried to stitch your wound, you chickened out. Your hands were shaking, your vision was blurry and you were swaying.
➳ Pitching, you joined your brothers in the kitchen, except that they weren’t alone. Practically everyone was there: Castiel, Gabriel, Lucifer, Jack and even Chuck was present.
➳ They couldn’t miss your wound, your shirt was no longer gray, but crimson and you kept your hand on your wound.
➳ “What the hell happened?!” shouted Dean, leaping from his chair. He threw himself at your side, letting you lean on him while you attempted to sit on the nearest chair. “The witch… She… She was more powerful than we thought and-and…” you tried to explain before you collapsed in your brother’s arms.
➳ A few hours later when you woke up, you were in your bed, dressed in your denim pants and your bra. When you looked at your injury, there was nothing. You felt good, like if nothing happened.
➳ When you jumped out of your bed and went to join the guys, you didn’t have time to say anything that Dean reprimanded you like a child. You hated that. “Are you nut?! You could have died and no, you choose to say nothing!” It was clear that you wouldn’t go hunting again without him or Sam.