Currently watching and commenting The Loyal Pin. Waiting for Uranus-2324 (it’s been 84 weeks) and The Heart Killers while re-watching MSP, The eclipse and GAP. On my TinnGun/G4, SandRay/FK, MonSam/KathLin/AnilPin/FB, MorkDay/JS and TanFang/AB era (ult-ships). A personal blog where I mostly write and share stuff :)AO3 | Stories | Notion Templates
1439 posts
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Just because you genuinely care about something does not magically give you the energy for it

The Eclipse (2022) Mock Trailer – I think about this scene sometimes and I wish we had it 🤧

Pin man-hating lesbian my beloved 🫶
babe wake up october 2024 just dropped

Im a real boring bitch! A snoozer! A low key homebody!!! I love loneliness AND privately trying to deal with emotional trauma!!!
Khunnoos Promptober 2024
October is just around the corner and I’ve always wanted to do one of those October challenges. So, here it is. A Promptober for my currently fav couple (G4). The prompts aren’t that well thought, they’re just some tropes I like and want to write about. Feel free to participate if you want tho!
Here’s the collection (KhunnoosPromptober2024) and I’ll write the list of prompts below the cut.

1. Arranged Marriage
2. Body Swap
3. Crushes
4. Concerts
5. Coffee Shop AU
6. Doctor AU
7. Enemies to Lovers
8. Fake Boyfriends
9. Ghosts
10. Fluff, Angst or Hurt/Comfort
11. Idol x Fan
12. Japan trip
13. Matching tattoos
14. Marked Fate
15. Locked-up together
16. Childhood friends to lovers
17. Partners in crime
18. Party goes wrong/College Parties
19. Police/Criminal AU
20. Quiet vs Talkative Boyfriends
21. Robots AU
22. Reverse Plot
23. Royalty AU
24. Secret Relationships/Secret Dating
25. Stealing the Groom
26. Soulmates AU
27. Time travel
28. Utopian Universe
29. Vampires AU
30. Time loops
31. Horror, Thriller or Fantasy
This is just a personal challenge, really. I don’t even know if I’m gonna be able to compete half of it but you’re absolutely welcome to participate if you want to. How, you might wonder? Well, by just writing and adding to the collection I made on Ao3. That’s it. What you’d get? Well, more to read about our mutual fixation, I guess? 😅
There’s not much more to add. No actually rules. The collection is open and unmoderated. Sign-ups are also open, and I’ve added the prompts you see here. Wish I would’ve posted this earlier but I was hesitant. Have fun writing! That’s what’s important. I’d love read everyone’s work (if there’s anyone who actually participates. lol)
Watch me fail to fulfil even one of these and embarrass myself *sighs in regret already*
✎ Commentary of Ep 6 ~ The Loyal Pin (Thai GL-2024) - Part 3

Do you hear that? That’s their heart shattering. The squeaking sound quickly turned into weeping sound. Not so fun anymore 😭😭😭

Suffering that’s all we have here. My poor girls ❤️🩹
We don’t want you to go either, Anil.
At least Pin get to spend the last few days Anil got staying at the Pine Palace with her. That’s a relief.

Then we have this beautiful moment where Anil wants to celebrate Pin’s birthday in advance.
Only westerns celebrate birthdays like this? That’s interesting 🤔

But why not knowing how to bake (and cook too ig) only adds to her charm?? Probably cuz even not knowing how to she went to the kitchen and baked a cake for her girl anyway.
We love a dedicated, and romantic Princess.
Did she make a mess in the process. Definitely. But hey! She tried her best!
(I don’t think that’s how you pour flour Anil, Sweetie 🥹)

She wants to have a moment alone with her lady… okay go on then!
Poor Prik always being chased away 😅
They have a nice dinner only for the suffering to continue later on :(
Anil is leaving by the end of that week 💔

“If anything happen to you how would i live?” 💔
“I’m fine. Your highness” She said seconds before passing out.
In matters of dealing with Anil’s departure well. Pin is not. My poor girl. She gets sick out of pure heart pain.

Apparently, she stays in bed for a week and when she wakes up Anil’s gone!
I refused to believe that’s actually true. Anil would’ve never leave without saying good bye to her girl!
But that’s how the episode ends 😔
Here are the other Parts. Part 1 & Part 2
✎ Commentary of Ep 6 ~ The Loyal Pin (Thai GL-2024) - Part 2

Right after our cute little date we get immediately back to squeaking sound activities. Ahem…

Pin walked right into that one by asking that question to her Princess.
The way Anil holds her face tho… just before she asks “Can I eat you?” AHAJASJAJDI Yes, you can. And she’s not even asking me!

Oh, and she’s about to do exactly that!
We’re not figurative speaking here in this household.
She kneel right in front of her and as Charli and Billie said got all up in it… The princess and her vast knowledge on ahem… *checks notes* squeaking sound activities keeps surprising me!!
And we’re back in a couch people. The flashbacks from Gap ep 9 were strong in this one. We love our little multiverse where the girls mastered the art of being eat-out in a couch. Love that for us! 👏🏼

I caught two infractions just in this sequence! Three if we count that naughty hand sliding under Pin’s skirt… God, I love it here.
We have classical Freen’s in the lower left corner, with the bitting on her finger. Got another classic with them holding hands against the couch. And just the girls being the amazing actresses that they are! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

And their little bubble is bursted, and so it’s ours 😭
Pin discover they have to get married eventually and not exactly to each other :/
Look at her face of sheer panic and fear cause what do you mean they have to marry a man…

Pin is suffering just by the mere thought of them being force to get married to other people. What are they gonna do? They just started their relationship…
And Anil is there to light up her mood like the ray of sunshine she is 🙌🏼☀️😭
HELP, Pin can’t even eat a cookie by herself hahahah
Oh, look! Prik is there too! Hahaha Anil was annoyed

Unfortunately, Prik announced a very unpleasant visitor. And they have to go see the man…
If looks could kill he’d be a dead man 💀 The way Anil was looking at him was murderous…

How dare him??? That’s what’s written in Anil’s face and Pin is also there looking at him like ???

Help. The immediate change of tone of voice and softening of look in Anil when she talks to Pin. The double standards keep getting stronger and stronger!
Love how Pin is quick to not only reject him but also make sure Anil knows she never had the slightest intention of accepting anything from him.
The moment that’s clear, Anil send him back to work hahaha she’s not playing!

“One just left and another one comes”
Prik is tired of all this suitors hahah she’s a real one for that one.
But Pranon it’s cool. He’s just Anil’s bestie. The way Anil panics tho when he said that he missed her hahahah you can see it in her face and then you look at Pin and understand why is Anil panicking. they’re so funny 😅
They all had a great time laughing at Mr. Kuea.
He did that to himself. I can’t believe he’s gonna keep on persuing Pin after being rejected so bluntly. Have some self-respect, man!
There’s more for this episode. Here’s Part 3 and Part 1
✎ Commentary of Ep 6 ~ The Loyal Pin (Thai GL-2024) - Part 1
This episode’s summary according to Prik:

Yeah... Pretty much this episode was full of (squeaking sound) and Princesses rolling in bed like lovesick teenagers. I mean, look at Anin’s face. She did it! She won lesbianism and achieved the impossible, got her woman.
Congratulations, Princess! You’re one step ahead of all of us 😭👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
This is gonna be a long one again. I’d recommend get comfortable as I catch up!

We start right where we left off and Oh. My. God. They’re the cutest, softest, hottest, i can’t even explain how much I loved this scene. It’s just so 🤌🏼
First they’re kissing, nonstop and all of a sudden Pin stops and pull away softly—out of breath. Anil asks what’s wrong (in the softest tone of voice, mind you) and Pin says she couldn’t breathe.
Like, girl. Anil. Chill~ 🥴
Anil giggles as you can see in the picture above and does, and says the craziest thing. First she kiss Pin on the forehead calling her adorable (how dare she!) and THEN SHE SAYS: I promise I’ll be very gentle…
Girrlll. I told you to chill!!
She’s insane. That was just the beginning and I was dying already!

Then they go on with the kisses (the damn kisses. That we here loud and clear)
Anil doesn’t waste any time and as she devours Pin she starts undressing her. The way she does it tho (I’m hyperventilating) she slides that tiny little strip off her shoulder in such a gracious way I felt like she was undressing me. Got shy and all. HELP.
And Pin just lets her, she lets her do whatever the princess wants and oh, she’s starving. She’s been starving for years!
Anyway, Anil continues now kissing down Pin’s neck and can i take a moment to appreciate how beautiful Freen’s hair just flows on her back like waterfall??? ART. God, she’s gorgeous!

Then we have Anil going lower and lower and I’m losing it a bit more and more. Wondering how far the Princess’ knowledge will take us…
She lays Pin down, very softly very gently just as she said she will!
And well, what can I say. I’m impressed on how vast Anil’s knowledge is! The boarding school has clearly teach her some important things! Such a great investment for the crown and the government ig (I’m not sure how Thai royalty worked back then)
The way Anil look at Pin throughout the entire scene?? The way Pin holds onto her neck as she smiles all bliss-out?? Losing my goddamn mind.

Then we got the morning after 🙌🏼
And aren’t they cute?

They’re extremely cute I CANT 😭😭😭
The way Anil asks for a kiss and Pin immediately give it to her aghjskfkf

Then we have this sequence of Pin’s memories if I’m not mistaken and it’s the cutest thing ever. They’re too cute for my well being. Honestly 😭
Anil’s dimples (Becky’s) are the most adorable thing ever. Pin is so right for wanting to kiss them and pinch them and eat-

Anil, instead, she doesn’t only want to kiss Pin on the cheek. Nope. She wants to devour her. Are we even surprised? She just did that the previous night…

They’re so soft. I love the way they look at each other. The way they smile at each other. Bumping the other’s nose? Pecking the other and kissing her hand? Got me giggling and shit 😔
And finally resting her head on her chest once again. Just kill me please.
I can’t bare this suffering that is being single and lonely anymore 😭😭😭
Anil holding the back of Pin’s head the entire time. PLEASEEEE

Then we go on with the day and they miss each other as the clingy pair that they are. Anil misses Pin so much she goes and help her with her chores. If that’s not true love I don’t know what it is 😅
They have a cute little moment under the freshly washed sheets and omg they’re so in love!
Once they’re done with the chores (I think) they go on a cute little date, holding hands and sharing food. I’m not sure if this montage is real or their imagination but it’s cute.
Everything in this episode it’s just fucking cute, at least till the two first parts.
I know I’m yapping too much but can’t help it. it’s not favorite moments anymore but a commentary. lol. Here’s Part 2
Can we normalize that both of the people on a relationship maybe don't have any sort of transportation so they have to rely on public transport? Yeah this is a new couple dynamic that is real for us girlies with no drivers license: Public transport couple
The Marriage Equality Law has been enacted in Thailand...
The news that His Majesty, the King has signed and approved the Marriage Equality Law was announced in the Royal Gazette today, September 24, 2024. This means that the law will officially come into effect on January 22, 2025!!!
What new changes has the law brought into effect?
- Two individuals can marry regardless of gender
- The minimum age for marriage has been raised from 17 to 18 (You will still need parental consent to marry should you be under the age of 20, which is what Thailand considers a "legal adult")
- Thai citizens can register their foreign marriages under Thai Law (I am very happy to see this being specified as I wasn't sure it would be-- big excitement for someone who has a 'foreign' partner)
- Joint Adoptions are allowed
- Spouses have the right to inherit after spousal death
- Spouses can be assigned as medical proxies to make any/all medical decisions for their spouse
- Spouses gain rights under social security law: including compensation and retirement benefits in case of spousal death
- Spouses are entitled to tax benefits, including personal income tax deductions
Looking to the future, there is currently a draft for the "Gender Identity Recognition Act" that, I desperately hope, is on its way to parliament 🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾
Writes an almost 10k word chapter: YESSS FREAKING FINALLY. LET’S GOOOOOOOO
Have to edit the entire thing from start to end:

I’m gonna fucking kms fr 😭😭😭
Omg now that i think of it, i can't believe we still didn't get a series with hanahaki disease lol its like the perfect plot for a company to pick up come on give us that leading to happy ending I'm seated already
taste by sabrina but in a good luck babe way. you get it. you see the vision.
Current GL airing dates:
Reverse 4 You (AIRING NOW)
Length: 8 episodes
When: Every Tuesday
Where: Netflix Worldwide
Chaser Game W S2 (AIRING NOW)
When: Every Thursday
Length: 10 episodes
Where: TVer, GagaOoLala
Length: 8 episodes
When: Every Friday
Where: ONE31, iQIYI app, IQ.com, CHANGE2561 on YT
The Loyal Pin (AIRING NOW)
Length: 16 episodes
When: Every Sunday
Where: Workpoint TV, Idol Factory on YT
My Ex’s Wedding Movie
When: November 14th
Length: ?
When: November 23rd
Where: ONE31, iQIYI app, IQ.com

I always wanted to touch the rainbow.
Yall know the posts that are like "you can usually tell who little sister is bc she'll be the taller one", lets test that theory
if you need an example, my sister is older than me by 3 years and I'm taller by a few inches
all of this is /j and /lh!!
To have someone in your life that at the only mention of losing you gets emotional and starts crying...what a great feeling must be to have that...🫂

War Wanarat as Joker Jack & Joker, ep. 2
Tan, calling Fang: Hey, sweetheart
Fang: Jail or hospital?
Tan: How dare thee make such accusations when I am merely greeting my lover?!
Fang: Jail or hospital
Tan: Does my honey-bun really have such little faith in me?
Fang: Jail. Or. Hospital.
Tan: ... Jail. AND I LOVE YOU!
Fang: *Hangs up*
Fang, calling back: Loveyoutoo
Tan: Aw-
Fang: *Hangs up again*