Thai Drama - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

I'm so glad that the UWMA franchise decided to start with a different type of bang this time around.

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1 year ago

For Anyone's Next Watch-Through...

For Anyone's Next Watch-Through...

I've started noticing patterns. Send me more and I'll make another one!

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1 year ago

Laws of Attraction Eps 1 and 2 Stray Thoughts

For @lurkingteapot, @negrowhat, and @troubled-mind, here are some highlights from the voice recordings Bestie and I sent to the chat while we were watching the first two episodes.

Episode 1

Ben: They were death-flagging on this child, so David and I decided to take the over-under on how long it would take this child to die. We gave it five minutes. So, two minutes later.... David: They ran over that child like Wile E. Coyote!

David: I can't go to Thailand. Ben: I'm scared! I'm really scared!

Ben: I'm so excited. This is giving everything. We got a kid run over by a car after death flagging six different ways, and David's like that list better not be in that bag! Cuts to the bag. The list is covered in blood. David: This is a Mexican telenovela!!

Episode 2

Ben: Let's talk about this sandwich. This man put all this presentation into a single sandwich, which he cut in half! Then split between the two of them, garnished with a piece of lettuce, a slice of tomato, and a ton of onion....along with some orange juice from concentrate?? With bread that looks like it was burnt to within in inch of its life on a George Foreman Grill..... This man is insane.... Like we already knew that. This man is as insane as Bill in Kill Bill 2 using a whole chef's knife to spread mayonnaise on a sandwich.

Ben: Okay, David, you were correct. I'll give you a Clowned Correctly award. David said that that man is not touching him because he's insane and he absolutely wants that man to want him when he finally fucks him. I love it though! He's like, "You were drunk, and you puked on yourself. So I removed your clothes to clean you up, and lusted. I sure did! But I didn't touch you! Because that would get me 4-20 year in prison. And they're not gonna have my ruffles and bubble baths in prison." David: "I'm a not-so-secret luxurious bitch. I don't DO cells." Ben: This high sadity mofo's like, "Uh-uh. But! Since you're sober now!" David: "Let's talk!!" Ben: I love this man. David: "Good! What's really good?"

Ben: Not this man getting out of this car... David: With the gayest shirt! Ben: What the fuck is going on with this collar and these overlong goddamn sleeves? This man is a menace. David: This is giving, "Give me shirt but also a Faustian nightmare." Ben: He looks like someone just popped a can of cinnamon rolls. David: I can't want more for you than you want for yourself. Ben: overdone...with this show... David: And not champagne colored! You're a gay man! You know better! Ben: Look how it's sitting on his shoulders! This is a travesty!

Ben: I know we comment on how unhinged this man is in every scene, but why is he taking the One Ring to Mordor as well?

Ben: This is the least insane he's looked in this show, and that's saying something. We've been here for nine hours.

Ben: I see why @ginnymoonbeam said this show might be for the KinnPorsche enjoyers because this is now the next show where we've watched a father slap his son in the most bitchless way possible. David: Slaps always come in threes! The first is your first salvo. The second, this time, is aiming to fuck up some real estate. The third is the disrespect.

David: They clearly defined her relationship with her employees. They are not afraid of her. If these are hoes, they feel taken care of. Ben: I don't know what the relationship is between Organ and Silvy's characters, but I hope we get to see them fuck on screen. David: If we don't, why am I here? I require women doing filthy shit to each other. I can get BL anywhere. I came to see women doing shameful things with each other. I came here for Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon in Bound. I did not come here for the Bridges of Madison County. Ben: Girl you ain't never lie!

David: I'm here for this. The unapologetic sissiness is what I live for. He had me when he pulled out that little gun. "Now, I can date you, but I can also put you down like a dog." You know there's nothing I love more than Gays With Guns. Look at God. Won't he do it. Ben: God had nothing to do with iQIYI.

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1 year ago

I’m sorry for talking shit about you iQiyi subbers, you are great at your job actually never change

Im Sorry For Talking Shit About You IQiyi Subbers, You Are Great At Your Job Actually Never Change

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1 year ago
Happy 1 Year Of MSP!!

Happy 1 year of MSP!! đŸ„ł

This show will always hold such a special place in my heart đŸ„ș💕 I met a ton of wonderful people in the fandom, made new friends and did a lot of arts!! 💞

Thank you tinngun (and gemfourth) for bringing us one of the sweetest, most earnest and heartfelt stories of first love on screen đŸ„ș❀

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6 months ago
This Poster Is Doing A Whole Lot For Me

This poster is doing a whole lot for međŸ« đŸ« đŸ« 

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6 months ago

Current GL airing dates:

Reverse 4 You (AIRING NOW)

Length: 8 episodes

When: Every Tuesday

Where: Netflix Worldwide

Chaser Game W S2 (AIRING NOW)

When: Every Thursday

Length: 10 episodes

Where: TVer, GagaOoLala


Length: 8 episodes

When: Every Friday

Where: ONE31, iQIYI app,, CHANGE2561 on YT

The Loyal Pin (AIRING NOW)

Length: 16 episodes

When: Every Sunday

Where: Workpoint TV, Idol Factory on YT

My Ex’s Wedding Movie

When: November 14th


Length: ?

When: November 23rd

Where: ONE31, iQIYI app,

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First And Ja Live || 2021/16/09
First And Ja Live || 2021/16/09
First And Ja Live || 2021/16/09

First and Ja Live || 2021/16/09

there sooo cute it hurts đŸ€•

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if I could make a wish right now it would be season 2 of 2moons and love by chance with the same cast 💜

I really like this moment. Hahaha

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y’all, that’s my otp

Meeting You Was Fate,becoming Your Friend Was A Choice,but Falling In Love With You Was Beyond My Control.
Meeting You Was Fate,becoming Your Friend Was A Choice,but Falling In Love With You Was Beyond My Control.
Meeting You Was Fate,becoming Your Friend Was A Choice,but Falling In Love With You Was Beyond My Control.
Meeting You Was Fate,becoming Your Friend Was A Choice,but Falling In Love With You Was Beyond My Control.
Meeting You Was Fate,becoming Your Friend Was A Choice,but Falling In Love With You Was Beyond My Control.
Meeting You Was Fate,becoming Your Friend Was A Choice,but Falling In Love With You Was Beyond My Control.
Meeting You Was Fate,becoming Your Friend Was A Choice,but Falling In Love With You Was Beyond My Control.
Meeting You Was Fate,becoming Your Friend Was A Choice,but Falling In Love With You Was Beyond My Control.

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.

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is it really me or kings accent or way of speaking is f adorable ?!! Like i keep hitting repeat just to hear him speak and of course to get my daily dose of ramking đŸ„ș💘

#literal Children
#literal Children
#literal Children
#literal Children
#literal Children
#literal Children
#literal Children
#literal Children
#literal Children
#literal Children

#literal children

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1 year ago
@userdramas Event 06: Second Time To Shine Favorite Secondary Ship : Kavin X Kaning [F4 Thailand: Boys
@userdramas Event 06: Second Time To Shine Favorite Secondary Ship : Kavin X Kaning [F4 Thailand: Boys
@userdramas Event 06: Second Time To Shine Favorite Secondary Ship : Kavin X Kaning [F4 Thailand: Boys
@userdramas Event 06: Second Time To Shine Favorite Secondary Ship : Kavin X Kaning [F4 Thailand: Boys
@userdramas Event 06: Second Time To Shine Favorite Secondary Ship : Kavin X Kaning [F4 Thailand: Boys
@userdramas Event 06: Second Time To Shine Favorite Secondary Ship : Kavin X Kaning [F4 Thailand: Boys
@userdramas Event 06: Second Time To Shine Favorite Secondary Ship : Kavin X Kaning [F4 Thailand: Boys

@userdramas​ event 06: second time to shine  â†Ș Favorite secondary ship : Kavin x Kaning [F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers đŸŒ·]

Love can be a beautiful thing. But it doesn’t apply to me.

You said you’re not fit for love. That’s not true at all.

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1 year ago

someone say that to me plz

Some Girls Cry Pretty. But Tears Are Not For Someone Like You.Dry Your Tears And Get Back To Being A
Some Girls Cry Pretty. But Tears Are Not For Someone Like You.Dry Your Tears And Get Back To Being A
Some Girls Cry Pretty. But Tears Are Not For Someone Like You.Dry Your Tears And Get Back To Being A
Some Girls Cry Pretty. But Tears Are Not For Someone Like You.Dry Your Tears And Get Back To Being A
Some Girls Cry Pretty. But Tears Are Not For Someone Like You.Dry Your Tears And Get Back To Being A
Some Girls Cry Pretty. But Tears Are Not For Someone Like You.Dry Your Tears And Get Back To Being A
Some Girls Cry Pretty. But Tears Are Not For Someone Like You.Dry Your Tears And Get Back To Being A
Some Girls Cry Pretty. But Tears Are Not For Someone Like You.Dry Your Tears And Get Back To Being A
Some Girls Cry Pretty. But Tears Are Not For Someone Like You.Dry Your Tears And Get Back To Being A

Some girls cry pretty. But tears are not for someone like you. Dry your tears and get back to being a fighter.

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1 year ago

The Misfortunate Incident

Chapter One

The Misfortunate Incident

“I'll love you till I take my last breath, Emilia!”

“No matter what gets thrown our way I'm prepared to fight for you.”

“I just need to know we're on the same page, what do you say Em?”




 --- " EMILIA! Wake up, you’re going to be Late! "

Light flooding into the once dark room as the screech of the curtains being shoved open accompanies her mom’s voice, jolts Emilia from her sleep. Turning over to look at the time flashing on the alarm clock, she’s struck with the realization that she has less than 20 minutes to get ready or risk missing the bus for her first class. After throwing the blanket off her body, she welcomes the cold air while heading to her closet in search of something to wear.

Still being in the post sleep daze of consciousness led to many mishapes to occur in her morning routine, such as knocking her shoulder into the door frame on her way to the bathroom to and stubbing her toe while walking to her dresser. After grabbing her bag and an apple from her kitchen, she kissed her mom goodbye and rushed out of her apartment to the bus stop.

(Outfit and Hair)

The Misfortunate Incident
The Misfortunate Incident

“Of all the days to oversleep, it just had to be today” she muttered, while rushing down the never-ending flights of stairs she’s had to take in place of the elevator since it’s been broken for the past month.

Emilia smiled at the Abby, a grey-haired woman, that worked at the apartment front office as she reached the lobby of her building. Bursting out the front double doors she hurried down the front stairs and onto the busy Seattle sidewalks in search of the bus stop. She arrived just as it was about to take off and knocked on the door while looking pleadingly at the driver who took sympathy on the frazzled girl and reopened the door so she could climb on.

“Overslept again Em, that the second time this month”

Emilia smiled at the bus driver, an older man named Harold who she was used to seeing every day, while she swiped her bus pass and responded to his playful jab with her own.

“I stayed up late working on a presentation for school, I wish I was old like you and didn’t have to worry about things like this anymore”

Harold laughed and shooed the girl to find a seat so he could take off and makeup for the couple minutes he lost waiting for the scatter-brained girl. Settling into her seat and plugging in her headphones, Emilia settled in for her commute to school and prayed that the rest of the day would run much smoother than her morning proved to be. The music flowing through her ears and the scenery zooming by allowing the girl some peace before her hectic day was her favorite part of her morning routine


Arriving to school she searched for her friend Jessi in hopes of getting breakfast before they had to separate and begin their classes for the day. Luckily Emilia only had three classes on her schedule for Fridays, today she wished for a full schedule to avoid going to her last class of the day where she had a presentation due. Though she stayed up well into the night to practice, it didn’t do much to diminish her nerves. This wasn’t entirely surprising considering that anyone who knew the girl would know that she was terrified of public speaking and has been known on more than one occasion to freeze up entirely when in front of a crowed.

Lost in her thoughts she jumped when she was poked in the side and whirled around to face the girl shed been searching for, Jessi Solace. Emilia and Jessi have been friends since they were in middle school and Jessi stood up for Emilia when she was getting picked on by a group of girls, they’d been inseparable since.

“Woah Em! Did you pull another all-nighter, your eyebags are so dark” Jessi gasped.

“Don’t even get me started, I was so nervous for today I don’t even know how I managed to get any sleep at all” Emilia replied while walking in the direction of the canteen with Jessi at her side.

“Em, I swear you’re going to be fine. You always get yourself so worked up about these things and you do just fine once you do it” Jess nudged her best friend with a laugh while they got their food.

The girls found a table and sat down before Jessi called for Emilia’s attention to talk about the latest show, she’d been invested in.

“I can’t believe its almost over and you still haven’t started watching it, I honestly think it’s the best adaptation so far, no lie F4 Thailand is way too good for to not even have started episode” she chided her brunette friend.

“It’s not that I haven’t wanted to watch it Jess, I’ve just been busy with classes I haven’t had much time to do anything really, besides I doubt that this version can be any better than Meteor Garden, which if I recall correctly, you also dubbed the best version” Emilia laughed while raising her eyebrow at her less that amused friend who simply responded by sticking her tongue out.

“I swear I really mean it this time promise me you’ll watch it today, besides its Friday and we have a three-day weekend any, it’ll be the perfect relaxer after these last couple weeks you spent on this project” she begged with a pout.

“Ugh fine I promise, now I got to get to my first class I’ll see you later, love you”

“Love you too”


            After she separated from Jessi, the rest of Emilia’s day seemed to speed by until it was finally time to head to her last lecture and give her presentation. While on the way to class Emilia felt her nerves began to reignite, her thoughts spiraled on all the things that could possibly go wrong, she was snaped out of it when she collied with a girl and felt the front of her shirt become soaked with a cold substance. Looking down her shirt had a big stain and through the girl began to apologize, Emilia brushed her off with a strained smile and rushed to the nearest bathroom.

            Dabbing at her shirt with a paper towel did very little to help the stain and she quickly realized she’d need to go to class with a stained shirt or risk failing the presentation. Releasing a deep breath Emilia grabbed her bag and left the bathroom to continue to get to her class while trying to calm her racing heart and hold back the tears of frustration that threatened to break past her water line.

            Stepping into class she rushed to the back of the classroom and slumped into her seat while resting her head on her arms in an attempted to ground herself. After a few peaceful minutes the clack of heels filled the auditorium like classroom and drew the attention of the students who were previously either chatting or scrambling to finish last minute details they didn’t have the energy to do the night before.

“Good afternoon, Class, I hope everyone was able to successfully complete their presentation projects, today we’ll be doing the first set of presentations and will finish the rest next Tuesday after the four-day weekend. I’ve also decided that to add an element of surprise I’ll be choosing popsicle sticks to determine order.” Her professor announced with a smile while the students let out a collective groan at the news.

“Since I can see how enthusiastic you all are, let’s begin”


As the time ticked on and one presentation after the other went by, Emilia began to grow hopeful that she wouldn’t get called to present and would be able to hold off till the following week when she wasn’t covered in someone’s iced coffee. Her heartrate began to slow when she checked the time and there was 10 minutes left of the class, she was sure that the professor would end it there and she’d get off scott free. She felt on top of the world, the room felt brighter, the air felt fresher, everything felt gre—

“Emilia Raven, you’ll be our last presentation for today”

She’d never felt her heart drop as fast as it did in that moment, taking a deep breath Emilia shakily stood up and began walking down the steps towards the front of the auditorium. Once she reached the bottom step she looked towards her professor and could feel the surprise in his eye at what she was sure was her less than tidy state of being, with her dark under eyes and coffee-stained shirt on full display seeing as she had to leave the house bares faced in her rush that morning and her little misshape that took place minutes before class.

Taking a deep breath, she mustered up a smile and turned to face the waiting students.


Stepping into the apartment, Emilia slammed the door behind her and called out a greeting to her mother while walking to the kitchen in search of a snack. Once she entered, she noticed a note sitting on the counter and upon closer inspection saw it was from her mom informing her that she got called in to work the night shift at the hospital. She also warned her to not go back out, since there was supposed to be a storm rolling into the area and she didn’t want her out in it.

Setting the note back down on the counter, she let put a sigh and thought about how she should spend her night, her mom working the night shift meant she’d have the apartment to herself for the night and she fully intended to take advantage. She was going to wash the stench of coffee off her, make herself dinner and maybe finally get around to watching the new show her best friend had been trying to get her to watch.

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1 year ago

The Misfortunate Incident

Chapter Two

The Misfortunate Incident

While walking to the kitchen in search of some food after her shower, Emilia heard the familiar tune coming from her phone which notified her that Jessi was calling. Scooping up her phone, she grimaced when thinking about what this conversation would involve. She’d updated Jessi through text about how her presentation had gone and knowing her like she does, Emilia knew she’d have to give her a play by play before she’d even think about letting her stew in her own humiliation.


“EMILIA!! Please tell me you were joking!” Jessi cut off. Pushing aside pleasantries between these two was common when there were more important matters to discuss.

“Well, I mean it really does sound worse than—”

“YOU PUKED ON PROFESSOR BARKLEY” her best friend nearly screeched before breaking off into a fit of giggles that made Emilia feel both mortified and amused.


“Bhahaha—I’m sorry it’s not funny but— “Jessi snorted before another fit of laughter overtook her and interrupted her attempt to comfort her friend.

            Pulling the phone away from her ear Emilia couldn’t help the slight smile that broke across her face, at the sound of her best friend’s uncontrollable laughter caused by her ridiculous misfortune. As she waited for her best friend to finally calm down and regain her barring’s, Emilia let out an amused sign before beginning to prepare her cup noodle dinner.


“I’m telling you Em, it really isn’t that bad, everyone will forget about it by Tuesday, and it’ll be like it never happened. Besides, if you ask me that was probably the most iconic thing you could’ve done in that class. Everyone knows Barkley is the least interesting, longwinded professor in our university” Jessi snorted after the girls debriefed the events of Emilia’s disaster of a day.

“He looked at me like I’d just ran over his dog as I walked out of class, I probably traumatized the poor man—stop laughing it’s not funny I can hear you!” Emilia whined. She’d long since finished her dinner and settled onto her couch, the girls had switched to facetiming each other halfway through the call. This gave her the perfect view to all her friends gasps and giggles that occurs during the recounting of events that occur in her last lecture of the day.

“Are we going to watch this show or not jess, you’ve only been asking me to watch it for the last couple of weeks” Emilia snorted while searching up her friend’s latest obsession, a show called F4 Thailand, which Jessi hadn’t stopped nagging her to get into since it started airing. After talking they’d decided to watch it together on facetime since neither girl thought it was a good idea to go out considering the weather.

“Yes, gosh we got so sidetracked its literally already nearing 7pm”

“I know, somebody was having too much fun laughing at my pain, you’re. lucky I don’t have work tomorrow or we’d never get to watch—” Emilia’s spiel was cut off as a crack of thunder sounded through the room and echoed from the phone.

            Since they’d been on the phone the storm clouds had rolled in and darkened the once tranquil blue sky, turning it a dark grey almost black while the sun set to light up another part of the world till tomorrow. Her mother had messaged to inform her, shed be spending the night at the hospital to avoid going out in the rain, and asked her to make sure all the windows and front door were locked. She also reminded her daughter where the flashlights were kept in case of a power outage and not to stay up too late just because it was the weekend.


After settling in and pulling up the show on their respective tv’s, the girls hit play and began to indulge in their favorite past time just like the hopeless romantics they were. The girls loved to throw in their own commentary and overzealous reactions to the scenes playing out before them, which led for the apartments to be filled with laughter and yelling that looked a bit like this.

“Ooh he’s cute, is he the main lead”

“Why was that literally the most dramatic way to bump into someone I’ve ever seen” “Em I’ve honestly seen you do worse, leave that girl alone”

“No because literally all he needed to do was take a wet wipe and clean his shoe, its rhinestone” “I thought the exact same thing when I first saw that scene but like he’s also supposed to be a spoiled brat so”

“Wow she literally walked away from her when the ONLY reason she’s even getting bullied is because of her, I’m going to swing” “My thing is like okay yea I get not wanting to get bullied but like no one was even around, SHE COULD’VE ATLEAST SAID HI”

“Why is MJ kinda...” “Right, they need to give my man more appreciation”


“No wait—” A crack or thunder accompanied the tv and lights in the apartment shutting off and plunging the two girls into darkness with a screech.

“Ugh you have got to be kidding me right now” “No we were literally only on episode four you haven’t even got to see the best parts yet”

            Sighing while getting up from the couch, Emilia headed to the kitchen cabinet under the sink to retrieve the flashlight and shine some light in the otherwise pitch-black living room. Walking back into her living room she calls out to Jessi and lets her know they’ll have to continue tomorrow before they bid goodbye and hang up for the night.

            After double checking all the windows and front door locks, she was about to head into her room when she saw what she thought was a spark coming from the outlet that the tv was plugged into. Standing completely still it only took a minute before she once again saw the flick of sparks coming from the outlet, and decided it was better to unplug the set for the night than risk the possibility of a fire starting while she slept.

Crouching down she reached out for the plug, when -- CRASH -- the sound of a frame being knocked to the floor caused her to jump back onto her bottom while looking over to the source of the sound and seeing her cat Salem sitting on the counter while cleaning his paws.

“Do only exist to give me heart attacks” she chided while shaking her head and resting her hand on her chest to calm down. She’d always hated thunderstorms and now without the distraction of the tv and the only light filling the room being that of the flashlight coupled with the occasional flash of lighting, her fear was being to creep up on her.

Taking a second to collect her thoughts she refocused on her goal of unplugging the tv and heading to bed to sleep off the remanent of the day. Reaching forward she grasped the plug and pulled before she saw a bigger spark ignite and an intense buzz run up her arm through her body before everything went black.

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