This Bee Says Aro People Are Valid!!

This bee says aro people are valid!!
FUN FACT: all bees have a different stripe pattern. No two look exactly alike!
(Bee found here: )
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Actually, stars are like these:

This is Konpeito, by the way, which is Korean star candy! I've had these before when I was young and they taste just like sugar. They are also crunchy when you bite them. So not only stars ARE crunchy, they are also sweet like candy :)
stars are definitely sweet but they are not like crunchy candy !!!!, they are 100% just apple crunch
Dolores: having the most accurate, sympathetic, and understanding interpretation of Bruno out of anyone in their family
Camilo: JUst fucking bASHING their uncle like there's no tomorrow
Stars are sorta hollow, like they got the crunchy apple shell then its empty, kinda like those gumballs that have the crunchy shell, then the gum, then are hollow in the center, but instead of having the softer gum part, it has a more crunchy apple part, does that make sense?
hmmm i can see how this might work but i believe stars are full on apple crunch . no hollow , no gum . just apple crunch
Beekeeping has been around for at least 4,500 years now!! Isn’t that cool??
Aro culture is only liking Valentine’s Day because of the limited edition sweets.