This Bee Says Aro People Are Valid!!

This bee says aro people are valid!!
FUN FACT: all bees have a different stripe pattern. No two look exactly alike!
(Bee found here: )
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(loveless) aro culture is not wanting to talk about your birthday when someone asks about it because it is very close to valentine's day and people tend to give you love-themed presents
Since Valentine’s day is coming up, here’s a reminder that romantic love isn’t the only valid form of love. Acespec and Arospec people have just as much reason to celebrate the loves in their lives as much as any Allo. Those in Queer Platonic Relationships have the right to celebrate their partners. But its also totally valid to not want to celebrate the holiday. You do you this Valentine’s day.

It's only two weeks folks we'll make it!
Actually, stars are like these:

This is Konpeito, by the way, which is Korean star candy! I've had these before when I was young and they taste just like sugar. They are also crunchy when you bite them. So not only stars ARE crunchy, they are also sweet like candy :)
stars are definitely sweet but they are not like crunchy candy !!!!, they are 100% just apple crunch
Aro culture is wishing your friends a happy Valentine's day becuase you value platonic love.