Tw Amatonormativity - Tumblr Posts

My mum was talking about how she could tell that two people were together romantically “because of the way they look at each other” and that pissed me off.

Let people stare with heart eyes at their friends. Let them look softly at their qpp. Let them gaze with longing at their pet. Let them look like they might pounce on a hotdog at any second.

Why does literally everything you do have to be defined by amatonormativity??

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8 months ago

From Someone Who Wishes to Become Love:

From Someone Who Wishes To Become Love:
From Someone Who Wishes To Become Love:
From Someone Who Wishes To Become Love:
From Someone Who Wishes To Become Love:


“… would he ever accept that type of love…?”

A/N: TEEHEE HI YALL!!!!!!! sorry this is less twst angst and more kiyuu’s aromanticism angst (OOPSIE). I have a whole 2nd part confession scene dialogue written down but I dunno if I’ll be able to get enough motivation to finish it tbh. I WROTE THIS DURING PRIDE MONTH ACTUALLY!!! FOR AROMANTICS!!!! I’m not an aroace who has ever felt that my lack of attraction was a problem (bc i’m non-partnering either way), but I thought Kiyuu would panic in that regards because…. like, that’s what she does regarding the people she cares about.

Anyways, something something, Kiyuu and Jack talk about it, it’s aight, they get into a healthy, communicative QPR!! Is the gist of the 2nd part. I may post it one day. Perchance. Anyways yeah JacKiyuu wins again!!

From Someone Who Wishes To Become Love:

How did she not have this issue w Ryoko? That’s because she was already comfortable with her current relationship w Ryoko and knew about her orientation, so she could wholeheartedly just accept any feelings as natural.

Anyway, to all aromantics who may potentially read this post: YOU ARE VALID!! no matter what gender you may be or if you’re favorable or repulsed. Loveless aros!!! Aroaces!!! Aros who aren’t ace at all!!!! You are all valid!!!!

Taglist (ask to be added!!): @kathxrat-01 @distant-velleity @scint1llat3 @elenauaurs @boopshoops

@lumdays @ven4t1c4l @jewelulu

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3 years ago

aro culture is sending your best friend a valentine's gift to spite the amatonormativity


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3 years ago
It's Only Two Weeks Folks We'll Make It!
It's Only Two Weeks Folks We'll Make It!
It's Only Two Weeks Folks We'll Make It!
It's Only Two Weeks Folks We'll Make It!
It's Only Two Weeks Folks We'll Make It!

It's only two weeks folks we'll make it!

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3 years ago

me listening to the radio as a kid: why are all the songs about love?

my mom: well, everybody can relate to them

me, now aroace:

Me Listening To The Radio As A Kid: Why Are All The Songs About Love?

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2 years ago

there need to be more conversations about romance's place in society and the way society brainwashes us into thinking we're nothing without romance

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2 years ago

that trope where a character doesnt want romance until they find ~the one~ but reverse it. give me a character that centers their life around finding a partner until they realize that amatonormativity is bullshit

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2 years ago

affirmations for the week i am allowed to hate valentines day i am allowed to hate amatonormativity i am allowed to be angry i am loveless and proud of it

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2 years ago

Friendly Reminders for aro men (Valentine's Day Edition.)

I forgot about Valentine's Day, like a proper God-fearing Aromantic. Anyways, here's the Valentine's Day post for aro men-esp trans and non-binary men.

To aro men, esp trans aro men:

Friendly reminder that it's okay to spend Valentine's Day with your best friend even if amatonormativity tells you it's not. Nothing is romantic unless you want it to be.

Friendly reminder that, yes, it's okay to just want to get laid, no romo. You do not have to partake in romance if you do not want to.

Friendly reminder that you are not "emotionally unavailable" because you do not partake in romantic performance.

While we're on this note, friendly reminder, that even if you are emotionally unavailable, it's for you to decide how available you want to be, to who, and why. Amatonormativity has no place forcing you to be "open".

Friendly reminder that you don't have to hate Valentine's day or love it or like it. You can simply not care. Even if you are dating someone. Even if sometimes you feel romantic attraction. Even if you feel love.

Friendly reminder that you are not alone in the distinct sort of loneliness that sets upon us on the 14th of February. It's okay.

Friendly reminder that you can get flowers for yourself. And chocolates. They're supposed to be on sale but it's been a whole 3 days. Damn it.

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