Can I Get More Volleyball Au? Anything Goes.
Can I get more volleyball au? Anything goes.
I have neglected the Volleyball AU for a while hahahaha!!! I can tell cause so many of you are asking for a Volleyball AU update oh gosh XD
This is a response to the 3-4 anons who requested a Volleyball AU update. One of you said something about the Olympics but I wasn’t quite sure if I read your ask correctly but anyway, here it is.
Scenarios: Olympic Genshin Volleyball team getting asked interview questions about you, their S/O, after winning a game + chaotic commentary of the teammates
Warning: some of the questions might be a little personal but journalists always try to get a good story anyway, so, it’s still in the realm of possibility. Not proofread. Please tell me if there are any pronoun slips.
Characters: Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Tartaglia, Kazuha, Xiao, Thoma, Ayato and gn!reader
#1 Zhongli (Captain/Wing Spiker/Ace)
Tries to keep his relationship with you private. He knows the media is super daunting at times.
Interviewer: “Did your S/O fly in to support you today?”
Zhongli: “No, they’re at home. Though, I’m sure Y/N’s supporting me, even from home,”
Interviewer: “There’s talks on the forum that your performance is better when your S/O is watching on the stands, and that your spikes are stellar.”
*Tartaglia and Kaeya starts cackling. Thoma laughs behind his hand. Ayato is grinning ear to ear. They’re aware of that rumor.*
Zhongli: *clears his throat* “Well... I... suppose it gives a little energy boost, seeing my significant other attend...”
Kaeya: *leans in forward to his mic and butts in* “Our strict captain just likes to show off in front of Y/N,”
Tartaglia: *also butts in* “Our coach and managers have joked that we should have a cardboard cutout of Y/N and just get it up there on the stands for every game,”
Ayato: “Our captain might seem serious on court but he’s the type to have a picture of his S/O as his phone screen. Isn’t that right, captain?” Passes the question along to Zhongli again
Zhongli: *incredibly embarrassed and has covered his loopy, embarrassed smile with his hand. Plotting the demise of Ayato, Kaeya and Tartaglia. Reporters are having a field day that his teammates are ratting him out* “...Let’s move on to the next question please,”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Zhongli: *hesitates, but thinks that you might watch this so answers* “I’ll be home soon. Take care of yourself for me while I’m away,” *gives a small smile and a wave*
#2 Diluc (Vice Captain/Wing Spiker/Defense Specialist)
Does not like personal questions. But will still answer them just so he doesn’t come off as too rude.
He doesn’t want his team’s reputation to be tarnished because of him.
Gives straightforward answers. Doesn’t give any chance for reporters to brew up a rumor or gossip that would hurt his relationship with you.
Interviewer: “How are you and your S/O doing?”
Diluc: “Good, nothing to complain about. Everything’s perfectly great with Y/N,”
Interviewer: “I heard that your S/O has been supporting your volleyball career ever since high school. That’s a long time!”
Diluc: *smiles the slightest bit* “It is, isn’t it? It wasn’t an easy road...and I owe a lot to Y/N for staying through all of it,”
Interviewer: “What do you miss most about your S/O when you two are apart?”
Diluc: *thinks that it’s too personal of a question and isn’t related to volleyball at all, so he answers awkwardly* “Err... Well... Everything, really,”
Kaeya: “So, funny thing,” *all the cameras turn to him and Diluc kind of heaves a sigh of relief but he does that too early* “I share a room with my brother while we’re out here and he does these nightly calls with Y/N,”
Diluc: “Kaeya--”
Kaeya: “I can list aaaaallllll the things he misses about 'em cause he says it every damn night. I miss your smi--”
Diluc: *completely talks over Kaeya* “NEXT QUESTION!”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Diluc: *sort of bashful, small smile* “Thanks for everything.” *and just to spite Kaeya and make light of the situation earlier* “I’ll make sure Kaeya’s asleep before I call you tonight,”
#3 Kaeya (Middle Blocker)
Thriving during an interview.
Probably all the interviewer’s favourite cause he doesn’t have much of a filter yet manages to be charming all the same.
Will show you off but not too much, just enough so that it isn’t too tacky.
Interviewer: “In the last interview you shared an interesting tidbit about your love life. You shared the story of how you met your S/O.”
Kaeya: “Oh you wanna hear that story again? Good story right? It was in high school! I was practicing my serves and accidentally hit the back of Y/N’s head. I walked ‘em to the clinic like the gentleman I was and it started from there,”
Interviewer: “So would you say that you made the first move?”
Kaeya: “No, Y/N was head over heels for me the moment I offered to walk them to the clinic! Totally their idea to get together,” *laughs* “I kid, I’ll admit I was the one smitten from the get go,”
Interviewer: “Does having Y/N’s support change anything?”
Kaeya: *totally joking but not joking* “It does! I don’t say it often or too much cause I’m usually confident in myself but there’s always going to be a time where you don’t feel good enough, and it’s great to have someone there to say and shout *tries to imitate your voice* “Kaeya you’re the best!!!””
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Kaeya: “Miss you snowflake! Keep cheering for me there, I promise my heart can hear you!” *winks*
#4 Albedo (Setter)
The quiet, thinks for too long type
Kind of blunt
Does not mind any question, he’s mostly just thinking too much about his answer and wants to give an accurate one.
Interviewer: “Did your S/O fly in to support you today?”
Albedo: “No, but they’ll fly in for the last game...We’ll spend a few days looking around here then fly back together...Thankfully the schedule allows for that,”
Interviewer: “What places do you plan to visit?”
Albedo: “...It wouldn’t be too smart of me to reveal that. If I tell you, then everyone will know where we’re going...”
Interviewer: “We heard that your jersey number has a significant meaning. Can you talk about that a little?”
Albedo: “...Oh, yes...back when we were in high school...#4 was Y/N’s class number. That’s all there is to it really...”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Albedo: “...Thanks for believing in me and for pushing me to try volleyball. I still think everything I have right now is because of you,”
#5 Tartaglia (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
Thriving number 2
Loves interviews, so the interviewers love him too.
Tends to go off track and talks too much.
Interviewer: “Last time you went off on a tangent talking about your S/O’s cooking,”
Tartaglia: “Yeah! I can’t help it. Your food here is really great guys, but it’s just nothing compared to home food, you know? It’s been nearly a month of not having a home-cooked meal. You gotta understand!”
Interviewer: “If you could, would you fly home right now just to have some of your S/O’s food?”
Tartaglia: “Hell yeah! That’s not even a question! Course I would. Then I can get some much needed hugs and kisses too,”
Kaeya and Ayato at the same time:
Ayato: “Little too much information there,”
Kaeya “TMI, TMI,”
Tartaglia: “Jealousssss?”
Interviewer: “If you could fly back now, but you could only get ONE thing from your S/O, would it be a home-cooked meal or a hug?”
Tartaglia: “Oh man, why d’you have to do this?” *seriously thinks about it* “Oh gosh, I’ll definitely go for a hug though. Hugs are more important than food,”
Kaeya: “On which planet?”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Tartaglia: “Hey you! Can’t wait to be back home! Need my hugs ASAP!”
#6 Kazuha (Decoy/Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
Polite, quiet but will decline to answer if it goes over his personal threshold.
Still very polite though
Interviewer: “So you and S/O were childhood friends?”
Kazuha: “We were indeed.” *laughs at the memories* “I’ve known Y/N for a long time. Our parents were acquainted with each other,”
Interviewer: “What made you guys cross over to a relationship, after being friends for so long?”
Kazuha: “Mm, that’s a good question...I find that I don’t quite know the answer myself, sometimes. But ultimately it’s because I’d rather not see Y/N with someone else. I suppose that’s how I knew my feelings was past friendship,”
Interviewer: “Did S/O play a significant part in your volleyball career?”
Kazuha: “Absolutely. Training takes up a lot of time. I’m lucky that Y/N understands that, and I’m slightly apologetic because of that too.”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Kazuha: “Thank you for being my pillar. I really am fortunate that it’s you by my side,”
#7 Xiao (Libero)
Tries really hard to answer but is the type to stutter over his words out of nervousness. Probably just not used to the media yet.
The type to practice interview questions with Tartaglia and Kaeya (the two are really just giving him a hard time, but Xiao thinks that’s great practice)
Interviewer: “Your S/O posted on their social media today about supporting you and it was a photo of you during your high school libero days! *shows the picture*”
*Everyone in the team shares a smile knowing that Xiao will be flustered*
Xiao: “O-Oh, uh... Hm, that’s a really old picture... What were they thinking posting that...? I-I mean! Y/N...has always been supportive!”
Interviewer: “High school was a really long time ago, any secret to keeping the romance alive?”
Xiao: *thinks why in the hell are these kinds of questions asked in press conferences about volleyball????*
Xiao: “ yourself. I guess. Or at least be with someone who doesn’t mind and understands all of you... The good and the bad...” *gets too engrossed in his feelings*
Tartaglia: “Aweeee our little Xiao’s all grown up,”
Kaeya: “He used to be a real bumbling fool in high school. Took him forever to ask Y/N out,”
Xiao: *threatening glare* “You guys...”
Zhongli: “He’s grown a lot,”
Xiao: “Captain, you too?!”
Interviewer: “When you say the good and the bad... Do you mean that S/O has seen the bad sides of you? What do you think are the “bad sides”?”
Xiao: “Of course...! What are the bad sides...?” *hesitates to answer*
Kaeya: “Stubborn,”
Tartaglia: “Too hardworking,”
Thoma: “Blames himself too much for a bad play,”
Ayato: “Tsunde--”
Xiao: “Three examples is enough!!”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Xiao: *thinks for a moment* “Thank you... I don’t have to say much right? Cause I know you know what I mean already,” *small smile*
#8 Thoma (Pinch Server/Middle Blocker)
Polite number 2
Super pleasant and wholesome answers.
The type to never take all the credit for himself and will tell reporters that “It’s all thanks to my team,”
Interviewer: “You’re voted as “best husband material” on the poll today. Any words about that?”
Thoma: “Oh really? *laughs* It’s an honour! Well, I suppose I do like to take care of the house chores. I feel really sorry Y/N has to handle everything on their own right now,”
Interviewer: “Do you think you’re the better cook or your S/O?”
Thoma: “Gosh that’s a tough one! *waves at camera* Sorry honey, I’m gunna have to take this one. *laughs* You are better at organizing things though!”
Interviewer: “The team voted that you’re “most likely to be married first”. Any plans?”
Thoma: “Oh wow! And I thought the previous question was hard! Haha! Ah well... it’s no secret. Y/N knows that I cherish my relationship with them. We’ve casually talked about it for a bit, but we aren’t in a hurry at the moment. Just having each other is a real blessing already,”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Thoma: “Hey sweetie! I love you, be back soon!”
#9 Ayato (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
Is he the interviewee or the interviewer? Sometimes you can’t really tell.
Is great at explaining himself but doesn’t actually like interviews.
Reporters try not to cross him cause he’s known to bite back if the question is about a rumor/gossip that isn’t true.
Interviewer: “We heard that you met your S/O in your last year of high school. Did you only notice each other in your senior year?”
Ayato: *chuckles* “Not exactly. I was a transfer student. Y/N was tasked to make sure my transition into the new school was seamless. They did a great job, so great, that I couldn’t let them slip away,”
Interviewer: “Your sister and your S/O are quite close to each other, your S/O even used a picture of the two of them as their profile picture instead of a picture with you. Are you ok with that?”
Ayato: “Why wouldn’t I be?” *half-grin, half-smile* I rest easy knowing that the two of them get along well. Y/N will be a constant part of my life, after all, and they treat my sister just as their own sibling,”
Interviewer: “Does your S/O play a big part in your volleyball career?”
Ayato: “Y/N is part of the reason I’m able to enjoy volleyball as a professional player. There were certain situations which made it difficult for me to go into professional volleyball, but Y/N managed to push me through it,”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Ayato: “I’m certain that being without me is starting to be unbearable, hm? Not to worry, I promise I’ll be back soon,”
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pretty sure they meet each other up at least once a week just for this

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the one and oni 👹