chaoticladyfire - Do Not Resuscitate
Do Not Resuscitate

64 posts

My Sibling Demands I Finish Succession Everyday Day But Everytime I Watch Kendall During The Vaulter

My sibling demands I finish succession everyday day but Everytime I watch Kendall during the Vaulter meeting in Season 1 Episode 1 I know I can’t watch more knowing the character will get worse.

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More Posts from Chaoticladyfire

1 year ago

Totally sleep deprived dehydrated and starving right now but Harry Potter Percy Jackson Neil Josten all are the same people in different fonts. 

1. All of them have orange symbolism- Harry being in Gryffindor yeah I know the house colours are red and gold but its close, Percy with the half-blood camp orange shirt and Neil with the fox’s orange team colour.

2. All of them falling for smart asses who are the only people who understand what they have been through and chose to stay with them despite the former thinking they are not worth it- Harry with ginny, Percy with Annabeth and Neil with Andrew. 

3. All of them having a best friend who were the first to show them kindness and respect after years of neglect and abuse- Ron literally adopts Harry by the end of their first train ride to Hogwarts, Grover was Percy’s only friend and while Percy kind of took pity on him Grover was his only friend in the school and protects him even though Percy is not aware of how. Matt being the first person to respect Neil’s privacy, genuinely trying to involve him all the team activities and helping him settle into college life, not questioning his aversion to touch and his discomfort in using the locker room with the other members.

4. On that note also having bad ass moms who did everything to protect their sons- Lily Potter and Mary Hatford both hid from the enemy and died brutal deaths to save their sons and Sally Jackson stayed with Gabe probably for the financial benefits for Percy until she finally stood up for herself and murdered him.

 5. Being the chosen ones- Harry and Percy obviously but you could argue that Neil is also a ‘chosen one’ not only chosen by Kevin but initially chosen by the Moriyamas before his mother took him and ran away.

6. And of course their penchant for instigating the enemy by verbally slaughtering them instead of trying to save their own lives. 

I’m probably just seeing things because all these characteristics are vague but the more I think about it the more it makes sense. 

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1 year ago

One minute you and your mom are in IKEA and the other you are Ariadne pulling Theseus out of the labyrinth of Minotaur with a red thread

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1 year ago

I've decided to make a masterpost of free and full adaptations:

Richard III: here's the 1955 one with Laurence Olivier, and here's the 1995 one with Ian McKellen. (the 1995 one is in english subtitled in spanish. the 1955 one has no subtitles and might have ads since it's on youtube)

Richard II: here is the BBC version

Macbeth: here's the 1961 one with Sean Connery. Here's the 1971 by Roman Polanski, with spanish subtitles. Here's the 1948 one with portugese subtitles and here the 2001 one). The 1969 version with Ian McKellen and Judi Dench is here and the 1966 BBC radio one is here.

Hamlet: The Kenneth Branagh 1996 Hamlet is here, the 1964 russian version is here and the 1964 american version is here. THe american version has a young Michael Caine and a young Christopher Plummer. THe 1964 Broadway production is here, the 1948 Laurence Olivier one is here.

Timon of Athens is here. Troilus and Cressida can be found here

Julius Caesar: here's the 1979 BBC adaptation, here the 1970 John Gielgud one

King Lear: Laurence Olivier once again plays in here. And Gregory Kozintsev, who was I think in charge of the russian hamlet, has a kng lear here. The 1975 BBC version is here.

Henry IV: part 1 and part 2 of the BBC 1989 version. And here's part 1 of a corwall school version.

Henry V: Laurence Olivier (who would have guessed) 1944 version. The 1989 Branagh version here.

Much Ado About Nothing: Here is the kenneth branagh version and here the Tennant and Tate 2011 version.

Twelfth night: here for the BBC, here for the 1970 version with Alec Guinness, Joan Plowright and Ralph Richardson.

The Tempest: the 1979 one is here, the 2010 is here.

Please do contribute if you find more. This is far from exhaustive.

(also look up the original post from time to time for more plays)

1 year ago
The Fine Line Of Hate And Love I Have For Bunny

The fine line of hate and love I have for Bunny

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