chiara-hotel - Chiara

19 | They/Them

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More Posts from Chiara-hotel

5 months ago

Your job based on your JJK s/o!

A Sorcerer! You and your s/o often go on missions to exorcise cursed spirits. Occasionally you also train with each other to get stronger and rise the ranks.

Characters: Gojo, Nanami & Choso

A student! As a student of Jujutsu High Academy you and your s/o exorcise curses at a lower level since you are only students. Thanks to the dorm rooms you guys can see eachother often.

Characters: Yuji, Megumi, Maki, Nobara, Todo & Miwa

Normal Job! You have a normal job within society either as a barista or office worker. You either aren't strong enough to fight curses, can't see them, don't want to or your s/o is a curse.

Characters: Gojo, Nanami, Mahito, Sukuna & Choso

Tags :
6 months ago

Them as Vampires

Characters: Blade, Nikolai & Xiao

Event Masterlist Here: Short n’ Sweet

Warnings: Blood, cutt*ng yourself to give blood,

Them As Vampires

- Now, as a vampire he must consume blood especially a lot more often

- If he doesn’t, it won’t kill him but it’ll make him very sick and crave blood (he knows, hes tried and hated it)

- As for whos blood he drinks it varies, usually Kafka or Silver Wolf brings him blood, he also drinks blood of people before he kills them (fresh blood is better than dead blood)

- Taking your blood? He isn’t completely against it but he rather wouldn’t hurt you

- The only way he actually would take it would be if there was no other option and you forcefully sliced your wrist to give it to him

- He hates hurting you by taking your blood though

- Other than that, obviously he can’t eat garlic but he isn’t too bothered by it

- Blade does get bothered if you wear any Silver jewelry though, he can’t enter jewelry stores because of that too

- Blade lets you take his card to purchase something, that or he buys something online for you

Them As Vampires

- Nikolai, actually loves tasting your blood

- He actually doesn't care that much about if it hurts you-well he knows its only a small prick to drink him

- Nikolai only stops after hes satisfied, or when you forcefully get him off your shoulder

- Don't worry though, he isn't so cruel-you both have a safeword when he knows to stop

- Other than you he doesn't feed on anyone

- Hes loyal to your and only your blood

- Similar to blade if you wear jewelry he won't let you wear any pure silver

- Cheap knockoffs are fine though-since they don't affect him

- Its a shame to you because he loves the color of silver

- But he loves the color of your blood more

Them As Vampires

Xiao is...more shy when taking your blood

He refuses to take blood from people so on many chances Xiao is left all alone, starving to death

Only when morax cuts himself and forces him to drink it is when he finally has blood

And then hes left again until the cycle repeats

So, only when your well into the relationship and pretty much force him to drink it, then he finally will

Not from your neck though, he only drinks blood from your wrist or arms, occasionally your thigh

Xiao is very gentle while taking your blood and never takes too much (but again, you both do have a safeword).

Other things don't trouble him too much

Except well, he can't use silver blades so he has to use other ore alternatives

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6 months ago

hey all !! normally i wouldn't engage in something like this on my blog, but considering that it's happening to a friend of mine, i felt i had an obligation to speak out. sorry for clogging up the tags/interrupting your scrolling 😭

tldr: @/hxveneru has stolen the works of my good friend @lowkeyren not once, but twice and is deleting any comments calling them out.

i know. fun stuff. proof is under the cut.

please note that i'm doing this of my own accord, and the only involvement ren has had in this post is me asking for permission to post it since, well, it's an issue mainly affecting her.

also i should say beforehand but. don't ??? send them death threats please 😭 we are better than that. i'm mainly making this to spread awareness about the issue :)

reblogs are appreciated to spread awareness.

first stolen work is ren's oneshot "drunk words, sober thoughts!" for aventurine here.

Hey All !! Normally I Wouldn't Engage In Something Like This On My Blog, But Considering That It's Happening

as you can see, it was posted on June 15th, a little over two months before hxveneru posted their own oneshot.

for reference. hxveneru is a new blog and all of their posts are in the month of september, proven here via their archive.

Hey All !! Normally I Wouldn't Engage In Something Like This On My Blog, But Considering That It's Happening

and here's the two oneshots side by side, with ren's on the left and the stolen one on the right.

Hey All !! Normally I Wouldn't Engage In Something Like This On My Blog, But Considering That It's Happening
Hey All !! Normally I Wouldn't Engage In Something Like This On My Blog, But Considering That It's Happening

notice how the oneshots are exactly word-for-word except for the title and synopsis? even the author's note is exactly the same. obviously i can't fit the whole thing here, but this should be enough.

honestly it's. i have to laugh at the audacity to just copy and paste like hello???

and here's the second work that was copied, with hxveneru's "diff scenarios w hsr men" taking from drabbles from two of ren's works.

these are the two fics that were stolen from, with their dates attached. both are posted far before september. links are here and here if you want to double check..

Hey All !! Normally I Wouldn't Engage In Something Like This On My Blog, But Considering That It's Happening
Hey All !! Normally I Wouldn't Engage In Something Like This On My Blog, But Considering That It's Happening

now let's look at the drabbles that were - once again, copy and pasted. first is blade's, again with ren on the left and the stolen one on the right (ren's is circled bc they didn't take the hcs part).

Hey All !! Normally I Wouldn't Engage In Something Like This On My Blog, But Considering That It's Happening
Hey All !! Normally I Wouldn't Engage In Something Like This On My Blog, But Considering That It's Happening

and here is the sunday drabble that was stolen.

Hey All !! Normally I Wouldn't Engage In Something Like This On My Blog, But Considering That It's Happening
Hey All !! Normally I Wouldn't Engage In Something Like This On My Blog, But Considering That It's Happening

so far, those are the only works posted on their blog. i was also informed that they had apparently stolen from @/exuvianen's post here but deleted it, but since said post is deleted, we don't have evidence for that so take it with a grain of salt.

but yeah! just wanted to let yall know out there, especially since the plagiarized works have already gained some traction and have 100+ notes on them. i've talked about them vaguely on my blog before, so if this sounds familiar, yeah this is them.

plagiarism is shitty, i shouldn't have to say that. it is not that hard to just write your own stuff. i know validation and publicity make you feel good, but stealing someone else's hard work is not the way to go. writers already have enough to deal with. just don't do it. what's the point of getting validation if it's not even your work?

again, don't send death threats, please. that's a bit far, and they likely won't even do anything since the plagiarizer has already been called out before and this was their response.

Hey All !! Normally I Wouldn't Engage In Something Like This On My Blog, But Considering That It's Happening
Hey All !! Normally I Wouldn't Engage In Something Like This On My Blog, But Considering That It's Happening

not a single ounce of remorse or shame. people have gotten way too comfortable on here.

also "who the hell is ren anyway" bestie you blocked her 😭😭 and ignored her ask to you. that's why ren can't dm her to sort it out privately btw, in case you were wondering.

anyways! that's all i have to say, thanks for sticking around this long and have a great rest of your day. hxveneru if you see this. hi ig ?? id say smth to you but i doubt you'd take it seriously so i won't <3