chibishortdeath - What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse…
What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse…

☀️The morning sun has vanquished the horrible night☀️21, any pronouns. Trying to be an artist. Currently trying to use RPG Maker. Commissions not open. Please read my intro post, it’s more comprehensive :3.

279 posts

Aaaaaa I Keep Wanting To Post Artwork Regarding OCs But Then I Remember That Theyre Currently Being Made

Aaaaaa I keep wanting to post artwork regarding OCs but then I remember that they’re currently being made into a game and most of these drawings would be spoiling large chunks of the plot before it’s even released argh (TwT ;).

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More Posts from Chibishortdeath

5 months ago
I Actually Really Like The Messed Up Skeleton Dracula Design, It Conveys That Hes Not At Full Power Yet
I Actually Really Like The Messed Up Skeleton Dracula Design, It Conveys That Hes Not At Full Power Yet
I Actually Really Like The Messed Up Skeleton Dracula Design, It Conveys That Hes Not At Full Power Yet
I Actually Really Like The Messed Up Skeleton Dracula Design, It Conveys That Hes Not At Full Power Yet
I Actually Really Like The Messed Up Skeleton Dracula Design, It Conveys That Hes Not At Full Power Yet
I Actually Really Like The Messed Up Skeleton Dracula Design, It Conveys That Hes Not At Full Power Yet
I Actually Really Like The Messed Up Skeleton Dracula Design, It Conveys That Hes Not At Full Power Yet
I Actually Really Like The Messed Up Skeleton Dracula Design, It Conveys That Hes Not At Full Power Yet

I actually really like the messed up skeleton Dracula design, it conveys that he’s not at full power yet pretty well :3. More explanations and two unfinished doodles under a cut—

Close up on Drac’s upper half cause the drawing was way too big for one photo of it. Something that I noticed while staring at his sprite for a while is that he’s probably not wearing a hood, but chainmail armor with a helmet on top :O!

Entire page view to get all the Dracula in frame lol. His armor isn’t falling off btw, everything is rising into place from the altar. Hopefully he’s not too gorey for general tags uhhh yeah d(TwT ).

This is him when he’s done coming together. He’s still not fully powerful or physically all there yet, but it’s just enough to be able to troll Simon at the end 💀💀💀. Anyway yeah he’s totally me when my arch nemesis doesn’t find my teeth and accidentally summons me before I’m ready lol.

Simon is literally so fun to just put in poses. He is almost always my model for drawing poses because his big thighs kinda force you to make his pose even more exaggerated to get the same amount of open space and ratio of things— yeah idk it’s fun. He’s also allowed to have some sass sometimes I think. Fun fact! I didn’t use a reference for these :3. I’m so proud! Angles like this are usually hard!!! Oh and rare family heirloom sword moment. I’m taking this as a nod to the recent Haunted Castle remake now, which was so out of no where like (*o* ). I’ll take it!!! Simon game!!! A win!!! Hopefully the next collection they put out has Adventure Rebirth in it X3.

Simon but he is staring at you with the saddest pouty wet cat eyes. Tbh I think this general kinda neutral/resting sad expression is what I draw him with the most.

Which is why I also tried drawing him with other expressions!!!!!! In this one he is surprised and awkwardly responding to being told something so negative it’s almost comedic 💀💀💀. I was imagining the one town in Simon’s Quest with some bangers like “after Castlevania I told you never to return” and “you’ve upset the people now get out of town” X,,,,,D. He’s a little taken aback and was gonna try to defend himself, but he just leaves anxiously.

Please imagine that in this one he is saying that one meme that goes “it is hot as hell in this fucking ass hot ass room I’m in… IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER⁉️⁉️⁉️”.

Yay! Putting him on furniture for background practice!!! He is sitting on a church pew, having a couple micro sleeps cause he’s sleep deprived. He may fall off cause that armor is a little too heavy when sitting down I’d imagine.

These last two are for the images below. First one is just him kinda tweakin idk, he’s been awake too long and seen too much, somebody direct him to the nearest church, bro needs rest 💀. His hand shaking reminds me tho, a couple days ago I played the jojo fighting game so hard I had to put ice on my hand 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀. It SUUUCKED like take it from me don’t play as Polnareff in story mode if you’ve already been playing for a long time 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。

This one is just general anatomy practice, just doodling his proportions to keep the skill of being able to draw them d(^^ ). I ended up really liking how I drew his hair in this one though, it’s cute :3.

I Actually Really Like The Messed Up Skeleton Dracula Design, It Conveys That Hes Not At Full Power Yet
I Actually Really Like The Messed Up Skeleton Dracula Design, It Conveys That Hes Not At Full Power Yet

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6 months ago

ranting about and rating simon's outfits, based on (presumed) functionality and overall appearances. under the cut because i WILL talk a lot.

editing this afterward, i think i'll just make this into parts lmao,,, right now, this is about simon's CV1 version specifically!! :D

be warned; i am in no way a professional with armour or anatomy or whatever so i might get terms incorrect... (-vv-;)

Ranting About And Rating Simon's Outfits, Based On (presumed) Functionality And Overall Appearances.

starting off strong with CV1 simon, also known as conan with bleached hair. i love him.

now, considering this is simon belmont, there's a lot of leather in this design!! leather shorts(?!), his chestplate definitely has some sort of leather on it too (same goes for his pauldron. either that or some sort of general thick cloth, based on the way it's sewn? i'm not too sure...), and his belt + loincloth is, of course, also leather. i'm not sure what the purpose of those flowy leather straps on his hip is (is it just for decoration?) but it does definitely add some flair.

leather is good!! it provides both protection and durability. considering simon uses a long-ranged weapon, i think it's pretty useful to wear something more flexible, like leather! he does also have a few metal accents on his outfit as well, such as his arm bracers, but i've heard they might hinder his movement as well, so i have mixed opinions on those. maybe leather gloves instead?

he also has a few metal accents on his belt / loincloth as well, which i'm sure is pretty heavy (0_0) but also adds more flair. it also adds some semblance of convenient groin protection, and it looks nice!! :3 his boots also have fur in them, so at least they're comfortable and warm, i suppose. they also look interesting. not much else to say about that, though...

i'm not sure what the purpose of his circlet (headband? tiara?? i've seen all those terms used for it, haha) is. i mean, clearly it should provide some sort of head protection, but i feel like a helmet would just be more functional.

also, i'm sure that this is a silly idea, considering it might hinder simon's movement as well, but i'm sure some sort of knee pads or poleyns would help for added leg protection, i guess?? considering there are arteries that run through the legs how simon tends to fight creatures that literally want his blood, i'm sure that even though it may not be extremely necessary, i just think that some sort of wraps or straps on his legs and knees would help. his legs are very vulnerable here!

he doesn’t seem like the type of man to enjoy wearing pants (considering almost all of his designs depict him in shorts, haha), so maybe an alternative, such as padding or gauze wraps??, would help do the job.

anyway, as for functionality, i give CV1 simon's armour an 8 or 9/10. definitely does the job, but i still feel like there's a bit of room for improvement.

as for design, i really like this! it's a classic (hehehgeh get it. classic? classicvania? ehsvehhege), it has a lot of interesting elements, a natural, simple-yet-interesting colour scheme, and it just ties a lot into simon's whole "barbarian" schtick, which is also very memorable. 10/10.

tldr; functionality: 8/10. design and appearance: 10/10.

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