Castlevania Au - Tumblr Posts
Oh a tag?!? Wow! Much thanks, @batcastlesociety X3!!!
Favorite color: hard to pick just one, neon green, pastel pink, red, and black
Last song: Blue Monday by New Order
Currently Reading: I just got and finished reading the first book of Berserk recently, so I guess that counts (^^ ;). Also Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood but I can’t find the last book anywhere for the life of me augh. For not manga stuff tho I’ve been meaning to actually read Dracula for months and just haven’t gotten around to doing it (TwT).
Currently Watching: Surprisingly, not much besides like video essays lately. Not any series or tv show or anything at the moment. I rewatched Jaws a couple days ago tho 👍
Coffee or Tea: Tea!!! I have been stupid addicted to those Liquid Death canned teas, especially the peach and the palmer ones :3. Also just a nice cup of warm tea is nice, I have a tea cup that has a little heart shaped handle I use for it X3.
Hobby I’d Like to Try: I want to actually learn how to sew my the sewing machine in my house (not mine) is so loud and difficult (;w; ). I’d really prefer just hand sewing things tbh. Regardless actually doing it requires tearing out and rearranging a ton of stuff in the house and it’s a whole process so I usually just put it off alas.
AU You’ve Been Plotting: Oooooo, so I have a silly idea that’s kinda taking elements from an old famitsu choose your own adventure novel, but it’s a Castlevania story set in the 50s during the production of a movie based on the legends of Dracula and the Belmonts. The main characters so far are the lead actor cast to play Simon who’s name is Peter Dante, the lead actress cast to play Simon’s wife who’s named Lucy (I don’t have her last name figured out yet), the actor cast to play Dracula who’s name I also haven’t decided on yet 💀, and the very corrupted ghost of Simon himself the production crew unknowingly brought in on an old statue they put on set. There’s a lot more details and stuff beyond that, but man if I could make comics consistently I’d be writing it ugh (TwT)
Idk who’s already been tagged or who’s alright with being tagged, but @trafalgarlawtism, @umbrabelmontvania, @lune-redd, and @lazzincats. Again, like others have said absolutely no pressure at all! If you don’t want to, don’t worry your head about it ok 💚\(>_<\)!
Tagged by @the-crow-binary - thank you! Favourite color: Very dark navy blue.
Last song: Hell Above - Pierce the Veil
Currently reading: Re-reading my own fanfic again and again to inform consistency and proper pacing for the later chapters I’m still writing… @_@ it’s madness at this point lol. Aside from that, I recently read a few issues of Conan the Barbarian. Less for the content itself, but larger for anatomy reference for Simon.
Currently watching: I’ve been watching people play and review Castlevania romhacks, specifically for Castlevania 1 and 2. I’ve also spent the last few days watching video essays and cut content videos about the Classicvanias.
Currently craving: There is this pastry I really like from a local plant-based bakery. It’s a monstrosity of a croissant because it’s also a chocolate chip cookie. It’s absurdly sweet, soft, and delicious.
Coffee or tea: Coffee all the way. An iced americano with a little oat milk is my go-to. :)
A hobby I’d like to try: I want to get back into going to the gym consistently, or try rollerblading again. I stopped swimming weekly as well. I need to get back to it. Apart from that, I've always wanted to learn an instrument.
An AU you’ve been plotting: I keep thinking of these really silly modern ficlet scenarios for Simon lol. Thank you so much for tagging me, Crow! (And I’m so appreciative that you and others in the fandom wrote that you're currently reading TRFSB, thank you all so very much! It really made my day to see that. Q_Q)
I tag: @maria-renard-kin, @wingedknightrose, @chexburger, @batcastlesociety, and @innocentdevilmaster ! No pressure. :) Though of course anyone who sees this is welcome to answer, even if not directly mentioned! I’m looking forward to reading all of your answers if you choose to fill it out. :)
Very dumb Netflix Castlevania FixIt AU where Trevor is in town when they try to burn Lisa at the stake and he’s like… “Welp, can’t let this shit happen,” and saves her. And when Dracula find them Lisa’s all like “Oh, my love, this wonderful kind man saved me!” and Trevor’s like “No, shut up, I’m a piece of shit.” And Dracula’s too busy being relieved to care and he asks, “Who are you friend?”
“Trevor Belmont.”
And now Dracula is having an existential crisis because now he owes his wife’s life to his ancestral enemy and Trevor feels conflicted because he just saved Dracula’s fucking wife and pissed off all of the Church. So Dracula just… has him move in to his Castle until the heat dies down.
Cue a slice of life comedy where Dracula and Trevor are constantly trying to kill each other but never when Lisa and Alucard are around because the they’d get yelled at and get no desert.
Sypha eventually gets involved because Lisa shanghies Dracula into turning the Castle into a safe haven for people being hunted by the Church and now Trevor and Alucard are also competing with each other to impress the hot witch girl while also being a little gay for each other. Lisa has already picked out the wedding cake. Dracula weeps.
Sypha vibes with Hector and Isaac who she helps get out of their emo phases. Carmilla is like “Hahaha, Drac’s gone soft, time to take him out and take over the world!” Trevor, of course, slays her when she tries, and Dracula now owes the Belmont an even more direct life debt.
Okay but, am I the only one who like the idea of The Witcher (Netflix) being like the Netflix show “Castlevania” ?
Just a small warning for people who either haven’t seen The Witcher or Castlevania, there will be spoilers and such, and I heavily suggest giving both a good watch, trust me it’ll be worth your time.
I love the idea of Geralt being a Witcher and Jaskier being the oh so attractive bard, but I also can’t help myself placing them in the world and setting of Castlevania. Hear me out, hear me out—
Geralt being a Belmont? Not the last, having Lambert, Eskel and Vesemir (along with other Witchers if I’m forgetting some) being the only Belmont’s left alive after the purging of them. Geralt just, y’know, likes to be alone is all. Well, that was until coming upon a small village for coin so he can settle. Upon being there, hunting for jobs and asking around, I do full on expect him to come across Speakers.
Now, in Castlevania, The Speakers are a group of nomad scholars who maintain oral stories and traditions. They are persecuted by the Church, who see them as sorcerers and responsible for Dracula's wrath (this small paragraph is from the Castlevania wiki explaining Speakers). I would like to think that, yes, in this mixed world, Dracula is indeed taking over the world from it killing his wife, and I will explain more of that later. But for now, the speakers I’m thinking about are more.... of singers? Not all of them, but young ones. Geralt does stumble upon them, hearing about a speaker who sings gets his attention and then he meets Jaskier.
Julian (who goes by Jaskier) is the youngest of the Speakers, and he is very bright in this dark little world. Going with Geralt after a long fight with creatures, Geralt learns that not only does this Bard like Speaker only carry information from village to village, he can cast spells and is excellent in helping Geralt heal. At first, Geralt doesn’t like the non-stop talking of the speaker, but by the next village, he does learn how smart the Speaker is. He puts in good word for the Belmont’s, sings of them, and Geralt is secretly thankful.
Now, back to Dracula. We can’t keep Ciri out of the mix, being a Child surprise and all, so I would like to think that instead of Alucard, there is Ciri. I know of the games and have heard of the books of The Witcher, but I don’t know a lot about either of them enough to know what Ciri is like in each, so I’ll stick with the nextflic version. Instead of grown up Ciri, I’ll stick with tiny Ciri, escaping the war broken out with Dracula and the world, and searching for the ‘hero’ Belmont who hunts vampires (and more). When she does come across him, she’s also happy to see a speaker who is more than happy to calm her with a song or two.