Hi, I'm CobaltJellyfish (20, she/her) and this is my blog for my art and fandom ramblings/thoughts. Some 18+ content. Requests are now closed. My WITCH side blog is cobalt-thorns
206 posts
So, I Just Sent Off My UCAS Application For University And Now Im Freaking Out, So Thatsfun
So, I just sent off my UCAS application for university and now I’m freaking out, so that’s fun
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More Posts from Cobaltjellyfish

Celebrian inherited her mother’s temper, her father’s unending patience, and a quite frankly worrying amount of loyalty that Galadriel suspects comes from Finwe because it most closely resembles the sons of Feanor.
If several of the noldor who had more...vocal opinions on Elrond’s heritage/capacity to rule/continued survival just happened to get assigned to more deadly patrols, or have inconvenient non-lethal accidents that stopped them from performing their duties, well. It’s not like Gil-Galad was going to stop her.
Mairon has the same vibes as Salem from the original Sabrina series
Sauron’s First age elf ratings:
Feanor: husband stealer -5/10
Maedhros: squishy, screams loudly 7/10
Fingon: stole favourite prisoner 2/10
Celegorm/Curufin: commited grave sin of letting Lúthien leave to fuck shit up 0/10
Lúthien: FUCK NO. SCARY AS HELL -1000/10
Thingol: has scary wife 1/10
Finrod: tasty 9/10
Fingolfin: hurt husband -2/10
Turgon: unreasonably paranoid 3/10
Maeglin: whiny 6/10
Gil-Galad : who is he?? 1/10
Galadriel: too close to Melian -1/10
Elrond/Elros: mini Lúthien x2 -20/10
Eärendil: killed favourite dragon -30/10

some Mairon expressions
(the person in blue is Melkor)

Sauron was become now a sorcerer of dreadful power, master of shadows and of phantoms, foul in wisdom, cruel in strength, misshaping what he touched, twisting what he ruled, lord of werewolves; his dominion was torment.
Sauron’s victims from the house of Finwe
close-ups below the cut