coffee4addict - Coffee_Addict

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Daily fanfic recomindation! This one is A Pogtopia fic but Tommy was killed by dream before the election stuff happened so now Wilbur is hallucinating Tommy still being alive good stuffu it’s 11 chapter and a completed work worth reading if you wanna feeeeel stuff

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More Posts from Coffee4addict

4 years ago

I know that this is supposed to be funny but it really just highlights the fact that Niki and Jack are just going to further tramatize this 16 year old who is litterly trying to be nuetral as too not upset anyone

c!niki and c!jack: tommy is so fucking evil

c!tommy: can u pls protect me and tubbo mr sam nook

4 years ago

Okay here’s an idea for a fluffy no bad guys dream smp high school au. So The Sleepy bois are a fam and Tommy and Techno play hypixal together it’s like their THING but one day when their having a brotherly hangout tommy gets a call and tells Techno he needs to go somewhere. So after this Tommy starts hanging out with friends more and being around home less. Techno is kinda like noticing after a few weeks so despite hating social situations he comes with Tommy and Tommy introduces him to Dream who he met because he bailed Tommy and Tubbo out of trouble at school or something and Tommy and Dream found mutual intrests and stuff. Well Techno kinda drops it until he asks Tommy if he wants to play hypixel with him since it has been a long time since they last played and Tommy’s all like well me and Dream, Tubbo, and Dreams friends play everyday at around this time. Techno is NOT jealous at all. Maybe his big brother position feels threatened so he starts hanging out with Tommy and Dream. The thing is when it’s just them three and their at the movies or someplace elseTechno goes to get tickets or something and the person manning the ticket booth says something along the lines of here’s the tickets for your friend and HIS brother. And Techno kinda pissed at this so he aproches Wilbur and tells him what happens and Wilbur kinda laughs it off as Techno being over dramatic. I didn’t really think farther then that but I came up with this as an ironic c!Techno doesn’t have any major worries of Dream even though he should but in a universe where Dream is an okay dude techno would be like he’s totally evil!

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4 years ago

To protect the world from devastation! To unite all peoples within our nation! ... Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light! Surrender now, or prepare to fight! Meath

So That Stream Huh..... I Guess You Could Say Theyre Blasting Off Again......?

So that stream huh..... I guess you could say they’re blasting off again......?

4 years ago

I get what your saying but as a Tommy apologist your tags kinda hurt like have you not seen the dream apolagists or the extreme techno apolagists(most of them are cool and explain why they are more on technos side then tommys in a good well reasoned way that doesn't try to insult peoples individual opinions.)Yes Tommy apolagists can be a bit ectreme but c!Tommy is litterly a tramatized minor who if was a real person with the smp being a real place would be extremely just in need of stable figures in his life. Your opinion is valid but please phrase it and the tags you used in a more polite manner. Sorry for taking up your time.

god i hate the way the fandom treats tommy... techno's nice to tommy and everyone's like ommggggg techno is sooooo nice for helping him cope with his trauma and taking him in and taking care of him but when tommy betrays techno and steals his axe everyone starts twisting all the techno moments they previously praised to fit the narrative that tommy is a poor widdle traumatized baby that can do no wrong and techno is the eeeeevil bad influence

like it appears that to get the favor of the fandom you only need to be nice to tommy, morality and actual points be damned and it sucks. talk about gray morality all you want but as soon as one person is nice to tommy it all stops mattering. the fandom did that with techno, then connor, then puffy like damn! we get it!

4 years ago

People can be stupid or at least their roleplay charecters can be

Dream: Everyone’s gonna hate me for using my 11 stacks of TNT and shit lmao

Everyone that isn’t Sam, Ranboo, Puffy, Karl, Connor, Quackity & Tubbo: Okay sure. Anyway let’s just kill Tommy and traumatise his bestie AGAIN!

Dream: Hold up, wait a minute…