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6 months ago

The general character form is out! 🥳

🎉🎉 ‼️‼️Go apply‼️‼️🎉🎉

REVIVAL DSMP: General Character auditions!!
Google Docs
Hi! thank you for applying! we will ask some questions just to get information that we may need from you! Please keep in mind that the chara

This is your chance to grab the spot of a DSMP character and get to participate in the fanmade season 2! Take your time with it, as this form has no deadline - not until all character spots have been filled up. Please keep in mind that we are only looking for characters that were part of the original DreamSMP. Also, since these forms will be open for anyone interested, please be patient. Responses will not be given within a certain time frame, but rather when we think there's a good opportunity to introduce a new character that we believe you fit!

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5 months ago

“You think they feed me! The Dream Smp hasn’t feed me in years! I’m still surviving of C!Tnt duo”

-Real quote from me to my mom


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3 years ago



Dreamsmp Biblical Parallels (pt 1?)

Sup nerds! I say, writing a ten page essay as to the biblical parallels of a minecraft server. Basically I kept making ‘Tommyinnit is Jesus jokes’ until I inevitably actually started thinking hard about it and realised how many parallels to the Bible the Dreamsmp has. So, of course: ten page essay. Hey, I didn’t get top of my year level in Religious Education and go to Catholic school all my life to NOT know things about the Bible. 

Note: These are parallels between the stories! Certain characters are nothng like the Biblical figures they’re parallel with, but their story and characters are. I’ve modified certain situations to fit more, and some parallels are a lot more accurate than others! This is all for fun. This is me relating the Bible to Minecraft for gods sake!

Thanks to @nitpick7 and @alipadi for helping me with research, telling me if a joke is funny and for reading this. This is quite old because I kept forgetting to post it lol. Theres a lot more but I haven’t written it yet, hence the ‘part 1?’ because I don’t know when I’ll be continuing this

Tommyinnit and Jesus Christ

Tommyinnit is the son of God himself, Jesus Christ. He died, then three days later rose again in Pandora’s Vault (the equivalent to Jesus’ tomb). He was resurrected by God (Dream, sorta, you’ll see how I contradict myself in the next couple of sentences). During Lent, Jesus spent 40 days alone in the desert with only the Devil and his temptations for company. Tommy, during his exile, spent like a week alone in the wilderness with only Dream (who is also Satan, this is where I contradict myself) and his manipulation for company.

Tommy was willing to sacrifice himself for the good of the people he loves, Jesus literally did just that for all of us. Jesus was hated and inevitably killed for what he stood for, and Tommy is hated and has died, and probably will continue to die for what he stands for (A large percentage of the Pharisees found Jesus ANNOYING. So if you didn’t, please consider getting baptised). When Jesus died, he went to Hell and presumably fist fought Satan. When Tommy died, he went to his Hell, didn’t fist fight Satan, but was confronted with Alivebur and his competitive solitare, which might as well be the same thing /j. 

And as a funnier, more weird parallel, if we’re assuming Tommy’s mother is the Samsung Refrigerator, then we can draw parallels to The Virgin Mary. Samsung Refrigerators, unsurprisingly, can’t have kids, a similar thing with Mary’s whole ‘ever virgin’ thing. Basically I’m saying the fridge went through the Immaculate Conception. 

Tubbo Underscore and Simon Peter

Simon Peter was Jesus’ best friend and right hand, and Tubbo is what Simon Peter was to Jesus to Tommy. To start, Peter was Jesus’ most trusted disciple, like Tubbo is Tommy’s best friend. Since the beginning of his following Peter was there for Jesus, and the same goes with Tubbo to Tommy.

Peter is ‘the cornerstone’ or ‘the foundation’ of the Church and established it as it is today. Tubbo was seen as the ‘heart of L’manburg’ and his presidency was arguably the most useful, productive and peaceful rule (The Church as far as I know hasn’t been blown up three times though). When Tommy and Wilbur (who I’ll get to in a bit) both turned down the presidency, Wilbur handed it off to Tubbo, like Jesus gave Peter the responsibility of leading the Church without Jesus.

Peter denied Jesus three times like Jesus said he would, and Tommy knew that Tubbo didn’t really trust him during Exile. Instead of denying Tommy, Tubbo doubts Tommy. The first is right before Exile when he makes the choice to exile Tommy because he doubts Tommy can change, the second is Tubbo believing Tommy’s dead and doubting he’s alive, and the third is Tommy’s actual death and doubting that he’s dead. 

In the iconic story of ‘Jesus walks on water’, Peter plays a prominent role. That moment on the water, instead of it being that Peter becomes afraid while walking towards Jesus, it’s that Tubbo gives up trying to fight Tommy. In the blown up community house, the day before Doomsday, Tommy and Tubbo have their iconic fight with the line ‘The discs were worth more than you ever were!’. 

This is our metaphorical ‘walking on water moment’, but instead of Peter walking to Jesus, its Tubbo and Tommy being torn further apart. When the iconic disc line is said by Tommy, that’s our version of Peter’s fear on the water. Tubbo suddenly realises what’s happening and stops fighting entirely, ready to let himself drown. But, like Jesus came to grab Peter out of the water, Tommy stands by Tubbo.

Wilbur Soot/Ghostbur and The Holy Spirit

I’m aware how strange this one is. But hear me out, because I’m also aware that I’m really smart (/j). The Holy Spirit is what gives the Disciples hope, courage, the fire in them to go out and do stuff. Wilbur had and has a similar effect, but in a weird way. Let’s break this down. 

L’manburg Wilbur gave the people of L’manburg the hope and the courage to emancipate themselves from the Dreamsmp. He gave Tommy the courage to duel Dream for what he stood for. He gave Tubbo a purpose. He gave Fundy a home. And he gave Eret, though they didn’t end up keeping it, something to fight for. During The L'manburg era, Wilbur was their courage, their hope, their energy for what they did. He was their Holy Spirit.

After Jesus’ ascension, the disciples wait for the Holy Spirit. During Elections, Wilbur’s character based around giving people courage dies and spirals into something dark and cold. This is the 40 days leading up to Pentecost. There is no courage, no hope, no anything, just fear and desperation. When Wilbur dies on November 16th, all courage and hope dies with him. Wilbur takes his apostles’ faith down with him. 

Then there’s our metaphorical Pentecost: the rebuilding of New L’manburg and Ghostbur’s appearance. Wilbur returns as something resembling original L’manburg Wilbur, but not actually that courage and bravery. He returns as Ghostbur, who resembles Wilbur but not in the same ways. This is like how at Pentecost, the Apostles are gifted with the Holy Spirit, but no Jesus. They’re still on their own, but they have the bravery to move on and go out to spread the word and rebuild the Church. In the Dreamsmp, Ghostbur’s return helps spark the rebuilding of New L’manburg.

Ghostbur gives what Wilbur did give and couldn’t give throughout his life. He’s Tommy’s comfort during his exile. He’s Tubbo’s guidance during his presidency. He’s Fundy’s closure. He’s Techno and Phil’s reminder. Ghostbur is a different kind of bravery and purpose than Wilbur was, but it’s still the Holy Spirit within each of them nonetheless. And even without physical presence, he’s still there (Wilbur Soot my beloved I miss your streams king).

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4 years ago

If that theory holds true, that would be the biggest "bruh" moment for Technoblade and his involvement with the Egg.

wait guys what if sir billiam is techno’s ancestor and the eggs influence runs in the family? and the reason he says blood for the blood god is because he has an instinct to kill for the egg, or the blood god, to feed it?

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3 years ago
So Uh Ig One Of My First Posts?

So uh ig one of my first posts?

This is one of my old drawings I’ll be willing to redraw if anyone helps me to.

Have a nice day!

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3 years ago
Well Here We Are Again With The Mcyt Boys

Well here we are again with the Mcyt boys

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11 months ago

so i did an ao3 thingy

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

my c!fundy-obsessed ass needed to do something sooner or later

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10 months ago

Sandcastles - lil Fundy drabble

As a kid, Fundy liked sandcastles.

He'd wait until Wilbur was distracted as if he was paying attention in the first place, then run out to the river, the one right by L'manberg with the sandy shores. Paws were careful as he shaped the most beautiful designs, walls and spires and stability, wall design akin to the same one that surrounded his country.

Sometimes he'd stay out till night, cutting his hands on shells and rocks hidden within the grains. But it was all worth it, wasn't it?

Each time Fundy left one there, he expected to return the next day to the same thing. Each time, Fundy returned to nothingness, the castle gone, everything blown away in the wind.

Each time, he repeated the process again. The building, the blind hope and devotion to something that meant nothing in the end, and the eventual letdown.

He still likes sandcastles.

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10 months ago

random hc i came up with just now: in canon, dream was the one to give george his glasses/goggles, which basically function like his irl colorblind goggles. it took months, nearly a year to find something, but once dream heard george lament about not being able to properly see a rainbow or the sunset, he was set on finding something. do the goggles work as perfectly as they do irl? no, he's still to some degree colorblind, but they still work.

flash forward a few years, dream is in prison, george has stopped wearing his goggles as much because "tHe mEmOrY iS tOo pAiNfUl" or whatever. XD questions his eyesight, to which george replies that he's colorblind. one snap later and goggles just like his old ones manifest into his hands. putting them on, they work so much better, every little color-related detail now visible. george remarks that someone else once gave him basically the exact same thing as a gift, to which XD laughs. "i'd think that these would be of better quality in comparison to whatever a mere mortal gave you."

and they are, they really are, but they weren't a culmination of a year's worth of questing and research. they weren't presented by a stupid, grinning dream with dirt in his hair and a singed hoodie. they weren't first put on with tears from both parties, hugs and smiles and sobs all happening at once in one beautiful moment.

"yeah, i guess they're better."

(i'm not even into c!dnf angst or c!george much but i like this so here)

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9 months ago
Lazy C!fundy Art From A Roleplay I Did, Idea Never Fully Fell Through But Rp's Still Going So I Can Still
Lazy C!fundy Art From A Roleplay I Did, Idea Never Fully Fell Through But Rp's Still Going So I Can Still

lazy c!fundy art from a roleplay i did, idea never fully fell through but rp's still going so i can still hope

explanation thingy: blah blah blah facility experiments escaped but didn't big fight not-so-good familial figure (gee fundy you kinda suck when it comes to trusting people /lh) ate warden heart unknowingly but knowingly, that kind of thing. he was gonna have skulk grow in/decay his organs and then he'd (tw: mentions of kinda gory vomit) throw them up in a beautiful bloody mess and the skulk would fully take over or just replace his internal systems. we'll see where it goes though

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9 months ago

Roll The Dice (One More Time)

After a long day at the casino, as the moon replaced the sun, Fundy was the only one still going. “Just one more,” he mumbled, “one more shot. One over the stack limit, it’s fine.”

He was 23 diamonds over that aforementioned one-stack limit, but that was irrelevant.

Maybe this was why age requirements existed for casinos, it was too easy to get swept up in all the glamour, especially if you were under 21. But hey, wasn’t that the point of a casino? No one came here to win, not really, everyone just wanted to forget about what they’d lost.

To be fair, the casino did have age requirement rules, but Quackity was more than content to turn a blind eye to that whenever Fundy showed up with glittering blue gems in his hand and a clouded look in his eyes. Quackity wasn’t entirely without care for the fox hybrid, he was just a businessman, and Fundy basically screamed easy profit.

And profit he did provide, coming here day after day. At first he started out small, a few diamonds and then he'd leave, but that thinking quickly snowballed until Fundy was only mining for things to spend. It didn't help that the casino never closed, either - Fundy couldn't count on two hands how many times he'd stumbled out of the casino to find that it was a mere hour away from daybreak.

Fundy blinked, looking up. 23 had turned into 29, and as much as he didn’t want to obey it, that was his cue. He had to basically force himself out of the casino, and even then he found himself looking back at the glittering building with intent to head back inside and continue. Fiddling with his tie, Fundy forced his eyes to look at anything around him, anything that wasn't the place he just left.

Thankfully, given the nature of the country, there were plenty of things to focus on. Tall buildings, lights, recreations of buildings from the Space Needle to the fucking Eiffel Tower.

That was something that he could focus on, okay. Recreations. Copies. Fakes trying to mimic the real thing, and though it worked at face value, nothing was real about it.

Las Nevadas was fake, that much was obvious. But that was okay.

Right now Fundy didn't want something real.

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9 months ago

That makes the cfundy and cdream wedding more screw up:(


don't worry, fundream wedding isn't canon, fundream wedding can't hurt you

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8 months ago

allow me to take a few seconds of your time so i can talk about my fundy aging system

similar to irl canines (link thingy for science), fundy ages rapidly during the earliest years of his life, i.e. childhood and early teenage years. once he reaches around 14-15, things start to slow down a bit. by 19, he's aging at rates that line up pretty nicely with that of a normal human. at some point in his 20s, his age rate actually slows in comparison to that of a human's, and it just gets slower from there (what? an excuse to give fundy an extended lifespan? you're crazy). and none of this is even getting into the wild thing that is his brain chemistry, dna, mental age, how his heritage ties into all of this..

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7 months ago

yoo i posted chapter 2 of autophobia you should totally go read it

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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7 months ago

something about c!wilbur never truly acknowledging that c!fundy was part of l'manberg. something about fundy not being in the national anthem. something about how in the revised version, wilbur kept eret's name in instead of just switching it with fundy's. something about how wilbur told phil that the crosses on the flag represented the founders. something about there only being three crosses. something about fundy (even if it was jokingly) insisting that wilbur made it with him in mind. something about the fine line between ignorance and denial.

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