craftycupcake27 - Mitz💜

90s Kid | she/her | 💜BTS l SVT | SKZ💜

105 posts



Bucky Barnes x Reader (x uncle Tony Stark)

This is the final part of 'Blush' . Thank you all for reading and appreciating my work ! :) I know it isnt perfect, but its only the beginning ! And I also happened to reach 400 followers today ! Yay ! Thank you for the love, it means so much ! :*

"Just relax for a minute. Breath." Wanda instructed Y/N, watching her pace the room.

"Hes going to hate me. Hes going to disown me !" Y/N said, hyperventilating.

"You can do this another time then" Wanda said.

"No. I gotta do this now. Get it over with" Y/N said, exhaling loudly and walking towards the door. "Just tell Bucky to stay off Tony's floor for a while" Wanda nodded, and gave her a reassuring smile.                              

  * * *

Y/N stood in front of Tony's office, losing all the courage she had mustered a few minutes before. She knocked on the door softly, and heard Tony say 'Come in'.

Y/N entered and alnost froze in place seeing Bucky sitting in front of Tony, a guilty look on his face.

"Good timing, Y/N" Tony said. "I was about to call you" "W-why?" Y/N felt a huge lump in her throat.

Her eyes met Bucky's briefly, and then settled back on Tony's. Tony frowned, watching his niece with narrowed eyes.

"Uh- Tony -"

"Why dont you sit down ?" Tony said slowly getting up from his seat.

He turned to look at Bucky.

"So what have you gotta say, Barnes?" He asked.

Y/N froze again. He knew. He KNEW!

She stared at the two men in horror.

"Tony, Im really sorry-" Bucky said, "I didnt mean to !"

"Oh please, you didnt mean to ?! How can you even -"

"Tony, can I -" Y/N felt an urge to throw up.

"You dont say a word, Y/N! This is all on him !"  Tony said, silencing her. "You're all so quick to support him, he thinks he can just -"

"Oh woah, thats so not true !" Bucky shot back.

"Is too !" Tony said.

"You guys - " Y/N said. "Let me at least -"

"No!" Bucky and Tony stood face to face now, red faced and furious.

"Bucky this is NOT the way !" Y/N said, grabbing his arm.

"Y/N, you should probably just -" Tony began. "How can you blame it all on him ?!" Y/N asked.

"Seriously ?!"

"Y/N. DONT!" Bucky said, his eyes flashing a warning.

"Why not ?! 'Coz its not just you !"


"What the hell ?!" Tony looked at both of them with wide eyes. "Y/N , how can you be so STUPID ?!"

"Tony, I wanted to -" She never got to finish her sentence, because the door burst open, and Nat rushed in.

"Tony" Nat began. "I can explain"

"What the bloody hell ?!" Tony gave Natasha an incredulous look. "Is everyone is in this freakin' tower CRAZY ?!" He said, going back to take his seat.

"Tony, you just cant -" Natasha paushed, searching for the right words.

"Natasha, I can handle this, seriously, why the hell are you here ?!" Bucky asked, thowing his hands up in frustration.

"You are so ungreatful, Barnes ! Hes gonna kill you anyway, I just thought backing you up a bit will help !" Nat shot at him. "And Y/N - she -"

"Nat, its alright" Y/N said in a small voice.

"He had to know anyway - I didnt expect much -"


"Tony they just FELL IN LOVE ! Not bloody MURDER anyone !" Nat said.

There was a sudden silence in the room. Bucky and Tony stared at Nat. Y/N just stood silently, eyes closed. The silence carried on for a moment, before there was another knock on the door, revealing Sam and Steve.

Studying the faces of the occupants of the room, Sam said " Bad timing ?"

Steve walked in, straight to Tony and said, "He wasnt alone. We were with him" Tony just stared back at Steve with his mouth hanging open.

He reached into his coat pocket for a handkerchief, and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"I just need a moment" He said, shaking his head, and taking a sip of water from the glass set on his table.

"Cap, you were saying ?" Tony asked, eyes fixed on Steve. "He wasnt alone, Tony. Sam and I, we were with him. It was an accident - and we'll pay for everything -" Steve said, in an apologetic voice.

"Pay for what ?" Nat asked, sharing a look with Y/N.

"Why do I have a feeling that we're talking about different things?" Y/N asked, a hint of horror in her voice.

"Why dont you tell them, Barnes ?" Tony said, looking at Bucky.

Bucky exhaled noisily before speaking. "We took Tony's new car for a ride, and I was driving - " Bucky said. "And kinda had a bit of an accident - it needs replacements now"

"Oh my God" Y/N said, covering her face with her hands.

"And now, what were you two saying ?" Tony was uncharacteristically calm.

"Tony, this was NOT how it was supposed to happen ! " Y/N said, shaking her head. "I thought Bucky was here to talk about us -"

"Why do you need anyone else to talk to me for you, Y/N ?" Tony asked, softly. "Whats the worst that could happen ? I might throw him out, or maybe kill him like Nat said, but -"

"Tony !" Nat hissed.

"Im so sorry," Y/N said. "I was afraid that you might hate me after this. But, I cant help it, Tony. I love Bucky. I havent felt this before - you know it !"

Tony remained silent.

"Its always been about grades and career, but Bucky showed me something else - I want him in my life, Tony. And I want you. " Y/N said, walking towards Tony. "I can stop if you want" Y/N said, taking Tony's hand in her's. "But, that'll be it. Its going to be Bucky forever, Tony. No one else"

Tony looked at his little girl's tear- streaked face. And then at Bucky, who stood with a pained expression, but eyes fixed on Y/N, which held so much love and adoration for her. Tony looked away, trying to blink away any tears that had formed at the corner of his eyes.

He stood up, a hand tightly around Y/N's shoulder. "I've always been nothing but proud of you, Y/N. You're my daughter - there is nothing in the world that can change that. And when have I ever said a 'no' to you ?" Y/N looked at Tony with wide eyes. "Yes, its true that Barnes and I have a history of NOT liking eachother - and its not like hes killed my parents or anything -"

"TONY!" Steve and Natasha glared at him.

"Sorry - but hes a changed man, now. Incredibly STUPID, but still. And if it makes you happy, then, I want you to have it - without being guilty."

Y/N burst out into tears, and flung her arms around Tony's neck, crying into his expensive suit. Tony's eyes met Bucky's, and a secret pact - of tolerence, and trust and staying by eachother's sides for Y/N- was formed right there.

* * *

It was close to midnight, and Tony Stark stood at the roof of the Avengers Tower, watching the star studded sky.

"Cant sleep ?" Nat's voice snapped Tony back to reality. Tony shrugged, turning to look at her.

"Does it always look like that up there ?" He asked, looking back up at the sky. Nat smiled.

"On special days I guess" Nat replied, looping her hands with Tony's.

"You did so good today, Tony. Im so proud of you"

Tony smiled back at her.

"After all these years - it felt like I did the right thing. For her. " he said.

"You did. And for Barnes. After everything hes been throught"

Tony nodded.

"You're a great dad, Tony" Nat smiled at the soft blush that had settled on his cheeks.

TAGS !! @mags-moore , @kaiyaisbae , @sgt-jbb-107 , @dreamingonmyown , @ravenclaw-geek24 , @ballerinafairyprincess

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More Posts from Craftycupcake27

8 years ago


Bucky Barnes x reader

Bucky Barnes didnt enjoy crowds. And because of this one reason, he wasnt enjoying this outing.

"Come on, man, just a carnival ! Relax!" Sam said, Bucky grimaced, and then continued to walk, watching all the fairylights and candy floss, and all these happy people.

How he wished to feel that way.

To be happy.

To be relaxed.

He sighed audibly, and his eyes wandered, only to fall on a particular stall, standing isolated somewhat behind all the music and madness. He began walking towards it, leaving his friends behind. He felt some kind of a pull, and he walked faster.

A woman in bright clothes sat at the entrance to the stall, watching.

"Welcome to my stall, dear" She said with a smile.

Bucky looked at her, and her stall, with some emotion he couldnt quite understand.

"Why dont you just look around ?" the woman said, showing him the way in.

It was a tiny bookstall, with many ancient looking books stacked onto makeshift shelves.

Bucky felt almost stupid to be standing there, but still, there was an odd attraction that kept him there.

He walked in between the shelves of books, his mind pulling him in different directions. He felt overwhelmed and giddy, and he grabbed a shelf to steady himself. The shelf shook slightly, sending a few books stacked at the top to topple down.

A particular book, with a black and red cover, landed in his hands. 'Book of Soulmates' Was etched on the hard cover on the book. Bucky frowned, as he opened the book, and almost screamed out loud, seeing the first page.

The slightly yellowing page had his name written in the middle, in a beautiful handwriting. He looked around to see if this was a prank, and expected his friends to jump out from behind the shelves. Only no one came.

Bucky was breathing fast, feeling suffocated. He glanced back at the book, running his fingers over his name. He turned to the next page, which was blank. He flipped the pages, and they were all blank.

Giving out a frustrated sigh, he shut the book, and stood still for a moment. He thought of confronting the woman who owned the stall. He made his way towards the entrance, but a sudden cool breeze had him stop in his tracks. A sweet scent filled his nostrils. Now truly creeped out, Bucky looked around cautiously.

He froze as he felt a warmth in his fingers. He looked down at the book he was holding. A certain warm seemed to seep through its covers to his fingers.

He opened the book urgently, and saw the first page as it is. But the next page had changed. There was a light outline in it. Thats it, Bucky thought. Just as he turned to run, there was a huge gust of wind, and pages flying around. Bucky fell to his knees , holding onto te book tightly.

He closed his eyes, not knowing what else to do. The wind stopped abruptly, and Bucky waited a moment before opening his eyes. "Shit" He mumbled to himself.

The stall was gone. There was no sign of it, or the woman. It was all gone. The only thing that kept him sane was the fact that he was still holding the warm book in his hands. He quickly opened the book, and let out a sigh of relief as he saw his name in it.

The outlines in the next page had grown darker now, more clear. It looked like a portrait. Bucky squinted at it, trying to figure out the drawing. It was someone's face. What caught his eye was the outline of a star on the left cheek of the person. None of the other features were clear.

"Hey ! BUCKY !" Bucky stuffed the book into his jacket, as he saw Steve approaching him. "Where did you run off to ?!" Steve asked, his face showing concern.

"I was right here" Bucky said, shrugging. He shifted trying not to mind the book, that was getting warmer by the minute.

"Come on, lets go - the others went on to grab a snack" Steve said, pulling Bucky with him. Bucky followed him, turning around occasionaly, to see some sign of the stall. Lost in thought, he continued walking, and walked straight into someone. Bucky yepled in pain, as the book burned him.

There was another scream, and Bucky looked at the person he had walked into.

There was a girl sitting on the ground, brushing the dirt off her jacket, looking up at Bucky, her lips slightly parted, and a look of confusion etched on her beautiful face. Bucky stared at her. She long wavy brown hair, that flying around her in the breeze, and big brown eyes, glued to his face.

And the soft cool breeze that swept his face, carried a certain sweet scent. Bucky's eyes widened at sudden realization. There was a silver star painted on her left cheek. He reached for the book inside his jacket only to find that it was gone.

He felt light-headed, and he looked back at the girl. She just sat there, watching him. It was her. It was her portrait.

Bucky extended his arm to help her up. She took it without question, and they both winced as their touch burnt their fingertips for a moment, and then it was gone.

Bucky was too shocked to speak. What was happening ? "Bucky ! Bucky !" Bucky snapped out of his trance, as Steve shook him. He was still holding her hand.

"Hi" He said in a small voice. "Hi" "Im sorry, I-" "Its alright"

She had a faint smile on her lips, and she tried to tame her flying hair with her free hand.

"Im James. Bucky. Barnes" The girl giggled as Bucky stuttered with his words. "Y/N Y/L/N" She said, smiling.

Steve stared at the couple in confusion.

"Did you feel it ?" Bucky asked in a whisper. The shook her head, still smiling.

"Whats going on, Bucky ?" Steve asked again.

Bucky turned to Steve with a smile and said, "Shes my soulmate"

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7 years ago

My Brightest Star - 3

Sirius Black x Reader

My Brightest Star - 3

Winning a game of Quidditch against the Slytherins was quite an achievment for the Gryffindors. It also meant a victory party was in order. Lily was going throung her trunk, chucking her clothes on her bed.

"Why cant I find anything good to wear !!!?" she whined, as Y/N pulled on a simple black sleeveless dress that came upto her knees.

"You are done already ?!" Lily asked, fishing into her trunk more urgently.

"Relax, Lily ! You can borrow one of mine if you cant find any !" Y/N said, combing her long hair.

That calmed her a bit, and she did find a pretty pink dress. Once the girls were ready, they went downstairs and saw a full fledged party in the common room.

Bottles of firewhiskey were stacked at makeshift bar, along with other drinks and snacks.

"Come on, Y/N" said Lily, grabbing her hand as they walked up to the boys.

They stood by the bar, with bottles of firewhiskey in their hands. Y/N's eyes fell on Sirius, who was dressed casually in a black shirt and a pair jeans, and his black hair shined in the disco lights.

Lily went forward to kiss James, and Sirius came forwrd to Y/N, and said,"You look beautiul,love"

Andrea smiled at him, saying "Thank you, you dont look so bad yourself "

Sirius smirked, and winked at her. A little into the party, James and all the boys for that matter, were drunk.

"Dont you think Y/N is too much of a goody goody to be even hanging out with us ?" said James.

Sirius glared at him, afraid if Y/N would leave.

"Cant even handle a little drink I see" James continued.

"I dont drink because I dont like to, James" Y/N replied firmly.

"Oh right"

"Besides, who cant handle a couple of drinks?"

"You cant !" James laughed, Peter joining him.

Remus looked at Sirius, knowing where this will end.

"Of course I can, Potter !" Y/N said, turning red in her face.

"Prove it" James said, smugly.

"Gladly" she said, reaching out for a bottle of firewhiskey.

One of their classmates, who was bartending, poured her a goblet.

"Y/N-" began Sirius, trying to stop her, but she swatted his hand away.

"You dont have to do it " said Remus, giving James an ugly look.

"She has never had a drink before !" Lily whispered to Sirius, tackling her boyfriend.

"Y/N, he is crazy " said Sirius, trying to take the goblet away from her. "You DONT have to prove anything"

"Sirius Black, you better let go"

There was fire in her eyes, and it kind of turned him on. Smirking at her, he folded his hands and leaned against the wall, as she raised the goblet to her mouth, and took a big swig.

They watched, and she put the empty goblet back on the table, putting her hands against her mouth, eyes wide. The drink burned her insides.

Her eyes darted to Sirius, who was watching her with much interest, taking a sip from his own drink.

James snorted, "Look at her face ! That was just one drink !"

As she reached for another filled goblet.

"Y/N, let it go please!" Lily whined.

Y/N downed the contents of the goblet, and just stood, her eyes watering up.

"Ohhhh" James said, putting his arm around Lily and pulling her closer to him.

"You are in so much trouble, Potter" Lily grumbled, pushing him away.

"Y/N, you should stop" Remus warned, now really concerned.

Sirius, remained silent his eyes fixed on Y/N.

A couple of globlets later:

"Fine, one more and Im done teasing you !"James said, with a grin.

His words were slurring now. With some effort, Y/N had another shot. And then, she held her stomach, her eyes closed tightly, before muttering, "I think Im going to be sick"

Remus grabbed a dustbin from the corner of the room, and Sirius helped her away from the crowd.

Once they were at a safe distance from the party animals, Y/N bent down over the dustbin, and threw up.

"This is all your fault Potter !" Lily fumed, and stalked off to find some water.

Peter took hold of a thoroughly wasted James, and led him off to his dorm.

Sirius knelt down, and held back Y/N's hair and rubbed her back slowly as she puked. "Its alright" he murmured, and she continued for a while.

Once it stopped, Lily wiped her face with some paper towels, and handed her some water.

"Guys, I dont think she can walk to the dorm" Lily said, looking at the sick girl.

"That wont be a problem" said Remus, looking at Sirius with a smile.

Sirius lifted Y/N off her feet bridal style, and carried her upto her dorm. Y/N held on to his shirt tightly, and he heard her saying incoherent things under her breath. Remus and Lily watched them, and stayed in the common room with a smile on their faces. Sirius placed her on her bed gently, but she held on to the collar of his shirt.

"Whats it, babe?" he asked, covering her hands with his.

She mumbled something, and he sat on her bed, leaning down to hear her.

"Dont go" Y/N whispered, the scent of his cologne intoxicating her more.

Her hands on his collar, loosened. Sirius laughed as he lay her down completely, and brushed his fingers on her cheek.

"I really want to kiss you now, you know ?" he said, his voice husky. "When you're in your proper mind, maybe. Good night, love"

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8 years ago


Cute Bucky x Reader !


“Ok, Buck, ” I said, trying to catch my breath. “Give it back !” “No !” Bucky said, holding out a hand to stop me, and panting. “Bucky !!!” I whined, stomping my foot. “Please !!!!” “No no no !” “Yes, NOW!” “Nope” “Come on, Buck !” I said, sitting on the couch, sulking. “You spend time with me now” He said. “You can have your book back when Im done with you” “So not fair !” I said crossly. “That chapter is important !” “Im way more important that !” “Really ?” I asked, smirking. “Oh please” Bucky scoffed, flipping through the pages of my book.

Suddenly his fingers touched my bookmark.An evil grin spread on his face. He looked me, and wiggled his eye brows. “Dont you DARE !” I said, again on my feet. “Oh, but I do” Bucky said, shrugging. “Ok ok, just put it down” I said, holding my hands up in defeat.

Bucky studied my face for a minute, and then sighed loudly. “Here, have your stupid book” He said, pushing my book into my hands and turning away to leave.

I watched him as he ran his fingers through his thick brown hair, before slowly walking out if the room.

“Hey !” I said. “Where are you going ?” Bucky shrugged, not turning to look at me. I flicked the book onto the couch, and ran up to my boyfriend, hugging him from behind. “Dont go” I said in a small voice. I smiled as he turned around and pulled me to his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist. “I dont care about that book, ok, I actually do, but not as much as I care about you” I said, my lips brushing against his neck.

Bucky laughed, holding me tighter. “All I wanted was to cuddle with you, and you just wanna read ?” “Aww, come here you cuddlebug” I said, as we settled on the couch. I snuggled into his arms , getting comfortable with his warmth. Obviously, cuddling is never cuddling without a few Bucky-special kisses.

Once we were settled into just cuddling, again, Bucky asked, “So what was this all important chapter ?” I just smirked. “What ?” He asked, now looking at my face. “Ohh, you might not be interested” I said, controlling my urge to laugh. “(Y/N) ” Bucky said, narrowing his eyes at me. I just giggled and winked at him.

Bucky’s eyes grew wide, as he dived to grab my book and opened the page I was reading. “Go back two pages, if you wanna read the whole thing” I said, now poking my head in between the book and his arms to see the page. He grinned as he read. Then he held the book out to me. “Here” He said . “You didnt just finish reading, did you ?” I asked, looking at him in shock. “Nope” He said, lying back on the couch. “You’re gonna read it to me”


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8 years ago

The Other Guy

Bucky Barnes x Reader x Chase Collins

Bucky sat at the dining table, sipping his coffee, and eyes glued to his laptop. He was determined to keep his eyes off a certain couple sitting at the living room.

(Y/N) laughed yet again at something that guy said, and Bucky clentched his jaw in iritation.

What does she even see in him?!, he thought. The guy had an arrogant look on him, and not to mention a handsome face.

Bucky glanced their way, and saw (Y/N) typing into her laptop, and the guying sitting too close to her, saying something.

He was too engrossed in watching them that he didnt notice the person who had joined him on the table.

Steve smirked, seeing his bestfriend in this state, and cleared his throat to make his presence known.

Bucky almost jumped at that, and quickly regained his composture, and looked back into his laptop.

“Whats the matter, Buck ?” Steve asked.

“What ?” Bucky asked, looking at Steve.

Steve raised his eyebrows, and grinned at Bucky.

“Who the hell is that guy ?” Bucky asked, giving up.

“Thats Chase Collins, (Y/N)’s friend from college” Steve informed him. “They’re on some assignment together”

“I dont like him” Bucky said, and both the guys turned to face the couple, again.

“(Y/N) doesnt seem to mind” Steve said, shrugging. “I think they’re just friends”

“Obviously, he’s trying for more” Bucky murmured, sulkily.

“Buck, Im telling you again” Steve said, exhaling loudly. “You should tell her how you feel !”

“I cant” Bucky said, his metal arm clutching at his cup tightly. “Why would she want me ?! Im the fucking Winter Soldier ! ”

And, his feelings got the better of him, crushing the cup in the process.

* * *

(Y/N) jumped up from the couch hearing a loud cracking sound. She turned to see Steve and Bucky sitting at the dining table.

Bucky’s eyes were tightly shut, and the pieces of the cup, on the table.

(Y/N) rushed to Bucky’s side, relieved to see that it was only his metal arm.

“Are you alright, Buck ?” She asked, touching his shoulder.

She felt his body going rigid on her touch.

By now, Chase was on her side.

Bucky hummed in response.

“I’ll just clean it up” He said in a small voice, not looking at any of them.

“No, just leave it there” (Y/N) said giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. “I’ll do it”

She looked at Steve and said, “Why dont take him upstairs ?”

“Yeah” Steve, already on his feet and grabbing Bucky’s arm. “Come on, Buck”

* * *

(Y/N) watched as Steve led Bucky to the elevator. She wished Bucky gave her that kind to freedom to hold him, or touch him.

He was always so unsettled and quiet around her. He didnt seem to like her much.

Chase touched her hand, bringing her back to reality.

“(Y/N) ?” He said, in a soft voice.

“Yeah ?” (Y/N) looked at Chase, who was smiling at her.

“You love him, dont you ?”

“What ? No. I dont.”

Her heart was running on a marathon right then, threatening to burst out of her chest.

“Yes you do” Chase said, taking her hand in his.

“He doesnt” (Y/N) said. “He just doesnt like being around me, Chase ! Hes always running away from me ! He never looks at me ! I dont know what to do !”

“Calm down !” Chase said, his hands on her shoulders, holding her in place.

(Y/N), was breathing heavily, trying to calm her mind. There was a storm happening in there, and the only person who could calm it down was not ready to help.

“Have you tried talking to him?” Chase asked.


“Why not ?”

“ ‘Coz he wont stay in the same room as me for like five minutes” (Y/N) said bitterly. “Let alone have a conversation about my feelings. You saw him right now, wont even look at me !”

“Maybe he’s nervous” Chase said.

“Why should he be?” (Y/N) asked, looking at Chase.

Chase shrugged.

“Look, if I hadnt seen this today, I would’ve asked you out” Chase said, giving her a genuine smile. “I think he feels the same way you do. He was bugged that we were spending time together”

“What ?! How can you say that ?!”

“Well, its a guy thing.” Chase laughed. “We were both kinda studying eachother - leaving that aside - you should go, and talk to him”

“Chase, Im afraid, what if he shuts me out ?” (Y/N) said, closing her eyes.

Chase cupped a hand on her cheek, and she opened her eyes.

“Well, thats his loss” Chase said, laughing again. “Im here. If he hurts you, im right here”

(Y/N) laughed, pulling Chase into a hug.

“Thanks, Chase” she said, witha smile. “You’re a great friend”

“I know” said Chase smugly, and started packing his things. “See you in class tomorrow. We’ll finish the assignment then”

(Y/N) nodded, and walked him out.

* * *

(Y/N) knocked on Bucky’s door.

“Bucky ! Please let me in. I have to talk to you” she said, kocking again.

She heard footsteps, and the door opened, revealing Bucky. He was wearing a gray round neck tshirt, and apair of black shorts, his hair done into a messy bun.

“Can I come in ?” (Y/N) asked, carefully.

Bucky nodded, moving aside to let her in.

He stood by the door, not knowing what to do. He watched as she played with her hands nervously.

“Close the door ?” She asked.

Bucky obeyed, nervousness creeping in again.

“Im sorry about the cup. I didnt mean to disturb you and your friend” Bucky said, eyes fixed in his shoes.

“Was nothing” (Y/N) said, shrugging.

Bucky nodded.

“Dont you like me, Bucky ?” (Y/N) asked, all of a sudden. “I mean, why dont you talk to me ? Did I do something ? Or say something ? ‘coz I really dont understand ! I didnt mean to come in here, and attack you, but you really dont leave me a choice !”

Bucky stared at the girl with wide eyes.

“Of course I like you ! ” Bucky said, suddenly feeling a sense of confidence filling himself.

“I adore you, actually” He said, now breathing heavily, hands on his hips. “I have for a long time. Since that day Tony introduced you to us. When he said you’ll be living with us. Since then.”

(Y/N) stared at Bucky, open mouthed.

“Why wouldnt you tell me ?” she asked.

“How would I ?” Bucky asked, as if the answer was obvious. “Im an assasin. I’ve killed innocent people. And you are related to Tony Stark ! And luckily I managed to kill his parents too. So thats a bonus !”

“Bucky, you didnt do any of those things” (Y/N) said weakly. “You were brainwashed. You didnt know”

“But I did.” Bucky said, his head bowed in shame.

(Y/N) ran to him, taking his face in her hands.

“Bucky, you are one of the most beautiful people I’ve known” She said. “And since the day Steve told me all about you, I’ve loved you. I love you, Bucky ! I dont care who says what. I know you. I trust you, and thats all that matters”

“Tony would never agree” Bucky said, his hands moving around her waist.

“Well, he’ll come around one day”, (Y/N) said, a small smile creeping into her face.

Bucky couldnt help but smile. He leaned down to press his lips to hers. They kissed, and kissed again. And again.

“Um, Buck ? One question ?”

“Ask away”

“Why did you break that cup ?”

“That friend of yours, he was getting on my nerves” Bucky said, blushing. “I think he liked you”

(Y/N) giggled, kissing him again.

The Other Guy

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8 years ago

The Slumber Party

Pairing : Young Sirius Black x Reader

The Slumber Party

I remained totally off for the first two weeks of my holidays. Sirius sent me a few letters to which I didnt reply. And he stopped writing.I cried myself to sleep for so many nights, that I lost count. This was so unfair!

I was hopelessly in love with Sirius Black. We were betrothed, and were meant to be, and all that, and it made me so jealous and angry that he actually allowed Marlene to kiss him.

“Rotten bitch” I cursed thinking about her.

My parents were worried about me and this new depression I was in. Mum asked me why I didnt meet or write to Sirius, and got grunts and growls for replies.

“(Y/N), just sort out your issues with Sirius” Mum said. “Its not very nice to hold grudges !”

“I dont care what anyone thinks, Mum !” I said. “Hes the only one who can actually do anything about it !” Mum gave me a confused look before leaving my room.

I got a letter from Lily Evans towards the final week of our holidays, saying that shes having a slumber party at her home and that she wanted me to go. Lily and I were friends before my betrothal to Sirius, and I felt guilty that I didnt write to her all summer. Mum was really glad about this party, of course.

“This is great, (Y/N)! Go on, have fun with your friends! It will help you get your mind off things” she said.

But Mum was right, I desperately needed something to take my mind off him. Maybe this party was a good idea after all. I wrote to Lily that I will go.

                                 * * *

Dad took me to Lily’s house on the day of her party. “(Y/N), come on ! Alice and Mary are already here !” said Lily, dragging me inside.

“My parents and siser are out visiting my grandparents” said Lily with an evil grin. “So we have this house all to ourselves tonight !” “And why do I feel that theres more to that smile ?” Alice asked suspiciously “Oh nothing! ” said Lily. “Really!”

None of us trusted her on that. But it was nice to be so free and relaxed. I was beginning to enjoy it. We were all sitting around doing random things and talking about our miserable lives, when we heard a knock on the door. Lily sprang up from her bed, and ran downstairs.

“What is she upto ?” I asked, feeling frightened. “I have no clue” said Alice, and we followed her down to the living room. Lily opened the front door, and in came a familiar face. “James !!” She squealed, launching hereslf into his arms.

And it was not just James. Sirius stepped in behind James, and his eyes fell straight on me.There was complete silence in the room as we stared at eachother.

“Surprise !” said Lily, and then fell silent. She turned to Sirius with a self satisfied smile and said “ How do you like your surprise Sirius?”

I saw James swallowing cautiously, his eyes darting between me and Sirius. Sirius’ smooth black hair was all out of place. And it looked so cute on him. ANYTHING looks cute on him. He wore a black shirt, and a pair of jeans, looking absolutely gorgeous.

I saw James whispering to Lily, and she looked at me with wide eyes. “I swear I thought this was a good thing” she said, raising her hands to us. Alice and Mary looked so shocked, they didnt move at all. Only their eyes moved between us.

Sirius took a step towards me. There was an excrutiating silence in the room, and my ears seemed to ache because of it.

“(Y/N)” I loved the way he said my name. But I didnt let that affect me.

“Lily, Im tired. I need to sleep” I said to Lily, trying to sound stern. “Sure (Y/N)” said Lily, and I began climbing the stairs to the room she had shown me before.

I saw Sirius’ face. He looked angry. And the next thing I knew, he was coming after me. I ran. He ran behind me. I stumbled through the hallway, Sirius close behind me. We wrestled with the door, but of course Sirius won - he was far more stronger than I was.He stepped in and locked the door behind us.

“Open that door RIGHT NOW” I said, feeling a bit scared. “No” said Sirius standing in front of the door, arms folded tightly. “Dont you play your games with me, Black” I said, anger rising. “Is that how its going to be, (Y/L/N)?” said Sirius, calmy with a smile playing around his lips. “You are just an arrogant ass, you know that ? Dont even think for a second that I dont get your tricks !” I spat. “How dare you speak to me like that ?!” he hissed at me, a storm flashing in his eyes.

With that, he dashed towards me. I moved back in reflex, falling into the bed, looking around desperately. I saw my wand sticking out from the corner of my bag. I grabbed it, and pointed it at Sirius’ face just as he reached me. All this action made my summery dress fly, and I immediately put a  hand on top of my skirt, my cheeks burning.

“Dont make me hurt you” I said in a small voice. “You might as well do that, (Y/N). Its better than what you’re doing to me now !” snapped Sirius.

I felt bad hearing that. And in a swift movement, Sirius seized my wand, and threw it across the room, and came forward, grabbing hold of my wrists and pushing me against the bed.

“Get off me, Sirius !” I yelled, pushing back at him. “Why dont you go back to your Marlene and tackle her ! She might not fight you back !” “Are you crazy ?!” cried Sirius. “I saw her kissing you ! And I saw that it amused you a lot ! Dont start lying ‘coz Lily saw it too !” “What the hell, (Y/N)?!”

My hands were in pain from his strong grip, but I dint give in.

“(Y/N), I didnt know that she fancied me ! I’ve known her since we were babies !” said Sirius. “I WAS kinda surprised to think that she thought that way !”

I stared at him, my hands weakening. “Do you know what I told her ?” he asked softly, his eyes locked with mine. “What did you tell her ?” “Nevermind” said Sirius distractedly, and letting go of my wrists. He straightened, and put his hands into his pockets, and I sat up on the bed.

“I dont want to be friends, (Y/N)” He said.

I stared at him. What did I just do ? Pain gripped at my heart and I felt tears stinging my eyes.

“I want to be more” he said slowly. A tear rolled down my cheek, as the pain turned to something else, and I stared at Sirius.

He came closer now, and sat on the bed, next to me, as tears cascaded down my face. He wiped them with his fingers, and whispered, “Would you like that ?” I looked at him as he gave me a soft smile. I nodded in between sobs. “Say it” he said coming closer. “Yes, I want that” I said, and felt the heat rising to my face.

He smiled widely, and looked absolutely divine. He leaned forward, and I felt his soft warm lips touch mine. It was a sweet kiss at first. The second one was bigger. And then he kissed me so deeply, my head spun in its magic. His arms went around my waist and soon I was lying on my back and him on top of me, kissing.

After our first ever make out session, we lay side by side on the bed, my head resting on his chest, and his arm around me. “Sirius” I said. “Mhmm” “What did you tell Marlene ?” “I told her that I was in love with you” A smile spread on his face as he looked at me. “I love you, Sirius ” I love you too, (Y/N)“

After a bit more cuddling, I sat up and said ,” I think we should tell them that we are ok" Sirius laughed. “You should’ve seen Lily’s face !” he said, laughing. “Shut up ! This happened because of her !” “True that”

Lily, James, Alice and Mary were playing some game as we came down the stairs, hand in hand. “Well would you look at that!” commented James, with a smirk. Lily and the others smiled at us as we came forward. “Wanna play ? We can start over!” said Lily. “Yeah ! ” I said and we joined them in their game. This was the best slumber party ever !

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