My favorite fandoms are Creepypasta & Marble Hornets | I love writing fanfics & headcanons | The proud owner of six precious fur babies | I am not active all of the time, so it might take me a bit to get to your requests!
281 posts
"If I Ever See A Real-life Brony, I Swear The Only 'magic' They'll Be Experiencing Is How Many Times
"If I ever see a real-life Brony, I swear the only 'magic' they'll be experiencing is how many times I can stab them within a five-second period."
~Jeff the Killer
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Types of hugs they give...
Jeff: More often than not, he’ll try to break every bone in your body when he hugs you.
Liu: He appreciates hugs that envelope your entire form in his warmth. It’s very wholesome.
Sully: Mostly he’ll just grab the back of your neck and pull you into his chest. He isn’t extremely affectionate, at least not physically.
Brian: The dude’s a simple man. He’s content just wrapping his arms around your waist and holding you close.
Tim: Ever since he was a kid, he’s been a bit touchy, so a common thing he does is he snakes his arm around your shoulders and pulls you into his side briefly.
Toby: This guy is soooo touch-starved, which means that he is extremely affectionate. He loves any kind of hug, really - but his favorite is the classic pick-you-up-and-spin-you-around kind.
Cody: He pretty much just embraces you tightly and buries his face into your neck. If you want something adorably romantic, Cody is the one to call.
Jane: She isn’t big on physical contact either, so you rarely get a hug. She does like to hold your hand and swing it around though.
Ben: He likes sneaking up behind you and then hugging you from behind, while he rests his face against your back. It’s very cute.
Zero: She will literally use up every single ounce of her energy just to squeeze the life out of you.
Clockwork: She’s the kind of person that is afraid to show you her soft side, so the only time she’ll hug you is when you’re alone. When this moment comes, she’ll simply lay on top of you, cheek pressed against your chest, and listen to your heartbeat.
Helen: He’ll tangle his fingers in your hair and sway back and forth when you hug, holding you gently yet passionately.
Jonathan: There are no textbook “normal” hugs with this guy, nope. He’s very unique with the way he initiates any kind of contact, but the most common tactic is that he’ll lift you up bridle-style and nuzzle your face with his own.
Kagekao: It’s true; Kage is considerably small compared to the average male, but he has demon strength so he uses it to his advantage. This means he wraps his arms around your waist, lifts you into the air, throws you onto the couch or bed (whatever you’re nearest to), then proceeds to jump on you and trap you in a flurry of cuddles.
Jack: Oh, when he hugs, he really puts emotion into it. By this I mean that he always keeps a firm yet tender grip on you, bends over a little so the height difference isn’t so awkward, and sometimes picks you up to get a better hold on you.
I just died.
Toby, with a flashlight under his chin: They say many years ago a demon cursed these woods.
[A few years ago]
Slender: Fuck these woods.
5 things Brian likes:
Warm blankets
Gravity Falls
5 things Brian dislikes:
Slenderman\the Operator
Antique dolls
Locked doors
~Height Chart~
Jeff the Killer: 5′10″
Jane Everlasting: 5′8″
Homicidal Liu\Sully: 6′1″
X-Virus: 5′7″
Eyeless Jack: 6′4″
Bloody Painter: 5′9″
Ticci-Toby: 5′10
Clockwork: 5′5″
Zero: 5′1″
Hoody\Brian: 5′11″
Masky\Tim: 5′8″
Ben Drowned: 5′6″
The Puppeteer: 6′2″
Candy Pop: 6′5″
Sally: 4′8″
Kagekao: 5′7″
Slenderman: 9′5″
okk first off i just found your blog and i love your work! ^^
i was wondering if you could do tim/masky with a girlfriend?
Aw, I appreciate that! ^^
Headcanons coming right up~
Tim\Masky with a S\O
Let's just establish something really quick. Tim and Masky are two separate people. They have separate thoughts, separate opinions, and most of all, separate personalities.
Tim is a nervous wreck with anxiety but is, for the most part, polite and pleasant to talk to.
Masky, on the other hand?
This dude will not hesitate to slit your throat if you so much as roll your eyes at him.
It's only natural, considering Masky was created for the sole purpose of being Slenderman's puppet, whereas Tim tried his best to avoid that.
Because of this, they treat you very, very differently.
You want to have a cuddle sesh with Tim?
He's a bit hesitant but, sure! He'll let you sit on his lap and gradually relax as the minutes tick on.
You wanna do the same with Masky?
Bish, he will slap your hand away before you can even say, "Can we cuddle?"
Then stomp off with the declaration, "That stuff is bullshit."
He is not the most lovable guy, lemme just say.
In fact, he's borderline abusive.
Masky sees the idea of "love" as something for wimps and wants no part in it.
That doesn't stop Tim from dating you, though.
He's so happy to have you be a part of his life. After everything that went down between him and Brian, after everything that he did, all of the mistakes he's made, he's convinced himself that he isn't worthy of affection. That he deserves this and couldn't even escape if he tried.
Tim enjoys listening to your voice, and he'll quickly fall asleep to it if given the chance. Especially if you run your fingers through his hair.
On a day that Masky isn't entirely royally pissed off at the world and everyone in it, maybe you can get him to stand beside you without flinching away as if you carry some kind of deadly disease.
At the height of his affection, he might encourage you on something you're doing, or give your back a rough pat.
Don't expect anything more, though.
Tim adores you, Masky lowkey despises you. He views you as incapable and a liability.
Good luck getting that to change.