criminalmutantsins - MultiFandomNerd

185 posts

Ive Been Trying To Remember This Anime I Watched. I Only Saw The Opening And Never Got The Chance To

I’ve been trying to remember this anime I watched. I only saw the opening and never got the chance to see the whole thing but I want to now. It’s not super famous.

Here’s all I remember from the opening:

1. The song was really upbeat.

2. In the end, a dark-haired(maybe purple) girl sees a pink-haired girl sitting in those tubes you see in the playground. Then they starting running through a field together without shoes. They may be holding their them.

3. The setting kind of goes gloomy and sad near the middle of the opening. I believe there was a boy and girl with instruments- a piano and violin respectively.

4. There was a large group of people with white hoods.

5. Near the end of the opening there was a small person- maybe there were kid- standing back-to-back with a extremely big person.

6. I kind of remember a guy maniacally laughing

Thanks to anyone who knows and comments. 😁💕

More Posts from Criminalmutantsins

3 years ago

Can some of you guys tell me why you ship Bushroot and Liquidator together? I kind of ship them too but I don‘t have a concrete reason like I have for Quackervolt and Drakepad. I’m curious to know what moments made you ship them. 😁💕

Can Some Of You Guys Tell Me Why You Ship Bushroot And Liquidator Together? I Kind Of Ship Them Too But

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3 years ago

Ducktales(2017) Unpopular Opinions

Here they are:

1. S3 was not as well structured as the other two seasons.

Season 3 was probably my least favorite season but I’ll have to rewatch season 1 to be completely sure. The over arcing story was just not handled as well as the previous two’s. I still liked, though there was a moment when I felt kind of bored with the show. I still think its a great show. 

2. Adding the TailSpin universe was a bad idea.

I did not like the TailSpin/Ducktales episode. It didn’t represent Kit well and the episode was basically mediocre fanservice. I would’ve preferred if the episode was replaced or changed so the TailSpin was not included. 

3. Adding Poe so late into the show was a bad idea.

I was waiting for Poe since I first researched him (around the beginning of S3,) and his appearance was...underwhelming. He was introduced so late into the story that his story could not be solved or even delved into. Its one of the disappointing things about Ducktales ending. I don’t blame the writers too much on this since they probably didn’t expect for the show to get canceled. 

At least there are fanfics. 

4. The finale was not as perfect as people say (still very good).

I liked it. A lot of love was thrown in it, but it was really rushed. Some moments were thrown in without much hints, and there was too much bouncing between perspectives. Also, the contract’s loophole was kind of dumb- sweet and cheesy, though still dumb. 

5. There were too many characters added in the finale.

This goes hand and hand with the previous opinion. Personally, when it comes to series finales, I prefer the spotlight to be mostly on the main characters. Maybe if there was more time then the character spotlight would have been better balanced. 

6. The show would have been more interesting if Della did not come back (still like her and the show though).

A gripe I have with the show is the lack of consequences Scrooge gets from his actions. Della’s disappearance would’ve been a good start for that development. Don’t get me wrong, I like Della and she is fun character. Yet, I still think about what could have happened if Della did not return. 

7. The triplets were too harsh on Scrooge based on his role with Della’s disappearance.

Not saying that they didn’t have the right to be mad; the triplets were kind of mad at the wrong person. Sure, Scrooge built the rocket, but he most likely wanted to go to space as a whole family. When Della found out about her present, she decided to go to space. I’m at least glad the writers didn’t discount that. 

Anyway, HDL went too far when they accused Scrooge of caring more about his money than her and didn’t try to find her. Tbh, I almost cried seeing those flashbacks. 

Scrooge still needs to apologize (specifically to Webby for that comment about not being family). 

8. Darkwing’s villains should have been real instead of in the show.

Now that I think about, I would prefer if some traits from the villains were transferred to other characters so Drake Mallard can have villains to fight. He can have new villains too, but at least a few familiar faces are needed.

There was a post here of an artist adding Megavolt into the 2017 universe by having an old high school friend of Drake’s taking inspiration from Megavolt to be a villain. That was an incredible idea! 

9. Too many characters were made.

Its more like the writers took on way too much trying to make Ducktales the Disney Afternoon Universe. Young Justice is a good example. In S3, the YJ writers wrote so many characters that most of them were half-baked. Same for Frank.

10. I don’t like or dislike the Webby twist (I’m in between).

I want to dedicate a whole post for this so I won’t say too much. Basically, I like the Webby cloning idea, but not the Scrooge part. I don’t know why; it just doesn’t sit well with me.

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3 years ago

DW’s Perspective on Heroism + Why He Doesn’t Like Gizmoduck

DWs Perspective On Heroism + Why He Doesnt Like Gizmoduck

*This is purely my perspective. I’m mostly talking about the 2017 version but both could work in this*

I’ve been rewatching the Darkwing-centered episodes so I could do an analysis on Drake. I really like him and is in my top 10 list. I see a lot of myself in him. He’s also an adorable dumb*ss.

Anyway, after watching these episodes, I came up with a theory on why DW doesn’t like Gizmoduck.

DWs Perspective On Heroism + Why He Doesnt Like Gizmoduck

In Drake’s eyes, being a hero is willing to risk everything for the world’s protection, especially your own body. His inspiration is a fictional version of DW who is willing to get himself hurt to get the job done.

Drake looks down on heroes who don’t follow this ideal, which is where is disdain for Gizmoduck comes in.

Fenton wears a suit to protect himself and hold his gadgets-which is not bad; Iron Man does it. Yet, Drake sees the suit as Gizmo’s “cowardice” or “reluctance” to be a real hero. He sees himself as a better hero because he doesn’t wear protection.

This is how I think Drake processes this, “I’m better than Gizmoduck because he is a regular person who is not willing to risk everything. I don’t wear a stupid suit to protect myself.”

What are your thoughts? Do you think this could be accurate? 😁

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3 years ago

Shinigami Headcanon

Shinigami Headcanon

Mine: Shini named herself.

I think Shini was orphaned due to tragedy at a young age and was homeless for years. Then, she was adopted by a group of mystics associated with the Foot. They asked for her name but Shini didn’t know since her family died at a time she didn’t remember her name. So, she decides to call herself Shinigami as some sort of coping mechanism.

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3 years ago

Theories on How The Fearsome Four Will Come Back.

Theories On How The Fearsome Four Will Come Back.

Since there are rumors of the DW reboot coming(haven’t seen any recent articles if it’s confirmed), I’m wondering how the Fearsome Five will come to play if the creators continue with the ‘17 universe. I know Negaduck is around, but the Fearsome Four got sucked back into their dimension.

I’ve seen some theories around YouTube and Tumblr, here are the summaries:

1. Jim Starling/Negaduck is going to get the actors who played the Fearsome Four to join him.

2. Negaduck will bring the Fearsome Four back from their dimension.

3. New characters from the ‘17 universe will become the Fearsome Four and join Negaduck.

I think there are more but these theories stood out to me. My favorite one might be the first one because of how interesting it would be. Though, I think the third one would be best since every DW should have something new, like Negaduck. Plus, the change can give this version of Drake more personal enemies. 

Comment your favorite theory or one you have. 😁❤️

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