Della Duck - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
To Commemorate Della's Return To Earth And Late Mother's Day Gift I Made A Sketch Of This
To Commemorate Della's Return To Earth And Late Mother's Day Gift I Made A Sketch Of This

To commemorate Della's return to earth and late mother's day gift I made a sketch of this

(The one on the left is with filter) (the one on the right is with no filter) (just completely normal)

Inspiration:the episode when Della was trying to introduce herself to the family


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5 years ago
Made A Comic
Made A Comic
Made A Comic
Made A Comic
Made A Comic
Made A Comic
Made A Comic
Made A Comic

Made a comic

It's my first time drawing ducks and an animal I'm very new at this

(Sorryfor the pics looking sideways)

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5 years ago
Ya Know That Comic On The Last Panel I Made, Now It's In Colorful Version

Ya know that comic on the last panel I made, now it's in colorful version

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5 years ago
First Time Making An Edit

First time making an edit

I'm a little bit rusty

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5 years ago
I Tried To Make A 2nd Edit From The Golden Lagoon If White Agony Plains Episode
I Tried To Make A 2nd Edit From The Golden Lagoon If White Agony Plains Episode

I tried to make a 2nd edit from the golden lagoon if white agony plains episode

Also made a little edit from my lunar dance sketches

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6 months ago
Cunning Duo | Duck Temper Duo | Troublemakers Duo
Cunning Duo | Duck Temper Duo | Troublemakers Duo
Cunning Duo | Duck Temper Duo | Troublemakers Duo
Cunning Duo | Duck Temper Duo | Troublemakers Duo

Cunning duo | Duck temper duo | troublemakers duo

🪻Check out my comms🪻

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And All The Kids Cried Out
And All The Kids Cried Out

And all the kids cried out

"Please stop your scaring me"

I can't help this awful energy

God damn right you should be scared of me!


The Switched au is my favorite Ducktales au and I couldn't resist drawing something.

Switched au belongs to toxikku

Control belongs to Halsey.

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Goldie: Scrooge hasn’t been able to get our mail since he asked the mail man when the baby was due!

Della: Aaawww, She wasn’t pregnant?

Scrooge: No HE wasn’t!

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Top 10 Photos Taken Seconds Before Disaster.

Top 10 Photos Taken Seconds Before Disaster.

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Della: *has a black eye and wearing an eye patch* Launchpad maybe I should-

Launchpad: No way! Two eyes! My plane! I’m driving!

Della: *sits in the seat and grumbles*

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Hello All You Lovelies Out There! After...ehh A While I Finally Decided To Show You My Sister, Namelessbeleiver,
Hello All You Lovelies Out There! After...ehh A While I Finally Decided To Show You My Sister, Namelessbeleiver,
Hello All You Lovelies Out There! After...ehh A While I Finally Decided To Show You My Sister, Namelessbeleiver,
Hello All You Lovelies Out There! After...ehh A While I Finally Decided To Show You My Sister, Namelessbeleiver,
Hello All You Lovelies Out There! After...ehh A While I Finally Decided To Show You My Sister, Namelessbeleiver,

Hello all you lovelies out there! After...ehh a while I finally decided to show you my sister, Namelessbeleiver, and I’s Ducktales OC.

Pruedence Dawson McDuck.

Backstory: Prue was born a couple months after Scrooge trapped Magica within his dime. 3 months after she hatched Goldie came to McDuck manor with her in a baby carrier and Scrooge was more than surprised to say the least. She told him that her name is Pruedence and that she is his daughter but he didn’t believe her. They got into an argument with eachother and when Scrooge left the room to try figure this whole situation, Goldie held Prue close saying that she loves her so much and that she’s sorry. Prue was then put back in her carrier on the couch and she jumped out the window. Scrooge came back into the room only to find Goldie gone and the baby alone. At first he didn’t know what to do but then he called in one of his private doctors, who kept quiet about the whole situation. After the DNA results came in it was proven that Prue was in fact his daughter! He thought long and hard about this but in the end he was going to try and be the father she deserves. A few weeks past by, Donald and Della came to see him because they hadn’t seen him in a while, they were shocked to see a baby in the mansion. They all sat down and talked (after Della slapped Scrooge in face and yelled saying he was stupid for getting Goldie pregnant) Donald and Della decided they would help raise Prue. For the next five years things were grand, amazing adventures everyday, Scrooge was the best dad he could be, Della was a mom figure to Prue and Donald was a funny talking a uncle...But then that all ended. When The Spear of Selene happened, things were so hectic that Prue was pushed aside. When Scrooge has been forced to give up the search he decided that it would be best for Prue to be there for her and to just have her forget so that she doesn’t get hurt. For the next ten years he raised his daughter with the help of Beakley and Duckworth. Webby became like a little sister to Prue and both were trained by Beakley. Everything changed for the better when Huey, Dewey and Louie showed up on the mansion’s doorstep.

Prue is wears one of Della’s scarves because before she got in the ship she saw Della and asked where she was going. Della told her she’d be back soon but to not scare her, she gave Prue her scarf and Prue gave one of her favorite dolls to Della.

The dime necklace Prue wears was a gift from Scrooge for her first birthday. When she was six the lock on the necklace got dented and she hasn’t been able to open since.

After one of their adventures Della and Prue (five years old at the time) took a picture together and put it in the locket as a reminder.

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Scrooge : if you ever touch my niece again I will cut your thing off and feed it to the sharks!

Glomgold : Okay!

Scrooge : And Goldie and I get this cabin for two weekends a month! You here me!

Glomgold : Yes sir!

Scrooge : Goldie I got us the cabin!

Goldie : Yay!

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Fethry and Donald are stuck at the bottom of an empty pool

Della: I hope you trash bags die at the bottom of the pool like Launchpad Mcquack did!


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