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4 years ago

Ducktales Meets the Solve it Squad Returns Headcannon


The triplets and Webby staring in “The Solve it Squad Returns”

Starring: ~ Louie as Llewellyn Gander [Scrags]. Former member of the solve it squad and owner of Scrooge McD (his dog), his life changed forever after the dreaded Magica De Spell killed his beloved dog. Now working for the FBI and going by his full name he must get the gang back together in order to solve the case once and for all ~ Dewford as Dewy McQuack [Keith]. The former ‘cool guy’ of the solve it squad, Dewy’s life is in the dumps selling merch for his old crew. In order to get his friends back together he kickstarts their only unsolved case (Magica De Spell) to show his friends how much better they are together ~ Huebert as Huey Gearloose [Esther]. A child prodigy turned drug addict to keep his brain from basically exploding. Huey’s life (while enough for him) isn’t the greatest before Llewellyn drags him back into the solve it squad ~ Webbigail as Webby Vanderquack [Gwen]. After a failed writing carrier (no one wanted to read her detective novels) and a unfulfilling marriage, Webby is happy to rejoin the solve it squad in hopes of turning their adventures into a TV show ~ Della as Chief Duck [Chief O’Brien]. Llewellyn’s boos at the FBI who’s just trying her hardest to relate to her best agent and get him to recover from the loss of his dog ~ Scrooge McDuck as Scrooge McD [Cluebert]. Llewellyn’s dog and the glue that held the solve it squad together before he tragically passed at the hand of Magica De Spell

Roles still needing to be cast (open to ideas) ~ Literally every other role played by Brian Rosenthal in the original (see this video for the long list of parts)

Again another headcannon that came to me at 3am

This one is also open for use (just please give me a little credit please?)

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3 years ago

How I Would Write Ducktales (2017) Season 4(if it happened)?


Since I’ve seen a few fans talking about how they would write S4, it got me curious to know what you guys thought. I don’t have that much of an idea since almost every storyline was closed, but I’ll give it a shot.

So, my main plot point for S4 would be a sort of Scrooge redemption arc. If anyone has seen The Life & Crimes of Scrooge McDuck then you know what I’m going to be talking about.

Glomgold and Ma Beagle’s stories won’t be included since they weren’t particularly terrible. Though, they do show Scrooge’s selfish nature and non-accountability of how his actions affect people. What I will be talking about is Magica’s story. I don’t feel super bad for Poe and Magica since they terrorized innocent villagers, but what Scrooge did was not good. Magica was willing to through everything away if he helped her and Poe; instead Scrooge ridicules her and steals the villager’s money. Magica’s terrorizing could have ended right there. 

And that’s not even the worst part. Scrooge then took advantage of the villager’s situation to make a profit and left them once he was done. He didn’t help them or anything; sure he didn’t have magic but he could have at least tried. I was super annoyed when the writers swept those issues under the rug after this episode.

Actually watching Scrooge trying to fix his mistakes would be way more convincing than an apology (which was pretty half-assed, I must say).

Season 4 would be Scrooge’s season.

As for the main villain, maybe a group from that village who are still resentful towards Scrooge. They don’t have to be big villains like Bradford; just ones that affect Scrooge and his family.

I would also add Poe since he has so much potential and can give Magica some good development.

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3 years ago

Ducktales(2017) Unpopular Opinions

Here they are:

1. S3 was not as well structured as the other two seasons.

Season 3 was probably my least favorite season but I’ll have to rewatch season 1 to be completely sure. The over arcing story was just not handled as well as the previous two’s. I still liked, though there was a moment when I felt kind of bored with the show. I still think its a great show. 

2. Adding the TailSpin universe was a bad idea.

I did not like the TailSpin/Ducktales episode. It didn’t represent Kit well and the episode was basically mediocre fanservice. I would’ve preferred if the episode was replaced or changed so the TailSpin was not included. 

3. Adding Poe so late into the show was a bad idea.

I was waiting for Poe since I first researched him (around the beginning of S3,) and his appearance was...underwhelming. He was introduced so late into the story that his story could not be solved or even delved into. Its one of the disappointing things about Ducktales ending. I don’t blame the writers too much on this since they probably didn’t expect for the show to get canceled. 

At least there are fanfics. 

4. The finale was not as perfect as people say (still very good).

I liked it. A lot of love was thrown in it, but it was really rushed. Some moments were thrown in without much hints, and there was too much bouncing between perspectives. Also, the contract’s loophole was kind of dumb- sweet and cheesy, though still dumb. 

5. There were too many characters added in the finale.

This goes hand and hand with the previous opinion. Personally, when it comes to series finales, I prefer the spotlight to be mostly on the main characters. Maybe if there was more time then the character spotlight would have been better balanced. 

6. The show would have been more interesting if Della did not come back (still like her and the show though).

A gripe I have with the show is the lack of consequences Scrooge gets from his actions. Della’s disappearance would’ve been a good start for that development. Don’t get me wrong, I like Della and she is fun character. Yet, I still think about what could have happened if Della did not return. 

7. The triplets were too harsh on Scrooge based on his role with Della’s disappearance.

Not saying that they didn’t have the right to be mad; the triplets were kind of mad at the wrong person. Sure, Scrooge built the rocket, but he most likely wanted to go to space as a whole family. When Della found out about her present, she decided to go to space. I’m at least glad the writers didn’t discount that. 

Anyway, HDL went too far when they accused Scrooge of caring more about his money than her and didn’t try to find her. Tbh, I almost cried seeing those flashbacks. 

Scrooge still needs to apologize (specifically to Webby for that comment about not being family). 

8. Darkwing’s villains should have been real instead of in the show.

Now that I think about, I would prefer if some traits from the villains were transferred to other characters so Drake Mallard can have villains to fight. He can have new villains too, but at least a few familiar faces are needed.

There was a post here of an artist adding Megavolt into the 2017 universe by having an old high school friend of Drake’s taking inspiration from Megavolt to be a villain. That was an incredible idea! 

9. Too many characters were made.

Its more like the writers took on way too much trying to make Ducktales the Disney Afternoon Universe. Young Justice is a good example. In S3, the YJ writers wrote so many characters that most of them were half-baked. Same for Frank.

10. I don’t like or dislike the Webby twist (I’m in between).

I want to dedicate a whole post for this so I won’t say too much. Basically, I like the Webby cloning idea, but not the Scrooge part. I don’t know why; it just doesn’t sit well with me.

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3 years ago

My LGBTQ+ Headcanons: Ducktales '17 Edition

My LGBTQ+ Headcanons: Ducktales '17 Edition

Huey Duck: Demiromantic(crushes on boys more) & Sapiosexual

Dewey Duck: Bisexual

Louie Duck: Asexual & Aromantic

Webby Vanderquack: Lesbian

Launchpad Mcquack: Pansexual & Panromantic

Della Duck: Bisexual

Bentina Beakley: Queer

Lena Sabrewing: Lesbian & Non-binary

Violet Sabrewing: Genderfluid

B.O.YD: Pansexual & Panromantic

Drake Mallard: Trans man, Gay & Non-binary(goes by he/they)

Gosalyn Waddlemeyer: Bisexual

Gyro Gearloose: Gay & Trans man

Mark Beaks: Bisexual(crushes on boys more & Genderqueer

Storkules: Gay

Selene: Bisexual

Penumbra: Lesbian(canonically)

Falcon Graves: Gay

Magica de Spell: Lesbian

Poe de Spell: Gay

Kit Cloudkicker: Bisexual

Molly Cunnigham: Queer

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7 months ago
Magica De Spell
Magica De Spell

Magica de Spell 

by Carlos Mota

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1 year ago

working on the storyboard of the first animatic of my shadow empire AU.

Working On The Storyboard Of The First Animatic Of My Shadow Empire AU.

the animatic will have the song Shiny.

[The lyrics will be altered via subtitles to fit the story of the au.]

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6 years ago
Turns Out Catherines Magica Is A Very Fun Character When Youre Playing With Dramatic Shading And Lights

Turns out Catherine’s Magica is a very fun character when you’re playing with dramatic shading and lights and whatnot 

(I should do some more stylized “cartoony” versions of her Magica soon too I’ve been reading some Scrooge comics and the characters are so expressive) 

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3 years ago
The Unofficial Sequel To This
The Unofficial Sequel To This
The Unofficial Sequel To This

The unofficial sequel to this


Scrooge: “You kids have grown too complacent… so I signed you all up for speed dating! A relationship would do you kids some good! (Fethry, you’re excused. There’s an aro/ace meeting across the hall.)

Della: "Blegh!”

Fethry: “lol bye”

Donald, whispering to Gladstone: “Magica?”

Gladstone, whispering back: “In Romania rn. José and Panchito?”

Donald: “Gig in Brazil.”

Gladstone: “Odds of them not finding out about this?”

Donald: “Fifty- fifty?” *spots Magica and José in disguise* “oooooh scratch that. Zero. Zero percent chance.”

Magica: “I hate this. I’m going to KILL-”

José: “Actually, I like this dress :)”

Gladstone: “Ok. Uh, odds of Scrooge making it out of here alive?”

Panchito: *kicks in the door with a BAM*

Donald: “Oh, None. He’s a dead man.”

José: “Oh there he is! I thought he got lost <3”

Magica: “Just wait til I get my hands on that son OF A-”

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6 years ago
Lena And Magica De Spell

Lena and Magica de Spell

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1 year ago

you know the jokes i make about being into every fandom.... yeah

You Know The Jokes I Make About Being Into Every Fandom.... Yeah
You Know The Jokes I Make About Being Into Every Fandom.... Yeah

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6 years ago
Inktober Day 1: Poisonous

Inktober Day 1: Poisonous

You can't tell me that reboot's Magica doesn't look like she would own a dozen of poisonous snakes just for the fun of it. I mean, C'MON. LOOK. AT. HER.

DAY 1 finished, YUJUUU ^^🎶

I have an idea for tomorrow that I'm certain some of you will enjoy :3

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6 years ago




Can we please appreciate their faces? Also, Magica looks so threatening OwO

Have I ever told you how cute is your art style?? I ADORE THE WAY YOU DRAW DUCKS :3

P. S: I'm definetely trying the game

Art Trade With @ai-higurashi.

Art trade with @ai-higurashi.

I wanted to do something more shippy, but it inevitably became this. I am sorry and I hope you like it. Try to guess who the hunter is. And remember


P.S. Play Identity V. It’s a great game. And it’s free. You have absolutely nothing to lose.

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6 years ago

Art trade with @helloplaystationallstarslove

Alternative title : I don't know what's going on in my mind and at this point I'm too afraid to ask

Art Trade With @helloplaystationallstarslove
Art Trade With @helloplaystationallstarslove

TFW your teammates catch you making out with the enemy. For the 22th time today.

Goldie high-key wants to join

Magica is just tired and done

Alternative reaction

(in a shitty doodle)

Art Trade With @helloplaystationallstarslove

I hope you like it💕 (and that it has been worth the wait >w<)

(honestly, I love your ideas. I truly enjoyed creating this 0w0)

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5 years ago


No?? Whoops, too bad :)

(PLEASE, click for a better resolution. I spent an ungodly amount of time doing this. Also, adding 3 more slightly different versions bc I just love how they came out)


And the lineart :3


This was supposed to be for Day 9 of Femslash February XD. The prompt was "Magic", I had to!!!

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5 years ago
"Did You Have It Already?"
"Did You Have It Already?"

"Did you have it already?"

"Not in this edition. The original Latin translations is a nice touch"

"So... Is it enough for a kiss?"

"Ha, not in your dreams De Spell. It's enough for me to wait three tenths of a second before I chase you out with my sword. "

"Meh, seems fair"

(as always, click for better resolution)

*Casually creates another crack ship out of thin air before running back to my hole*

(gosh I had them in my mind since the Shadow War)

This was supposed to be an entry for the 23rd of April, a.k.a Saint George, which in my country is like the day of lovers. Traditionally, girls are gifted roses (Quackfaster totally fought the dragon to get that magic rose from their blood. It's cool though, they are friends now) and boys a book (let's face it, everyone gets a book).

Also, for anyone who might want it, have a flirty Magica profile pic with a rose:

"Did You Have It Already?"

How can I hate and love someone that much at the same time?? It's a mystery

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5 years ago


ai-higurashi replied to your photo “Did you have it already?” “Not in this edition. The original Latin…”

@lettheladylead OMG spellfaster is perfect!!!! Also, there are comics O-O???!!!!! Where can I find them???? I NEED THEM!!!!!!!

THERE ARE just a few! i can try to collect them but here’s a little scene from an untranslated italian comic

Ai-higurashi Replied To Your Photo Did You Have It Already? Not In This Edition. The Original Latin

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5 years ago
Does That Mean That We'll Get More Episodes Set In The Past? Or That He's Alive???

Does that mean that we'll get more episodes set in the past? or that he's alive???

Both? Yeah, both is good

Does That Mean That We'll Get More Episodes Set In The Past? Or That He's Alive???

Look at baby Webby protecting Scrooge QwQ

Does That Mean That We'll Get More Episodes Set In The Past? Or That He's Alive???

I have a feeling that they were kinda in the middle of something before Gyro crashed in. Maybe they found out about Louie hanging out with Goldie?

(also, look at Mama Della comforting/protecting her baby QwQ)

Does That Mean That We'll Get More Episodes Set In The Past? Or That He's Alive???

Hey Gabby, looking badass here

Does That Mean That We'll Get More Episodes Set In The Past? Or That He's Alive???
Does That Mean That We'll Get More Episodes Set In The Past? Or That He's Alive???

I still can't get over the fact that she's back, oh my stars, she's so overdramatic ahsgagsh I love her

Does That Mean That We'll Get More Episodes Set In The Past? Or That He's Alive???

Scrooge looks scared and there's a bunch of people screaming names as if they are calling for each other in the middle of chaos and destruction (I think I overheard a "Dr Gearloose" at that moment, pls let the 4 of them be safe), and now I'm terrified because I don't know what is going on.

Does That Mean That We'll Get More Episodes Set In The Past? Or That He's Alive???


I can't wait for Penumbra, Della and/or Donald to kick your ass

And last but not least...

Does That Mean That We'll Get More Episodes Set In The Past? Or That He's Alive???
Does That Mean That We'll Get More Episodes Set In The Past? Or That He's Alive???

I just want to see her again, ok? This CAN'T be a coincidence, fight me.

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5 years ago

Lena, but possessed by Magica as a request

Lena, But Possessed By Magica As A Request

The moment I read this, the mental image was clear af.

thanks for requesting and I hope you like it!!!!

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