Darkwing Duck Reboot - Tumblr Posts
Theories on How The Fearsome Four Will Come Back.

Since there are rumors of the DW reboot coming(haven’t seen any recent articles if it’s confirmed), I’m wondering how the Fearsome Five will come to play if the creators continue with the ‘17 universe. I know Negaduck is around, but the Fearsome Four got sucked back into their dimension.
I’ve seen some theories around YouTube and Tumblr, here are the summaries:
1. Jim Starling/Negaduck is going to get the actors who played the Fearsome Four to join him.
2. Negaduck will bring the Fearsome Four back from their dimension.
3. New characters from the ‘17 universe will become the Fearsome Four and join Negaduck.
I think there are more but these theories stood out to me. My favorite one might be the first one because of how interesting it would be. Though, I think the third one would be best since every DW should have something new, like Negaduck. Plus, the change can give this version of Drake more personal enemies.
Comment your favorite theory or one you have. 😁❤️
Random Ducktales Post #1

After watching a bit of Falcon and the Winter Soldier, I started thinking of how cool it would’ve been if ‘17 DW and GD had their own special.

Their two-fold relationship has always interested me and seeing it addressed would be great to see. It could also lead to a Justice Ducks special. I pray that the DW reboot happens and continues from the ‘17 story. We need more Drake and Fenton! 😁💜❤️
List of Ducktales ‘17 Fics I Want To Do One Day
I’ve been getting inspiration to write fanfics and wanted to make a list here.

-Darkwing Duck Reboot: If either the reboot doesn’t happen or the show doesn’t follow the ‘17 continuity then I’ll write this fic. I have a few ideas but not enough to start storyboarding. It might be a collaboration fic if anyone wants to join.
-‘17 Negaverse: I’ve seen a lot of people make their own Negaverse for the DT reboot. There are a few ideas in my brain and want to make it a fictional reality.
-Morgana & Dickie in the ‘17 Universe: These will be separate fics. I’ve been developing these OCs for a while, and their backstories made me interested in writing.
-Justice Ducks: The Justice Ducks is one of my favorite parts about DWD and want to make my own version.
-DW & Gizmoduck Team-Up: Fenton and Drake’s two-sided relationship interests me and I want to write my take in it. It was such a bummer that they didn’t have their own special.
-‘17 Negaduck’s Return: The most disappointing part about DT ‘17 cancellation was Jim not returning. His final scene was amazing and gave me chills. Like the DWD reboot fic, I plan to write this if the reboot either doesn’t happen or doesn’t follow the ‘17 universe.
Which idea did you like the most? If you ever want to do your own take in these ideas, you can. 😁
Thanks for reading! ❤️
My Version of Morgana Mcawber in the DT '17 Universe

Full Name: Morgana Azazel Mcawber
Alias(es): Morg, Mcawber, Witch, Demon Spawn, Big Sis, and Gana
Birthday: October 31
Age: 27
Nationality: European
Species: Half-Duck/Demigorgonian
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Neutral(formerly), Good
Occupation: Hero, Mental Institution Patient(formerly), Enchantress-for-Hire
Affiliation(s): Justice Ducks, part-time S.H.U.S.H Agent
Relatives: Cephas Mcawber(brother), Hector Mcawber(uncle)
Voice Claim: Laura Bailey (Black Widow, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDDnQQt2Auk&t=110s)
Morgana’s Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Aq6bmQg7ccKLXM3Z5f4vf?si=njcKMXxpQBqH6rZ4gISUtg
Allies: Drake Mallard/Darkwing Duck, Launchpad McQuack, Gosalyn Waddlemeyer, Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera, Jim Starling/Negaduck(formerly), Lena Sabrewing, Neptunia, Stegmutt
Undecided: Hector Mcawber
Enemies: F.O.W.L, Helios Mental Asylum, Jim Starling/Negaduck, Fearsome Four
Morgana is a taller than average, black-haired duck. She wears a cherry red sleeveless jumpsuit under a blood red jacket pinned by a gold button. One jacket sleeve covers her right arm, wrapping around her middle finger, while the other sleeve is elbow length. Attached to her hips is a long dark red cape that drags on the floor. A tattered drape connects to her forefinger. To match her elegant heels, Morgana wears shiny, black lipstick. On the small of her back is the symbol of Demogorgana, her birthmark. The gray streaks in her hair are pinned back.
Morgana is a quiet, solemn sorceress. Due to the constant bullying in her childhood, she has a pessimistic view in life and has trust issues. But, once you’ve gained it, she’ll be kinder and more open. Around strangers, she is quiet and willing to give them the cold shoulder. Lover of horror, Morgana enjoys scaring people-sneaky up on people was her favorite- and prefers to make a spooky entrance. She can be aggressive and will usually not hesitate to attack, especially if she is judged for her magic. Her anger can lead her to be vengeful; an example being her wish to hurt the bullies who hurt her brother.
Since joining the Justice Ducks and being somewhat part of the Mallard-Mcquack family, Morgana became more level-headed and playful. Smiles came easier and she finally felt loved. Although passive, she is not afraid to be sassy, though it’s more playful towards her friends. Patience is Morgana’s strong point; she was willing to build her magic prowess enough to escape from the asylum.
Born from an affair with her mom and Demogorgon, Morgana is cursed with chaos magic and the Demogorgon symbol as a birthmark. She was bullied for her uncontrollable magic and weird hobbies for a child like her love for witchcraft and horror. The bullying got worse once she and her brother moved with her uncle to his heavily conservative county. It grew from verbal to physical abuse quickly. Her normal brother was bullied as well for being associated with her, something that hurts her more than being harassed herself. The abuse and her uncle’s unconcerned behavior convinced her to run away. But, before she could leave, a horrifying event occurred. This left Morgana to be sentenced to an asylum for the rest of her life.
Horror movies
Gothic Culture
Reading fictional books
The color red
Helping others
Quiet nights
Bright colors
Innocent people getting hurt
Arrogant people
Human experimentation
Loud noises
Her impulsive anger
Skills & Abilities:
-Chaos Magic: This type of magic allows her to absorb the chaotic forces in the universe and warp reality. Morgana has enough power to destroy the cosmos, though the energy needed would leave her coma.
-Superhuman Strength: Being half-Demogorgon makes her more durable and stronger than a regular person.
-Psionics: this ability allows her to project her energy as attacks like energy blasts, create forcefields, and fly.
-Mental Manipulation: Morgana can manipulate her victim’s minds to see their worst fears, control their actions, and read minds.
-Spellcasting: she used to cast spells in her own magic language but grew out of the more she practiced. Now able to cast spells without help.
Cephas Mcawber:
Being her baby brother, Morgana is very protective of him. Her protectiveness grew once her bullies started terrorizing him as well. She was there to comfort him when their parents were killed and promised to be there for him.
Wanting to keep her promise, Morgana asked Cephas if he wanted to run away with her. Though he decided to stay.
Hector Mcawber:
Morgana and her uncle weren’t close. He seemed unconcerned about the bullying she endured. Hector openly favored Cephas since, unlike Morg, he was related by blood. Most of the time, Morgana was left to take care of herself. The treatment was similar to the kind she got from her stepfather.
Her neutrality towards her uncle soon turned to disdain when he left her in the asylum’s care.
Mr. Mcawber:
Her stepfather tried to love Morgana but could only see her as a reminder of his wife’s betrayal. He didn’t treat her badly nor show much love for her. He died alongside his wife in a car crash.
Mrs. Mcawber:
Although she loves her mom, Morgana is bitter towards her mom for getting into an affair with a Demogorgon. They didn’t have much of a relationship since her mom died when she was seven.
Drake Mallard/Darkwing Duck:
Drake is Morgana’s good friend and teammate.
At first, due to a huge misunderstanding and DW’s ego blinding him, they viewed each other as enemies. Drake’s arrogance annoyed Morgana to no-end and would respond to him with sassy quips. His view of Morgana was of a criminal and danger to society because his first S.H.U.S.H was to recapture her for the asylum.
Once they got to know each other, Drake and Morgana grew to respect and sympathize one another for their strength and hard pasts. In the end, Drake let her go into hiding and advocated for her innocence.
Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera/Gizmoduck:
Fenton and Morgana are friends and teammates.
Alongside Darkwing, Gizmoduck was assigned to recapture Morgana. He was more sympathetic towards her when noticing her unwillingness to fight. There were many times he suggested talking to Morgana. He also advocated for her innocence once learning the truth.
Morgana didn’t think much of Fenton in the beginning, though finding him quite cute. She was grateful towards him and DW for believing her and saw them as her first true friends.
Launchpad Mcquack:
Launchpad didn’t meet Morgana until after DW and Fenton’s mission. He liked her and found her magic fun to see.
Morgana found LP’s naivety and sweet nature comforting because of how much he reminded her of Cephas. Whenever visiting the Mallard-Mcquack household, Morgana would occasionally scare Launchpad-his easy to scare attitude was funny to her. Though she would always make up for it by offering her delicious brownies.
Gosalyn Waddlemeyer:
Like LP, Gos met Morgana later on. They clicked instantly due to their love of horror movies and Gos’ fascination with magic. It didn’t take much time for Morg to be appointed as Gosalyn’s babysitter. They would watch horror movies and plan scary pranks to frighten Drake and LP. The girls would also scheme ideas on how to get Gos’ fathers to confess their feelings. They usually pep talk Drake into confessing his feelings-with no avail. Their Drake’s wingwomen.
Lena Sabrewing/de Spell:
Wanting to train her magic, Lena asked Morgana to teach her.
They have a healthy teacher-student relationship with Morg helping to grow Lena’s power enough, so she didn’t have to cast some spells with incantations. There are times the girls use their magic to have fun and play pranks. Gos usually joins them, and is the mastermind of their schemes.
Morgana holds a lot of respect for Lena based on her strength to move on from the past. There are moments when she sees herself in Lena-something that comforts, yet scares her.
-She was inspired by Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff, Alphaba from Wicked, and Morticia Addams.
-Her VA, Laura Bailey, starred in a dark fantasy anime called Soul Eater.
-Unlike her previous incarnation, Morgana’s feet are shown.
-Her power is strong enough to rival Magica.
-She is one of the tallest characters in the ’17 universe.
My Top 10 Favorite Ducktales Characters

NO. 10 Hewey Duck
At number 10 is Huey!
Hewey has been my least favorite triplet for most of the series; it by no means he’s a bad character or any of the sorts, Huey is more down to earth compared to other characters. It’s hard to say much about Hewey other than how he’s a sweet, fun character I’m glad is around.
His development in season three was good, though the weakest of the three. Kinda half-baked and rushed, as if the creators thought, “we have to add some Huey development since this is his season.” With Dewey and Louie’s, it felt like their respective seasons revolved around them instead of the other way around. The only episode I really think perfectly gave Huey development and at the same time move the main plot forward fluidly was the “Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks!” with the whole Huey vs. Violet rivalry. Y’know what also sucks. Huey wasn’t even that integral to the finale. That annoys me to no end.
Now, I’m going to end this with positive notes.
What got Huey into the list was his sweet nature and how integral he is to the team’s balance. Every team needs someone who represents order and Huey is just that. Plus, his innocent love for romance is so cute. I love the episode where him and Webby were setting a date up for Fenton and Gandra.

NO. 9 Scrooge McDuck
Scrooge is probably the most interesting protagonist I’ve ever watched. Unlike most of them, he’s more of an anti-hero than a pure hero like Steven Universe or Luz from Owl House.
I don’t really have much to say about him because I don’t love him as much as the characters above him. He probably has the best development- Lena’s rivaling his really well. In the beginning, Scrooge was a grumpy miser but now, thanks to the kids, his heart is softer and more open. His cheapness is annoying, but the good qualities overthrow the bad.
Scrooge most likely would’ve been higher in the list if “The Life & Crimes of Scrooge McDuck” didn’t happen- or at least occurred in season two instead since humility and hard work was the main theme. The writers went overboard showing the audience how bad of a person Scrooge was in the past, especially with him taking advantage of the poor villagers and leaving them in their states-without even helping them. This episode downgraded Scrooge pretty badly.

NO. 8 Donald Duck
Although on the lower half of the list, I still hold so much love and respect for this version of Donald. He’s such a massive improvement from his previous iteration. The creators made him kind and strong-willed but kept his anger issues. Though, they turned that flaw into a more comedic and positive aspect of Donald since he uses that intense anger to protect his family. Speaking of that, his relationship with the triplets is absolutely adorable. He loves and protects them like a great father, and I’m still a bit peeved that characters didn’t acknowledge that more. Instead, their relationship was sidelined and pretty much haphazardly... replaced-I don’t know if that’s the right word- with May and June.
Another thing that annoyed me was Donald’s voice treatment. The creators pretty much portrayed his speaking problem as a joke, which is terrible. I hope to goodness that children with speaking troubles don’t take those “jokes” to heart because there is nothing wrong with having a different voice. It’s also surprising how much characters mostly don’t understand him when I can seventy percent of the time. This complaint is more towards season one since that was the season where most of the jokes happened.
Anyways, I hope this Donald will start a new beginning for the next iterations of him. A nice guy who has anger issues but means well. Same with him and Daisy’s relationship-another massive improvement the writers did. They are such a great couple from the episodes we got with them and this dynamic should continue.

NO. 7 Webby Vanderquack
Another character who was massively improved was the great Webby Vanderquack!
In the original series, she was a boring damsel-in-distress with no personality-pretty much like the earliest Disney princesses. The ‘17 creators did such a great job molding reboot Webby into a character who can kill you with kindness or impressive fighting skills. This pink-loving queen is probably the sweetest character I’ve ever met; I just want to hug her.
I love her optimism and caring personality. She was able to change Lena for the better and not give up on her when almost everyone did. Webby is the best friend you can have.
While I’m not fully on board with the Webby finale twist, I really liked how her interest in the McDucks played some big part of the finale. Do I wish it was in different circumstances? Yes, but I’m still glad Webby got an important moment for herself. That interrogation scene was very emotional; seeing Beakley fully breakdown like she did was shocking and really set the mood of how pivotal that moment. I literally almost cried seeing Webby so heartbroken by her grandmother’s lies- this pink baby deserves all the love in the world. At least she found out the truth and gained a parental figure in her life.

NO. 6 Louie Duck
I’ve gotta admit; I did not like Louie that much at the start of the show. Greedy and selfish characters usually don’t get my love, but season two changed. A lot more depth was added to him such as his insecurities and anxieties. I struggle with these issues and it was nice to see a character show that as well. One of my favorite arcs was Louie’s trouble connecting with Della; it was realistic and not rushed. While watching this season, I was often having trouble connecting with people, even old friends. Sort of having someone experiencing them alongside me made me feel less insecure and lonely.
His development was really good too, from beginning to end. At first, Louie was someone who was willing to execute every angle no matter how much it could hurt his loved ones. Yet, he grew to be a humbler person who now knows the consequences of his angles. A favorite episode of mine is “The Richest Duck in the World” because of this development. Seeing Louie clean the Bombei’s shoes with Scrooge made my heart melt.
What lowered him down to number eight was season three. There were a few episodes that backtracked Louie’s development like “The Trickening” and “The Fight for Castle McDuck” episodes. He was a real jerk towards Huey for no reason. It frustrated me enough to affect this list. And I also prefer other characters more.

NO. 5 Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera
You can’t expect me to not put this quirky and adorable dork in the top five! He’s one of the best boys in the show. Him being voiced by the great Lin-Manuel Miranda does add some bonus points- you can tell I’m a big Hamilton fan.
Like Webby, Fenton was drastically improved. He became this sweet, scatterbrained scientist who only wants to help people. I instantly fell in love with him. And it got even better when Fenton became Gizmoduck- my second favorite DT hero. He deserved so much more screen time, especially in season 3; “Beaks in the Shell” was not a good enough episode for Fenton and his relationship with Gandra. There should’ve been more. The finale moments he had was not satisfying enough, particularly him and DW sort of team up. It was rushed.
If a Darkwing Duck reboot takes place in the ’17 universe then Fenton must be a major character- at least show up in ten episodes a season. A Gizmoduck and Darkwing crossover is essential, and I will riot if it that doesn’t happen. And more Fandra, my fifth -maybe fourth- favorite ship.
I also had a big crush on Fenton back in season one. You can’t help but love him this sweety pie. This pretty much influenced thirty percent of his placement.

NO. 4 Launchpad McQuack
This muscular dummy is amazing! He brings a sense of comedy and light to every episode he is in. It’s infectious as h*ll!
I liked Launchpad instantly. He’s kind and wants the best for people. Optimistic characters are almost the best characters. They are great reminders of how there are still many good people in the world. Whenever I’m down and watch Ducktales, LP makes me feel a lot better with his dumb yet endearing moments. My favorite jokes are literally LP sending Beakley an invitation saying not to come and when he tried to make small talk with Gosalyn at the window; I can never stop laughing at those moments.
There are times when Launchpad’s dumbness irks me, but his good qualities overthrow that. Though, I wish he wasn’t used too much as comedy relief; LP had the potential to gain more development than what he got. I’ll give an example. Learning about his family would’ve been great to know- an appearance wouldn’t have hurt either. It could’ve opened a reason to why LP cares about Scrooge’s opinion and cares about him like a dad. Maybe there’s some bitterness in LP’s relationship with his dad and that’s why he doesn’t talk about his parents. Loopey not being introduced was a missed opportunity. Big brother Launchpad is all I need.
I also have a small crush on Launchpad, though mostly for his personality and voice. He’s still cute *wink.*

NO. 3 Drake Mallard
We made it to the top three! With the dashing caped crusader Darkwing Duck starting us off!
It’s funny how much I love a character who’s only appeared in like five-maybe six- episodes enough to put him in the top three. I had some trouble defining many reasons why I love him; it’s this weird connection I have with DW. He’s this dorky dummy who loved a big part of his childhood enough to make it his reality, yet I love him so much.
I think what made me fall in love with him was how similar we are. Like him, I was a meek person who got pushed a few times- either physically or mentally. Those times also inspired me to grow stronger and be an inspiration for the next generation. I can be pretty clumsy too(lol). Characters I see myself in are usually really high in my love list and it shouldn’t be surprising that Drake is one of them.
His kind and genuine nature was also what drew me in. And, I just made this realization, this is the first time I don’t prefer the original iteration over the latest one. I still love ‘91 Drake but he’s too arrogant.
Unlike the original DW, Drake became a hero to help others- though a wish for glory played a bit of a part too. This clumsy, stuttering actor took a step to become his hero and a future one for children like him. That’s admirable. His lovable personality also being so cute enough for me to want to give a big hug is a good addition.

NO. 2 Lena Sabrewing
Hands down Lena had the best development!
She started off as this distant loner who followed the gray area of morality. Now, Lena is a part of this loving family and her own person. A few of her episodes are my favorites, such as “Friendship Hates Magic!” and “A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill.” They are well-written episodes and hit me in the feels.
Like Louie and Drake, I see myself in Lena. There are times I’ve been afraid I’ll take on my family’s bad habits or turn like them. That’s why I love “A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!” Watching Lena try to be good enough and feeling insecure reminded me of the dark times I usually think about. There are even times I have dreams of these issues. The creators must have been inspired by me (lol). Though, I am kind of jealous of Lena because of how great her friends are. I want friends like Webby and Violet.
Even so, I do have some issues with Lena. Her magic arc was not written as well as her previous arcs. This might be more of a personal opinion than anything, but I’m still going to say it. Lena learned to control her magic too quickly, and it was treated as more like a plot device. And a shaking one at that. For example, in “The Split Sword of Swanstantine” Lena was able to stop time and send her and Huey into his mindscape. But, somehow, she couldn’t conjure a burst of energy to attack Steelbeak; granted, Huey mentioned that, yet Lena’s reasoning was dumb. Attacking someone with magic is way easier than doing what she did. I’m a little lenient on this since that idea lead to more Huey development, though I’m still going to critique it.
A great thing about Lena learning was her temporary outfit change. She looks absolutely amazing in light colors, which I didn’t expect, and her hair design is what I saw she would look good in. The eye shape is kind of weird.
Lena’s magic mode is in my list of cosplays.

NO. 1 Dewey Duck
Finally, number one is Dewey Duck!
Dewey has stolen my heart since the beginning. His positivity and fun nature always make me smile, even during the toughest times.
In my opinion, Dewey has the best arc/development of the triplets. His arc trying to find out what happened to his mother was what kept me watching Ducktales and helped me see why this show is so special. Many of my favorite moments are in season one, specifically ones involving Dewey. For instance, the scene in “The Last Crash of the Sunchaser!” where Dewey was willing to risk his life to get the last piece of paper and possibly solve what happened to Della was emotional. Hearing the desperation in his voice while pleading with Scrooge to tell him what happened hit me hard. I can’t imagine how much pain HDL have gone through not knowing what happened and thinking they aren’t allowed to ask. It would be terrible to experience.
Another moment I loved was in “The Spear of Selene.” It was when Dewey was hesitant to know what happened as the possibility that Della was a bad person grew more prominent. He looked so defeated admitting that realization and it reminded me of myself. There were moments when I realized that my parents were not as good as I thought. It hurt me a lot. At least sweet Dewey didn’t have to go through that. The scene when Dewey started tearing up seeing his mom in the sphere was also heartwarming. I wanted to give him the biggest hug.
Dewey’s insecurities of not being good enough and to be loved is what I struggle with too. Its kind of different because I have trouble believing anyone loves me while he wants everybody to like him. Confidence is not my forte.
My LGBTQ+ Headcanons for Darkwing Duck (OG & '17)
Comment your headcanons and thanks for reading!

Original Series
Darkwing: Bisexual
Gosalyn: Non-binary & Pansexual
Launchpad: Bisexual
Morgana: Pansexual
Neptunia: Lesbian
Negaduck: Bisexual
Megavolt: Gay
Quackerjack: Pansexual
Bushroot: Demisexual/romantic
Liquidator: Bisexual
Steelbeak: Gay
'17 Series
Darkwing: Trans man, Gay, Non-binary
Gosalyn: Bisexual
Launchpad: Pansexual
Steelbeak: Gay
*That fresh air makes me gay video really influenced my choices for both Steelbeaks*

‘17 Drake Mallard Headcanons

-Drake realized he was trans when first watching Darkwing Duck.
-Does everything to cover is chest due to his insecurity with the scars from top surgery.
-Is insecure about his voice, specifically on how much higher it is than cis men.
-Is socially awkward when it comes to talking to new people.
-Has a bad relationship with his parents.
-Dated Steelbeak back in high school.
-Wore huge braces and glasses throughout middle and high school.
-Was the main designer for the new Darkwing suit.
-Started his acting career working in commercials and being a stunt double.
-Went back to the therapy after the Starling situation.
So how is you series coming along.
It’s going okay. I’m storyboarding my DT ‘17 S4 fic and my DWD reboot fic. Its a lot of organization and such but I’m excited to share it. 😁

Sign This Petition if You Want the DT Reboot Creators to Run the Darkwing Duck Reboot.
It has been announced that Seth Rogen will be working on the reboot instead of the ones who perfectly set up the show- the DT ‘17 creators/writers. They should be in charge of the story they made.
Sign this petition to make it happen: https://chng.it/djR5K9Gqdq
Losing my mind over the artwork in the leaked DWD pitch