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Happy Valentine's Day! (Special!)
Happy Valentine's Day! (Special!)
Here's how some of the ships and characters would be celebrating! Much love to all of you, no matter if you're alone or with a partner today!

Ships (character x character)
Freenoodles: Pigsy and Tang do the classic date night situation but with a twist. Pigsy will make dinner, they’ll eat at home, and then they go out for dessert and watch a movie. Lots of chatter afterward about what they liked, what they didn’t. Maybe a lil bit of info dumping from Tang, which Pigsy will listen to very intently. They end the night just talking on Sandy’s boat and enjoying the night sky. 10/10 very wholesome and sweet Spicynoodles: a little chaotic for MK and Red. They each have plans however there will most likely be a breakdown in communication which leads to those plans overlapping. They do what they can, which will most definitely entail a relatively fancy picnic at the park. MK in my opinion would bring flowers with meanings—probably sunflowers and tulips. Redson would probably gift MK a Very Expensive Monkey King themed item. They spend the night at MK’s apartment since it’s very homey, and the next morning Red is using his fire to make breakfast. 9/10 “we can’t see a movie and be at the arcade babe clones don’t work that way” Silktea(Sandy x Huntsman): Huntsman, with some help from the Queen(she’s much better with the webbing than he is), makes an elaborate set of coasters for Sandy’s teacups and pot. Sandy probably writes him some form of poetry(definitely consulted Macaque) and showers him in affection. They have dinner on his boat and honestly just stay in to enjoy each other’s company. Huntsman is incredibly flustered the whole time because he’s never celebrated before. 10/10 “hunts, I love all four of your eyes <3” “ASASDFFS—“ DBK x Iron Fan(do they have a ship name???): private reservation at a fancy restaurant. It ends with DBK making the waiter feel terrified but they tip well. They walk around the lava pits near FFM, since they convinced Redson to ask MK to ask Wukong if they could and he said sure. DBK’s maybe not the best at words but he loves his wife very much so he expresses it by being physically affectionate. She returns these affections and honestly when they’re not trying to actively take over the city they’re a sweet couple. 8/10 the waiter will need therapy Shadowpeach: (I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE. TURN IT UP) Wukong has a lot of ideas but he’s bad at executing them. Macaque is a romantic at heart so he does his best to figure it out. Most of their day will be spent on FFM, indulging themselves in all the fruit they want and having fun playing around like they used to. Wukong most definitely brings Macaque shiny things as gifts. Macaque has a special trunk full of shiny things/gifts from Wukong at his dojo because he doesn’t want anything to happen to them. At some point they have dinner, watch the sunset and just talk. If they’re both up for it they watch a movie or something and groom each other before they go to bed. 10/10 monkeys go brrr
Syntax x Not Mayor(what is their ship name I swear they have one-): they,,,,do their best. Syntax hates Valentine's Day whether he's alone or not, however the mayor is intent on changing that. They do a simple lunch date and then go hang out wherever is convenient for them, really it's nothing fancy per Syntax's request. But they do exchange some form of gifts, most likely chocolates for the mayor and a plant(either a succulent or a cactus) for Syntax. At the end of the day, they do love each other, even if they show it in different ways. X Reader - Gender Neutral! MK: super sweet, definitely tries to plan out the whole day to be perfect because obviously you deserve a good Valentine’s Day! He’s incredibly nervous the whole time and you’ll probably have to reassure him that you appreciate all the effort but he doesn’t have to worry so much about impressing you. He’s also pretty much attached to you the whole day but he’ll back off if you ask. Gets you flowers for sure! Redson: oh, you think MK’s stressed about planning? Redson is like 100x worse. He’s got a paper schedule or something and you will absolutely need to tell him you just want to enjoy some quality time with him, not having to hurry from place to place. The one thing he’s pretty insistent on is dressing up since it’s fun. Also nervous, but he learned romance stuff from his mom so he at least knows what he’s doing. Mei: she is the least stressed. She presents you with a few options on what the both of you could do to spend the day together, and from there you kinda wing it. One of the things I can see her doing is taking you out shopping for a bit, and then grabbing lunch or dinner at a higher end kind of place. Super chill. I think she’d get you a plush or even chocolates. Wukong: a little stressed but keeps it lighthearted. He has loose ideas, and if any of them strike your fancy, he’ll make it work. Has a plethora of shiny things to gift you with, and is very physically affectionate. With some help from Chang’e, they prepare a nice meal for the two of you to share. He likes just being around you, even if you two aren’t necessarily doing anything. Your presence is really calming for him. Macaque: theater kid mode ENGAGED. He invites you to a special shadow play that details how a warrior met and fell in love with a wonderful person who made him feel loved, more than he ever had before. Afterwards, he gives you your favorite flowers and takes you to a nice restaurant. You two go back to his dojo and spend the evening doing some form of self care, probably like face masks and painting nails(or claws, in his case). He’s romantic through and through and it pays off. Not Mayor: he’s been planning this for weeks. He had asked you in passing ages ago how you felt about big celebrations for Valentine’s Day, and he works in your comfort zone so he doesn’t under or overwhelm you. He makes you breakfast and gives you some flowers, before laying out a general game plan for the day. You two dress up a bit and go do some sightseeing around the city, just enjoying the spaces and the quality time. He is very calm on the outside, but on the inside he is panicking because he really wants you to enjoy your time with him. When you two get home he makes dinner and you two watch a movie while you eat. It’s really nice Nezha: Nervous boy is nervous! He is terrible at acting calm, so you’ll have to remind him to breathe every now and then as you two go out for the day. He takes you to some of his favorite spots—some of them being in the Celestial Realm—and you show him some of yours. There’s laughter, there’s affection, there’s really good food(he also got help from Chang’e), and he relaxes every time he sees you smiling and enjoying yourself. He’s also probably got some form of poem or writing that he made for you that most definitely did not take him hours to come up with, ignore all the crumpled papers in his trash can
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More Posts from Crypticjackal13
season 4 of Lego Monkie Kid is causing me way more anxiety than I'd like to admit. But here's what I think of the different sworn brothers as of right now having watched the Chinese dub with English subs
Peng: a little bitch. I think he is power driven entirely, not really friendly with anyone besides Azure. I really hope we find out why he doesn't like Macaque--seeing as he went out of his way a few times to insult him in some manner.
Azure: a big bastard. He doesn't think he's in the wrong at all and that bothers me the most. I love the prospect of a Large Cat Ruling the World but c'mon. If he had been honest AT ALL with MK the season could've been more lighthearted. I like his design though. I kinda wish he had a tail :( it'd be cute
Elephant(I forgot his name): we barely know anything about him. He seems nice enough to the others but my hope is that if the Monkie Gang tries to get the Brothers to stand down that he'll be the first to see that this isn't worth it. Also I think it's fun that he picks up Azure when he hugs him.
DBK: He was so lighthearted and he was enjoying himself!!! His hair was longer, he was smiling, and my heart when it showed how him and Iron Fan met during battle!!! Like seriously, I have the most hope for him in terms of coming back from the scroll alongside his wife and child.
Macaque: interesting. I think it's a very good detail that the shirt(I swear my mind is BLANKING on names today) is on the opposite side to contrast the way it's worn when someone is dead. Also it's kinda funny that he just appears to be hanging out on FFM. What intrigues me the most is how he interacts with MK in the game episode. He shows up to kick him when he's down(from what I could see) but as SOON as he sees what's actually happening to the kid he loosens up. I think I'd like to make a different post looking at him and Azure's friendship with Wukong.
That's all for now. Sorry things have been slow, I promise that I'll have things up and running again soon!

All skirt/dress wearers when we discover they have functional pockets 😍

My very first pencil sketches of these two, to explore their shapes and attitude. I had fun XD

you know what, i am right and im tired of pretending i am not