I'm an anime fan, fanfic fills my days, so I'm generally reading. when I'm avoiding the fic I might be on here scrolling through pic's I'm 26, no clue how to add the age on this sh*t. fuckin technology man keeps changing lmfao iread this in a fan fic, perfect description "I'm Pansexual! Which means no one's safe and I'm a permanent mess!"
28 posts
Goldie Hawn (green) Lastie (red). Goldie Was Minding Her Own Business When Lastie Decided To Straddle

Goldie hawn (green) Lastie (red). Goldie was minding her own business when Lastie decided to straddle her sisters arm for ear access.
p-ar-an-oi-a-insomnia liked this · 4 years ago
More Posts from D3athth3d3ku
That's freaking hilarious
DnD languages be like

Sam, steve
Meep, winter, crowley, leviathan, bucky
Four are named after captain america characters, two after supernatural characters (the others turned out to be roosters and well...)

Someone write this, I'm begging you;
Daddy shark kirishima-
--someone of your choice /a1/b classmate/ (y/n) /
—they start calling kiri 'Shark-ishima' maybe it starts as a joke but as they become closer it turns into 'Shark-Ei' and it's their own personal name for him, and endearment of their affection to the oblivious ray of sunshine, (maybe they develop a mild~ obsession with kiri's teeth, or just find his qualities cute)
(I don't care if it's an AU or they are Heroe's, but sometime after graduation Ei FINALLY gets the hint they LIKE LIKE HIM, and he joking he says you can call me daddy shark, and they finally get together! (I don't have a daddy kink, but you might)
-insert fic-
Alternatively; jealousy, maybe a classmate starts calling Kiri 'Shark-ishima' and -insert partner- gets jealous and starts possessively calling him 'Shark-Ei' In Front of that friend until it develops into feelings? -insert fic-
(This idea spawned from THIS voice clip on Zedge of Kiri saying; ''*Chuckles* now just relax, leave everything to daddy shark' heard on Zedge looking for ringtones; )
So Tumblr refuses to let me log into my rottie-love 5-1 account
And forced me to make a new account.
All right something kind of hilarious happened yesterday, my father is originally from West Virginia and he goes "oh, I was tagged in a family photo"
Then he starts naming off random people, "my cousin xxx ,that's at Beverly, oh hey look it's Grandma," then out of the blue he says "and that's my aunt-grandma"
Now I'm sitting in the kitchen, I did not see the picture, I don't know how many people are in the picture, I know nothing..
The next thing that comes out of my mouth is "did he just say Aunt Grandma?"
Now my brother sitting on the couch and he cackles, my mom making french toast says "yeah"
I'm just sitting here like "I really hope those are two separate people..."