daftdweeb - lost

gio | 27 | compulsive late-night brooder | below average This place is filled with my vague ramblings. Hi, I bite.

1976 posts

"I Dont Think You Can Makelove Do Anything. Love, Like The Water, Has Action Due To Choice. And Choice

"I don’t think you can make love do anything. Love, like the water, has action due to choice. And choice can only be made due to the human spirit; what is felt. And human spirit is uncontrollable.

My choice? Feel this uncontrollable mess, as much as I can. Embrace my choice to love with no guarantee of reciprocity. Conjure up the uncontrollable spirit, and spin it into choices far beyond what the world and its intensities have conjured up for me."  - Thought Catalog

More Posts from Daftdweeb

10 years ago
Biologists Create Cells With 6 DNA Letters, Instead Of Just 4

Biologists Create Cells With 6 DNA Letters, Instead of Just 4

Scientists have created cells with an expanded genetic alphabet that includes two more letters.

“We now have a cell that survives and lives with more information in its genome,” said Floyd Romesberg, the synthetic biologist at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California who led the work.

Romesberg and colleagues managed to coax E. coli bacteria into taking up their six-letter DNA and making copies of it. The cells’ enzymes copied the two new letters, which the scientists call X and Y for short, along with the usual four. The cells grew a little more slowly than normal, but otherwise seemed no worse for wear, the team reports today in Nature.

Cells with an expanded genetic alphabet could potentially make a wider range of proteins. Image: Synthorx

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10 years ago

"When you're tired, you're no fun

When idols are boredom to anyone

When every piece of every costume is stolen, missing

I recall the pretty things

Is it the last of me, or lesson one?"

My favorite song from their Bankrupt! album. Hiiiii good evening! :)

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10 years ago

Maybe the more we try and will to stable ourselves to states of bliss, the more confused we get... to the point where we don't recognize ourselves. Instead, we just keep smiling, trying like hell to be the happy people we wish we were. Until it eventually hits us, it's been there all along, not in our dreams or hopes, but in the known, the comfortable, the familiar.

Grey's Anatomy

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10 years ago


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