Thought Catalog - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago

While perusing Thought Catalog, the description + thumbnail of this post really caught my attention.

"If you haven’t seen this already, this baby experiences rain for the first time and her reaction is out-of-this-world amazing."

Seeing a cute, blissful baby is just too impossible for me not to tear up. Plus, it's rain. I love rain. This is life at its best. It lifted all my stress and burden. Thank You, Lord. :)

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10 years ago

" When it comes to love, we raise our fists in outrage when our friends are scorned or sobbing. We’re ready to go to battle for everyone who we adore because the scars we carry from fighting in our friend’s honor are easier to wear than the ones we acquire from fighting for ourselves. They’re badges of pride that scream to the world, “I love my friends,” while silently screaming out for yourself to be heard. " -Thought Catalog

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10 years ago

"I don’t think you can make love do anything. Love, like the water, has action due to choice. And choice can only be made due to the human spirit; what is felt. And human spirit is uncontrollable.

My choice? Feel this uncontrollable mess, as much as I can. Embrace my choice to love with no guarantee of reciprocity. Conjure up the uncontrollable spirit, and spin it into choices far beyond what the world and its intensities have conjured up for me."  - Thought Catalog

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