dalekowrites - Daleko Writes
Daleko Writes

○ Nathaniel ○ He/Him ○ 90s kid ○Author of A Long Weekend (pub. 2022),After Dark (WIP), The In-Between (WIP),and Hope Abides (WIP Patreon Exclusive).You can support my interactive fictions on Patreon. Thanks!

92 posts

My Proofreader Is On Holiday These Hours. It's Very Difficult To Do Everything Myself, But I Understand

My proofreader is on holiday these hours. It's very difficult to do everything myself, but I understand her need to balance work and personal life.

 My Proofreader Is On Holiday These Hours. It's Very Difficult To Do Everything Myself, But I Understand

As you can see, however, she's very relaxed right now and I'm sure she will be back to check my writings after her well-deserved rest!

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More Posts from Dalekowrites

5 months ago

For After Dark, I wonder if in a timeline where MC was bitten (or somehow contracted the disease), how would the cast react to that? OR! Would there be a chance that one of the casts be bitten and the MC has to choose with the group whether to kill them or simply let the bitten one leave?

What an interesting question! I can’t reveal if that will actually happen in the game, but I can tell you how the group might react!

If MC were to get infected...


It depends on the relationship, but he’s the group's paladin, and he believes the greater good should prevail over the individual. He would opt to kill MC, but if they were close friends or in a romantic relationship, it would lead to A LOT of drama.


It depends on whether her baby is alive or not, because if her baby is dead, she's much more cynical. In general, though, she has a strong maternal instinct, which would make her hesitate and wait until the last possible moment.


Their response would be a lot of "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!" and in the end, they'd probably follow Michael's lead. If they were in a relationship with MC, it would turn into full-blown panic, with them scrambling for increasingly unrealistic solutions until they have no choice but to face the inevitable—and then they'd fall into despair.


She would want to kick everyone's ass and find a cure on the spot, especially if she's in a relationship with MC. She’d probably clash with Michael and would get some support from Abigail. Abigail would then comfort her once it's all over, but despite understanding the logic of it, she’d likely hold a grudge towards everyone.


They'd cry.

If it were another group member... MC's behavior would obviously depend on their character, but their decision would create some friction or alliances:


He would try to reason with them, even resorting to force if necessary. If it were Michael himself who was infected, he would ensure the group could move forward without him, pass on all useful information to Kay, Abby, and MC, and then he would kill himself.


She’d be torn because of her strong empathy, but if she were the infected one, it would depend on her baby's fate. If her baby was dead, she wouldn’t have a problem killing herself.


He would vote to kill the infected person, but if they were the one infected, they'd probably try to hide it from the others.

Divya e Max:

Their situation would be a bit more complex. They'd likely prefer to leave the group together rather than let one of them get killed or abandoned. If someone else were infected, Divya would vote to let them go, and Max would do the same.

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4 months ago

Thanks for the compliment! You have no idea how happy I am that you're enjoying it ♥

Yes, hunger and thirst deaths will be implemented in the game, but for now, I'm treating them as potential issues just in case, lol.

So, if you don't drink and your thirst is maxed out, it's normal for MC to die. However, there's a bug with Dashingdon where, when you save and reload, sometimes your hunger and thirst levels stay the same as they were before you loaded. This means that if you reload to a point where your thirst wasn't as high, but you didn't drink before saving, MC might still die during the next stat check because the values didn't reset properly.

I'm working on an internal soft save system for the game, so I hope to fix this problem sooner rather than later!

Just came to say I died from thirst unu, I WAS JUST TRYING TO NOT GET MY SLEEP TO LOW!! ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ (I reached this before meeting Rain)

Just Came To Say I Died From Thirst Unu, I WAS JUST TRYING TO NOT GET MY SLEEP TO LOW!! (I Reached This

I am a good little kid who listens to the game they had been playing non stop for 3hs

Thank you for bringing this to my attention! Sometimes bugs are a little tricky, so I always need to check this kind of death scenes.

Questions, questions:

Were you getting your MC to drink water? If so, how much?

Did you save and reload this game before you died?

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4 months ago
dalekowrites - Daleko Writes

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4 months ago

On a scale of 1 to 10 how realistic is After Dark going to be? Like personal hygiene, their smell (☠️), monthly cycles, other illnesses/sickness that characters could get?

This is a very specific question, and I've been thinking about it too without a clear answer. When does one go too far?

There are the issue of sunburn, the starting malus, and problems from not having enough pills or cigarettes. At one point, they even joke about their smell, and Abby mentions the diaper situation (if the baby is alive).

I can't really go further than that, though. Still, we can assume they take care of their needs wherever they are (preferably without others watching), and the pills they find include things that can help when they’re not feeling well.

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5 months ago

After Dark question again! If an MC romanced Michael and then tried to romance Rain, would the two confront MC about it? Somehow, there's appeal to breaking both their hearts 😈

There is nothing like that in the story yet, but you can always try. There is no telling how they will react in the future 😏

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