Si la vida es un sueño y la muerte nos despierta, juro que voy a despertar.
52 posts
Dannyregenboog - The Fool Of The Hill - Tumblr Blog

Chulas artes. #mexico #bellasartes #alamedacentral #rainyday #cloudysky (en Alameda Central. Mexico D.F) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Dqx4MnrMm/?igshid=1o1phfgiwp9y0

Foto número 237890 del burro alebrije mamalón. #mexico #cdmx #ipn #zacatenco #papelmache (en Centro Cultural Jaime Torres Bodet) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2p4sNDnGRFw-d3qxVx_AwOnYUZXNkfCEss-BQ0/?igshid=2yzb6riqrhvw

Naranja. (en Bellavista, Iztapalapa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2nIf7UnGbJ_XavRIkuSXurj0_Y7gPxQJeQFg00/?igshid=1bxxwwqnfufp8

No era lo que esperaba, pero estoy satisfecho. #mexico #cdmx #arenamexico #luchalibre #cml (en Arena Mėxico, Consejo Mundial De Lucha Libre) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz63wIdhfhvdPwsWkLmxLsKb2Zmr9uOLeu5cjI0/?igshid=1avki9ohfne2a

Ojalá estuvieras aquí. / Wish you were here. #mexico #cdmx #centrohistorico #zocalo #sunset #atardecer #banderademexico #shadows (en Zócalo CDMX) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwGJLpABgloxPoCym3Z3qzz7rZcVuhE_dBJff00/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ebsstszj72r8

Mi segunda casa. / My second home. #mexico #cdmx #metro #underground (en Auditorio Nacional) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvfmiXRlx6WNaCm4tHLtERWwrAVN2SfY-OxtFY0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=f1nua00tjm11

listened to Bohemian Rhapsody today… i’m so very sorry

“Gail, I wish I could find better words today to tell you I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to read this because I already made you suffer too much. But I know that you and Fergus, are living in a better world without all my chaos. I'm sorry for all the things I destroyed. You're so beautiful. The most beautiful in the world and I only ever made this world ugly. Fergus needs things to be simpler, I know how embarrassed he is about me, I could not be the man that you both need. I've tried and tried and tried for twenty years and everything I try is another disaster I love you. I love Fergus more than anything but I'm finished Gail, I'm sorry. I love you both. I want to see you both smile again,
Danny Boy.”

La delgada línea entre la vida y la muerte. #México #cdmx #metro #metrostation
Uno evoca dulzuras cielos atormentados tormentas celestiales escándalos sin ruido paciencias estiradas árboles en el viento oprobios prescindibles bellezas del mercado cánticos y alborotos lloviznas como pena escopetas de sueño perdones bien ganados pero con esos mínimos no se arma la nostalgia son meros simulacros la válida la única nostalgia es de tu piel.
Mario Benedetti

When I saw this episode for the very first time, I just wanna throw myself into the T.V screen and help Lapis...

It’s not uncommon to see a person walking down the street while they are completely distracted by their phone, causing them to accidentally bump into someone or something.
It’s called the Mobile Phone Zombie Apocalypse and it is well and truly upon us. No one is immune, everyone is consumed.

This UN campaign about gender equality illustrates how discrimination against women prevails and is visible in real questions that are still doing online.

Imágenes históricas recreadas por los Simpson.
Historical images recreated by The Simpsons.
Te espero siempre, mi amor cada hora, cada día te espero siempre, mi amor sé que un día volverás Te espero siempre, mi amor cada minuto que yo viva te espero siempre, mi amor sé que un día volverás...
Manu Chao - La despedida