Ps3 - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

I've had my PS3 for 12 years now. 12 YEARS!

cc-cobalt-1043 - CC-Cobalt-1043

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13 years ago


sexigurlnexdoor - Sexigurlnexdoor.

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1 year ago

‘Sonic Unleashed’ was released 15 years ago today in the US.

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9 months ago

Not ac related but. Set up my brother’s old ps3 and have been playing Lego star wars the complete saga aka THE GAME OF ALL TIME

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5 months ago

My thoughts and opinions on Red Dead Remption.

its been 17 hours and 40 minutes. but i have now beaten Red Dead Redemption. I started it like a week ago on the ole PS3. even tho, i knew what was coming. I was still hit hard by that ending, a great game. however, I do have some issues. The main issue i had was that if i had not played and beaten RDR2 first... I would feel nothing for John, Uncle, Jack, Abigale, Dutch, Bill, and the rest. literally nothing because they had no real build up, you as the player just know "these people bad, you less bad, go kill" and after the main game, you get to spend time with your family, i still would not have felt all that much cause the game starts in the middle of the plot, there's no time to connect with any of them, you only learn about them partway through the game. which was a dumb idea. thats enough talking about the issues tho, what i did love was the Gunplay, every gunfelt meaty and actually packed a a real bullet, it was great and the auto snap to targets helped alot casue i cannot aim for shit on a stick. Strangers were also great, i loved just riding into town, looking around, and someone demands to dual with me, i would always except and win, except for the ones i didn't, those don't count. and thirdly, the varied area's you go through, a desert, the mountains, the forest. all really nice, just held back a bit by the console limitations. there were some parts where because it was so blury, i would end up shooting lawmen in the face because i couldn't tell which was the law and which was the criminal. so yeah, my review is that the game was great, but how everything was presented was dumb. there was barely anytime to connect with Abigale or Jack or Uncle. so yeah. overall, good game, now for Undead Nightmare! (eventually)

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9 years ago
Jet Set RADIO!!!! I've Been Playing Jet Set Radio A Lot On My Ps3, I Freaking Love This Game!!

Jet Set RADIO!!!! I've been playing jet set radio a lot on my ps3, I freaking love this game!!

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realistically i know that sony’s attempts at portable gaming was a fucking failure but there’s just something about the limited addition hannah montana lilac psp and the pink psp that awakens something within me

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i swear to god is xbox and sony keep creating soft emotional tension imma either have to start writing or reading fanfiction about them

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Look At These Images And Tell Me You Dont Feel Comfortable And Safe
Look At These Images And Tell Me You Dont Feel Comfortable And Safe

look at these images and tell me you don’t feel comfortable and safe

realistically i know that sony’s attempts at portable gaming was a fucking failure but there’s just something about the limited addition hannah montana lilac psp and the pink psp that awakens something within me

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10 years ago

Hey everyone! I need some more people on PSN. Give me usernames or add me Lindsay_Lou. :)

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9 years ago

“The Bomberman Blues”

Hey pals & gals. This small comic is from a deep part of my heart. My childhood was spent playing video games all day, but even so, I was never that good. I mostly played classic RPGs, because they required no skill; one only had to get up to level 99 for each character to totally kill that final monster.

So when I entered the world of Halo and CoD at the houses of my dearest friends, I was humiliated in front of all. Everyone meleed me from behind, goddamnit. You could never possibly know the pain I felt. My friends had 19 kills and I had one, and the only reason I got that one was because I managed to blow us both up at the same time.

I wondered to myself as I walked down the halls in high school, When will I ever beat my bros in a game? Shall I forever be the worst gamer in the room?

Well, one day, my friend put on Bomberman. I was the best. I was unstoppable. I blew up every other Bomberman within miles. It seemed like I was just doing it on instinct, my gameplay was so flawless.

I thought, hey, now that I’m good at Bomberman, maybe I’ll get a little more respect around here. But no, it was not to be. Even after winning game after game, no one cared. No one patted me on the back or praised my skill like they did after CoD. We just turned off the screen and forgot about it.

Thus, that is where this comic comes from. Do you understand now, smallies? DO YOU?

smallcomic - SC

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How old does a game have to be to be retro? Like retro gaming in the 2000s was games from the late 80s early 90s so about 15 or so years right? But we're in the 2020s now so 15 years is like 2007 as the cutoff? That's ps3 gaming??????? what the fuck.

Is Clannad a retro game?????

How Old Does A Game Have To Be To Be Retro?Like Retro Gaming In The 2000s Was Games From The Late 80s

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9 years ago
I Just Can't Get Enough Of This Pair.

I just can't get enough of this pair. ❤

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10 years ago
Nachtrgliches Weihnachtsgeschenk An Mich Selbst! #kingdomhearts #kingdomhearts2 #kingdomhearts2.5remix

Nachträgliches Weihnachtsgeschenk an mich selbst! #kingdomhearts #kingdomhearts2 #kingdomhearts2.5remix #disney #squareenix #ps3 #playstation #playstation3 #videogames #player #gamer #ilovemyplaystation3

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1 year ago

Небольшие покупки в виде дисков и картриджа. Гта 4 взял из-за того, что в таком оформлении она довольно редкая, в добавок к этому на русском языке. Жаль только что у неё нету карты но хотябы есть мануал. Гран туризмо взял в довесок потому что продавались вместе, почему бы и нет.

Картридж для фамикома, дороговат но считаю свою цену полностью оправдывает, 850 не повторяющихся игр, среди которых есть и всеми признанная классика и дикий треш чтобы посмеяться, большинство игр с обзоров АВГНа тут есть) Также в картридже есть батарейка, так что можно сохранятся в играх по типу файнал фентези 1, 2.

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