das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh - das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh

658 posts

Because I Would Most Definitely Make You Watch Merlin First!!!

Because I would most definitely make you watch merlin first!!!

I would give you a potato. A German potato. Oh and the trampoline thingy!!!

((OOC: mhm, wild guess. Is this Sami? 😂))

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More Posts from Das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh

Sorry guys I got distracted and now the feared jetlag is catching up. Might continue tomorrow, though.

Munchkins, I’m doing the ooc q&a tonight or tomorrow (depending on how long my jetlag lets me stay awake).

So come and ask me stuff! I am willing to answer your questions 😉

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Daaaamn. I need to see a video of this!!!! O.o

remember when colin won at the national television awards and he was stood on stage accepting his award and the camera cut to bradley in the audience and he was sat there with tears in his eyes

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((Who Said Those Had To Be Nice Pictures? Okay You Get 3 Nice Ones, Too))
((Who Said Those Had To Be Nice Pictures? Okay You Get 3 Nice Ones, Too))
((Who Said Those Had To Be Nice Pictures? Okay You Get 3 Nice Ones, Too))

((Who said those had to be nice pictures? Okay you get 3 nice ones, too))

((Who Said Those Had To Be Nice Pictures? Okay You Get 3 Nice Ones, Too))
((Who Said Those Had To Be Nice Pictures? Okay You Get 3 Nice Ones, Too))
((Who Said Those Had To Be Nice Pictures? Okay You Get 3 Nice Ones, Too))

I was tagged by the lovely @tinylilemrys to post 6 selfies, so here you go. 

Tagging @asktheslytherpuff @huffledoof and @blackpsycat

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OOOOOKAY Today there are 100 of you, my dearest followers! But since I decided to move (rather spontaneously) I sadly don’t have the time to think about a new thread/story/... So, instead I decided I’ll do a Q&A, so you guys can get to know me better (maybe I’ll do some gifs, we’ll see). I won’t be in cosplay, though, just me ;) I’ll probably do it in a few days from now, so if you wish to know anything about me, go for it! I’ll answer everything I get! Love ya!

To my lovely followers

I would never have imagined to come this far so soon after I started this blog.

I have reached my goal of having a post with 1k+ notes (which is still freaking me out) and I am about to hit 100 followers.

So there are almost 100 crazy people out there that are actually interested in what I post on this blog. And I love each and everyone of you. You are precious!

That’s why I wanted to do something special for you guys, something you’d really like me to do. A special RP, a video, draw something, a Q&A, a story,… whatever you’d like. I am open to suggestions! Please contact me and tell me what you’d like to see!

I love y’all,  Sami

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