dath23321 - Untitled

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A New Year With Hux

A new year with Hux


Rating: T

Pairing: Hux/Reader. 

Summary: Drabble; Celebrating the start of a new year with Armitage Hux…sort of.

Word count: 262

Warnings: TROS spoilers. Implied smut is implied.

Notes: Takes place during TROS, and contains spoilers!

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More Posts from Dath23321

5 years ago

Letters to my Darling- Loki x Reader |Part One|

Hey Darlings! I’m hella busy these days, no time to write at all. School right now is my top  priority. But, I found this little drabble in my notes today and I thought I’d post it :) Since it’s only drabbles, It’d be pretty easy for me to write a lot of, just to keep you guys happy while waiting for the other stuff to come :) And there’s a lot coming! New stuff too :) So, keep an eye out.

Happy reading! Stay sweet <3

Read -- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9- Part 10  - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 -Part 16 - complete.


Loki lays back on his cot, staring begrudgingly up at the ceiling of his miserable prison cell. When he had helped Thor rid the Midgardian girl of the Aether, he had his sights on his freedom, and he was so close too. Even though Thor pleaded his case, Odin’s judgement didn’t waver, he must remain in the dungeons and serve out his sentence for his crimes. Right now he wished he had died on Svartalfheim instead of simply being injured. The most Odin could do is let him see her, but no, that was part of his punishment too. One of Odin’s biggest ‘You’re grounded’ statement since Thor’s banishment to Midgard. Another day down in the dungeons and Loki will surely lose his mind. He has thought of many ways to escape this foolish prison, but all attempts would be futile because he can’t get out unless Odin commands it so. With another sigh, Loki gets up, walking over to the wooden table where parchment, a quill and ink bottle laid undisturbed. He had requested these items some time ago, figuring that books alone will not be able to quell his boredom, so writing would have to suffice. He sits down, unrolling the long piece of parchment, he tears it in half. Loki picks up the quill, twirling it between his thumb and forefinger as he tries to decide what to write. Without a doubt, she has heard of the things he’s done in the mortal world, the people he’s killed for his misguided ambitions. Once innocent hands stained crimson with blood. One can easily wash their hands of it, but to wash your mind? It can not be done, not with Lady Guilt gripping at your soul. He stares down at the parchment, apprehension creasing his brow. If he somehow manages to write this letter--and that’s one hell of an if– would she even bother to look at it? Much less read it? Loki has his doubts, and he’s right to have them. He’s not sure the girl would want to hear a whisper of his name, not after what he’s done. He hadn’t seen her since before his fall off the Rainbow bridge, and that was a long time ago. They were close, best friends turned lovers. She was Loki’s partner in crime, when they were younger of course. She knew nothing of his schemes, he preferred to keep her clear of his plans as to keep her safe. She once made him feel accepted, she chose him over Thor, which was surprising, with Thor always being Odin’s champion. Loki’s eyes focus on the feathered end of the quill between his fingers, he didn’t know where to start. What is he going to say anyways? With another sigh, Loki closes his eyes for a moment, opening them again to dip the tip of the quill into the small bottle of black ink.

Hello, Darling.

Hiddlestoners Tag: @abs0lutetrash @fangirl-who-dreams @theimpalasdoctorin221b @cute-mirei @thehotsforhiddles @atlantianbloodliar @captainfbffangirl99 @hellboundblogger@beccafgs @frenchfrostpudding @rashnaxo @mannatgalhotra @allhobbitstoisengard@vanilabutterfly @unhappysugarglider @all-the-heart-you-cannot-see @safeland@rashinyx2002 @kasiarella @hiddlepiddle @multifandombooklove

My Darlings : @shieldagentofthemonth @cutie1365 @dontstoptime @morganschiebel@fandomlover03 @justanaturalfreakshow @et2310 @suvikamahes98blr@thedumbestravenclaw @alphaspiritrose @broken-soul-crystal @ficbucket@naughtylittlefire @artprincessbree @nerd-gal-4-ever @sherlockourhero @bozena-jost@maxtothemoff @purpstraw @ha-tep @beeboatthedxsco @devil-may-cry-11-blog

Please, Let me know if anyone wants to be added or removed from the tag list, Okay! Stay sweet!

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5 years ago

Impulsive and Idiotic (NSFW)

Read on AO3.

Summary: In your memory, there was a massive, crater-sized hole in Hux’s chest, smoke billowing out of it in pillars. But you knew that couldn’t be true–after all, in this same memory, you, a complete stranger to him, rushed and crumbled at his side, and pressed your hand to the wound, seeking out life in his eyes.

Words: 3800

Warnings: Face-fucking

Characters: Armitage Hux x Reader

A/N: I had promised my very good friend @tonictransistor a fix-it fic if Hux ended up possibly biting the bullet in Episode IX. So, Tora, here you go. This is the scene that ended up on the cutting room floor, along with all of the other good parts of the movie, probably (hyuck hyuck hyuck).

I love you so much. I hope this eases your pain, a bit. And I hope any other Hux lovers enjoyed it, as well. <3

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5 years ago

*Loki and Tony Stark standing on the balcony of Stark Tower in Avengers 2012 surroundings*

Loki: Did you get the mind stone out already of the scepter?

Tony: Yep. Done and done.

Loki: Good, may I have that?

Tony: The scepter? What for? I mean sure. Here.

Loki: Thank you. *throws the scepter out of the Earth’s atmosphere*

Tony: Wow. Good aim. How long have you been wanting to do that?

Loki: You have no idea.

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5 years ago

Like a whole new beginning

Like A Whole New Beginning

A/N: This is my first official try at a request sent in by @sdavid09 I love you so much!!! and I am sorry for making this so short and so bad. I hope you like it anyway.

Prompt:  Perhaps a fluffy Loki one where he finds and rescues a cute little kitten???

Word count: 1144

Warnings: None!!!

Loki Laufeyson x reader

Everyone loves kittens right? I mean who wouldn’t? they are just a small and cute little bundle of fur with way to big eyes that makes them look like teddy bears. But cats have a temper too, and they are very strict when it comes to their likes and dislikes. Maybe that’s why Loki felt so drawn to them? His brother had often used it as a way to get on his nerves. Saying how much he resembled a cat in the way he carried himself and how he spends most of his days coped up in his room, reading. Loki had always found this as one of the most overused “insults” his brother had up his sleeve, but seeing how he now found it to be true he didn’t mind anymore. Much to Thor’s dismay.

It was a dull day. He had read all the books he had, twice, and was now laying on the bed, facing the ceiling and throwing some trinket in the air repeatedly while catching it. Just throwing, and catching. Throwing, and catching. He was still not trusted to go outside alone, which was understandable considering his previous actions. He would however, accompany his brother to what the midgardians called a “store” when he ran out of those god awful toaster pastries he loved so much.

Today was such a day. Thor was in dire need of a sugar rush and had therefore asked Loki to come with him, knowing his brother he thought it best to offer him as much. Otherwise he might try something funny if he was ignored for too long, it had happened before after all. On one of the first quests of pastries, Loki had on the way found a little rundown building with books in the window. He had later found out that it was a bookstore, and he made it a quest for himself to go with Thor on his pastry runs, only to later get some new books. Thor had found this as a good way of rewarding his brother for being “good”. He goes with him to get pop tarts, and Thor goes with him and get a new supply of books he can keep himself busy with until next time. It might not be ideal for a plan in the long run, but it worked for now and that was all that mattered.

It had been a few years since that first time, and against the majority of the Avengers wishes, he had now gotten the permission to go outside by himself. But only short amounts of time and he had to have some sort of tracking device on him at all times. Not that Loki minded. He could go out for new books whenever he wanted and he could take short strolls to clear his head. Today was one of those days. He wandered aimlessly on the concrete path. The sun was starting to set which made it the perfect time for him. Not to many people, but at the same time not completely dark either. The wind had stopped and the only sound to be heard was the faint hum from the lake a few paces away.

He stopped to take in the scenery. It had been a long time since he had had the time to do that. Thinking back, it must have been around the time before Thor’s coronation. Before everything had changed. Where did he go wrong? He thought about many things. But the strongest thought he had, was a wish. A wish for him to go back in time and be able to bid his mother a proper goodbye.

A faint rustle of leaves had interrupted his thoughts. He looked down, but was unable to find the source of the sound. Until he looked deeper into the densely grown bushes. Between two of the leaves he found a pair of eyes. At  first he had thought it to be some kind of midgardian bug, but the further the little creature moved into the light, the more he could see what it was. A little cat. It was probably one of the smallest kittens he had ever seen, it fit in the palm of his hand, the soft white fur tickling his skin. Something wasn’t right though. The cat, even as it seemed to look at him, it was more as it looked right through him.

Loki took a closer look at the cats eyes. At first they just seemed to be normal blue cat eyes.That’s when he noticed it. The cat’s eyes where glossy and was seemingly covered with a layer of something gray. He had seen such eyes before, but not on a cat. The elders of Asgard had often developed such eyes with time, and at a young age he learned that this was a sign of blindness. The poor thing was blind. Which also explained as to why it was creeping its way in the bushes all alone at this hour. It must have been abandoned by its mother when she found out it had a disability, and would be a burden to take care of. He knew it was the laws of nature, but it seemed so cruel. The little kitten hadn’t done anything wrong.

Loki once again found himself relating to the tiny animal. He too, had been abandoned at a young age and he understood the pain that came with it well. That feeling of being a disappointment to everyone and not being good enough, no matter how hard you try. after standing there and holding the little kitten close for a while, Loki made a decision. He was going to take care of it. He would show this poor kitten that the world isn’t all bad. He would show it, how even if the odds are against you, it doesn’t matter. He would show the kitten everything that he wasn’t. Like love (not from his father’s side anyway), and magic. Maybe he could help the kitten to see again? or at least make it a bit easier for him?

Loki didn’t know what the future had in store for him. He didn’t know if he ever would be forgiven for his mistakes and accepted for who he was. But one thing he did know. He would always have this little kitten, and the kitten would always have him. For Loki vowed then and there to never repeat his father’s mistake. He would not leave the kitten alone in this world like he had been. He would make sure that it had everything it could ever want, but most of all, he would made sure it felt safe and loved. It would be like a whole new beginning. For both of them, together.

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5 years ago

Mischief Managed...

Mischief Managed...

I got the first request from a raffle winner yesterday! And I was able to comply fast! So, here is the first Oneshot written for @bluedemonsblog! Hope you enjoy!

Author: @sabine-leo

Pairing: Loki x Reader

Wordcount: 2554

Summary/ Request by @bluedemonsblog: Loki is New in the avengers Tower and things are kinda awkard because of New York and all, but april fool’s is close so the reader go talk to him since he is the god of mischief to get some Ideas and hopefully team up! Bonus points If Loki didn’t know what april fool’s is! In the end of the day reader and Loki end up as good friends and the other avengers are confused and kinda scared

Today was the day…

Today the tower would get another ‘inmate’ as you jokingly called every resident who lived here.

Currently there were 9 residents. Tony & Pepper, Peter, Steve, Bucky, Bruce, Nat, Thor whenever he was on Midgard as he called it and yourself. The other Avengers dropping by on a daily basis. Well, today the number would go up one resident and there would be 10 quarters inhabited. It had taken Tony a while to get accustomed to the idea, but he finally came around to accept that this was the right thing to do. You had met the new resident only on one mission and there you never really had the time to talk to him or give him more than a once over with your eyes.

 The short glances had been enough to know that he was one handsome and tall specimen but you couldn´t help yourself hanging around the general area waiting for his arrival to get another maybe lingering look on the God of Mischief himself. Curled up on a sofa overlooking the skyline of New York and more important the landing pad of the tower, you sat there half-heartedly reading a book. Even if you had been totally taken in by the story you would not have missed the bright, rainbow-light that almost blinded you just this second. Thor emerged first, head held high and ready to knock down everyone in his way followed by the black haired, tall God called Loki that regally strode out of the light. Seemingly at ease and carrying himself with a very alluring self-esteem. Tony stumbled out last. Shaking his head and with a little trouble to stand up straight he held up one finger as he stabilized himself with one hand on his knees.

 “I think I´m gonna puke! Holly shit, the whole ride I tumbled like a leave in the wind!”

Thor boomed out a laugh and clapped Tony on the back which almost sent him on his knees.

Loki just stood there with his hands behind his back and watched Tony struggle to keep his breakfast in. “If you need to relieve yourself I would recommend not to hurl over the edge, you might heave onto a poor soul walking the streets.” That actually made Tony laugh and stand up straight again only to say “Let´s get inside! I think I need to lay down for a moment!”  

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