General Hux X You - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Baby on Board pt 8

Baby On Board Pt 8

warnings: light cussing, canon-like violence, mentions of abuse in Armitage’s past

word count: 5.3 k

tag list: @trelauney @bekah135 @buckyshattergirl @booklover2929 @lwtficrecs @abbyg217 @aquananner24 @thirstytrashblogger 


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5 years ago

The Assistant

All you wanted is the attention from your leader General Hux – you were but a simple assistant for the ginger-haired man. Constantly taking a barrage of scrutiny whenever a mistake would occur under your watch. The way he looked at you spoke more than his cruel words. Despite his lingering eyes, his constant abrasive demeanor will meet its match…

PS: It’s a long one and a favorite of mine! Enjoy ~


*BUZZZZZ!* The loud electric ring of your desk’s transmitter startled you; crumpling an expense report sheet tightly in your shaking grasp. The day was just starting and Armitage was already buzzing you for a request.

An annoyed sigh escaped from your lips but you ignored the first buzz and returning to the report for the newest release of war juggernauts. As you attempted to smooth out the crinkled sheet – another loud BUZZ shook the desk.

‘Deep breath in,’ — you reminded yourself.

Pressing the large white button on the transmitter, you put on the best smile that you could conjure and attempted to sound like the happiest employee on the Finalizer.

“Yes, General?” you hummed the greeting through your teeth.

His tone when he spoke indicated that something had already managed to irritate him but that came to no surprise, he had been on a picking binge lately – constantly finding something wrong with anything that you touched.

“I need you right away in my office, [Y/N]!”

Many often asked you how you could handle being his assistant; however, you shrugged and the same response would always answer.

“The dental plan is amazing!” you joked, however, the true reason wasn’t clear.

Maybe, it was the craving you had to dig through the hardened but flawed exoskeleton of your superior and get to his guts. Possibly figuring out what makes him constantly flustered; also, finding those cracks in his personality that showed a distressed man.

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5 years ago

And I am the Reaper of Souls


Title: And I am the Reaper of Souls | (Part 5 of the Hate Leads to Suffering series)

Rating: M

Pairing: None. Armitage Hux & Reader (non-romantic)

Summary: The First Order’s new enforcer is somehow more frightening than Kylo Ren. 

Word count: 500

Warnings: DarkSide!Reader. Death/Murder. Bump in rating for violence. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat

Notes: Thank you to those who left nice comments/likes/reblogs and encouraged me to continue this series!

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5 years ago



General Armitage Hux x Reader

Requested by: duchessvonfingerbang

Request: If you’re still taking requests, I’d love some fluffy Hux! There’s not enough love out their for the cranky space ginger.

You felt like you would give up anything at that moment.

Anything just to be in his embrace one more time. Anything just to spend on more night with him. Anything to feel his thin lips against yours.

It had been five years.

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5 years ago
Imagine Ren Lying To Hux By Telling Him He Looked Into Your Mind And Saw That You Didnt Feel The Same

Imagine Ren lying to Hux by telling him he looked into your mind and saw that you didn’t feel the same way about Armitage as he did for you

“I looked into her mind you know.” Ren had stopped to say to Hux on his way out of the command centre. You were Rens apprentice but he had realised quite quickly that you were absolutely captivated by General Hux. Ren had not liked this. He felt it interfered with your training as his apprentice. It would only get worse now that he noticed the way Armitage had begun looking at you. He needed to do something so you and Hux never ended up together. He had caught the generals attention now as he continued “she doesn’t feel the same way about you. In fact she can’t stand the way you look at her. It would make anyone’s skin crawl.” Ren said these words behind his mask and then took his leave. Hux hadn’t seen his face so he couldn’t see the vindictive expression Kylo wore as he told Armitage all this.

A few days passed and you began to notice Armitage had stopped looking at you. Barely even sharing more than a word of acknowledgement in passing. It hurt that he had changed like this. You wondered whether you had done something wrong. You found yourself thinking about it over and over. It consumed you on a daily basis even causing you to become lapse in your duties.

One night you had decided to try to forget about it by having a couple glasses of wine. However now you found that after becoming slightly drunk had caused it to plague your mind worse than ever.

Without thinking too much about what you were doing you got up and strode out into the corridors of the finaliser. You were headed to General Hux’s room.

You soon arrived outside of his door, a little hot and bothered from your power walk across the ship.

You knocked a little too quietly at first before hammering on the door in case he couldn’t hear you.

There was no answer. You knew he was there, he was such a workaholic he always answered or cane running whenever he was called to the command centre outside of his work hours.

You couldn’t just barge into his room. This would be rude and unfair. But he’d been rude and unfair for ignoring you the last few days. If he hated you did it matter if you made him hate you a little more? You decided to use the force to open the doors to his room.

Sure enough across the room sat at his desk was the general looking up from his data pad confused and intrigued as to how the door had opened.

You cleared your throat as you strode in trying to be as confident as you could.

“General.” You spoke formally so as not to aggravate the situation, slightly regretting forcing your way in. “Y/l/n” he nodded to you as he cold expressionless eyes stared at you.

“Is everything alright general hux? You’ve been distant the last few days? Has my performance been unsatisfactory?”

You had to keep the conversation professional or you’d begin sobbing and asking him what you’d done wrong.

General Hux swallowed and tensed his jaw. This bothered you because you wanted an answer NOW!

So you sauntered forward and leaned over his desk bringing your face close to his.

“If I’ve been unsatisfying might I offer to make up for it somehow?”

His eyes widened and his face reddened. You felt him leaning towards you but this wasn’t quite what you were after. Not yet anyway.

You stood up and folded your arms, looking down at him now.

“Some input might be nice general.” You raised an eyebrow at him, awaiting his answer.

He cleared his throat “You’ve been satisfactory, your work is always completed to the highest standard.”

He didn’t give you much other than a dry response. You felt your emotions get the better of you now. Tears built up in your eyes “So why won’t you look at me anymore, you barely say anything to me! Armitage please tell me...” your voice began to crack and you stopped yourself from humiliating yourself further.

He looked hurt now, seeing you get upset and knowing he was the cause.

He stood up “I’m sorry.” He said in a whisper as he looked down at the desk. Uncertain what else he could do or say.

“But why Armitage? I want to know. I can’t bear it when you don’t look at me, don’t smile at me...” You sobbed now as you roughly wiped away your tears with your sleeve. He walked around the desk and tightly embraced you.

“Kylo lied.” He thought to himself. “He’s lied to drive a wedge between us. I should have known better than to believe him.”

Armitage rested his chin on the top of your head.

“I thought it’d be best if I kept my distance from you. I didn’t know if you felt the same way towards me as I do to you.”

You pulled away from him and gazed into his eyes which had softened now as he looked at you with love and sympathy.

“Armitage I love you. I’ve always wanted you.” You told him. There was no point in hiding how you felt anymore. You wanted him to know he was loved by you.

“And I you y/n.” He responded. “I love you so much.” He embraced you again, nuzzling his face into the crook of your shoulder he began kissing gently. He couldn’t help himself you smelled so good.

You giggled slightly at the ticklish sensation and when he broke away he passionately kissed you. Your mouths and tongues dancing with one another.

“Never think you’re unsatisfactory.” He said after breaking away and moving a strand of hair behind your ear. You both smiled and began kissing again.

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5 years ago

prompt: “I don’t want to hurt you”-”you won’t.”

pairing: general hux x reader

summary: you are a medic aboard the Supremacy and General Hux comes in one chaotic day for you to stitch up his wounds. 

EDIT: want some backstory? check out RESIGN

word count: 1746

warnings: a little intense, you gotta take care of his owies so


White coats darted pass you as you made your way down to the entrance of the medic wing of the Supremacy, your datapad balancing carefully in your palm. It was a particularly busy day; more than enough stormtroopers and officers had made their way to seek medical attention. You barely had time to figure out what was going on outside of the sterile haven, but you knew something had to do with the resistance fighting against the First Order.

You datapad chimed happily despite the chaotic setting. Someone was requesting medical attention, and only high ranking officials had the authority to contact you, the lead surgeon. You had to push oblivious nurses and doctors aside to avoid crashing into them, knowing that whoever was behind the door was seriously injured, or needed attention quick.

Just before you could take a step closer to the entrance, General Hux stumbled through.

The General looked awful. His face was bruised, lip and nose bleeding profusely. The orange hair on his head was disheveled, but you could see a spot that was matted down with blood. His greatcoat was torn almost in half, and gashes were visible on his back as he staggered past you.

“General!” You gasp. His head snapped to you and he placed a gloved hand on you for support.

“Take me to your next available room,” He snarled through bared teeth.

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5 years ago
Here Is A Little Drawing Of Us Hux Fans Mourning Our First Order General

Here is a little drawing of us Hux fans mourning our first order general

We don’t know what will happen to him yet but so far we’ve seen nothing for him in the trailers of tros.

Credit to Jin Kim who’s sketch of Anna I used as a drawing template

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5 years ago

christmas with armitage

modern au!armitage hux x reader

summary: sometimes armitage isn’t the best with expressing emotions, but you make do

word count: 290 (it’s another drabble folks!!!)

note: this is SUPER minimal and I wrote this in under 30 mins so sorry if it’s lq!!!!! but i watched TROS yesterday and just ugh armitage?? really?? anyways enjoy xx



You decide that you like the colour green on Armitage.

It’s christmas, and outside the window, snowflakes fall with the grace of a prima ballerina. Today is special, because for him it means no Kylo Ren, and for you, the promise of spending some much-needed time together.

So Armitage sits on the plush carpeted floor of your shared apartment, looking dazed and out of place. You can see how his eyes are still tinted with sleep’s haze, his red hair tousled from the forest green sweater you jammed over his head.

You laugh. He looks like an oversized elf.

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5 years ago

Love and Duty | General Hux x reader

fandom : star wars

pairing : General Hux x reader

warning : TROS spoilers, description of death, little of angst

taggs : littlemomointheworld

note : first imagine with hux! hope you’ll enjoy :)


Things had been tense lately, with the fall of the Supreme Leader Snoke, his apprentice Kylo Ren had taken his master’s place on the throne. It wasn’t the only change that had been made, your father, the General Pryde, took a place around the counsel’s table. As a result, he saw this opportunity as a chance for you to grow up as a First Order supporter. 

But something had happened. The first day of your new life aboard the ship had not been ideal, even horrible. Your life here was a mess, and your father did not saw that, too occupied by his own affairs. And then came Armitage Hux in all his glory, in his black uniform, red hair and beautiful smile. You knew that love stories between high ranked officers were prohibited, but on the moment you didn’t care. 

The first talk was formal and then it became more intimate, the two of you confiding secrets to each other, feelings even. After the ascension of Kylo Ren, Hux became more than a friend, he became everything you had ever wanted since the first time you met him, a lover. But you had to keep it secret, or your father would have took measures. It was what scared you the most, your father. But even with your discretion, some lieutenants and other high ranking officers began to spread rumors around the ship, your relationship with the red headed General was becoming dangerous.

On one hand, you didn’t care, as did Hux. But one day, you knew that his ambitions would make one of you implode, “Are you out of your damn mind! Do you know what they will do if they learn what you did?!”

“I want to see him fall, the First Order is only garbage now, because of him”, Armitage was standing on the opposite of the room. You saw that something was wrong in his eyes during the reunion and you thought right this time. 

You couldn’t contain your anger, the risks he was taking just to get his revenge was unbearable. He tried to reach for you, it only made you angrier. Your hands remained against the wall, “Don’t”

Inside of him, Hux knew that what he had done was crazy but he was very confident about it. Kylo Ren had to pay for what he had done. He killed the only worthy Supreme Leader of their time and then killed him to rule on his own throne. The fact that he also took pleasure in humiliating him in front of his troops, of the General Pryde, of the high ranking officers, and in front of you, really pissed him off. Kylo Ren sensed something and Hux knew what it was. And the way he mocked him about this, was unbearable, “He knows about us, the only way to make him shut up is to bury him inside of a hole!”

“I want to see him dead too, but you can’t do it this way, you’ll get yourself killed”, you talked back to him. Your throat was hurting, you surely had screamed a little too loud. Tears were escaping his eyes, as do you, “Can’t you see that I am preoccupied about your well being ? Or are you too pride of yourself to admit your mistakes ?

“I can’t stop now”, you stared at him as he turned his head to look at his holopad. There’s nothing to do now, it was too late, he couldn’t be saved. You couldn’t do anything to save him either, this time, he truly was lost. 

You turned back and escaped the room silently, even with all this, you loved him


It was only two days after your altercation that your father convocated you in the control room with Hux. You stood there, in the middle, waiting for your sentence. By your side, Hux stood, as straight as you. It was noticeable that something was wrong with him because of your shaking. 

“I am aware of your affair”, your father began without even looking at you. After all those years, his rudeness had accented and your love for him had declined even more, and you knew that it was the same for your father, “I have always known. Well, from the moment you refused to be betrohed to Ren”

Hux began to shake and to turn his head in the direction of the troopers in his back, they were circling the two of you.

The only thing that I am ashamed of is that you fell in love with a traitor, (Y/N)”

No, it couldn’t be 

“There has to be a mist-”, you tried to save Hux, but your forces began to leave your body.

“And his conspiration won’t be unpunished. The Supreme requested your union one time again”, Hux still stood but this time you could hear the cries leaving his throat, “My own flesh and blood, falling in love of a rat while she could have been the Impress of an Order equal to the Empire”

Hux began to fall a little as you tried to reach for him before looking in front of you. Your father have never been a killer but in one way, he was as horrible as Kylo Ren himself. 

“The First Order will never win the war, it’s reign of horror and tyranny stops now”; Slowly, you saw him reaching for the trooper’s blaster on his left and aiming at Hux, the man you could give your life for. 

It passed like a light, the silence still present in the control room. Your father lowered his weapon, glassy eyed. You felt Hux embrace, taking you in his arms as you began to fall too. 

You didn’t knew why life had to be so complicated all the time. While you were with Hux, everything seemed so beautiful, even with the war raging out there. 

“No! What did you do, Why!”, you heard your father yelling before running toward you

And then you felt it, the blaster shot, in you chest. 

“I chose love before duty, and if I could I would do it all again”

A famour smell of burning flesh came to your nose before you completely lose consciousness. The General looked the unconscious body of the girl he ever loved in his arms, she had took a shot for him. On the opposite Pryde at some stormtroopers to call the MedBay, there was still a chance for her to be saved. 

I would always make this choice, to save who I love

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5 years ago


general hux x doctor!reader


word count: 709

a.n.: kk imagine if the blaster shot wasn’t fatal and he survived. another fine addition to my doctor!reader fics while i finish up the next part of The Captive and all of my other requests. merry christmas if you celebrate!

warnings: angst


“Patch him up quickly, he’s supposed to be heading to interrogation, Pryde wants him dead.”

“What? Dead? Mitaka, I’m not sure I’m following.”

“Ask him yourself, looks like he’s waking up now.”

General Hux’s ginger lashed fluttered open only to see two blurry figures hovering over him. As the shock wore off, the wound in his abdomen flared with pain. He must have gotten knocked out by the impact of him falling on the ground, a concussion starting to ache in the back of his skull. Without his greatcoat he was uncomfortably cold, and a mysterious breeze kept him shivering.

“Thank you for bringing him to me, I’ll fix him up. Come back in an hour.”

“Yes ma’am.”

One of the figures disappeared from his vision and he closed his eyes again. Hux realized that the breeze was coming from his body being wheeled on a gurney at intense speed, his final destination surely the medbay.

“Stay in there General.” That voice was unmistakably yours, his favorite doctor aboard the ship. He sighed with relief, and he swore that he could feel some of the pain leave his body.

He tried to tell you something, but you shushed him and shouted at the nurses and doctors in the medbay to get out of the way and prepare an operating room.

Strong hands lifted his nearly limp body unto a table and begun poking and prodding him, no doubt preparing him for his second surgery this week.

This time it was much more of a life-or-death moment, however.

“Everybody out. I need a minute alone. Stay close as I’ll need every hand to help with operating,” you demanded, and the nurses shuffled out of the room quickly with a “yes ma’am.”

You whirled around and slammed a hand on a tray with some tools. “General, what the hell happened?”

His eyes widened and he turned his head to look at you. Tears sparkled in your eyes partnered with a look of rage on your face.

“I can’t say. It’ll put you in danger.” He wheezed.

You shook your head. “No. No, no, no. You have to tell me everything. Since when do you withhold information from me?” You yelled.

“Since it puts you in danger! You are perfectly safe not knowing!” He raised his voice, causing you to flinch slightly. Even thought he was completely vulnerable on the operating table, he still held the same power as always.

You reached out and took his hand with your gloved one. “Please, Armitage. Why does Pryde want to kill you?”

He grimaced. “When does he not?”

“Hux.” You squeezed his hand. “Tell me.”

The general couldn’t meet your eyes. “I’m a traitor. I fed the resistance information.”

Your silenced edged him on.

“I helped the pilot and FN218 escape. General Pryde found out.” This time, he held your hand tighter. “I am a traitor.”

His words echoed in the small room. Each word seemed to inflict more damage to his wounds.

“I know.”

Green eyes shot up to meet yours. “What?”

“I’m surprised it’s taken them this long to figure it out.”

He tore his hand away. “How- how did you know?”

You sigh. “Hux, you’re not very good at hiding things.”

“Are you,” he paused, calculating his next words, “mad at me?”

You shook your head and patted his arm. “No. I’m not mad that you fed the resistance information. I’m just mad that you got hurt doing it.” You eyed the blaster wound and he shrugged.

“Once you’re out of surgery, we can talk more. I’m not letting you go to interrogation.”

He laughed. “If you do that, they’ll kill you too. Helping the traitor?”

You smile softly and whisper in his ear. “If it’s helping you, I’ll do anything.”

Hux turned his head and caught your lips as you bent up, his hand making its way to your cheek to hold you there. After a few moments, he let go.

“If they take me, I just want to let you know I-“

You silence him with your words. “Shut up. Tell me when you wake up”

And with that you wave the nurses and assistant doctors back in and start the operation on your wounded general.


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5 years ago

Sky Full Of Shooting Stars | Part I


Summary: You work for First Order and happen to be in a secret relationship with General Hux himself. When you find out some certain thing about your beloved man, you start to be seriously afraid of his life, and your own as well. Trying to come up with a backup plan, you show him all of affection and love he can get from you. Will the two of you survive the upcoming events?

Warnings: smut, tros spoiler

Words: 4006

Authors: Cass & Rouge


Soft, plate glass of long, metal table at which they sat shone in a light derived of a glowing sticks hanging under the ceiling.

Atmosphere was thick like a mist that could be cut with a sharp blade of knife.

Kylo Ren stood on the head of the table, his back facing all the people gathered in the room.

Hux cleared his throat a little and looked around the room, his eyes landed on you. He sent you a little smile, just a brief curl of his narrow lips, and soon his glance moved to General Pryde. Hux sent him a frown. Hux’s eyes were initially glued to your figure.

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5 years ago

Sky Full Of Shooting Stars | Part I


Summary: You work for First Order and happen to be in a secret relationship with General Hux himself. When you find out some certain thing about your beloved man, you start to be seriously afraid of his life, and your own as well. Trying to come up with a backup plan, you show him all of affection and love he can get from you. Will the two of you survive the upcoming events?

Warnings: smut, tros spoiler

Words: 4006

Authors: Cass & Rouge


Soft, plate glass of long, metal table at which they sat shone in a light derived of a glowing sticks hanging under the ceiling.

Atmosphere was thick like a mist that could be cut with a sharp blade of knife.

Kylo Ren stood on the head of the table, his back facing all the people gathered in the room.

Hux cleared his throat a little and looked around the room, his eyes landed on you. He sent you a little smile, just a brief curl of his narrow lips, and soon his glance moved to General Pryde. Hux sent him a frown. Hux’s eyes were initially glued to your figure.

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5 years ago

prompt: “hands off her”

pairing: general hux x doctor!reader

ask: I love ur doctor!reader x hux fanfics and I was wondering if you could make one where they are in a relationship and hux is very in love with her? Based of “Hands off of her” pleasee?? Thanks 😆

word count: 1061

warnings: none


Armitage Hux easily turned green.

Not because he was pale, or easily sea-sickened, he was just a little too protective at times.

It had only been a few months since you two decided to “date”, if you call regular cafe meetings and routine check-ups on the medbay a date, but you learned that he was very defensive when it came to his favorite doctor.

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5 years ago

For the First Order - Part 2

Fandom: Star Wars

Pairing: Reader x Armitage Hux

Warnings: This contains SPOILERS for TROS and smut

A/N: I had to do a part two both for myself and all those who requested it lol, this is more gratuitous smut than it is plot lmao.

Word Count: 1.7 k           Read Part One

For The First Order - Part 2

You had landed on Ithor in a covered part of the jungle to keep your First Order ship hidden, Hux helped you relax until you gained your strength back. He realized you would have to go into town without him since your outfit had no direct First Order relation and he had badges and patches and pins galore that screamed he was a General. A weird perk to having been stripped of your ranks aside from the title.

It didn’t take long to find a place to live in, you unloaded the ship of all necessities and then pushed it with the force into a deep lake inside the forest where no one would ever find it. You both get on the speeder you had purchased and ride to your new house. It’s strange having all these new things and possessions, all this stuff that was yours and not just First Order issued necessities and living quarters.

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5 years ago

I Won’t Say Anything-Pt.1/2


Warnings: TROS SPOILER, Torture, Soulmate AU Summary: You are a member of the Resistance. You’re captured by the First Order while you are waiting for information from the spy. Pairing: Armitage Hux x Female!Reader Words: 2391

Important: Sorry for the bad english and the errors. I’m an italian fan and this is the first time I write a fanfic in english.


Part 1 of 2

You didn’t know how long you had been locked in that torture chamber. You lost track of time after the 15th electric shock. It started from the handcuffs and expanded to below the knees, firmly glued to the ground, as if all the weight of the galaxy weighed on your shoulders.

Three rounds of stormtroopers came in every day.

Your room was number 6 and, from what you heard the soldiers of the first order muttering to each other, it looked like it was an interrogation room. Not far from the idea that you were made.

How they managed to capture you again was a mystery.

You were supposed to meet with a droid for the transmission of important information but that didn’t show up.

In its place, an army surrounded you in seconds by throwing you on the ground and giving you a violent blow with the kick of their blasters at the base of the head.

You were transported on the ship inside that room, with streams of dried blood on the hair attached to the forehead and questioned incessantly. At first they were cautious, investigating whether such a person was actually aware of important information, but when you resisted they didn’t hold back.

You were certainly a member of the Resistance, and although there was no prejudice within the rebels, you thought you were the most expendable one, compared to the other fighters. You had asked Commander Leia yourself to face that dangerous and uncertain journey after a statement from the alleged spy had been received at Headquarters.

At that point, chained and exhausted, you had the conviction that there had been no spy within the Order. It had only been a trap.

For the umpteenth time, the door to the room swung open with a faint noise. A couple of stormtroopers came in, aiming their blaster rifles at you.

Looking up a little, you noticed that another person was visiting that day. General uniform and banners, red hair, pale skin and a spirited look in his green eyes. You were no doubt in the presence of the First Order general, Armitage Hux.

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5 years ago

I Won’t Say Anything-Pt. 2/3

I Wont Say Anything-Pt. 2/3

Warnings: TROS SPOILER, Torture, Soulmate AU Summary: You are a member of the Resistance. You’re captured by the First Order while you are waiting for information from the spy. Pairing: Armitage Hux x Female!Reader Words: 2662 Part 2 of 3

From the day you were treated and reinvigorated, Armitage Hux never entered the prison where they kept you.

In fact, you didn’t even know why they kept you there. You were no longer of any use and they hadn’t even bothered to torture you to get the information anymore. They had abandoned you there, in total silence, fed by a machine that pumped the food your body needed in your veins. Fortunately they had taken medical measures to keep you from having a constant need to go to the bathroom.

You had had so much time to think about the visions you had about the general that you almost hated the torture that had stopped. At least those could have distracted you from all those harmful flashes.

Would you die there? On that First Order ship, thinking about the general who destroyed so many lives?

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5 years ago

Armitage Hux fics rec

Recommendations of my favorite headcanons/imagines/fics (I don't own any)

Armitage Hux Fics Rec



Hands off her

The captive (master list)

Fix me up


Five shots


I know



Murmurs while you sleep


I'm not going anywhere



Other Star Wars fics recommendations

Updated: 03/03/2020

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7 years ago

I Have a Crush On You || General Hux x Reader Smut


Words: 2446

Warnings: smut, unprotected sex

SUMMARY: You have a crush on Hux, who also is your boss. You try to keep it as a secret until you find your General under the shower.

Authors: Cass & General


Definitely, it wasn't a good day for him. Like whole previous week.

General Hux, as annoyed as he was, ruffled his bangs a bit while walking along the bridge with his arms crossed behind his back.

"Faster! We have to find those rebel scums!"

You were his assistant. That meant you had to be there and listen to his screams even when they weren't directed at you.

General Hux was the less pleasant person on the ship but he was your boss. You always followed him everywhere and spent a lot of time with him. The more time you had spent with him, the more you liked him. Even if you knew it was wrong.

"General... I am sorry but I wanna remind you that Supreme Leader wanted to see you today.." You said calmly, ready to be shouted.

"I didn't ask you to speak, Y/N." He threw you a cold glance, his steel eyes slipped over your figure. "And yes. I remember." Reddish man shrugged. "Anything else, Y/N?"

You shivered softly and looked down. "Commander Kylo Ren also wanted to talk with you... Just like Captain Phasma. After all of this, you will be free to go, Sir." You said and smiled at him politely, looking into his eyes.

They were cold and empty but you still loved them. You sighed loudly and looked away.

Hux scrutinized you from the bottom to the top.

"Ah. Amazing. What a lovely day!" He closed eyes for a second holding breath back, then he exhaled and looked at you again. "Be useful for once and arrange all the meetings for next day. Tell them I am indisposed or anything else, I don't care. I need a calm evening. I've just got a migraine." Hux rubbed his temples.

You blinked "W-Wait... You want me to put all meetings for tomorrow?! Even the one with the Supreme Leader... " You looked at him with shock and worries in your gaze but you quickly nodded. "I will do this Sir."

Hux nodded when he was passing you by. "Good, Y/N. Later you can also take few hours off."

"Thank you, sir." You said quietly and then facepalmed, this would be a hard task.

And it really was. Snoke wasn't too happy but agreed on a meeting next day. Just like Phasma did. Only Kylo was a problem as always, he destroyed half of the room in front of you but in the end he also agreed.

When your work was done, you returned to your chamber and flopped on the bed. It took you few minutes before you forced yourself to get up and change your clothes.

Taking off your uniform you thought about the general. "Maybe I should pay him a visit?" You muttered to yourself.

Hux was having the best time since few weeks. Calm. Quiet. Bitter tea and soft noises made by his cat. The feeling of freedom.

General was finishing his report when he heard knocking to his door. "Come in!"

You slowly entered his chamber wearing shorts and shirt. "Good evening, general. Sorry for interrupting but I wanted to check if everything's fine... How's your head, sir?"

Hux glared at you from the pile of documents. "Y/N..." He blinked checking out your outfit. "You should wear something more than pair of shorts..." He said. "It's not a fashion show, my dear."

You looked down at your body and blushed softly. "I... I know, sir. I just... I have time off now and I wanted to take a rest from wearing my uniform, sir. You didn't answer my question, sir." You looked at him and bite inside of your cheek.

"Yhy..." He mumbled moving eyes along curves of your figure. Then, he focused on documents again. "What was the question?"

"How's your head, sir? I was... worried about you." You said quietly and then walked closer to him.

You smiled softly when you saw a cat. "Oh, hi there. Who is a beautiful girl?" You purred but quickly cleared your throat, knowing you shouldn't be doing this.

Hux frowned and raised his glance from above papers. "You can pet her. She will love it. Trust me."

"In a moment. Sir, you didn't answer my question." You said and looked him into eyes. Hux again looked at you and sighed deeply. "A bit better. Thank you."

"Can I help you? Do you need anything?" You asked and started to pet cat's head with soft smile on your lips.

"No, Y/N. What had to be done is done. You're free now."

"Are you sure, sir..?" You watched him. "It's not a problem for me... You are my boss after all. I should help you."

Hux slowly rose from his leather chair and grabbed your elbow pulling you behind him. "Y/N, I've said something."

When you both reached the door he again looked you deep in the eye.

You looked into his eyes sadly and nodded. "Yes... I am sorry, sir. I... I will be in my room if you will need anything." You said and left his room.

"And put something on, for God's sake." Hux's glance fell on your butt as you were leaving.

You growled when the door closed behind you. "What I was even expecting." You muttered to yourself and then went to your room. "At last cat isn't mean." You shook your head while laying on bed.

Cold water was running down his tensed body.

He didn't know how much time had passed since he went to take a shower.

His forhead was leant against cold tiles.

Hux had to unload all negativity, so his hand traveled down his body until he reached his cock.

You sighed loudly. He was in your mind whole time, you couldn't stop thinking about him. "Fuck it! I will go to him and tell him. Even if he will kill me... At last I will pet his can before death." You shrugged and got up from the bed.

You even didn't bother yourself with putting on something more, just like he told you before. You walked straight to his chamber.

Door was open. Millicent was napping at his desk. You could hear shower running nearby. His chamber was rather huge but you could notice that door to bathroom wasn't locked and was opened somewhat.

You slowly entered the chamber and looked around. You bite your lips when you heard the shower and saw the open door, without thinking too much you walked to them and looked inside.


Hux moaned deeply while pumping hand over his yet hard cock. His forhead was still leant against wall of shower, he was stroking strongly. And your name was the only thing that was leaving his full lips from time to time.

It took your breath away. You put a hand on your mouth and watched him for few minutes, admiring every inch of him. You bite your lips when you heard how he was moaning your name.

Slowly you entered the bathroom and looked at him. "I told you to pay me a visit when you will need anything, sir." You said calmly with a hope that you won't scare or piss him off.

Hux raised head and gave you one of his best glances, his steel eyes slipped over your figure. "I remember." He smirked at you winking at the same moment. "How long does it least, huh? Your crush, Y/N?"

You shrugged walking closer to him. "Long... Really long. I would say that since my first day as your assistant." You explained slowly removing your shirt.

He licked his lips as water was running down his body. "Wanna join me?" Hux asked casually.

You laughed softly. "No, sir. I undress because I like to be naked." You shook your head and then slipped off your shorts.

You slowly joined him under the shower. "Good evening, sir. How may I serve you today?"

He put hands on your hips admiring your naked body. "Show me how deep is your crush on me." He leant to you kissing your clavicle.

You bite your lips and nodded. "Yes, sir.." You purred softly when your hand slowly moved to his cock. You touched his tip before wrapping your hand around his shaft.

Hux bit on your neck leaving a mark there. "Just like that, Y/N. You're so fucking skilled as I can see."

With free hand he cupped your breast squeezing it.

You whimpered softly when he bite your neck. "Yes, sir. That's why I am your assistant." You said as your hand started to move up and down his cock paying special attention to his tip.

He growled loudly at the touch. "Yes..." Soft moan escaped his lips.

You kissed him gently and looked him in the eye. "How long does it least, sir? Your crush on me?"

"Since I saw you for the first time.." Hux mumbled. "I fell for you, Y/N..."

"Great General Hux knows how to love... But you never made any 'moves' torward me." After these words you dropped down on your knees and gave his cock few long licks.

He closed eyes and rolled head back leaning it over tiles. "Fuck..." Loud moan escaped his mouth as he looked down at you. "You look fucking amazing down there, Y/N.." Hux murmured deeply.

You purred and simply took him into your mouth. Your head started to bob over his cock.

He slipped hands into your hair and moaned your name loudly as he felt your mouth around his length.

Your hand moved to his balls so you could massage them, looking up at him.

Hux bucked his hips a bit looking down at you. "Just like that. Suck this cock. Take it deep in your sweet little mouth, yeah.."

You purred loudly sending vibrations to him before taking his cock even deeper into your mouth.

Hux bucked hips few more time and at the end he cum shoting his load down your throat.

You moaned and sighed loudly swallownig everything he had given to you. "You are delicious, Sir."

He smirked at you and pulled you up by your forearms. "Come here, I wanna taste it.." He purred before he kissed you deeply.

You kissed him back and wrapped arms around his neck pulling him even closer.

Hux turned you around and pressed you to the wall picking one of your legs up. He stroked over your thigh. "You're fucking hot." He kissed your lips sucking on them a bit.

You growled against his lips. "Thank you, sir... You are handsome." Your voice was nothing more than a whisper.

Hux wrapped your leg around his hip. He grabbed his thick cock and ran tip briefly along your folds. Then, without saying a word, he slipped in your clit.

You moaned loudly at the filling of his cock stretching out your tight pussy. "General... I waited at this for so long." You whispered and kissed him deeply.

He took a hold of your hip pushing slow but yet deep. "So tight..." Hux was moaning straight into your ear as he was thrusting in and out of you.

You wrapped your arms tightly around him rolling your hips a bit.

"Just for you, sir." One of your hands moved to his ginger hair. "Fuck me harder, sir. Make me yours."

He sucked on your pulse point and wrapped your second hand around his hips, at the same time picking you up and holding you by your butt. He pinned you strongly to the wall increasing his pace.

You only whimpered loudly grabbing his hair. The feelig was amazing, ideal mix of pain and pleasure. You put one hand on his cheek and pulled him into another kiss relaxing in his arms.

Hux pushed harder kissing you. He slipped tongue into your mouth as water was running down your connected bodies. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum soon.. Fuck.." Hux clenched teeth thrusting even harder.

You moaned his name loudly as he started to move harder. "Fuck... I am close, too. Please, cum in me, sir... Make me yours. I want to belong to you." You whispered and kissed his neck panting against his skin.

Hux pushed harder. He stopped in you. Then, ginger general pushed out, only to slip back in so deeply. He did this few times, at the end cumming deep inside you and filling your pussy with his hot release.

You yelled his name as you cum hard around his cock. "Fuck... General..." You sighed deeply and nuzzled to his shoulder trying to calm down your breath.

Hux pushed few more times before he pulled out of you. He hugged you tightly and leant chin on top of your head, you could feel how his body was trembling.

"Are you okay, Armitage?" You asked carefuly stroking his wet hair.

Hux nodded slightly. "Yes." Man whispered.

He briefly brushed his rough hand over your inner thigh. "What's gonna be now, Y/N?"

You looked at him and kissed his cheek. "I'm gonna do what you want. We can be together. If not... One your word and I will forget... About you and all this." You sighed heavily.

Hux smiled a bit and kissed you. "I don't want you to ever forget to whom you belong to.." He brushed his lips against yours stroking over your waist at the same time.

You purred quietly and kissed him back. "I belonge to Armitage Hux. General of the First Order." You whispered touching his cheek.

After shower you've shared together, Armitage carried you to his bed. He also took care to stay awake until you fell asleep completely.

You woke up first. You looked at Armitage who was sleeping by your side and you smiled softly before kissing his lips. "Good morning, sir. It's time to get up, You have a lot of work to do." You giggled.

He opened his eyes and wrapped arm around your waist pulling you to his chest. "Good morning, Y/N. What would you say for a lazy day in bed, huh?"

You hugged to him and sighed. "That would be nice, sir, but... Some angry ginger man ordered me yesterday to plan all his meetings for today and I don't really want Supreme Leader to snap your neck."

Hux blinked and looked at you. He shook his head as he ruffled your hair. "Ah, Y/N. Since when you're listening to my every order, huh?" He pecked your lips, then man just got up, not paying attention to the fact he was naked.

You watched him biting your lips. "Since I work for you and don't forget to put on your uniform." You laughed and flopped back on bed.


Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie  @mikkal-akasaki  @withoutashadowofhope  @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site  @smutloversblog  @buquete  @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90  @tuptuptup @hellenna80  @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa  @bratko @wurld89  @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @peter-sommer @axn69  @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @totorosbooty @whatever-thingswillgetbetta @humifiler @nwmtagsb @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @yessy2012

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6 years ago
Imagine: Cuddling With HuxRequested By: @hail-kylo-ren A/N: Kylo Will Be Here Tomorrow;)
Imagine: Cuddling With HuxRequested By: @hail-kylo-ren A/N: Kylo Will Be Here Tomorrow;)

Imagine: Cuddling with Hux Requested by: @hail-kylo-ren   A/N: Kylo will be here tomorrow ;)

Imagine: Cuddling With HuxRequested By: @hail-kylo-ren A/N: Kylo Will Be Here Tomorrow;)

“Aaaaaaaaarmitage!” You whimpered loudly from a bedroom you were sharing with General. You waited at him for almost two hours, just since he told you the most random sentence he was always using - ‘give me five minutes’. “Huuuuuuuuux!” You whimpered again. You planned to shout once again, until he would come back to bedroom.

“For the love of Supreme Leader! What do you want Y/N?!” Hux growled, putting away his papers. “Why are you whimpering there?!”

“You promised to come to me in five minutes. IT WAS HOURS AGO!” You answered.

Ginger sighed loudly and rubbed bridger of his nose, then looked at the watch.  “Okay, fine. I am coming, just please stop whimpering,” he muttered and got up from his seat.

You quickly sat up and smiled.  “Armi! Come here.”

Hux walked to you and kissed the top of your head.  “Don’t call me that. I am not a child anymore.”

“Come on. It’s late, let’s cuddle and go to sleep,” you smiled at him.

Armitage still didn’t get use to fact that you were full of happiness, like no one else in that place. Maybe that’s why he fell for you.

It took him longer moment go get ready to bed but when he joined you, you immediately hugged him. Hux stiffed and looked at you.

“You still do this, Armitage,” you looked at him with a soft frown.

“I am just not used to this kind of contact,” he admitted.

“Come on. You had to have such contact in the past. Like just when you were small,” you rolled your eyes.

“If by contact you mean abuse than yes, I had.”

You let out a sigh and looked around, thinking. “Okay, I have an idea. You can hug me from behind like I would be Millicent.”

He blinked. “Excuse me?”

“Come on,” you smiled and turned with your back to him.

Armitage watched you for a short moment and hugged you tightly. He nuzzled to your hair, sighing quietly. “Okay… This is nice.”

“Meow!” You let out a sound and giggled.

You could hear Hux’s quiet laugh.

“Maybe this will be one of the better nights…” Armitage whispered and closed his eyes.

Imagine: Cuddling With HuxRequested By: @hail-kylo-ren A/N: Kylo Will Be Here Tomorrow;)


Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest  @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2  @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71  @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective @thisismysecrethappyplace

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6 years ago

mental void || General Hux x Reader Drabble


Summary: General Hux visiting you in the hospital.

Warnings: none 

Words: 955

Request by: Anonymous

Authors: Rouge & Cass


You laid there quietly, keeping your eyes closed, matching your breaths to the beeping of the machines that surrounded the bed, the only indications of your heartbeat, your existence. Your legs were numb. Curiosity slowly pried open your swollen eyes to meet a dismal view of a grey colored hospital room, the door a navy blue. You immediately knew it was locked, this was to keep you in here, not them out. You slid your eyes sideways, they'd handcuffed your wrists to the bed bars. Short, but plenty deep cuts ran along your arms, beyond was your chart.

The door slid open and someone has entered the room. It was no one else but Armitage Hux, general of the First Order himself. "Ah! I see you are finally awake. How do you feel?" ginger man asked, his look was full of revulsion and disapproval. He walked closer to your bed, removing his leather gloves on the way.

"You want to know more about my mental illness but you’re scared to ask, that’s right isn’t it. How did I know that? I know these things, plus it’s kinda obvious after what have I done on the Jakku," you almost giggled but your laughter quickly faded away. "I almost got it, Hux. And I don't regret!"

He winced and shook his head. "Why would I be scared to ask about such a stupid thing. Do you think I care about your little, fragile mind? To be completely honest I am surprised that no one ever noticed how distorted your mind and behavior are," Hux explained, observing every inch of your body. "I always thought that mental illness drives the madness that helps in killing. Apparently, it pushes you more into self-destruction," man muttered, leaning over you.

You shrugged. "You think I care. As soon as I will leave this room, I'll try once again. And once again, and once again, until I will win," you smirked as you rolled your eyes, your blood preassure has incrased and it hit you hard. "I won't be serving as one of your killing machines, I would rather die than take part in all this."

General completely ignored your bubbling and continued with his own thoughts. "I am deeply shocked that you tried to desert, you were one of the best soldiers. How could you? We gave you everything," he said, looking around, and then his eyes moved to you. "Leave this room? Do you really think we will let you go anyway, just like that? You are really crazy."

You laughed shortly, trying to get up from bed. "Trust me, I will end that cruel crusade, sooner or later. First Order cannot just take whatever it wants. You'll be dead soon, trust me, General," you struggled with ties. "There's more than just me among your people. A lot of them don't agree with your policy. You'll see this, soon."

Hux smiled, watching your struggles. "Oh, trust me, no one is going to stand against me or The First Order. I will have to make sure they will dig deeper into your mind, hope that some more indoctrinations and some tortures will be just fine for you. I would use someone like you among my people," he said, gripping your chin and forcing you to look at him. "You will be just fine, sweetheart."

You spitted straight at his face, than laughed shortly, showing your teeth. "I think you should leave now, General," you said simply, turning your head aside. "We’re brought up in culture of fear and coercion, so what do you think comes out first when the mind loosens? That’s right, it is the scariest damn thing that can ever happen to you. The devil himself will come and unless you can face down every fear, own your guilt in a healthy way, you’re screwed, Hux. I know what have you done many years ago, so you do, too. It hunts you every sleepless night, right?"

Hux chuckled, wiping the spit from his face. "Listen, there was someone who thought just like you. He didn't end up well and no, it doesn't hunt me. I am more than happy that this old bastard is dead and I am happy with what I've done," he put his gloves back on and petted your head. "If I can be completely honest, I don't care about you nor others. You are just a cannon fodder. You are replaceable, no one care if you are dead or alive, no one will cry after your eventual death," man hummed, looking at you, "I do hope that some high voltage will help restore your mindset, so... Hopefully see you soon, CS-445 or Y/N."

After these words he simply left your room.

You struggled few more moments but when no result has come, you had given up. You put your head on a pillow, sighing loudly, deep inside you knew it was the beginning of your true end. Hux was a cruel, emotionless man, and you knew he would have done whatever to keep First Order strong. Your mind was dark, subsisting on the burnt tinder of who you were. In these ashes there was nothing to even renew a spark. All you could do was huddle in this moment, live from heartbeat to heartbeat. You felt like the world wasn't really there at all, like it was stolen and replaced with something empty, photoshopped, fake. It made sense in a weird way, the real world gave you feelings of joy. You felt connected to it, part of it. But either it was taken away or you were; every second of every minute of every day, all you could do was to float in the void.


Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest  @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2  @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71  @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective @thisismysecrethappyplace @aulika @hidden-secrets69 @a-happy-wolf

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