General Hux X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Sky Full Of Shooting Stars | Part I

Summary: You work for First Order and happen to be in a secret relationship with General Hux himself. When you find out some certain thing about your beloved man, you start to be seriously afraid of his life, and your own as well. Trying to come up with a backup plan, you show him all of affection and love he can get from you. Will the two of you survive the upcoming events?
Warnings: smut, tros spoiler
Words: 4006
Authors: Cass & Rouge

Soft, plate glass of long, metal table at which they sat shone in a light derived of a glowing sticks hanging under the ceiling.
Atmosphere was thick like a mist that could be cut with a sharp blade of knife.
Kylo Ren stood on the head of the table, his back facing all the people gathered in the room.
Hux cleared his throat a little and looked around the room, his eyes landed on you. He sent you a little smile, just a brief curl of his narrow lips, and soon his glance moved to General Pryde. Hux sent him a frown. Hux’s eyes were initially glued to your figure.
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Sky Full Of Shooting Stars | Part I

Summary: You work for First Order and happen to be in a secret relationship with General Hux himself. When you find out some certain thing about your beloved man, you start to be seriously afraid of his life, and your own as well. Trying to come up with a backup plan, you show him all of affection and love he can get from you. Will the two of you survive the upcoming events?
Warnings: smut, tros spoiler
Words: 4006
Authors: Cass & Rouge

Soft, plate glass of long, metal table at which they sat shone in a light derived of a glowing sticks hanging under the ceiling.
Atmosphere was thick like a mist that could be cut with a sharp blade of knife.
Kylo Ren stood on the head of the table, his back facing all the people gathered in the room.
Hux cleared his throat a little and looked around the room, his eyes landed on you. He sent you a little smile, just a brief curl of his narrow lips, and soon his glance moved to General Pryde. Hux sent him a frown. Hux’s eyes were initially glued to your figure.
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A new year with Hux

Rating: T
Pairing: Hux/Reader.
Summary: Drabble; Celebrating the start of a new year with Armitage Hux…sort of.
Word count: 262
Warnings: TROS spoilers. Implied smut is implied.
Notes: Takes place during TROS, and contains spoilers!
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I Take What I Want

Title: I Take What I Want
Rating: T
Pairing: Hux/Reader.
Summary: You followed the code of Ren. And you wanted nothing more than general Armitage Hux.
Word count: 1599
Warnings: DarkSide!Reader. Knight of Ren!Reader. TROS spoilers.
Notes: Takes place during TROS, and contains spoilers!
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prompt: “hands off her”
pairing: general hux x doctor!reader
ask: I love ur doctor!reader x hux fanfics and I was wondering if you could make one where they are in a relationship and hux is very in love with her? Based of “Hands off of her” pleasee?? Thanks 😆
word count: 1061
warnings: none
Armitage Hux easily turned green.
Not because he was pale, or easily sea-sickened, he was just a little too protective at times.
It had only been a few months since you two decided to “date”, if you call regular cafe meetings and routine check-ups on the medbay a date, but you learned that he was very defensive when it came to his favorite doctor.
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Bruised & Broken ][ Armitage Hux x Reader ][ Part One
Warning: Please keep in mind that throughout this story many themes are going to be mentioned that will be uncomfortable for some readers. Of course I’ll list what those topics will be before each part so that you are warned before reading.
![Bruised & Broken ][ Armitage Hux X Reader ][ Part One](
Trigger Warnings: blood, lacerations, mentions of physical harm done by another person, severe injuries, guns (if I’m missing any please let me know)
Tags: @edmunds-torch, @christmasallyearsthings
The sheets rustled as you stuffed from your sleep in your cramped quarters. You could hear shouting outside, the sounds of shoes crushing leaves under their and blasters being shifted in hands were enough to cause you to get up. You quickly threw on your jacket, buttoning it up so that nobody could see your plain green pajama shirt, and throwing on some boots without even bothering to replace your sweats with better pants.
The shouts began to get louder as the footsteps got closer to your quarters. With furrowed brows, you reached out for your blaster and shoved it into your belt that was sewed into the material of your jacket.
Without wasting another second you marched towards your door, throwing it open and stepping out into the warm air that surrounded you. Before you stood a few pilots that had seemed to just land on the base. Alongside them were Finn, Poe, and General Organa, as well as an unknown figure.
Their back was turned to you, clothes were torn and ginger hair completely out of place. Blood was scattered across their neck and any other visible skin on their body. Their greatcoat, which was practically torn to pieces, was falling off of their shoulders, allowing the clear uniform of the military regiment of the First Order to showcase itself.
Two pilots were holding their arms, another holding a blaster to their back as they followed General Organa to, what you assumed was the prisoner's cells. Poe and Finn trailed behind them all, keeping an eye out while watching to see if the prisoner made any move to escape.
You remainder standing by your door, assessing everything you saw and processing it. You could tell that whoever it was is a serious threat if they had to awaken General Organa from her sleep- which you had deducted due to the fact she was already in her nightwear as well as the time being 200 o'clock.
A voice had called out to you causing you to blink twice before shifting your gaze to the owner of said voice. Realizing it was Poe looking over towards you, waving a hand for you to join them, you carefully jogged forward before you stood by his side.
"Did we wake you Y/N?" Poe asked, his voice soft but firm as to not wake others. He had turned to look back at the prisoner, a scowl showing on his face and his jaw set tightly.
You tilted your head, observing the look upon Poe's face for a moment before you replied. "Yes, but that's no issue, I can fall asleep later," you waved off. "Who's the new prisoner? They must be important if you had to wake General Organa to escort them."
You heard the prisoner chuckle for a moment, and without even needing to see their face you knew that a smug grin was plastered on his face. You're eyes narrowed, huffing quietly.
The pilot behind them shoved his blaster against their back, scoffing. "I wouldn't be too proud of that," the pilot said, indicating the seriousness of his words by pressing the barrel farther into their back, causing them to wince. "That only means your treatment here is so much worse."
Poe let out a deep sigh, and you noticed that Finn had his jaw set. You were starting to get even more curious as to who this person was, but by the time Poe was about to reveal it you had reached the cell and General Organa was asking for Poe.
He gave you a side glance before walking to your General and following as she stepped off towards the side. Your attention then returned to what was taking place in front of you as the sound of keys and locks were being opened and twisted before the door of the cell opened.
The prisoner was pushed into the room, stumbling for a moment before they caught their balance and groaned, pain clearly shooting through their body. They turned around, revealing themselves as a man- although you predicted such, and even with his eyes currently closed, you could tell that they were cold and sharp.
When he opened them to reveal a blue-green color that would have sent you swooning had you not known that this person was clearly dangerous. Instead, you ignored the color of his eyes, and rather took in the icy gaze that was settled upon you. You wouldn't allow your e/c eyes to show it but a shiver of fear shot down your spine as you looked into his eyes.
You tore away from his gaze as General Organa called you over, asking to speak with you for a moment. You nodded, walking towards her and standing firm and tall.
She let out a gentle sigh, "I apologize for this sudden request Y/N, however, with the rest of our medical and guard staff sleeping I have to ask that you, Poe and Finn watch over him," she nodded towards the prisoner, "for the night."
You nodded. With no other prisoners in any cells at the base, all the guards were able to sleep for the night and you didn't want them to be awoken. God knows when was the last time they got a good night's sleep.
"Of course General Organa," you replied, voice form and a kind smile on your face. She returned it, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"Thank you Y/N," she whispered, patting you on the shoulder once before walking past you and returning to Poe and Finn, sharing a few more words with them. The pilots that had brought the prisoner had left, probably off to retire for the night since everything was now situated and the prisoner was locked in a cell.
While General Organa spoke to the other two you took the time to grab a nearby medkit and make your way over to the prisoner. You knew in the state that he was in there was no possible way of him escaping, or even attacking you. With that knowledge, you undid the extensive amount of locks before entering the cell.
You looked behind you once, catching Finn's gaze for a second- to which he took the time to nod at you in reassurance -before you turned back around to face the prisoner. Taking a step closer to him you felt yourself grown increasingly anxious, scared of what power he might really have.
You'd yet to know his rank or even his name, and the fact that you didn't recognize him was not help at all. Stopping in front of him you swallowed thickly before crouching down in front of him so you were level to his slumped body against the wall. Taking one last deep breath you placed the kit beside you, opening it and assessing its contents.
"Would you be so generous as to make this easy on the both of us, comply, and remove your greatcoat so that I can take care of any major wounds?" you asked, although never really looking for an answer.
It came silently when he began to remove his greatcoat, soft grunts and groans of pain leaving his lips as he shifted so that he could successfully remove clothing from his body. You sighed, gaining only a bit more of the skin on his neck and wrists.
"I'll heal the wounds I can see before I have to ask that you remove that uniform as well, and any other shirts that you have underneath," you informed, grabbing some bacta gel and placing it on a few of the noticeable cuts that were too deep to be cleaned with a smaller disinfecting wipe.
The man winced and made to shift away, only stopping when you looked up at him with a sharp glare. He let out a huff before settling back down and allowing you to apply the healing gel to his skin.
"Thank you," you whispered softly to him, finishing off with the last deep cut before you grabbed some removed the gloves you had put on.
The man had furrowed his brows as you whispered, looking at you curiously. "For what?" he asked. His voice was deeper than you had expected, rougher and a little quieter than you thought, but you assumed that was from the exhaustion.
You rolled your eyes. "For complying," you answered, "you're making it easier for me to get my job done."
The man nodded before closing his eyes as the stinging finally subsided. You took the time to prepare some bandages, knowing that it'll be needed for whatever else you were about to witness.
"If you could?" you asked, nodding to his uniform. He got the point and began removing it, slowly as to not agitate any of his wounds and cause them to begin to bleed again. It was when he successfully removed the uniform to the side and tossed it that you noticed the rank on its sleeve.
You couldn't help the quiet gasp that left your lips, knowing that it was the First Order's General insignia. The silver piping and black stripes seemed to shine as if the stars were reflecting off it, but it was only like that in your head because to everyone else it was just a dull marking on a uniform.
Eyes wide, you looked back at the man you had been taking care of. You couldn't help but grit your teeth, wanting to stop helping him altogether and let him suffer now that you realized that he was General Hux of the first order.
You'd heard about him before. What he's done was nothing short of horrific. He's urged for the murder of millions, he commanded the Star Killer ship and was now a commander on the Finalizer. Your jaw seemed to clench as you looked back at him, your e/c eyes no longer having any hint of softness in it. Instead, it was a stone-cold glare now.
Hux scoffed, knowing the look all too well. His black undershirt had been removed as well, showing his battered torso and chest. Bruises were littered along his skin, cuts were engraved into it, and old scars seemed to be present among others. Lacerations and puncture wounds, abrasions were also noticeable on his skin, but the most noticeable sign of damage was a burn that was blistering on his shoulder.
It looked older than some of his other scars, but still fresh enough to only be a day old. It was nothing like you had ever seen before, and it looked as though it was untreated, or at least not treated carefully. You knew it would leave a horrible scar.
"Would you be so kind as to stop staring and continue with the needed treatment?" Hux asked in a condescending tone, his eyes slightly narrowed and his expression bored.
You huffed, shaking your head at his tone and grabbing the needed materials to continue with your bandaging. "I'm surprised you haven't gone to the infirmary yet," you said, tending to a laceration on his stomach. Your fingers were soft as they brushed against his pale torso.
You took the time to silently notice his frame. He wasn't too muscular, nothing like a six-pack or such, but you could tell he was rather strong. Although not muscular he did have a lean but firm build. He most certainly didn't look weak, seeing as he was able to take the pain that was inflicted on him, and the stinging you were causing, without screaming.
Without helping it you also took the time to look at his face, taking in the hair that fell on his forehead, and the dried blood that was around his lip, nose, and eyebrow. You sighed, having no clue how somebody could take so many hits and bruises without so much as whimpering. The only sounds that left his lips were winces, groans, and grunts, and even they weren't nearly as loud as you thought they should be.
Shaking your head once more you looked into his eyes. "Turn around," you ordered which made him grin slightly- although barely recognizable. You scoffed, rolling your eyes. "Just do it so I can see your back."
After cleaning the majority of his wounds and wrapping them up in bandages you had one left. With a sigh, you asked him to turn back around and frowned as you examined it once more. A soft yawn left your lips, the tiredness you were feeling groaning more with every passing second.
You rubbed your eyes after making sure nothing that would sting resided on your hands. Focusing back on the burn at his shoulder, you tilted your head to the side. You had absolutely no idea as to what could cause a wound like this to appear.
Unsure what to even use on it you decided that some bacta gel and a bandage would have to suffice until a medic examined it in the morning. You went to apply the bacta to the wound when a hand reached up and quickly grasped your wrist. You looked at Hux, your brows furrowed for a second. You would have felt fear had you not recognized the absolute horror on his face.
"Don't," he pleaded. "I don't think I'd be able to hold back the screams if you applied it to this one," he whispered, his blue-green eyes wavering in fear.
"I have to," you replied. "If I don't this will become infected and the pain will be so much worse," you explained, looking around for a moment before you grabbed his discarded uniform. You handed it to him, urging for him to grab it. "Bite into this to silence your screams. I'll be as gentle as I can," you assured.
He nodded hesitantly, swallowing and biting into the material of his uniform. You looked at him before returning to his shoulder and carefully applying the bacta gel. You had yet to spread it but already you could feel Hux tense.
Carefully you began to spread it over the wound, his hand reaching out instinctively and latching onto the front of your jacket, gripping it so tightly that his knuckles turned white. His screams were muffled by the uniform, but not well enough. They sounded just as loud as it would if he were yelling straight into your ear.
You winced, finally finishing with applying the gel before you backed away. Looking at Hux you could see the clear tears that shined in his eyes. He didn't let them fall, but the fact that they were there was enough to show his clear discomfort.
You frowned, looking back at the burn before grabbing the bandages and wrapping it across his chest and over his shoulder. Now he only winced a little, but still, they were sharp enough to get his pain across.
"What caused this?" you asked yourself in a soft whisper. It was loud enough for Hux to hear, but it wasn't really a question meant for him.
He had answered it anyways, his teeth clenched all the whole, "a lightsaber," he whispered, panting.
"A lightsaber?" you questioned, your brows furrowing as you finally secured the bandage. You finally finished but made no move to get up, confused as to who's lightsaber did this. Rey hadn't gone on any mission lately. She was busy training.
As though he read your mind, Hux answered, "Kylo Ren," and sighed, slumping against the wall once more.
"Kylo Ren?" you asked again. "But why, you're his General?" you questioned, confused.
Hux huffed, "we've never once got along. Most of these scars are from him and my-" he cut himself off, clearing his throat. He didn't finish his sentence.
You didn't push further, nodding your head and closing the kit. "I'll see to it that these get checked in the morning, or sometime in the afternoon," you reply, turning to walk out of the cell.
"Thank you," Hux called out. It wasn't like him to thank somebody, and it shocked himself as to why he had. He had to blame it on the exhaustion and the fact that for once he had felt cared for when you cleaned his wounds.
Without turning around you replied, "don't thank me. I was just following orders." Hux's face hardened, his eyes growing cold and dark once more as you walked out of the cell and locked it carefully.
You didn't spare him a glance again, walking past Poe and Finn- who had remained by the cell as you took care of Hux. You placed the kit back where you had found it before slumping against a nearby tree and closing your eyes, yawning once more.
Poe and Finn shared a glance between one another, sharing a silent message to leave you alone. They both turned back to look at Hux whose gaze was directly on you, a hand clenched in a fist by his side as his nose twitched in anger. The two turned back to look at you once more.
You were still sat against the tree, and to anybody else, it would seem as though you had fallen asleep, however, in reality, that was far from the truth. You were in deep thought and conflict. On one hand, you had just healed one of the most dangerous human being in the galaxies, but on another, you couldn't help but concentrate on his words.
"Most of these scars are from him and my-" and his what? It was driving you mad. Had he misspoken? You knew that wasn't the case, and yet you shouldn't be caring as much as you did. It didn't matter what or how he got those scars because after what he did to all those innocent people, giving the order to murder thousands, it shouldn't be affecting you so much. You shouldn't be caring. Yet you did, and it would knaw at you for the rest of the night.
You were thankful that you didn't look at his face when you had told him that you were only following an order. You didn't think you could handle seeing the hurt that he had masked under a cold glare. Guilt and pity would have chewed you from the inside out till you apologized to him, and Hux was the last person that deserved forgiveness.
For the First Order - Part 2
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Reader x Armitage Hux
Warnings: This contains SPOILERS for TROS and smut
A/N: I had to do a part two both for myself and all those who requested it lol, this is more gratuitous smut than it is plot lmao.
Word Count: 1.7 k Read Part One

You had landed on Ithor in a covered part of the jungle to keep your First Order ship hidden, Hux helped you relax until you gained your strength back. He realized you would have to go into town without him since your outfit had no direct First Order relation and he had badges and patches and pins galore that screamed he was a General. A weird perk to having been stripped of your ranks aside from the title.
It didn’t take long to find a place to live in, you unloaded the ship of all necessities and then pushed it with the force into a deep lake inside the forest where no one would ever find it. You both get on the speeder you had purchased and ride to your new house. It’s strange having all these new things and possessions, all this stuff that was yours and not just First Order issued necessities and living quarters.
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Us Against The Galaxy
Armitage Hux x Reader
{wordcount} 2.4k
A/N: this is very self-indulgent because Hux got done dirty but that’s not gonna stop me from slutting around for him lmao
Summary: An Admiral in the First Order and its demoted General had always lived in a prison, just not noticing until now.
(ROS spoilers below the cut)
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Us Against The Galaxy
Armitage Hux x Reader
{wordcount} 2.4k
A/N: this is very self-indulgent because Hux got done dirty but that’s not gonna stop me from slutting around for him lmao
Summary: An Admiral in the First Order and its demoted General had always lived in a prison, just not noticing until now.
(ROS spoilers below the cut)
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If you don’t mind me requesting something else, I’m in love with your writing! General Hux comforting the reader when they find out that they are pregnant and are panicking since they didn’t expect it and didn’t really prepare for it to happen? Much love, ❤️
A/N: Thank you so much!! I love this one, it’s less drama filled than some of the other requests I’ve gotten. I love me some good ol’ fluff.

For the past week you had felt like the dead. Morning sickness was evident that something was wrong. Your monthly cycle hadn’t come and that made you worried. There was only one way to find out, and that meant you had to go to the medbay and be examined by one of the medical droids. All the signs were there, and your worst fears had been realized …. you were pregnant.
How could this happen right now? You weren’t ready to break the news to your boyfriend, General Hux. Sure, the First Order was going to take care of the both of you and your child but would the child be okay being raised on a Star Destroyer for their entire life? And they would be the only child on the ship; would anyone be able to be okay with a child crying all hours of the night?
You bit your lower lip as you lay in bed, still taking in all the information. Hux’s shift was going to end soon, and you had to tell him the news sooner or later.
Just as you thought about it, Hux entered the room, “Y/n?” he said, taking off his greatcoat and hanging it in the closet, “What’s the matter? Are you feeling okay?”
He set himself on the bed, laying behind you and wrapping his arms around your form. You brought his hand up to cover your stomach, “We’re going to have a baby,” you said softly, “And I’m scared. We didn’t even talk about if we wanted kids, and I don’t even know if we’re ready to have any. Will we have time to raise them? Will w–”
“Shh…Y/n,” Hux said, letting his hand rub up and down your belly. “We will get through this. Yes, they are a little surprise, but they a wonderful surprise. And he or she doesn’t know this yet…but they are loved. We will love them with our whole being,”
Bruised & Broken ][ Armitage Hux x Reader ][ Part Two
Author’s Note: So, I know this is a little later than J wanted it to be, but school has really been stressing me out. I haven’t got much sleep this week and it’s taking a bit of a toll on my body, but I got this out since a lot of people liked the first part. Here’s part two to Broken & Bruised!
![Bruised & Broken ][ Armitage Hux X Reader ][ Part Two](
Trigger Warnings: blood, lacerations, infection, nightmare, mentions of death, severe injuries, angst, and then a bit of fluff at the end
Tags: @songforhema, @edmunds-torch, @christmasallyearsthings, @indelwen-of-mirkwood, @agirlinherhead, @chewle, @redsacrament, @lafy-taffy, @khaleesi-of-assassins, @dath23321, @fangirl570
The next morning you had woken up, groaning as you stood from the ground. Your back was aching, the tree trunk not nearly as comfortable as your bed- although it didn't beat it by that much really. That morning you had spared a glance towards Hux, noticing that he had fallen asleep as well, in a similar position that you had, except a wall had rested behind his back.
The day had gone by, Finn and Poe had been sent on a mission and you were at your station- the medbay -when General Organa approached you once more.
It was mid-afternoon at this point, Hux having been taken care of by another nurse for that morning so that you could catch a few decent hours of shut-eye in your room.
The General had stopped in front of you, pulling you from your station once she was certain you weren’t in the middle of something important, to ask that you would be taking care of Hux personally. She suggested that it would be best if you were to focus all of your attention on Hux and ensure that if anything were to occur you’d be able to manage it.
She wanted Hux to get as little as human contact as possible, which is why she had assigned you and you only to manage the First Order’s General until a time would arise that more contact needed to be made with him. Since you had already dealt with him, she felt you fit enough- you were head of the nurses after all.
General Organa had also mentioned that the interrogation wouldn’t be able to take place for a little while since a current mission was already issued.
After General Organa had dismissed herself you found it best to go and visit Hux once more. You were hesitant to go past the guards that stood about fifteen feet from his cell, unsure what would conspire after last night.
You were able to steady yourself, taking in a deep breath before holding it and exhaling, and then made your way over to the cell and unlocked it.
Hux looked up at the sound, his blue-green eyes catching yours once more. You felt yourself shutter before you locked the cell behind you, typical protocol for how to deal with prisoners, especially now that everyone was awake.
Hux had looked up at the sound of keys and the cell door creaking open. A scowl was present on his face as he realized you had been the one to enter.
"So you've returned?" he asked rhetorically, watching your every step as you made your way closer to him. His eyes hadn't once left your frame.
You sighed, bending your knees until you were level with Hux, who still remained on the ground. "Apparently I have been appointed to be your personal nurse from here on forward," you explained, opening the same kit you had used last night so that you can clean and examine again.
He rolled his eyes, "lucky me," he scoffed. You made a growl-like sound in your throat before muttering a, 'yeah, lucky you,' under your breath.
You were thankful that checking over his injuries had gone smoothly. Some of the lacerations were definitely not as bad as they were the night before. You worked diligently, making your way from the smallest to the largest of the wounds, and thankfully so. When you had finally gotten to the burn on his shoulder Hux had flinched away, shaking his head.
“No,” he muttered. You sighed, not wanting to play this same game like last night and made to examine it again when he grasped your wrist, much harder than he had the night before. He tugged you forward slightly, his face barely half a foot away from yours. His warm puffs of breath hit your face, his deep, rich colored eyes looking into your slightly more soft and light eyes.
It was intimidating to be so close to him, and when he let out a gruff, “I said no,” it made you shiver. The tone was nothing like you had heard before, and you then realized that the man in front of you was no longer the injured one you had seen earlier, but rather he was the General people had grown to fear. Yet, he was scared. Scared of being helped simply because it would hurt, and although it would hurt more than anything it needed cleaning.
So, you stood your ground, matching his stern, intimidating glare with your own.
"I have to," you explained, your tone tight and firm- almost like a tone, a mother would use with their child.
His jaw was clenched and it became obvious that he was hiding something. Not the fear of being hurt, but something worse.
You went to check it once more before he stopped you for the third time, a frustrated sigh left your lips. "Damnit Hux, just let me make sure it's kriffing healing!" you exclaimed, looking at him almost pleadingly.
Reluctantly, he had removed his hand from your wrist and allowed you to look at it. Your eyes scanned over the wound and instantly it became clear how much pain he was actually in. "Kriff!" you cursed. Catching his gaze once more, you held it firmly. "How long has it been infected? Was it like this when the last nurse checked you over?" you asked, teeth-gritting slightly in impatience.
Hux nodded, slumping against the wall, his eyes closing momentarily.
"How did the other nurse not notice?" you asked yourself, looking back and quickly grabbing antiseptics to treat it for now.
Hux huffed once before answering. "Because I didn't let her, and in fear she listened," he replied.
You shook your head, turning back to look out the cell bars and calling for a guard to step closer. "Call for the nurse that had been here earlier," you ordered, watching the guard walk away before you muttered. "She's going to be relieved of her position for at least three weeks.”
That had all taken place nearly a week ago. You had thankfully managed to get some antibiotics within two days from a neighboring planet, and the infection had slowly started to die. You were sure that with a little more time it would be gone.
With each minute that passed in Hux's presence, you seemed to grow even more annoyed with him than the last, just like you were right now.
It was late and you had just finished your final check-up on him. It had gone as you expected it to, agonizingly slow. His snarky comments seemed never-ending now that he wasn't in nearly as much pain as he had been in. Although you'd never admit it, some of his comments had made you hide a smile, but that was far too rare for how many comments he made.
The conversations that were shared between you were short and anything but formal, as though you had both had a silent conversation that went something like;
“I’m not going to tell you anything about the First Order.”
“I know.”
Hux wouldn’t admit it, but he didn’t mind the time he spent with you. He didn’t necessarily like it, but it was better than staring at the cell bars all day. The few minutes you did get to spend with him we’re definitely the ones he enjoyed the most.
You shared a similar opinion. You hated the man, you hated what he did, hated what he worked for, hated what pain he’s caused, but spending the time that you did with him, you began to realize that he was different than the General you had heard about. He was rather... enjoyable.
“Why the hell am I thinking that man is enjoyable?” you questioned yourself. You were in your quarters now, having just splashed some water on your face when that last thought had flashed into your mind. “He’s anything but enjoyable,” you mumbled, drying your face with a towel. “He’s a snarky asshole if anything,” you huffed, looking at yourself in the mirror once more before you closed the light and walked to your bed.
Unceremoniously, you dropped yourself onto your back, just lying there and staring at the ceiling for a few seconds, then close your eyes and casually drifting off to sleep.
You had expected to dream of something peaceful, or maybe not dream at all, but what you did dream about was anything but what you expected. It wasn’t much of a dream, rather more like a nightmare- perhaps even worse.
It was set in an unfamiliar place, dark walls were closing you in and metal sliding doors were the only escape from the room, but they seemed to be locked. A throne was sat in the middle, a man dressed in all black with a mask that could reflect a copy of Darth Vader’s was covering the figures face.
You were surrounded by guards all dressed in red, some were even dressed like the man that sat in the throne, wearing masks of their own, similar but not exact. A window was stretched across one part of a wall that allowed the lights of the stars to shine in and reflect across the black surfaces of metal that practically covered the walls, floor, and ceiling.
A large red imperial flag was hoisted up behind the throne, and quickly you realized where you were. You didn’t know on what ship, but you knew this was the Throne Room that had been talked about among other members of the Resistance. You didn’t know much about the room itself, but slowly you began to put together what you gathered from your surroundings.
You were quickly able to deduce that the male sitting upon the throne was Ben Solo- or as he went by now Kylo Ren. The men in black standing beside him must have been the Knights of Ren that were mentioned before, and the surrounding guards were imperial officers forced to protect the room and anybody in it.
It took you a moment to realize that right now you were on your knees, no more than twenty feet away from the throne itself. Glancing to your left you noticed Hux was beside you, his hands cuffed behind his back just like your own were. His blue-green eyes were glaring up at the Kylo, blood trickling down from his forehead to his lip, and eventually onto the floor.
A moment passed, Hux’s eyes never shifting from the man dressed in black until finally he turned his head to the side and spit out the blood that had built up on his lip. Not even a second passed before he was grasped around the neck by some invisible force. Force!
Your eyes quickly snapped from Hux to Kylo, and without thinking, you yelled out in desperation. “No, stop! You’re going to kill him!” Your voice was shaking with terror, eyes wide as you nearly tried to lunge forward, as if your hands weren’t cuffed and a guard wasn’t standing right behind you.
Without even a blink of an eye, you were pushed down onto your chest by a staff, the sharp end of it stabbing into your back, but not puncturing your skin.
Kylo had let go of Hux’s throat after you had spoken, allowing the man to breathe properly after coughing a bit. With a menacing gaze, the man stood up from his throne and walked down towards you. He got down on one knee, kneeling in front of you and grasping your chin. Had you been able to see the eyes behind his mask you would have known that he was glaring deep into your soul.
Your teeth were clenched and grinding against one another, causing an awful sound, although not loud for anybody else to hear.
Kylo stood after a minute, letting out a deep sigh. “Kill her,” he nodded to you, urging the guard to finish the job.
All you had heard was the sound of a lightsaber turning on, and a sharp yell of protest coming from Hux before the blade was stabbed into your back.
You jolted awake then, a loud, painful gasp filling the room. Not a second later you had heard knocking on your door. It seemed to be urgent.
Taking a second to collect yourself, you stood up and grabbed your coat, slipping on your boots and not bothering to tie the laces before you opened the door.
A guard was stood there. “Hux seems to be in a lot of pain, he woke up rather abruptly,” they explained.
You nodded, grabbing your kit and walking towards his cell. You were let in quickly, the cell unlocked and locked by a guard so that you could quickly access the situation at hand.
Hux was grasping his shoulder, huffs and puffs of breath leaving his lips. His eyes were shut tightly, only opening as you gently placed your hand over his.
“Hux,” you whispered, trying to be as gentle as you could. “Let me see it.”
He allowed you to remove his hand, pushing the material of his dirtied uniform away from his skin. It fell limply behind him, allowing for his skin to be exposed.
You frowned. “Damnit, I thought the infection was getting better,” you muttered, realizing that rather, it had spread. You sighed after catching the side of his uniform. “Of course,” you said to yourself. Looking up at Hux, you smiled as reassuringly as you could.
“Jaster,” you called out to the guard closest to you. “Could you grab Hux a clean Resistance uniform for me?” you asked. Jester looked like he was about to protest, but you let out a frustrated puff. “His infection will never heal if he wears that dirty uniform of his,” you explained, and without a second of hesitation Jester nodded and walked off, knowing not to anger you.
You decided that just applying some more bacta gel and changing the bandages would do now until his next rounds of medicine were due. You finished and put everything away, closing the kit and waiting for Jester to return.
Suddenly a realization crossed your mind. “What’s your first name Hux?” you asked. The man in question furrowed his brows, then raised one as if in amusement before reluctantly answering.
You smiled, “Armitage,” you repeated. You chuckled, only to be stopped when you heard Jester return. You grabbed the clothes from him, walking back to Armitage and handing it to him.
“Just wear the new top so that the wound doesn’t get infected,” you explained.
For a moment Armitage looked like he was about to protest, but stopped as you yawned. He came to the conclusion that the quicker he did as you asked, the faster you’d be able to return to sleep, and for some reason, that thought mattered.
He gave a firm nod before placing on the new top carefully. It fit him snuggly, not too big and not too small. Honestly, it was just right. It highlighted his lean frame and, if you were being honest, it suited him. Of course, the outfit was not complete, the black imperial uniform pants not matching with the navy blue and browns of the Resistance color.
You smiled once more, giving him a nod before walking towards the cell door. It was unlocked for you and you stepped out, but not without saying a “good night Armie,” just because you knew it would piss him off a little.
You walked off before you heard the disgusted scoff at the nickname, but you didn’t have to hear it to know that it had happened. With a proud grin, you walked back to your room, having no idea what was expected to happen in the morning. It wasn’t going to be pleasurable, to say the least.
I Won’t Say Anything-Pt.1/2

Warnings: TROS SPOILER, Torture, Soulmate AU Summary: You are a member of the Resistance. You’re captured by the First Order while you are waiting for information from the spy. Pairing: Armitage Hux x Female!Reader Words: 2391
Important: Sorry for the bad english and the errors. I’m an italian fan and this is the first time I write a fanfic in english.
Part 1 of 2
You didn’t know how long you had been locked in that torture chamber. You lost track of time after the 15th electric shock. It started from the handcuffs and expanded to below the knees, firmly glued to the ground, as if all the weight of the galaxy weighed on your shoulders.
Three rounds of stormtroopers came in every day.
Your room was number 6 and, from what you heard the soldiers of the first order muttering to each other, it looked like it was an interrogation room. Not far from the idea that you were made.
How they managed to capture you again was a mystery.
You were supposed to meet with a droid for the transmission of important information but that didn’t show up.
In its place, an army surrounded you in seconds by throwing you on the ground and giving you a violent blow with the kick of their blasters at the base of the head.
You were transported on the ship inside that room, with streams of dried blood on the hair attached to the forehead and questioned incessantly. At first they were cautious, investigating whether such a person was actually aware of important information, but when you resisted they didn’t hold back.
You were certainly a member of the Resistance, and although there was no prejudice within the rebels, you thought you were the most expendable one, compared to the other fighters. You had asked Commander Leia yourself to face that dangerous and uncertain journey after a statement from the alleged spy had been received at Headquarters.
At that point, chained and exhausted, you had the conviction that there had been no spy within the Order. It had only been a trap.
For the umpteenth time, the door to the room swung open with a faint noise. A couple of stormtroopers came in, aiming their blaster rifles at you.
Looking up a little, you noticed that another person was visiting that day. General uniform and banners, red hair, pale skin and a spirited look in his green eyes. You were no doubt in the presence of the First Order general, Armitage Hux.
Keep reading
Could you do a Hux x reader where she's like a spy for the first order and is usually gone on missions but she always brings him back presents and just really enjoys spoiling him?
Y/N: I definitely can! Hux is a precious boi and deserves all the loveee. Like, c’mon. LOOK AT THAT PRESH FACE.

Space was quiet as you sat in your starship, making your way back to the Finalizer. The mission you were on required you to be in an unmarked ship, doing some reconnaissance for the First Order. You were a spy, and a damned good one at that. And being good at your job meant that you had to be away from your love, General Armitage Hux. Fortunately he was understanding and didn’t mind that you were away often. And to make it up to him, you got him trinkets from each of your missions.
The item that you had gotten for Hux this time was a handmade necklace from one of the tribes of the planet you were on. You looked over on your console where the necklace rested and you smiled softly, “He’ll definitely love it,”
Hux was there waiting for you as your ship docked in its bay, a big smile across his face. He was always happy to see you when you returned from a mission, because that meant that he would have you in his arms again.
You smiled as you disembarked, running into his arms and kissing him softly. “I’ve missed you so much, Armitage,” you said, resting your head on his shoulder, “This mission was too long and kept me away from you,”
He pressed his lips at the top of your head, inhaling your scent, “It doesn’t matter now, you’re back here with me,”
You pulled away from his embrace slightly and took out the necklace, “I brought you something,” you smiled, “It’s from one of the tribal natives, it’s said to bring good fortune to the one that wears it,”
Hux took hold of the necklace, “This … it’s so beautiful, Y/n. You spoil me,” he said happily.
“Of course I do, you deserve the entire galaxy, my love,”
I Won’t Say Anything-Pt. 2/3

Warnings: TROS SPOILER, Torture, Soulmate AU Summary: You are a member of the Resistance. You’re captured by the First Order while you are waiting for information from the spy. Pairing: Armitage Hux x Female!Reader Words: 2662 Part 2 of 3
From the day you were treated and reinvigorated, Armitage Hux never entered the prison where they kept you.
In fact, you didn’t even know why they kept you there. You were no longer of any use and they hadn’t even bothered to torture you to get the information anymore. They had abandoned you there, in total silence, fed by a machine that pumped the food your body needed in your veins. Fortunately they had taken medical measures to keep you from having a constant need to go to the bathroom.
You had had so much time to think about the visions you had about the general that you almost hated the torture that had stopped. At least those could have distracted you from all those harmful flashes.
Would you die there? On that First Order ship, thinking about the general who destroyed so many lives?
Keep reading
Armitage Hux x Reader
Request(s): Hey, can I request a General Hux x Reader, where the reader is a Resistance pilot captured by the First Order. And Hux is sent to interrogate them, not knowing it was the reader (the reader and Hux were extremely close when they were children). And when Hux realizes its them, he begins expressing his emotions to them and tries to persuade them to join him. (Up to you on whether they do succumb or not).
Hi! can i request some Hux x reader in which the reader is a rebel but somehow hux falls for them?
Warnings: Brief mention of death, angst….
I do not own anything!!!

You didn’t even know how you got caught. The mission you were sent on should have been simple recon. Get in. Get out. There was no reason that the First Order should have been on the small moon you and your team was on.
Then, the First Order appeared and everything went downhill. Stormtroopers began firing their blasters at you and the members of your team. One by one they were being picked off until you and two other members were the last ones standing.
Raising your hands in defeat, the three of you were rounded up and pushed forward on your knees, scraping them against the rocks on the ground. The end of a blaster was pushed against the back of your head, as well as your companions. A Stormtrooper with metal armor strolled up nonchalantly—you knew they were the real deal.
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Armitage Hux fics rec
Recommendations of my favorite headcanons/imagines/fics (I don't own any)

Hands off her
The captive (master list)
Fix me up
Five shots
I know
Murmurs while you sleep
I'm not going anywhere
Other Star Wars fics recommendations
Updated: 03/03/2020
No Man Left Behind pt 1

A/N: this fic inspired by the awesome comic by @ellalba check it out. Part two will be a lot of Hux and Poe. We might also find out why Finn is being so mean. Could this turn into a Hux x reader? Time will tell.
“Where’s Hux?” Poe shouts over his shoulder as he starts up the falcon with help from Chewie. Finn rushes into the cockpit and settles into the seat behind Chewie. “I shot him.” He responds nonchalantly. “YOU WHAT?!” Poe stopped what he was doing and looked over his shoulder in shock at Finn who gave him a little shrug. “He asked me to!” Poe shook his head, “No no no, we can’t leave him. They’ll never believe he didn’t help us.” Finn rolled his eyes, “So? We need to go get Rey!”
“He saved our lives! We have to...” Poe decided to stop wasting time and leapt up out of the chair. He could hear Finn shouting after him but he didn’t stop. Running down the ramp of the Falcon, he momentarily froze wondering what he was doing. This was General Hux. The man who is responsible for the death and destruction of five planets. But also the man who most recently he owed his life to. Before he knew it, he was back at the hangar entrance. As he opened the door, he was slightly surprised to see Hux still right there.
Hux, although, was far more surprised to see Poe. “What are you doing here?!” He shouted while grabbing his leg and writhing in pain. “I’ve already called the guards, you have to leave!”
Poe knelt down and threw Hux’s arm over his shoulder. “Not without you.” Hux pushed away causing him to crash back onto the ground, letting out a hiss of pain. “I can’t go with you!”
Poe huffed. They didn’t have time to deal with Hux’s stubbornness. “Well you can’t stay here! They’ll know it was you and even if they don’t, you’ll be responsible for letting us escape. You want to live, you come with us!”
Hux looked down the hall for a moment. He didn’t want to admit it but Poe was right. His plans up until the moment had been based on haste and necessities. Reflecting on those choices now, it seemed clear that he had no real alternative. Looking back at Poe, he gave him a little nod. Poe immediately went back to Hux’s side and threw his arm over his shoulder once again. Poe stood and pulled Hux up with him who could not help but let out pained groans. They tried to take a step and Hux cried out in pain. With the faint sounds of shuffling boots getting closer, Poe scooped up Hux under the knees and started running towards the falcon.
“LET’S GO!” Poe screamed into the cockpit as the ramp closed behind him. He rushed over to the bunk in the communal space and set Hux down. “I’ll be right back.”
Hux grabbed his profusely bleeding leg as Poe disappeared into the cockpit. Trying to adjust himself on the small bunk, he began to evaluate his surroundings. The famous Millennium Falcon and it was.... disgusting. Everything around him looked old, tarnished and incredibly unsanitary. A wave of panic washed over him as he realized he had left his neat, orderly life for this. The panic didn’t stick though as his surroundings began to blur.
“Finn, go take care of Hux.” Poe burst into the cockpit and tapped the back of the left pilots chair where Finn was now sitting. Finn turned with a grimace, “What?! No! You do it. We’re going to get Rey.” Poe was taken aback. “Excuse me? Which one of us is the pilot here?”
Finn didn’t move but turned his chair to face Poe, “You forget that Chewie has been piloting this ship since before you were born.” Chewie let out a little roar in agreement. “You wanted to save him, he’s your problem now.” And with no further discussion, he spun back around.
Poe huffed as he came around the corner back into the large space, “Alright Hux, lets take a look-“ he abruptly stopped when he saw that Hux was unconscious and the amount of blood seemed to have increased tenfold. “Kriff!” he whispered, dashing over to Hux’s pale, lifeless body. “No no no no no...” he repeated as he dug through the supplies in a nearby crate. He grabbed a roll of gauze and went back to Hux, pushing the whole roll into the wound. “Hux. Hux wake up!” With his free hand, he shook Hux’s shoulder before beginning to tap him on the cheek. This was enough to start to rouse the man.
“Wha- stop.” Hux feebly attempted to push away Poe’s hand pressing on his wound. “I know, I know but I gotta stop the bleeding!”
“Hurts.” Hux managed to get out, still fighting the call of sleep.
The room erupted with noise as the ramp was lowered. Wing swirled through the common area and Poe was frozen not knowing what to do. Moments later, the ramp was closing at Poe could feel the ship lurch forward abruptly.
“What is he doing here??” Poe turned to see Rey, looking quite flustered, staring at them.
“He saved us and he’s-“ Poe looked around still trying to figure out what to do as Hux’s head lulled from side to side. “He’s bleeding out! I need help!” Poe shouted, not at anyone particularly but rather as if crying out to the universe. At the moment, Finn came in the room and despite wanting to rush to Rey, went to Poe. “What happened?!” He surveyed the situation not remembering Hux looking this bad last time he saw him. “I don’t know! You must have hit an artery or something! He won’t stop bleeding!” Poe tried to reach back into the crate while still pressing the wound. This stretch caused him to push down harder, making Hux cry out in agony and immediately curl into himself and almost off the bunk. Luckily, Finn caught him in the nick of time.
Rey, watching this scene all while still reeling from the information she had recently learned, was awestruck for a moment. Snapping herself out of it she cried out, “MOVE!” as she approached the bunk. Finn and Poe immediately got out of her way, a little scared of her tone. Hux sighed in release when Poe let his hand off the wound. Rey reached out a hand to Hux’s shoulder. He was finally able to focus on her face as she met his gaze. “Just relax and breath.” She spoke in the most calming tone and he gave her a small nod. Reaching out her hand over his wound, she closed her eyes and focused her energy on healing him. Hux closed his eyes as well and focused on breathing.
Finn and Poe just watched, motionless.
As the wound closed, Hux took a sharp inhale and opened his eyes as Rey did the same. He looked down at his leg and back at her, “thank you.” He whispered and she smiled. “You’re welcome,” she raised two fingers and waved them in front of his face, “now sleep.” And with that, Hux passed out once again.
Hello! May I request general hux with a resistance reader who saves him like he's all bleeding out and dieing but the reader comes along and scoops him up to patch him up for whatever reason maybe they know he's the spy or smth? Anyway have a good day and take care of yourself :)
a/n: I am very happy to write about star wars))) thanks for the request! Looking forward to more posts from you guys!
warnings: language (?), mention of blood and violence, reader's POV, I don't know what first order prison cells look like
pairing: Armitage Hux x fem!resistance!reader
hux! hux?

All I found was blood running from my lip and dripping onto the floor of the cell the First Order put me in. In fact, there was nothing surprising in the fact that I was in captivity. When you fight for freedom, you prepare yourself for the fact that sooner or later you will have to give up your life or freedom for your goal.
They needed someone who has information, well, and in addition, someone who knows Rey and her plans (apparently for Kylo Ren's personal purposes, each time he can get it as he can).
I wiped the blood from my face with my palm and found scarlet spots on the skin. I've been in possession for so long that I've already lost track of time. But it was better than facing endless interrogations and forceful methods again. In order not to go crazy, I count the scratches on the seemingly safe walls of my cell and have almost reached a hundred ...
Out of my field of vision, hurried, ragged steps were heard, as if my unexpected guest doubted his actions. I was filled with curiosity, but I didn't move, only peering out of the corner of my eye at the metal that had replaced the wall that opened onto the corridor. But my brain suddenly flashed when something red flashed behind the wall. I turned my head too, extremely sharply when I realized who exactly disturbed my prison peace.
The First Order general stood in front of the door that led to the cell, his face haughty and his chin held high. My brows furrowed as soon as I saw him. He was alone, unguarded, and not even Phasma was around. The corridor was completely empty, only two sides of the same war face to face, separated this time only by an iron grid of bars.
Something was clearly wrong, and you didn't have to be Force sensitive to feel it.
-You,- he said harshly to me. -Come here immediately.
I raised my eyebrows, amazed at the turn of events.
-For what? -I said with a stupid smile. -To what? He grinned viciously, quickly turning his head to the sides, surveying the corridor.
-Get over here quickly, Y/L!- he hissed angrily through his teeth, inaudibly hitting the iron with his fist.
The smile immediately disappeared from my face, and I cautiously got up from the bunk, striding over the distance between them, cautiously pushing my shoulder forward, as if for an attack.
-Closer! You want the entire First Order to run? Stupid revolutionary...!
-Yes, I’m coming!”-I interrupted his angry tirade and slid closer to the grate, crossing my arms over my chest. -What owes such close attention to the general personally?
He rolled his eyes in annoyance at my outburst.
- What, the sadistic vein woke up? Came to take another session of torture? I said that I...
-I'm a spy.
I froze in mid-sentence, interrupted by his sharp, like a shot, statement, and my hands fell like those of a weak-willed rag doll.
-What?- I blurted out involuntarily.
-I'm a spy! How many more times do you have to say it before it gets to your rebel head? I am a spy for the First Order.
My face stretched and my stomach twisted into a tight tube as my mind frantically processed what it had just said and the full meaning finally dawned on me.
-It can not be...
-May be.
-But why?! How so?! - I had a hundred questions and a hundred words spinning on my tongue, but I managed to say only this, and that, with great difficulty. Hux chuckled, eyes flashing.
-I don't care who wins - the Resistance or the First Order, I want Kylo Ren to lose.
-Kriff…- I breathed. Armitage Hux was a fucking traitor, the one who sent data to the Resistance, helped us all along. It couldn't even be called a dream, more like a hallucination, a mirage that caused the hot sun if I was on Tatooine now.
-That changes everything... That's all...- I almost suffocated from everything that was happening. -Kriff...- I looked up at him, thinking that I would find at least a hint that he was lying, but at the mention of Kylo Ren, his face was contorted with such anger that there was no doubt left - he had just confessed to me that he was spying for the Resistance. -And now what? How can I use this information?
Hux lifted his chin again.
- I have data that will be useful to the Resistance. I will give them to you, and you will give them to your general.
-I don’t know if it’s noticeable or not,- I giggled nervously, leaning my shoulder against the cold wall. - But I'm still in the cell. I'm in prison. And a little shocked, but that doesn't matter. Now I wanted to laugh out loud, loud enough for the whole galaxy to hear. Kriff, Poe, and Finn will rip me to the bone if they find out!
Hux rolled his eyes in annoyance again.
- I'll help you leave so that you pay the least attention to yourself and make the least noise. As you usually do, children of Leia.
I thought.
-Why do you think I'll believe you, red-headed bastard?- I said low and softly, staring fixedly at his painfully pale face. He curled his lips arrogantly.
-Don't think. You have no other choice, rebel scum. Well, do you just rot here.
x x x
Surprisingly, this red-haired trickster kept his word and pulled me out of the cell. True, of course, damn it, it didn’t work out without noise, and we drew attention to ourselves. Both. And now Hux was called not a spy, but a traitor and a deserter.
I picked up the stunned stormtrooper's new blaster as I fired at the others around the corner. There was nothing left before the cherished ship, here they are, the cherished couple of meters to my freedom, a little more, and I will again be able to breathe deeply.
I pulled the trigger on the blaster again, glare flickered down the hallway. I saw that somewhere, among the stormtroopers, Hux was flickering - he was darting about in a black-orange spot against the background of light armor and it was hard not to notice him, but he worried me the least while I was fighting for my life again. My eyes were covered with a scarlet veil of excitement and hatred, while the blaster in my hands heated up, and the soldiers remained less and less. Somewhere I heard a loud exclamation, and a strange, dull thud, but I did not pay attention, jumping out from around the corner and removing the rest of the obstacles from the horizon, making my way to the ships.
I looked at every centimeter I passed—quickly, but quickly, adrenaline filled my limbs with unprecedented lightness, blood pounded in my ears, and then my eyes opened and closed several times.
-what, you got shot?- I asked for some reason, as if it was not obvious from Hux, who was pinned to the wall, and a pool of blood near him.
He didn't answer, just looking at me in fear.
-Kriff…- I muttered, shoving the Imperial blaster into my belt. -Where to?-Where is the injury?
He shook his head and I saw how his uniform was smoking in the area of the left shoulder.
-Well, how is it ... - for some reason, I escaped with regret. -Give me a hand. I extended my hand to him.
-Go away,- he fished out a block with information from his pocket with great difficulty and jabbed it at my shoulder.
This made me angry. For some reason I wanted to help him stay alive, he would have died anyway, if I had left him here, he would either bleed out or be shot before I got to the base.
Why am I thinking about this?
I'm sure it's only because he pulled me out of the cell.
Only because of this.
I'm sure.
- And he said that I was a fool, - with an unprecedented force for myself, I grabbed his collar of a black uniform and pulled it towards me, putting the already former general on his feet. Hux immediately hunched over, almost collapsing. -Give at least a modicum of effort so I can help!- I barked at him.
He gave me a wild look, but complied, wrapping his good arm around me like a lifeline.
-You would have been killed here anyway, but at least there is a small chance that you will live longer ...- I muttered to myself under my breath, dragging him along with me. - I'm sure Leia will be very ... glad ...
-She'll kill me.- He protested weakly.
-She won’t kill you,- I drawled. -Other guys are doing this in the Resistance. Moreover, we value guys like you, well, who know a lot about the rear of the enemy. - The power slowly began to leave me, but there was not much left. -Besides, from our base it is much more interesting to watch the defeat of Kylo Ren than dangerously close to him.
Hux mumbled something incomprehensibly, hobbling, trying to echo my heavy steps. Probably agreed. How strange.
x x x
The troughs of the First Order weren't as disgusting as I had previously thought. The general collapsed on another seat, sighing as if he was about to split into two. The ship jumped into hyperspace and I jumped out of my pilot's seat, grabbing my first aid kit.
-Come on, taking off your tunic.-I ordered, and Hux immediately stopped dragging out his extreme drama, again looking at me in fear.
-You look like I haven’t seen naked men.- I grunted, sitting on the floor. -Come on, come on, I’ll treat you, General Hux.
Y/N: can you watch my drink for me?
Hux: no
Y/N: *holds out hand*
Hux: *copies*
Y/N: *shoves the drink in his hand and walks away*
Hux: this apple juice-
Hidden treasure || Part I

Words: 3333
Warnings: language, cursing
SUMMARY: You are General Hux sister. After another failure, you've been sent back to Hux. He's pretty annoyed by the fact he has to take care of you. No one but Hux knows, that you have some special abilities. One day you accidentally meet commander Kylo Ren. Will this meeting change everything?
Author: Cass & Rouge

Hux growled deeply on his way to the hangar. He was expecting an 'important delivery' that he didn't want to ever get.
"Little spoiled, brat... They could kick her out of the ship one day. What I did to deserve someone like her in my family?" Reddish man muttered to himself.
Hux entered the hangar and waited, stamping his food angrily. "I will kill her when she will get here." He growled looking around.
Fitted black leather pants were hugging your legs nicely as you were getting out of the cruiser which had brought you here. Upper part of your uniform was a black jacket with a brassard on left sleeve, the logo of First Order could be easily seen.
As you stepped out of the small ship, you looked around and almost immediately your sight fell on him. Your older brother, General Hux.
You crossed arms behind your back and walked to him jauntily.
Hux looked at you with a frown as you walked to him closer.
"Take this jacket off." He said pulling it off of your arms. "You are not a part of First Order, and you will never be. How did you even get this?"
He took you out of the hanger. Reddish man was walking with you for a moment, but suddenly stopped in the half of a long corridor.
"Care to explain to me, how the fuck they could kick you out of the Academy, huh?! Who the hell you think you are?!" Hux yelled at you.
"Let. Me. Go." You growled jerking arm out of Hux's grasp. "I found it on the cruiser, chill out!"
Stretching your fingers you yawned a bit.
"Let's say I've made a mistake. And they said I cannot stay there. And I need more.. How to say it? That I need to get more attention to avoid any nuisances." You explained shrugging.
"Y/N, you are 24 years old, and they already kicked you out from SIX academies!" He growled and moved hand through his hair. "I can't believe we are even related... I am a general... When you even can't finish your education."
Hux thought for a moment.
"Listen to me, you little brat. One mistake... Only one. And I will personally launch you out in one of the escape pods, and I don't care what will happen with you, am I making myself clear?"
His eyes were cold like a steel, and you literally shivered under Hux's glance.
"Yes, Herr General." You curtsied theatrically. "So. What now? Because I don't think you'll want to play a happy family, huh?" You walked closer to him and stroked over his cheek. "You're so much like our father. So confident and fierce. He would be proud. At least of you."
Hux closed his eyes and sighed at your touch.
"Yes, and he would be completely disappointed with you. Someone needs to be the mature one. Maybe it's time for you to grow up too, sister."
He sighed sadly and ruffled Y/H/C hair. "And you look just like our mother. Regarding your question... I don't have time to play a happy family, Y/N." Hux took your hand. "I will show you your chamber."
You gave his palm a squeeze while walking by his side.
"Well. As I see you work in a fucking huge base."
You whistled when you were passing huge cargo chamber.
"What I will be doing here?"
"Nothing. You will be living here avoiding problems. My chamber is right next to yours, in case if my little sister will have a nightmare during the night." Hux smiled at you. "Now, excuse me, dear sister, I need to get back to work. For once be a good girl and stay out of troubles." He kissed your forehead before walking away.
"Armitage!" You said aloud, then you ran to him, and hugged to him tightly.
You were staying like this for few seconds.
"Sorry that I'm letting you down constantly."
Hux flinched at the sound of his name, he sighed deeply and hugged you back tightly. "It's okay... I am used to this... but maybe gather yourself up and do something with yourself and your behavior, you little brat." He said rubbing your back. "Now go and rest."
You nodded and came back to your chamber. Since you didn't have any packages, you simply flopped on the narrow bed slipping hand under head.
You sighed thinking about few past weeks and about your older brother. You knew deep inside he loved you, but taking his current position he couldn't let himself to show too many emotions.
You even didn't realize when sleep embraced you.
At morning Hux left a little note in your room. ‘You will find me in canteen, sleepy head.’
He was sitting there waiting for you and chatting with two stormtroopers.
"Oh... you finally decided to arrive, sister." Hux said with annoyed tone.
"Shit. Shit. Shit."
You were mumbling under your breath as you were running to the canteen.
You already felt in your bones that your brother will be mad. But what was he expecting? That you will be getting up at dawn to just fool around?
You approached Armitage taking seat next to him.
Armitage let out a loud sigh and shook his head.
"I thought you will finally change... But what can I expect from you? You always were a black sheep of our family." Hux rolled his eyes sipping on his coffee. "At last eat something and really gather yourself up, finally."
You didn't say a word, just reached for a bread and honey.
"Do you really have to treat me that way? All the time?" You looked at him with a corner of your eye biting on your food.
"I just treat you the way you deserved, Y/N. Look at yourself, what are you doing with your life?" He looked at with frown. "You are only few years younger than me. Look at my position and look at yours." Hux explained, taking sip o his coffee.
You stopped chewing. Thinking for a while, you were glaring at him. You swallowed and drank your coffee.
"You're forgetting that I am not you, Armitage." This time you dared to raise your voice. "I am not perfect. And you good know how difficult it is for a woman or person of color to join First Order. Oh! I forgot! The white boy had privileges since very beginning, huh?! If Snoke would be wiser, he would never give you this position. Just look at you! Who do you think you are?!" You got up hitting the table with fist. “I am not your fucking drudge!" Your words hung in the air while everyone was looking at two of you.
Without any more things to say you turned around and left canteen, not even looking around at your brother.
Hux watched you with anger and disbelief in his eyes. He didn't say a word when you left, he only looked at others. "What are you all staring at?! Get back to your stuff!" Man yelled and looked away before muttering to himself. "What a drama queen..."
Anger was raging in your soul and you weren't paying attention to your direction.
It was a second. You saw a tall dark figure in front of you, and next thing was a strong collision. Shortly after you were on the floor with a pain in your lower back.
"Watch out next time, man!" You yelled.
Black haired man looked down at you.
"You could show some respect, do you realize to whom are you talking to?" He asked and watched you for a bit.
Man didn't recognize you as Hux's sister.
"Who are you? You are not a part of my crew." His voice was deep and dangerous.
You were about to snap something, but it was when you realized who was standing in front of you. It was no one else but Kylo Ren, the commander of the First Order.
You've heard a lot about him. In the Academy, all girls were fangirling about him while men were setting him as a role model.
Sudden blush crept onto your cheeks. Didn't know what to do nor say, you swallowed hardly.
"I am sorry, Sir... I am new here.. They had sent me from Academy for trainings..."
You bit inside of your cheek. The lie wasn't huge, but still, it felt awful to be lying to him. However, at the moment you didn't have any other things use as an emanation.
Brunette grabbed your hand tightly and helped you got up pulled you closer, watching you.
"I didn't hear anything about someone from Academy... but... Let's say I believe you. Listen to me now... You are on my ship, so better behave and show me a respect... Or you won't return to Academy in one piece and it's not a warning." He growled and then let go of your arm.
Kylo gave you last cold gaze, then walked away.
Heart was beating in unbearable pace and you knees became weak. You leant back against the wall to support youself from falling.
"Oh my... Girls won't believe me..." You whispered under your breath.
Shaking all over your body, you came back to you chamber.
After few hours Hux bursted into your chamber. "You are dead. You ou are so dead, Y/N. Kylo is looking for a 'girl from Academy.' How could you told HIM that Academy sent you HERE?!" He asked raising his voice. "He gave order to find you... And you have to go to him. NOW!"
Truth was that your brother pulled you out of thoughtfulness, and you weren't happy.
"Yes. Sure. I'll go to him, but I get to put on my uniform. Could you be so kind and let me change my clothes?" You got up from bed and came to your brother pushing him out of your chamber.
Hux grabbed your hands tightly and pulled you closer. "Listen to me now, you stubborn bitch. You won't join First Order and you have no uniform, so better move your lazy ass to him now or I will forget that we are even related to me and I will bring him your head. As a proof that you were a spy and that you are dead."
His eyes were full of anger but they reminded cold, Hux pushed you out of your chamber.
You couldn't help. You slapped him straight in the cheek.
"Fuck off."
Improving your hair you went ahead, not even knowing where were you going.
Hux just watched you with his eyes wide open. "Guards! This girls is here!" He yelled and walked away.
Two man walked to you and grabbed your arms. "You will come with us. Someone want to see you." One of them said and they started to drag you into direction of Kylo's chamber.
You were expecting his chamber to be huge but definitely not that big.
As soon as you stepped in, the tensed atmosphere embraced you, so your heart pounded harder. You politely gave a sign to guards that you will be okay, so they left you.
You stopped in front of desk. The leather chair was turned with its back to you.
Kylo turned around on chair to face you. His voice was emotionless. "From Academy for trainings?" He asked with his deep voice. "I knew that something's wrong with you..." He said softly and got up from his chair, Kylo started to circle around you. "So... care to tell me who you are? Without laying this time. I don't like strangers here." Brunette explayned taking his lightsaber into hand.
You couldn't help and let out a quiet whimper seeing how he was holding his weapon in hand. The glove on his palm was black like rest of his outfit. Feeling his gaze on you made a cold shiver to rum along your spine.
"My name's Y/N. And.. Yes.. I am from Academy.. They kicked me out, Sir.. I didn't have a place to go.."
Kylo smiled softly, squeezing weapon in his hand. His glove started to crack.
"What just prove that you were laying... They didn't send you here."
He walked to you from behind. "So... How did you get here? This is not some random spaceship." Kylo said right into your ear.
You shivered but tried to stay calm.
"I've.. I took their cruiser, Sir. When no one was watching..."
Feelinh his warm breath on your nape, you closed eyes. You were afraid that he will use his lightsaber to kill you. "Forgive me, Master Ren."
Kylo laughed quietly.
"I am not your Master... And you are still laying... I've read your documents... Someone as weak as you couldn't get here by herself."
He pressed weapon to your lower back. "You know that good girls don't lie?"
You gave a nod.
"Yes.. I know someone here.. I had contact this person and asked for guidelines.. Please, Master.. I can be useful."
You dared to turn your head around. Seeing him that close was like a bliss. You felt a blush which was forming on your cheeks.
Kylo looked into your eyes. He was showing no emotions. "You? Useful? I wonder how."
Brunet slowly moved away and walked back to his desk only to look at you.
"I learn fast. I know some... People. I.. I know coding stuff and similar... Please, give me a chance and you won't regret.."
Before you thought, you started to act.
With a bit of hesitation you walked to him stopping inches from his form. Your hand traveled to his palm clenched on the lightsaber, and you stroked over there.
Kylo watched you. "What are you doing? My one move... And you are dead, woman." He muttered. "What are you trying to achive?"
He didn't know, like everybody else, that you had some special abilities, and that was the reason they didn't throw you out of the Academy.
"I can do stuff. I can make some objects float."
You looked him deep in the eye.
Kylo frowned looking at your face.
"You? You can make some objects float? How? Prove it. Now." He ordered gently pushing you away from him.
You nodded swallowing hardly. Looking around his chamber you noticed few little metal boxes in the left corner.
You looked at them, you focused as much as you were able to.
But nothing happened.
"Shit.." You whispered looking briefly at him.
Kylo laughed and shook his head. He walked to you closer and wrapped his hand around your nape.
"Now... You will leave my chamber. Before I will decide to kill you. And start to show respect, and don't get into my way. Then maybe you will find yourself a safe place here." He growled through clenched teeth.
You trembled when he came closer to you, he was much taller than you. But when he placed his hand to your nape, things got out of control.
You felt familiar tingling in your chest, and when you closed your eyes, an invisible force pushed him away of you. All the things that were placed in the chamber have floated up. Your hair were floating too, like at the invisible blows of wind.
You opened your eyes, and second later everything what was in the air fell down on the floor.
You slowly sank on your knees gasping for air.
Kylo blinked deeply suprised. He watched you carefuly, thinking about stuff that just happened, he knew what it meant.
"Try not to die here. I need to talk with someone about you." Kylo explained before he left chamber.
It took you longer while to get up and walk to his chair. You flopped on it heavily. Your head hurt, your entire body was still trembling. It was very first time when you managed to do something as spectacular.
Armitage was back in canteen, enjoying his little coffee break. He was happy and glad until he was Kylo entering the same room.
"General Hux, I need to talk with you about this girl from Academy."
Hux froze for a moment, then nodded. "What is it? Shell I find someone who will clean mess after killing her, or shall I find the way to get her out of the ship?"
"Of course no. I wanna take her in." Kylo said camly.
Armitage choked with his coffe. He wiped his mouth and looked at Kylo with disbelief. "What are you saying? So now we are taking every stray person that will get here? What if she is a spy? She should die."
"Are you questioning my orders, Hux?! She is staying here! And it's not under any question! It's an Order!" Kylo yelled angrily narrowing his brows.
Hux shuddered and nodded, thinking about you. Apparently your weird 'talent' started to show up again. He nodded his head. "Yes sir... I understand."
"Very well. You will be the one that have to take care of her." Kylo declared before walking away.
When Ren was gone, Hux let out a loud growl and smashed his cup against the wall.
Comfy bed. What an amazing feeling to lay your head down on a pillow.
You were back in your chamber, half conscious after last event in Ren's chember.
He sent you back with an assist of two paramedics.
Now, you were only dreaming of rest, however it was impossible. You heard that husky voice on the corridor, it was no one else but your brother.
"Wake up, you little scum!" Hux yelled at you as he entered the room. "Are you proud of yourslef?! Is it really your life goal to put shame on our family with your stupid abilities?!" He took one of pillows and threw it on you.
"Stop it!" You sat on the bed rubbing your temples. "It's not my fault! He touched me and... It happened! I didn't plan to!" You screamed.
"I don't care! You should control it by now! That's why we sent you to Academy. So you will forgot about them." He walked to you closer and took your face into his cold hands. "Why can't you be normal, sister? Just like you were when we were younger? Why can't you just forget about this and start live like a normal person? Like your only brother..." He asked looking into your eyes.
"You wanna know why? Because I am not Armitage Hux. I am Y/N Hux. And my abilities are so special that you don't understand them. Admit it, you're scared of my force."
He rolled his eyes. "Oh please, Y/N. One thing that I am scared of is that my only sister will get herself killed by joining wrong place, but who cares that Armitage is worried. No one! Because all you see is your fake thoughts that I am the bad one here! I am worried about YOU... MY little sister." He said and sighed deeply, Hux slowly sat down on your bed and rubbed his chin.
You fell down on pillows. "I know. But look. I don't know what to do with all this. It's scaring me. I can't recognize myself anymore. In the Academy they told me my force is too strong to be subjugated..." You let your eyes closed. "Now we can do nothing. Master Ren wants me to stay here. I don't know what is he planning."
"He is not your master... That's firstly. Second, I don't know, too. He only ordered me to take care of you." Hux sighed sadly and looked at you. "Come here... Hug from older brother?"
You looked him in the eye. U willingly, you sat back again and hugged to him. "I am tired. Can I sleep now?" You asked being nestled to his chest.
Hux hugged you and gently stroked your hair. "Yes. Sure you can, little one. In case if something will happen, I am in my room." He kissed your forehead before he left.

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