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Hello! May I Please Request A General Hux X Reader Where He Ends Up Crash Landing On An Isolated Planet
Hello! May I please request a General Hux x reader where he ends up crash landing on an isolated planet and barely surviving until the reader, who is a Grey Jedi if you’d like, nurses him back to health (aside from his typical annoyance no matter what), with a bunch of tension and feelings if possible? Thank you! Can’t wait to see more of your works! ❤️
A/N: My first request of 2020, and my first request on this page! Some slight TROS spoilers but pretty vague. Maybe I will make a part two??? It was a lot of fun writing this one, enjoy!

Just breathe…
Y/n remained still, hands folded in their lap. Your eyes remained closed as the rocks surrounding you suspended in the air. The planet only had few inhabitants, y/n included, but it was nice. It was the perfect climate to continue training. Then suddenly, a crash.
Eyes open. The rocks that were once suspended around you hit the ground in a thud. You, however, slowly floated down landing softly on your feet. In the horizon you could see the smoke rising from the crash site. Curious, you made your way to the crash, hand hovering over your lightsaber just in case things went awry.
The first thing you see is ginger hair, then you see an insignia on their shoulder. Your first instinct is to defend yourself against the First Order officer, but then you see the blood. They were gripping onto their side, you could tell that they were seriously injured.
“Here…let me help you,” You say softly, reaching forward to help them up but you were met with their other arm swatting you away.
“I’m perfectly capable of getting up, thank you very much” they insisted. You rolled your eyes at their incompetence before grabbing them from their armpits to get them out of the ship. “My camp is not too far from here, that needs to be tended to,” you said as you helped them get to their feet. “I’m F/N L/N, what’s yours?”
“General Armitage Hux…or I was, before I was sent to this godforsaken spit of a planet,” he said, limping alongside you.
The time it took to return to camp was spent in silence mostly, him not wanting to explain much more about himself. Which was fair, as you didn’t tell him much about yourself either.
Hux groaned as you set him down on the makeshift cot you made for him, pulling up your medkit. “I’m going to have to look at your wound, you’re going to have to undress,” you said simply. Hux cocked an eyebrow, “Stars, I just met you and now you want me to take off my shirt? I’d rather not,”
So goddamn stubborn. Fantastic. My eyes cannot roll much further behind my head.
“You want to die? Because if I don’t help you, that is going to get infected,” you said sternly, crossing your arms. If he was going to be like this all the time, it was going to be tough. Hopefully she doesn’t kill him by the end of this.
It took some time, but Hux did eventually simmer down and allow you to tend to his wounds. It didn’t take long after when he laid himself down and passed out.
A few days had passed, and you and Hux grew a little closer after the little spats every once in a while over miniscule things. His hand went over his side where he was bandaged up before looking up to see you doing some exercises with your lightsaber on a tree stump nearby. Perhaps he was starting to grow fond of you? There were very few that knew him outside his cold exterior, but that was because that was how he wanted it. Did that mean he had gone soft?
After all, he was now a nobody, so he had to move on after all the work he had put in to create a name for himself. Perhaps this was the way he was going to start this new life.
Hux walked up to y/n as they trained, making sure that he didn’t startle you while you were swinging your saber. You stopped what you were doing and looked at Armitage, jumping off the stump to be at his level. “Yes? Is there something you needed?” you asked, holstering your lightsaber.
“I just wanted to say…thank you,” he said, his hand going up and down his side, “I know it might not have sounded like I appreciated it before, but I don’t think anyone else would have done that for me,”
You gave a small nod, “Not many would,”
“One of these days, I’ll show you my gratitude,”
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general hux x doctor!reader
word count: 709
a.n.: kk imagine if the blaster shot wasn’t fatal and he survived. another fine addition to my doctor!reader fics while i finish up the next part of The Captive and all of my other requests. merry christmas if you celebrate!
warnings: angst
“Patch him up quickly, he’s supposed to be heading to interrogation, Pryde wants him dead.”
“What? Dead? Mitaka, I’m not sure I’m following.”
“Ask him yourself, looks like he’s waking up now.”
General Hux’s ginger lashed fluttered open only to see two blurry figures hovering over him. As the shock wore off, the wound in his abdomen flared with pain. He must have gotten knocked out by the impact of him falling on the ground, a concussion starting to ache in the back of his skull. Without his greatcoat he was uncomfortably cold, and a mysterious breeze kept him shivering.
“Thank you for bringing him to me, I’ll fix him up. Come back in an hour.”
“Yes ma’am.”
One of the figures disappeared from his vision and he closed his eyes again. Hux realized that the breeze was coming from his body being wheeled on a gurney at intense speed, his final destination surely the medbay.
“Stay in there General.” That voice was unmistakably yours, his favorite doctor aboard the ship. He sighed with relief, and he swore that he could feel some of the pain leave his body.
He tried to tell you something, but you shushed him and shouted at the nurses and doctors in the medbay to get out of the way and prepare an operating room.
Strong hands lifted his nearly limp body unto a table and begun poking and prodding him, no doubt preparing him for his second surgery this week.
This time it was much more of a life-or-death moment, however.
“Everybody out. I need a minute alone. Stay close as I’ll need every hand to help with operating,” you demanded, and the nurses shuffled out of the room quickly with a “yes ma’am.”
You whirled around and slammed a hand on a tray with some tools. “General, what the hell happened?”
His eyes widened and he turned his head to look at you. Tears sparkled in your eyes partnered with a look of rage on your face.
“I can’t say. It’ll put you in danger.” He wheezed.
You shook your head. “No. No, no, no. You have to tell me everything. Since when do you withhold information from me?” You yelled.
“Since it puts you in danger! You are perfectly safe not knowing!” He raised his voice, causing you to flinch slightly. Even thought he was completely vulnerable on the operating table, he still held the same power as always.
You reached out and took his hand with your gloved one. “Please, Armitage. Why does Pryde want to kill you?”
He grimaced. “When does he not?”
“Hux.” You squeezed his hand. “Tell me.”
The general couldn’t meet your eyes. “I’m a traitor. I fed the resistance information.”
Your silenced edged him on.
“I helped the pilot and FN218 escape. General Pryde found out.” This time, he held your hand tighter. “I am a traitor.”
His words echoed in the small room. Each word seemed to inflict more damage to his wounds.
“I know.”
Green eyes shot up to meet yours. “What?”
“I’m surprised it’s taken them this long to figure it out.”
He tore his hand away. “How- how did you know?”
You sigh. “Hux, you’re not very good at hiding things.”
“Are you,” he paused, calculating his next words, “mad at me?”
You shook your head and patted his arm. “No. I’m not mad that you fed the resistance information. I’m just mad that you got hurt doing it.” You eyed the blaster wound and he shrugged.
“Once you’re out of surgery, we can talk more. I’m not letting you go to interrogation.”
He laughed. “If you do that, they’ll kill you too. Helping the traitor?”
You smile softly and whisper in his ear. “If it’s helping you, I’ll do anything.”
Hux turned his head and caught your lips as you bent up, his hand making its way to your cheek to hold you there. After a few moments, he let go.
“If they take me, I just want to let you know I-“
You silence him with your words. “Shut up. Tell me when you wake up”
And with that you wave the nurses and assistant doctors back in and start the operation on your wounded general.
Bruised & Broken ][ Armitage Hux x Reader ][ Part One
Warning: Please keep in mind that throughout this story many themes are going to be mentioned that will be uncomfortable for some readers. Of course I’ll list what those topics will be before each part so that you are warned before reading.
![Bruised & Broken ][ Armitage Hux X Reader ][ Part One](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0351c82b3690745a39d61acf697aebe5/1fe4775d6fe1cebd-1e/s500x750/135cfae00296b5b3d500c8ea0a09971974ba4dbd.gif)
Trigger Warnings: blood, lacerations, mentions of physical harm done by another person, severe injuries, guns (if I’m missing any please let me know)
Tags: @edmunds-torch, @christmasallyearsthings
The sheets rustled as you stuffed from your sleep in your cramped quarters. You could hear shouting outside, the sounds of shoes crushing leaves under their and blasters being shifted in hands were enough to cause you to get up. You quickly threw on your jacket, buttoning it up so that nobody could see your plain green pajama shirt, and throwing on some boots without even bothering to replace your sweats with better pants.
The shouts began to get louder as the footsteps got closer to your quarters. With furrowed brows, you reached out for your blaster and shoved it into your belt that was sewed into the material of your jacket.
Without wasting another second you marched towards your door, throwing it open and stepping out into the warm air that surrounded you. Before you stood a few pilots that had seemed to just land on the base. Alongside them were Finn, Poe, and General Organa, as well as an unknown figure.
Their back was turned to you, clothes were torn and ginger hair completely out of place. Blood was scattered across their neck and any other visible skin on their body. Their greatcoat, which was practically torn to pieces, was falling off of their shoulders, allowing the clear uniform of the military regiment of the First Order to showcase itself.
Two pilots were holding their arms, another holding a blaster to their back as they followed General Organa to, what you assumed was the prisoner's cells. Poe and Finn trailed behind them all, keeping an eye out while watching to see if the prisoner made any move to escape.
You remainder standing by your door, assessing everything you saw and processing it. You could tell that whoever it was is a serious threat if they had to awaken General Organa from her sleep- which you had deducted due to the fact she was already in her nightwear as well as the time being 200 o'clock.
A voice had called out to you causing you to blink twice before shifting your gaze to the owner of said voice. Realizing it was Poe looking over towards you, waving a hand for you to join them, you carefully jogged forward before you stood by his side.
"Did we wake you Y/N?" Poe asked, his voice soft but firm as to not wake others. He had turned to look back at the prisoner, a scowl showing on his face and his jaw set tightly.
You tilted your head, observing the look upon Poe's face for a moment before you replied. "Yes, but that's no issue, I can fall asleep later," you waved off. "Who's the new prisoner? They must be important if you had to wake General Organa to escort them."
You heard the prisoner chuckle for a moment, and without even needing to see their face you knew that a smug grin was plastered on his face. You're eyes narrowed, huffing quietly.
The pilot behind them shoved his blaster against their back, scoffing. "I wouldn't be too proud of that," the pilot said, indicating the seriousness of his words by pressing the barrel farther into their back, causing them to wince. "That only means your treatment here is so much worse."
Poe let out a deep sigh, and you noticed that Finn had his jaw set. You were starting to get even more curious as to who this person was, but by the time Poe was about to reveal it you had reached the cell and General Organa was asking for Poe.
He gave you a side glance before walking to your General and following as she stepped off towards the side. Your attention then returned to what was taking place in front of you as the sound of keys and locks were being opened and twisted before the door of the cell opened.
The prisoner was pushed into the room, stumbling for a moment before they caught their balance and groaned, pain clearly shooting through their body. They turned around, revealing themselves as a man- although you predicted such, and even with his eyes currently closed, you could tell that they were cold and sharp.
When he opened them to reveal a blue-green color that would have sent you swooning had you not known that this person was clearly dangerous. Instead, you ignored the color of his eyes, and rather took in the icy gaze that was settled upon you. You wouldn't allow your e/c eyes to show it but a shiver of fear shot down your spine as you looked into his eyes.
You tore away from his gaze as General Organa called you over, asking to speak with you for a moment. You nodded, walking towards her and standing firm and tall.
She let out a gentle sigh, "I apologize for this sudden request Y/N, however, with the rest of our medical and guard staff sleeping I have to ask that you, Poe and Finn watch over him," she nodded towards the prisoner, "for the night."
You nodded. With no other prisoners in any cells at the base, all the guards were able to sleep for the night and you didn't want them to be awoken. God knows when was the last time they got a good night's sleep.
"Of course General Organa," you replied, voice form and a kind smile on your face. She returned it, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"Thank you Y/N," she whispered, patting you on the shoulder once before walking past you and returning to Poe and Finn, sharing a few more words with them. The pilots that had brought the prisoner had left, probably off to retire for the night since everything was now situated and the prisoner was locked in a cell.
While General Organa spoke to the other two you took the time to grab a nearby medkit and make your way over to the prisoner. You knew in the state that he was in there was no possible way of him escaping, or even attacking you. With that knowledge, you undid the extensive amount of locks before entering the cell.
You looked behind you once, catching Finn's gaze for a second- to which he took the time to nod at you in reassurance -before you turned back around to face the prisoner. Taking a step closer to him you felt yourself grown increasingly anxious, scared of what power he might really have.
You'd yet to know his rank or even his name, and the fact that you didn't recognize him was not help at all. Stopping in front of him you swallowed thickly before crouching down in front of him so you were level to his slumped body against the wall. Taking one last deep breath you placed the kit beside you, opening it and assessing its contents.
"Would you be so generous as to make this easy on the both of us, comply, and remove your greatcoat so that I can take care of any major wounds?" you asked, although never really looking for an answer.
It came silently when he began to remove his greatcoat, soft grunts and groans of pain leaving his lips as he shifted so that he could successfully remove clothing from his body. You sighed, gaining only a bit more of the skin on his neck and wrists.
"I'll heal the wounds I can see before I have to ask that you remove that uniform as well, and any other shirts that you have underneath," you informed, grabbing some bacta gel and placing it on a few of the noticeable cuts that were too deep to be cleaned with a smaller disinfecting wipe.
The man winced and made to shift away, only stopping when you looked up at him with a sharp glare. He let out a huff before settling back down and allowing you to apply the healing gel to his skin.
"Thank you," you whispered softly to him, finishing off with the last deep cut before you grabbed some removed the gloves you had put on.
The man had furrowed his brows as you whispered, looking at you curiously. "For what?" he asked. His voice was deeper than you had expected, rougher and a little quieter than you thought, but you assumed that was from the exhaustion.
You rolled your eyes. "For complying," you answered, "you're making it easier for me to get my job done."
The man nodded before closing his eyes as the stinging finally subsided. You took the time to prepare some bandages, knowing that it'll be needed for whatever else you were about to witness.
"If you could?" you asked, nodding to his uniform. He got the point and began removing it, slowly as to not agitate any of his wounds and cause them to begin to bleed again. It was when he successfully removed the uniform to the side and tossed it that you noticed the rank on its sleeve.
You couldn't help the quiet gasp that left your lips, knowing that it was the First Order's General insignia. The silver piping and black stripes seemed to shine as if the stars were reflecting off it, but it was only like that in your head because to everyone else it was just a dull marking on a uniform.
Eyes wide, you looked back at the man you had been taking care of. You couldn't help but grit your teeth, wanting to stop helping him altogether and let him suffer now that you realized that he was General Hux of the first order.
You'd heard about him before. What he's done was nothing short of horrific. He's urged for the murder of millions, he commanded the Star Killer ship and was now a commander on the Finalizer. Your jaw seemed to clench as you looked back at him, your e/c eyes no longer having any hint of softness in it. Instead, it was a stone-cold glare now.
Hux scoffed, knowing the look all too well. His black undershirt had been removed as well, showing his battered torso and chest. Bruises were littered along his skin, cuts were engraved into it, and old scars seemed to be present among others. Lacerations and puncture wounds, abrasions were also noticeable on his skin, but the most noticeable sign of damage was a burn that was blistering on his shoulder.
It looked older than some of his other scars, but still fresh enough to only be a day old. It was nothing like you had ever seen before, and it looked as though it was untreated, or at least not treated carefully. You knew it would leave a horrible scar.
"Would you be so kind as to stop staring and continue with the needed treatment?" Hux asked in a condescending tone, his eyes slightly narrowed and his expression bored.
You huffed, shaking your head at his tone and grabbing the needed materials to continue with your bandaging. "I'm surprised you haven't gone to the infirmary yet," you said, tending to a laceration on his stomach. Your fingers were soft as they brushed against his pale torso.
You took the time to silently notice his frame. He wasn't too muscular, nothing like a six-pack or such, but you could tell he was rather strong. Although not muscular he did have a lean but firm build. He most certainly didn't look weak, seeing as he was able to take the pain that was inflicted on him, and the stinging you were causing, without screaming.
Without helping it you also took the time to look at his face, taking in the hair that fell on his forehead, and the dried blood that was around his lip, nose, and eyebrow. You sighed, having no clue how somebody could take so many hits and bruises without so much as whimpering. The only sounds that left his lips were winces, groans, and grunts, and even they weren't nearly as loud as you thought they should be.
Shaking your head once more you looked into his eyes. "Turn around," you ordered which made him grin slightly- although barely recognizable. You scoffed, rolling your eyes. "Just do it so I can see your back."
After cleaning the majority of his wounds and wrapping them up in bandages you had one left. With a sigh, you asked him to turn back around and frowned as you examined it once more. A soft yawn left your lips, the tiredness you were feeling groaning more with every passing second.
You rubbed your eyes after making sure nothing that would sting resided on your hands. Focusing back on the burn at his shoulder, you tilted your head to the side. You had absolutely no idea as to what could cause a wound like this to appear.
Unsure what to even use on it you decided that some bacta gel and a bandage would have to suffice until a medic examined it in the morning. You went to apply the bacta to the wound when a hand reached up and quickly grasped your wrist. You looked at Hux, your brows furrowed for a second. You would have felt fear had you not recognized the absolute horror on his face.
"Don't," he pleaded. "I don't think I'd be able to hold back the screams if you applied it to this one," he whispered, his blue-green eyes wavering in fear.
"I have to," you replied. "If I don't this will become infected and the pain will be so much worse," you explained, looking around for a moment before you grabbed his discarded uniform. You handed it to him, urging for him to grab it. "Bite into this to silence your screams. I'll be as gentle as I can," you assured.
He nodded hesitantly, swallowing and biting into the material of his uniform. You looked at him before returning to his shoulder and carefully applying the bacta gel. You had yet to spread it but already you could feel Hux tense.
Carefully you began to spread it over the wound, his hand reaching out instinctively and latching onto the front of your jacket, gripping it so tightly that his knuckles turned white. His screams were muffled by the uniform, but not well enough. They sounded just as loud as it would if he were yelling straight into your ear.
You winced, finally finishing with applying the gel before you backed away. Looking at Hux you could see the clear tears that shined in his eyes. He didn't let them fall, but the fact that they were there was enough to show his clear discomfort.
You frowned, looking back at the burn before grabbing the bandages and wrapping it across his chest and over his shoulder. Now he only winced a little, but still, they were sharp enough to get his pain across.
"What caused this?" you asked yourself in a soft whisper. It was loud enough for Hux to hear, but it wasn't really a question meant for him.
He had answered it anyways, his teeth clenched all the whole, "a lightsaber," he whispered, panting.
"A lightsaber?" you questioned, your brows furrowing as you finally secured the bandage. You finally finished but made no move to get up, confused as to who's lightsaber did this. Rey hadn't gone on any mission lately. She was busy training.
As though he read your mind, Hux answered, "Kylo Ren," and sighed, slumping against the wall once more.
"Kylo Ren?" you asked again. "But why, you're his General?" you questioned, confused.
Hux huffed, "we've never once got along. Most of these scars are from him and my-" he cut himself off, clearing his throat. He didn't finish his sentence.
You didn't push further, nodding your head and closing the kit. "I'll see to it that these get checked in the morning, or sometime in the afternoon," you reply, turning to walk out of the cell.
"Thank you," Hux called out. It wasn't like him to thank somebody, and it shocked himself as to why he had. He had to blame it on the exhaustion and the fact that for once he had felt cared for when you cleaned his wounds.
Without turning around you replied, "don't thank me. I was just following orders." Hux's face hardened, his eyes growing cold and dark once more as you walked out of the cell and locked it carefully.
You didn't spare him a glance again, walking past Poe and Finn- who had remained by the cell as you took care of Hux. You placed the kit back where you had found it before slumping against a nearby tree and closing your eyes, yawning once more.
Poe and Finn shared a glance between one another, sharing a silent message to leave you alone. They both turned back to look at Hux whose gaze was directly on you, a hand clenched in a fist by his side as his nose twitched in anger. The two turned back to look at you once more.
You were still sat against the tree, and to anybody else, it would seem as though you had fallen asleep, however, in reality, that was far from the truth. You were in deep thought and conflict. On one hand, you had just healed one of the most dangerous human being in the galaxies, but on another, you couldn't help but concentrate on his words.
"Most of these scars are from him and my-" and his what? It was driving you mad. Had he misspoken? You knew that wasn't the case, and yet you shouldn't be caring as much as you did. It didn't matter what or how he got those scars because after what he did to all those innocent people, giving the order to murder thousands, it shouldn't be affecting you so much. You shouldn't be caring. Yet you did, and it would knaw at you for the rest of the night.
You were thankful that you didn't look at his face when you had told him that you were only following an order. You didn't think you could handle seeing the hurt that he had masked under a cold glare. Guilt and pity would have chewed you from the inside out till you apologized to him, and Hux was the last person that deserved forgiveness.
Sky Full Of Shooting Stars | Part I

Summary: You work for First Order and happen to be in a secret relationship with General Hux himself. When you find out some certain thing about your beloved man, you start to be seriously afraid of his life, and your own as well. Trying to come up with a backup plan, you show him all of affection and love he can get from you. Will the two of you survive the upcoming events?
Warnings: smut, tros spoiler
Words: 4006
Authors: Cass & Rouge

Soft, plate glass of long, metal table at which they sat shone in a light derived of a glowing sticks hanging under the ceiling.
Atmosphere was thick like a mist that could be cut with a sharp blade of knife.
Kylo Ren stood on the head of the table, his back facing all the people gathered in the room.
Hux cleared his throat a little and looked around the room, his eyes landed on you. He sent you a little smile, just a brief curl of his narrow lips, and soon his glance moved to General Pryde. Hux sent him a frown. Hux’s eyes were initially glued to your figure.
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I Take What I Want

Title: I Take What I Want
Rating: T
Pairing: Hux/Reader.
Summary: You followed the code of Ren. And you wanted nothing more than general Armitage Hux.
Word count: 1599
Warnings: DarkSide!Reader. Knight of Ren!Reader. TROS spoilers.
Notes: Takes place during TROS, and contains spoilers!
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