deb79ful - DEB79ful's Corner
DEB79ful's Corner

Just an artist starting off simple for now, doing traditional art and improving my digital skill.

474 posts

Time For More Art! Here's A Shot Of My Pokemon Team From Pokemon Black, Gathered Together In The Savanna

A full team of Pokemon poses for a photograph in the Terarium's Savanna Biome from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. From left to right, there's a Serperior beaming proudly, a Victini holding up a V-sign while wearing a Blueberry Academy necktie, an Unfezant flying in the sky, a Sawk doing a thumbs-up, a Krookodile with a hand on its hip while holding a Lava Cookie, and a Carracosta with its flippers crossed over its chest.

Time for more art! Here's a shot of my Pokemon team from Pokemon Black, gathered together in the Savanna Biome of Unova's Blueberry Academy Terarium! From left to right we have:

Smugleaf the Serperior ♂ (Hardy, quick to flee)

Red the Victini (Sassy, strong willed)

Falkner the Unfezant ♂ (Rash, hates to lose)

Chuck the Sawk ♂ (Jolly, good perseverance)

Murkrok the Krookodile ♀ (Adamant, thoroughly cunning)

Plesiosaur the Carracosta ♀ (Serious, alert to sounds)

If you're wondering why Red's got a scarf on, that's a bit of a headcanon thing—he's skilled with electronics, so a while after the events of my Pokemon Black file, he found himself teaching at Blueberry Academy as a Mechanical Engineering teacher! Man, I can't wait to share more about my personal PokeCanon... when I get the chance to, of course.

The same image from before, but updated to only include the Pokemon that can be caught or transferred into Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, leaving only the Serperior and Krookodile.

And as a bonus, here's the only two Unova team members that can actually be here in-game. Yes, I am miffed that, at a minimum, Victini wasn't included in the Indigo Disk update, why do you ask? I mean, at least we can get Meloetta, but still

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    phoenixichi liked this · 1 year ago
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    mirica199 liked this · 1 year ago

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