Blueberry Academy - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
A full team of Pokemon poses for a photograph in the Terarium's Savanna Biome from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. From left to right, there's a Serperior beaming proudly, a Victini holding up a V-sign while wearing a Blueberry Academy necktie, an Unfezant flying in the sky, a Sawk doing a thumbs-up, a Krookodile with a hand on its hip while holding a Lava Cookie, and a Carracosta with its flippers crossed over its chest.

Time for more art! Here's a shot of my Pokemon team from Pokemon Black, gathered together in the Savanna Biome of Unova's Blueberry Academy Terarium! From left to right we have:

Smugleaf the Serperior ♂ (Hardy, quick to flee)

Red the Victini (Sassy, strong willed)

Falkner the Unfezant ♂ (Rash, hates to lose)

Chuck the Sawk ♂ (Jolly, good perseverance)

Murkrok the Krookodile ♀ (Adamant, thoroughly cunning)

Plesiosaur the Carracosta ♀ (Serious, alert to sounds)

If you're wondering why Red's got a scarf on, that's a bit of a headcanon thing—he's skilled with electronics, so a while after the events of my Pokemon Black file, he found himself teaching at Blueberry Academy as a Mechanical Engineering teacher! Man, I can't wait to share more about my personal PokeCanon... when I get the chance to, of course.

The same image from before, but updated to only include the Pokemon that can be caught or transferred into Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, leaving only the Serperior and Krookodile.

And as a bonus, here's the only two Unova team members that can actually be here in-game. Yes, I am miffed that, at a minimum, Victini wasn't included in the Indigo Disk update, why do you ask? I mean, at least we can get Meloetta, but still

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7 months ago

So, in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, there're been Poké Portal News events providing special Mass Outbreaks through the summer. First we had the Pikachu line, then the three varieties of Tatsugiri, now we have Wattrel outbreaks in Paldea, Riolu in Kitakami... and Comfey in the Blueberry Academy Terarium. You have to wonder if the teachers there sometimes have to wrangle the Pokemon outbreaks if they get too disruptive. Well, since I have a certain rabbit teaching there, he got tasked with handling a bouquet of Comfey that were bothering students in the Savanna Biome...

A Victini wearing a Blueberry Academy necktie is in the Terarium's Savanna Biome, with an unamused expression on its face. It's clear to see why, as some wild Comfey have wrapped around its left ear, its left ankle, its right wing, and its right arm (The one wrapped around its right arm is shiny!), rendering it unable to move. Its left hand is extended forwards with a purple glow around it, with a similar purple glow around the edges of the frame to suggest the camera is being psychically lifted.

...It could be going better.

(No one tell him he'll have to worry about Beldum outbreaks in a few weeks.)

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1 year ago

Found a Delibird Outbreak

Found A Delibird Outbreak

I didn't even know you could find these guy here

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10 months ago

Chapter 4: Special Catch

Delcatty and I sit on the deck of the boat, huddled together and eyes shut as the vast ocean surrounds us. Honestly, I’d lie down if I could, but I know that Delcatty would take it as an opportunity to curl up on my face and suffocate me for comfort. At least I’m not nauseous.

“Didn’t expect you to be afraid of the ocean,” Neil shouts over the sounds of the motor and the waves. “It’s so beautiful out here, too. Blue skies, calm waters, lots of sun—”

“Yeah, and an endless abyss below us,” I manage to say. “When you said we were going to get a Pokémon for a someone, you said nothing about a boat or the ocean. What’s even out here?”

“A special school. Most of its campus is underwater, and it’s the closest place where we can find the Pokémon we’re looking for. Otherwise, we’d be up to our necks in paperwork and out a few thousand to get a breeder to send one to us or go somewhere else to catch one.”

I guess I can’t argue with that. “Just let me know when we get there. I’ll be here, imagining I’m somewhere else.”

The ride continues in relative silence. Neil must’ve gone to speak to the captain, since I can’t hear him anymore. All I can really think about is where we’re going. What benefit could a school have to be in the middle of the ocean? I mean, I’m sure it’s cool for the kids who go there, but it’s got to be a hassle to get to and from campus when you want to see people. And what kind of Pokémon could an underwater school even have? I can’t imagine the selection being that diverse. What’s out here that we can’t find along the coast?

The motor quiets, and the wind that’s blown past my ears dies down. Delcatty and I peek over the boat and see a long path leading to a building arching out of the water. Students in blue and white uniforms mill around alongside their Pokémon, all of various types and environments. I guess there might be more than water-types at this school.

“Come on, you two,” Neil says as he walks down the boat’s ramp. “This is it.”

He walks onto the school’s pier and salutes the ship’s captain, while Delcatty and I carefully shuffle down. As the boat takes off, a man in a white suit waves at us near the base of the pier. We walk towards him, and the battle court comes into full view, although none of the students are using it at the moment.

“Good to see you, Neil!” The man says, tipping his brimmed hat and shaking Neil’s hand. “How long has it been since I last saw you? Six or seven months?”

“Not that long, Cyrano,” Neil laughs. “I was here only a month ago.”

“Hm, I suppose you’re right. Can’t say I pay too much attention to calendars. Far too busy these days.” He nods thoughtfully, then catches sight of me. “And who is this young lady? I guess you took an apprentice after all.”

“Yeah, I did. This is Nettie.” Neil turns to me. “This is Cyrano, the founder and headmaster of Blueberry Academy.”

“Hello.” I take a good look at his light, which zips around him in electric blue. I turn it off before I get a headache.

“Pleasure to meet you, miss. Tell me: what do you think of our school so far? Isn’t the view up here breathtaking?”

I keep my eyes on him, to avoid the view. “Terrifying, actually, but the students seem to like it well enough.”

Cyrano looks from me to Neil. “Now don’t tell me you’re afraid of the water, miss? But don’t worry too much about that. The underwater section of the school has screens that block out the ocean view.”

“This is only the entrance to the school,” Neil explains. “Like I said, most of the school is underwater. The school is connected to an underwater plant that develops resources for this place, so the majority of the school has to be underwater to reach it.”

Despite Cyrano and Neil’s explanations, my stomach still flips at the thought of being underwater. I may not want to look out over the vast ocean, but at least there’s light and fresh air up here. I doubt being below the water’s surface would be any better.

Cheering starts on the battle court. Two trainers stand opposite from each other with their Pokémon, an Oranguru and Cinccino on one side, and an Excadrill and Galvantula on the other. The other students, who had been standing around and talking, cheer for either side from the bleachers circling the court. I catch Cyrano smiling as the battle begins.

“This is what Blueberry Academy is all about,” he says, as the Excadrill uses Protect to block Cinccino’s Triple Axel. “This is a school for battlers, Miss, a place like no other in the region, maybe in the world. We specialize in double battles, building capable trainers who go out and make a difference.”

Galvantula fires off a Discharge, hitting the other Pokémon except his ground-type partner. Oranguru and Cinccino are both paralyzed, but the latter pulls out and eats a lum berry to cure itself. The battle continues with a Rock Blast from Cinccino. Oranguru—surprisingly fast for its species, and in spite of the paralysis—uses Instruct on her partner, knocking the Focus-Sashed Galvantula out with another Rock Blast.

“Do the students bring their own Pokémon?” I ask.

“Some do,” Cyrano says. “That student’s from… Well, I don’t remember where he’s from, but I know he brought his Oranguru. She stole my hat the first day of school. As for the other Pokémon, they can be found here at the school.”

I turn to look at Cyrano—just catching Excadrill’s Rock Slide flinch his opponents. “But how? We’re in the ocean.”

Cyrano smiles like a kid with a big secret. “Perhaps the inside of the school will shed some light on the subject.”


I can’t do anything but gape at the Terarium. Who would’ve thought that such a massive facility would be attached to a school in the ocean? A savanna stretches out before us, golden grass swaying in a manmade breeze. A group of Doduo run through the field, and a pride of Pyroar lay huddled in the light. Further out, mountains and icebergs reach for the domed roof, which displays a sunny sky, rather than the water that I know surrounds us. I guess that’s the work of the screens Cyrano was talking about.

“Quite the place, isn’t it?” Cyrano asks. “Took a fortune to build it, but I think it’s the star of the school. Over two hundred Pokémon can be found here, spread out across the four biomes.”

I’ve said this before, Cyrano, and I’ll say it again: this is an amazing achievement. How do the kids like it? I know the school has made some updates since I last visited.” Neil nudges me, pulling me out of my awe.

“The students, as far as I know, enjoy it. The Terarium is home to their own League, and it’s a better classroom than the traditional rooms we have on the upper floors. Much more interactive.”

A little flock of Rufflet flies over our heads, calling out towards a grouping of large nests in the distance. While looking up, a large ball gleams at the center of the dome. I point at it.

“What’s that?” I ask.

“That, Miss, is the key to terastilization here at the school,” Cyrano explains. “Perhaps your mentor would be willing to explain.”

“Putting all the work on me, I see,” Neil smirks. “Do you know what terastilization is, Nettie?”

“I know that the phenomenon is found in Paldea,” I reply. “I also know that it changes the typing of Pokémon when in battle, and sometimes outside of it.”

“Those are the basics. You see, Blueberry Academy has a sister school in Paldea, so there’s been a healthy collaboration between there and Unova. One of the teachers here used soil gathered during a visit to Paldea to bring terastilization to the Terarium.”

“Ms. Briar’s also gone and strengthened the phenomenon here,” Cyrano jumps in. “She recently went to…now, what’s that place called? Ah, it’s slipped my mind, but she’s been going all over learning about terastilization. Our tera core’s even stronger than it was the last time you visited, Neil. There’s even a new type, but it’ll probably be better to speak to Briar herself at some point.”

“We can always come back to talk to her. We’re on a mission, after all. “Neil looks back over the savanna, then around our feet. “Where’s Delcatty? I thought he was right here.”

I look around. “Maybe he walked off while we weren’t looking. He could be hiding out in the grass or over with those students.”

Neil and Cyrano’s eyes follow mine to the modular hangout spot, not far from the Terarium’s entrance. A group of students stand huddled together. We head over to them, but our hope drops just as we reach them when we see the Happiny they’re cooing over. As Neil looks back over the area, I feel someone tugging at my waistcoat. A Smeargle—a good foot shorter than the average—stares up at me.

“Hi there,” I say, crouching down to be level with the little Pokémon. A familiar lilac color outlines her head. I sit up straighter as the image of a large nest flashes in my mind. The Smeargle flinches along with me, then shakes herself.

“Did you see that, too?” I ask, lowering my voice to make sure Neil and Cyrano can’t hear.

Smeargle nods, then tugs at my waistcoat and points further into the Terarium.

“Looks like this Smeargle knows something,” Neil says. “We should follow it and see if Delcatty’s around.”

“I have a meeting to attend, unfortunately,” Cyrano jumps in as he taps at his Rotom Phone, “or I’d join you three. I’m going to reach out to the BB League Elite Four and let them know of the problem. The closest member, Crispin, will hopefully join you soon. He’s a capable trainer, and he should be able to take on any dangers you find. Despite the fact that we brought these Pokémon to Blueberry Academy, they’re still wild and will act accordingly. Good luck, my friend. I hope your partner is found safe and sound.”

As Cyrano heads up the ramp to the school above, Neil and I follow Smeargle through the tall yellow grass. I try to stay focused on the task at hand, to keep an eye out for purple ears, but the deeper into the biome we get, the more my mind wanders across the hills and dips in the ground, the Scythers hovering along the shores of shallow ponds where Sobbles and Totodiles play in the muddy waters. Rhyhorn walk the plateaus in small herds, and in the distance, A pride of Pyroars dot the horizon of the biome. As I wonder what it’s like to go to school in a place like this, Neil calling me snaps me out of my question and makes me turn—just in time to avoid walking face-first into a tree. The sounds of screeching and yowling above me catch my attention.

At the top of the tree is a large nest, and two Mandibuzz circle and swoop towards it, climbing back into the sky as the yowling continues. I take a look at their lights, burning fuchsia and radiating rage. The nest faintly glows the same color. This is their nest, but a deep purple leaks out between the branches.

“Delcatty’s in the nest!” I call to Neil. Smeargle yanks my arm and pulls me out of the way before one of the Mandibuzz hits me with a Sky Attack, barreling into the ground where I was standing only seconds before. A deep crater takes my place.

“Look alive out there, Nettie!” Neil yells. “You and Smeargle are too close to the action to get distracted. Delcatty, use Protect!”

Delcatty stops yowling and puts up a bubble around himself. It won’t last forever, though. The Mandibuzz who attacked lays dazed on the ground from the impact, but the other one climbs higher in the sky, preparing herself to use the same move as her partner. Before I can come up with a plan, Smeargle scrambles up to the nest. Looking down at the dazed Mandibuzz, she holds out the brush-like tip of her tail and swishes it around. As it glows, I notice that there’s no paint dripping from her tail.

“Hey, Smeargle,” Neil shouts, before throwing something at her.

She grabs hold of the item—a Choice Band—and takes off into the sky, passing the Mandibuzz at the peak of her ascent. As she turns to watch Smeargle, the Bone Vulture flails in the air, realizing what’s going to happen next. Smeargle dives straight into her, and the two come crashing down amongst the swaying savanna grass in the distance. I steady myself on the tree as a crater three times the size the other Mandibuzz made forms in the distance.

“Delcatty!” Neil shouts. Before I can stand up straight, I feel a set of paws on my shoulders as Delcatty hops down from the nest, knocking me back into the tree. Other than a wounded ego and a few scrapes, he isn’t hurt too badly. Neil bends down to comfort his partner. I sigh in relief.

A distant bark catches my attention. The little Smeargle pops up from the grass and shakes herself off, a cloud of dust forming around her. The lilac light that mingles with it reminds me of my own light. I open my backpack and leave a Revive for the dazed Mandibuzz at my feet, then cross the field to Smeargle. The little Pokémon wags her tail as I get closer.

“That was Sketch, wasn’t it?” I ask. “That’s how you were able to copy the Mandibuzz’s Sky Attack. I’ve seen videos, but seeing it up close is a much better way to examine it. Thank you for your help, Smeargle? If you hadn’t come along, we really would’ve been in trouble.”

 Smeargle barks proudly. Delcatty rubs himself on my legs, purring before going to sniff at our new friend.

“That was a close one,” Neil says as he joins us. “Being in the city nowadays, I almost forgot how much trouble he gets into when out in wilder areas—well, as wild as this place can be. Thanks for all the hard work, Smeargle.”

She barks again. I find myself smiling at her.

“Why don’t you catch her, Nettie?”

The question startles me. I turn to see Neil holding out a Premier Ball, waiting for me to take it.

“Is that something I should do right now?” I ask. “You said that we’re here to catch a special Pokémon for a client. Wouldn’t it be better to hold onto our Poké Balls until after we catch that one?”

“You’re right, we’re here to catch a Pokémon. I didn’t say that it was for a client, though.” Neil reaches out again with the Premier Ball.

I turn from him to Smeargle. “Would that be okay? Would you like to come with me?”

Smeargle barks and wags her tail. I nod, feeling my heart race. I’m going to be a Pokémon trainer! I take the Premier Ball from Neil and toss it at Smeargle, who disappears inside of it. The ball only shakes for a second before going still. I pick up the ball, a big smile spreading across my face.

“Congrats, Nettie,” Neil says.

I let Smeargle back out, and as she scampers around my feet, a red-haired kid in a chef’s jacket runs up to us. A Blaziken follows after him.

“Aw, don’t tell me I missed all the excitement already!”


Hi, all! Chapter 4 is finally out! It took longer than I originally planned, and that's because I left my first full-time job after three years there. It was my time to go out and find something else, something that I had a real passion for. With luck, that means that the next chapter will be out sooner while I look for a new job. Until then, let me know what you think about this chapter. I'm thinking about putting together a master poster where all of the chapters are kept together in chronological order, but I think that'll happen after the next chapter. So long for now!

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